Why can't black people comprehend corporations and how they are a conglomeration of people, not just one single person?

Why can't black people comprehend corporations and how they are a conglomeration of people, not just one single person?

I keep seeing black people post stuff like pic related on Facebook. They all seem to think the shortcomings of corporations are directly the fault of one single person and not the byproduct of the fact that a corporate entity has more legal rights than an individual and there is shared liability amongst shareholders and partners.

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why cant you comprehend abstract artistic expression? the white male power structure rules supreme over financial and political institutions.

buh buh - 'we a minority now, losing all the power'

feminists and minorities major in shit like Gender studies and wonder what the fuck went wrong.

But thats not capatilism


>>black people

which one you going to pick

Why don't black people create their own power structure?

You think the gazelle lies down for the lion because the lion conplains about the "Gazelle power structure"? No. The lion takes the gazelle without hesitation and asserts its own power over it.

>"Why can't black people comprehend"
>"can't black people comprehend"
>"black people can't comprehend"

-black people do have power, just not as much in america where they were subjugated to slavery and 2nd class citizenry for 400 years.

-so man is the same as any other beast?

damn.. pretty much how it works on the thurd eye.

>black people have low IQs


Why doesn't that kid just toss around a basketball and the guy will give him some cash which he can exchange for water?

>black people
>second class citizens.

suuuuurrreee body.

The label should say "black inferiority". And there should be no white man in the photo.

Our success has nothing to do with their failure.

hehe ayys will be our slaves just like niggers

live a life of white lies in denial, it must be mentally tearing.

it's fun watching you white people going crazy

notice how the starving child is literally holding out his hand for a handout

People are animals. Read Freud

an animal will look at OP's picture and not understand its meaning, a human has the ability to understand its meaning.

It should be an older nigger holding the water hose not a white suited man

Me too. I love it when white people go crazy.

How would you know the animal doesn't understand? Maybe it understands perfectly and just doesn't give a shit.

Thanks for your hot opinions Dr. Dolittle, but imma keep styling over you.

someone's a little touchy

Someone's a little blacky

but im not :)

Lol is this true?? to be honest I would say most people don't realize that corporations have more rights than an individual. Because if they did they would stop watching sports and actually give a fuck about what is going on in the world, and not how wasted they gonna get, or what they plan to buy for christmas and shit. Everyone is just a fucking machine consuming like beast. Not just blacks,but all fucking fags who consume tv like fucking food and a leaf who watches hockey and riots when his team loses like he owns the fucking team.

Sure thing nigger

What kind of retarded tap is that? the water uisualy comes ffrom the betal bit in the middle, niot some hose in its rearside.

black people are black people
save yourself a headache
only deal with them if you have to or they have proven to be above the rest

american indoctrination

Before I took the red pill and some econ classes I used to buy into the CORPORATIONS ARE EVIL meme.
The reality is it's a narrative pushed by the left to make something other than big government look responsible for people's problems. Its an easy scapegoat for people who don't understand that it's just a business like any business, simply bigger.
There are execs who make some questionably large amounts of money, but if you're employees are paid, overhead is covered, and shareholders are happy you get paid whatever's left over.
There have also been awful tagedies like the Bhopal disaster in India, oil spills, etc. Carelessness has lead to things like this and need to be publicly dealt with and punished criminally.
The positive impacts massive corporations have are tangible everywhere we look. Our nations' wealth depends on them, and so does our ways of modern life. All of these dipshits who buy into the corporations are evil meme clearly don't aspire to much. They think the people who own and run these companies are all trust fund babies who've never worked hard in there lives which is first of all ironic and secondly the opposite of reality.
Millionaires and billionaires become that rich by answering a question, responding to a want or need, and innovating in a way that others haven't and doing it better them competition.
Free business is truly the greatest thing we as Americans can pursue. Anyone who believes differently are simply wrong.

BTW, nearly every problem people have with big business, real or not, tends to come back to big federal government intervention. Get big gov out of three economy and suddenly it can flourish. If anyone's interested go look up Peter Schiff. Check out this video he did in which he personally takes questions and debates with Occupy Wallstreet demonstrators and lays it all out. m.youtube.com/watch?v=ahMGoB01qiA