To all you motherfuckers out there who still think we are the bad side of this conflict, take a look at the peaceful Muslims across the world and tell me how that works out for you.
To all you motherfuckers out there who still think we are the bad side of this conflict...
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Only retards on Sup Forums think all jews are bad guess what Sup Forums leftist/globalist jews in america whatever you want to call them hate israelis as well they want a two state solution, israelis are our friends and allies you can tell they genuinely care when the west is hit by a terrorist attack.
Sup Forums is just overrun with Muslims who use Israel as the eternal scapegoat to get away with Jihad. Be thankful that this year Sup Forums actually woke up to the reality that Israel is far less of a threat than the Muslims who hate it.
Israel is a zionist and racist piece of shit country.
also a terrorist and a warmonger.
nothing you say or do will change this.
enjoy living in fear for the rest of your lives.
in the meantime, israel's last mass slaughter of its own civilians was over a decade ago, and your country is overrun with "refugees" and murder runs rampant, how long ago was the theatre shooting?
let's see how the complete lack of racism works out for you. surely some national socialism is needed, if it doesnt evolve into fascism.
meanwhile, many thousands of jews the last few years moved from france to israel, and they say they feel a LOT safer over there
makes you think how safe france really is.. not that belgium is much safer
and the common sense in here never dictates that many muslims are here pushing anti jew agenda, yes its such a perfectly valid and logical perspective
>Muh racism.
Shut up ahmed. Retourne dans ton sal pays du tiers monde.
Hmm fuck the Muslims but that land belongs to them.I know you've been kicked out of every country and want your own but it should be somewhere like the artic where you don't have to murder so many people to live. Its not the colonial era anymore.
No only retarded Israelis think Sup Forums hates all Jews
da joos.
You came to their lands with ill intent, not the other way around.
>that land belongs to them
every single square meter of land the arabs have they have stolen during the arab conquests from people that lived there previously
they deserve on square meter of sand to live on and not one inch more
I hate both. Kikes and mudslimes are both worthless
I can't tell the difference between a bad jew and a good jew
But whatever I think of you guys I enjoy dead muslims even more, keep up the good work
When you sank one of our boats you gave compensation to the families, instead of suing them so I guess you're not all bad
fine. Kill them both with genetically engineered viruses and claim the land for the Mamluks
The land belonged to the ottoman empire, then Britannia after the war, and then Britannia gave the UN to decide about sharing the land between Israel and Palestine, but Arabs refused the offer in favor of war.
The arabs are more semite than you, you are simply invading and genociding them while USA sucks your balls
Without jews, the muslims wouldn't be a problem.
Yeah if your Jew crew at the UN says my land belongs to you I'm going to go to war with you as well dipshit.
That's where your wrong. There are different types of Arabs, that conveniently enough, hate each other as much as they hate infidels. Research yourself why the refugee crisis really happened and see for yourself.
You have a shameful lack of history, go back to EU4, you don't know as much as you think you do.
yeah goyim we are the good guys! come help us again!
How is it wrong? Without you fucking kikes turning western civilisation into Sweden we'd be able to take care of the problem already.
This is childish "my enemy's enemy is my friend" thinking. Read some history.
What a bunch of horseshit. Muslims are conquerors. They've been doing it for 1600 years. All the land they now hold they acquired through violent conquest. And not once have they ever given up their ambitions for further conquest. Nor do they now show any intention of doing so.
The single dumbest sentiment that gets expressed on this board is the misplaced sense of sympathy for Muslims because they see a common enemy in the Jews. Nothing could be more fucking stupid and counterproductive.
Fresh OC for you Israeli
you are an inbred arab
all arabs must die that earth's humans may prosper
Who originally committed genocide on the ancestors of modern Palestinians and stole their land in Biblical times? Oh yeah, FUCKING JEWS!
I have ZERO sympathy for the consequences that you kikes continue to bring on yourselves.
this is correct. How do Israeli posters put up with all of the bullshit on here?
There is no conflict. The only fight you are on the wromg side of is the underhanded game of backstabbing and fraud you have played against all peoples of all lands for all of time. The muslims are a side effect of the illness, the putrid disease of your lazy, coniving, abominable Jewish experience.
I dislike Jews, but I dislike muslim vermin more, so godspeed cocknose.
>hmmm our people get persecuted over and over again we need our own homeland
>I know where it should be! in amongst the most anti-semitic and violent zealots on earth!
highest IQ my ass
Semitic people are the problem. Muslim or jew. Kill thrm all!
The day is coming kike, the day is coming.
You fuckers have been bullshiting your way into life for too long, sooner or later people will notice it.
That holohoax card the americucks gave you will expire and people will see you by what you really are.
You guys are clearly misunderstanding me.
By "wouldn't be a problem" I'm meaning we'd be able to take care of them with ease, do you really think western countries would let some mudslime bomb them without jews turning them into cucks?
kek, hell no.
Dude shut the fuck up?
There is no "Palestine." You fucking fag. "Two" state solution.
There is just a bunch of dunecoons in a box so Israel amd stick its hand in the box and show the world its wounds so we will give them more shit. ALL JEWS BACK TO ISRAEL. WHO GIVES A FUCK LET THE MIDDLE EAST SORT THEM OUT.
There is no "good" side in the Middle East, you're all cunts and the entire region should be quarantined; no one in, no one out (except the muzzies and kikes we send back).
“The Security Council is sitting in private on Friday, December 16, 2016, at 17:00 GMT, while NATO officers were arrested this morning by the Syrian Special Forces in a bunker in East Aleppo.”
Fares Shehabi, a prominent Syrian Parliamentarian and head of Aleppo’s Chamber of Commerce published the names of the Coalition officers on his Facebook page on the 15th December (emphasis added):
Mutaz Kanoğlu – Turkey
David Scott Winer – USA
David Shlomo Aram – Israel
Muhamad Tamimi – Qatar
Muhamad Ahmad Assabian – Saudi
Abd-el-Menham Fahd al Harij – Saudi
Islam Salam Ezzahran Al Hajlan – Saudi
Ahmed Ben Naoufel Al Darij – Saudi
Muhamad Hassan Al Sabihi – Saudi
Hamad Fahad Al Dousri – Saudi
Amjad Qassem Al Tiraoui – Jordan
Qassem Saad Al Shamry – Saudi
Ayman Qassem Al Thahalbi – Saudi
Mohamed Ech-Chafihi El Idrissi – Moroccan
Very urgent
The Syrian authorities were able, thanks to information thorough, arrive at the headquarters of senior officers and western regional in the basement of a district of Aleppo-is, and capture them all alive.
A few names have already been ex filtered to Syrian journalists including me.
But why are you assisting wahhabist scum juden?
shut up kike your country is a shithole surrounded by shit
you're welcome for giving you an IRL jew containment board
>Research yourself why the refugee crisis really happened and see for yourself.
Saying that on Sup Forums could be a bad idea. It will always end up with "greater israel" and "Jews flooding Europe with muslims".
>their land.
was conquered by Britain, and even before that, was a part of the ottoman empire. It wasn't their land to start with.
Israeli Jews =/= Western Jews.
fuck off you fucking sand jew
They are two faces of the same coin. They hate everybody who's not them and only see non-jews/non-muslims as servants.
You slavs have been cucked by kikes and muslims for too long, at this point it's understandable why so many of you shill for them. You have them in your blood.
You settled into a country that isn't yours and is surrounded on all boarders by Muslims and Arabs.
If Britannia gave you Canada, you bet your ass I'm putting up a fight.
People have the right to stand and fight for their own lands.
How do you expect to live in peace surrounded by people who hate you for settling into lands and driving people out of their homes?
It's illogical to think they wouldn't stand and fight...
>when you have nothing else to blame one on, so you use the bible to justify your hate.
>implying a cucked faggot like you can think of a world where he isn't cucked
A jew's a jew. Note how you let your rabble run free fucking over the world.
>tfw diaspora jew
Should I make an Aliyah?
I suppose. But the fact is that Israel is not what caused the refugee crisis.
It happened because America overthrew several elected governments allowing Islam to be the dominant force for order in the land. Of course it is coincidence that all the countries who we ruined hated Israel, or had attacked Israel, or just really were not being good goys.
since irsael took so much of palenstine, they can probably fit a million muslim refugees. there's no way our greatest (((ally))) in the middle east is really a despotic criminal ethno-state because the holocaust happened
Israelis are nationalists, because we see everyday what terror is within Islam. Western Jews are globalist scum, we are nothing alike.
Jews did
Another garbage response, Abo.
But not Israeli Jews.
No true kikesmen ey Angus?
Why are Jewish women so hungery for goy cock? Is it because Jewish "men" are the most betta cucked being imaginable?
yes! come home!
Yes the Ashkenazi Left are just fine in Israel, they are not nation-destroying peverts like in every country, who just get outvoted now in Israel by Mizrahi & Russians, don't be silly.
There is no Ashkenzai problem, they are a great non-degenerate race of moral people.
Nein. Tritt in die AfD ein und hilf uns, Deutschland wieder großartig zu machen.
I digress, Israeli girls don't sleep with goys.
Palestinians are fighting against being pushed from their homeland by a state literally created by illegal immigrants.
Really makes you think...
>that pic
kek, what a fucking retard
I'll definitely do it at some point. I already have relatives living there willing to take me in.
Theoretisch keine schlechte Idee. Mich kann man ja schlecht als Nazi bezeichnen.
That is the Jew's own history, corroborated by outside secular sources. The fact that they also use the same book as the basis for their religion is irrelevant.
Aren't you the fucking reason they are so passed.
>we see every day the terror of blah blah blah blah
Get real m8. France gets btfo more than Israel. A "Muslim" goes on the only stabbing of the year and you start crying muh terrorism.
South African Jews did. They're behind the conspiracy.
Here's another song of my people for you:
if you would just leave they could move in to jewyland and stay out of the west. why do you want to live in a desert? dafuq is wrong with you?
you can churn butter any where. why do it in a godforsaken desert? go do it in a bog you nigger
>their homeland
I don't see Turks fighting us .
what I like about Israel is it proves what hypocrites the leftists are. They love diversity in the west, but not the middle east, because they oppose the existence of the only Jewish country there. Muslims bitch about "zionist imperialism," but their religion is a world conquest ideology. They call Israel an apartheid state, when every Arab country bans Jews
Irrelevant. The people were already settled into the area. You cannot deny a people have lived in those lands for so many years, you can't drive people out of their homes without expecting retaliation, especially if they have nothing to lose.
Again, illogical to think otherwise. If this happened with Canada, I won't pack up and leave, my history is here so I will die here fighting an oppressor.
That's where your'e wrong kiddo
>we are nothing alike
You are nothing alike because the majority of you are literally of a different race, Shepardic & Mizrahi Israelis vs the Ashkenazi diapsora.
Ashkenzis vote the same way in Israel as they do in the West. 70%+ for degenerate Leftists.
In any side of any conflict the jew is always worse.
Fuck off shill. Without Israel Muslims would just kill themselves in the desert as they God intended
>Israelis are nationalists, because we see everyday what terror is within Islam. Western Jews are globalist scum, we are nothing alike.
No, they're the enablers and you are their spoiled little brat.
It works the same way as extremist and "moderate" islam. bon cop, bad cop.
You essentially are their plan B to secure the existence of your filth race somewhere else in case everything goes downhill, like it happened in the past and sure thing it will happen again.
"Oh look at all those poor israeli refugees, open the borders for them"
Maybe you should stop being allies with Qatar and Saudi Arabia, make up with Iran, then your long term problems will turn into easily solved short term ones.
Terrorism would be a lot weaker if this conflict wasn't dragging out.
That is some next level hypocrisy, coming from the country that made an entire race almost extinct.
Oh, ich bin sicher, das kriegt die antifa irgendwie hin. Dann bist Du der Capo oder so. kek Aber im Ernst: ein Jude aus Odessa ist von der antifa schon zuhause "besucht" worden, als rauskam, dass er AfD Mitglied war. Aber ich glaube sie wussten nicht, dass er jüdisch war. Als es dann rauskam, ist die Sache schnell unter den Teppich gekehrt worden.
As an Ashkenazi, I digress. There is mandatory military participation for 3 years here, even the left here dislike the Arabs.
You realize everyone here knows that Israel was given to the Rothschilds, weren't they great people. The only "good jews" in Israel are the useful idiots giving the weight of an entire nation to a bunch of rat criminals. The stupid amongst you are the closest thing to innocent.
But we know how you hate us. We know the words taught in your disgusting books. We are always to be enemies. You should be raised from this Earth.
Reminder that the Holy Land is rightful Catholic clay, and the Catholic Church is the true Israel of the Old Testament.
>One anti-homo Jew
>Big crowd of pro-homo Jews
Really makes you think
They are the ones who fund the "free Palestine" campaign. You little shit need to realize western Jews think we are the devil as well.
>Schnell unter den Teppich gekehrt worden
>Buchstäblich zum ersten Mal davon gehört
Deutsche medien wie sie leiben und leben. Auf dem linken Auge blind
Ok bud. What is the death total of Jews killed by Muslims in Isreal of any recent year.
You are not fighting with Saudi Arabia, jew. You are in fact, on the false side of this conflict.
>the country that made an entire race almost extinct
wrong. There are still millions of natives in Canada and America. There are even more in Mexico and South America
this was the pride parade, so most kikes that support the gays are gays as well. I put this image with the hassidic Jew to refute your pic.
It said "almost" mate. The few ones still alive in reservates are nothing compared to how many they were once
>You realize everyone here knows that Israel was given to the Rothschilds
yeah, whatever you think, goy
>How many non-Jews did this Jew fuck?
that's why I said almost, you fucking retard.