The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not only a threat to the security of the western countries, but a serious violator of human rights.
How do we save people living under these tyrants lads?
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not only a threat to the security of the western countries, but a serious violator of human rights.
How do we save people living under these tyrants lads?
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Is that Stockholm?
That pic is Pence's doing, lad
>he things homosexuals are human
i dont give a fuck about human rights being violated, as long as it's only in muslim or shitty countries
as long as my country doesn't turn muslim, too
We shouldn't stop anyone anymore. We should wall the MENA off eternally, seal it, and never ever bother about their lunacy.
The entire middle east should be nuked and glassed.
Too bad these savages got the UN sucking their dick
Who cares what happens in foreign shitholes?
I like anime too but i don't think we have an saying which sexual orientation is human or not
we fap to imaginary girls
are they even human?
your country, apparently
We don't.
Their country is their business.
Just keep them out of our countries.
Nuke it and do us all a favor
Yeah tell him, who gives a shit about who funded your former candidate to the WH.
Is that legit?
i agree with treebro
its not our fucking problem. what these savages do to each other in their own countries isnt our fucking problem. best fucking solution is to make sure that the dictator you install to rule them is brutal as fuck.
By not being liberal
These shitholes shape policies in the first world countries. Thanks to your efforts, burger.
He denied later, but I leave the judgment to you:
>In Saudi Arabia, a woman’s life is controlled by a man from birth until death. Every Saudi woman must have a male guardian, normally a father or husband, but in some cases a brother or even a son, who has the power to make a range of critical decisions on her behalf.
>As dozens of Saudi women told Human Rights Watch, the male guardianship system is the most significant impediment to realizing women’s rights in the country, effectively rendering adult women legal minors who cannot make key decisions for themselves.
>Rania, a 34-year-old Saudi woman, said, “We are entrusted with raising the next generation but you can’t trust us with ourselves. It doesn’t make any sense.”
>Every Saudi woman, regardless of her economic or social class, is adversely affected by guardianship policies.
This is the kind of country Saudi Arabia is.
Ask m, whether it is better to die, than live suffering like that.
If majority says yes, nuke them all.
If they not sure, give the people shitload of guns, so they kill each others.
If the answer is no, be friends with princes, and get good oildeals. Also sell them stuff to control the angry masses.
muh petrodollar!!
That's fucking disgusting.
stop using oil
if we could do this their regime would crumble within a year
Is that M at the bottom middle of the picture a mcdonalds?
fuck I'm hungry
We save them with nukes. Wipe out the country and we wipe out the suffering.
>stop using oil
>if we could do this their regime would crumble within a year
The west hardly buys their oil now. The biggest problem is they used the oil money to bribe their way into most western governments. Once they bribe enough people no one can go against them as they can take down governments by leaking info on their corruption.
If America withdrew support they would collapse, they're utterly corrupt and incompetent, they wouldn't even be able to secure their own country without outside security help.
Saudi Arabia; financing ISIS, get elected to UN human rights watch.
Russia; killing ISIS, does not get elected to UN human right watch.
*profuse applause*
>sluts are not allowed to roam streets and undugle in the degeneracy
Nah, man. Check out some stuff on the Saudis and sovereign wealth funds. As every other country, developing and developed, get richer so do those fuckers.
Couldn't post some white girls with a booty? Damn slavs.
not enough electricity being used
Human rights aren't real.
How is Chechnya nowadays?
How is TPP nowadays?
>How do we save people living under these tyrants lads?
The fuck do I care about Muslims living in a Muslim country under Muslim law and Muslim rulers?
So long as they stay there I'm fucking happy.
Or we could get involved, turn it into another Libya/Iraq/Syria/Yemen.
As long as muslims=/=terrorists are killing each other fucking crack on
>"And I saw what looked like a sea of glass glowing with fire and, standing beside the sea, those who had been victorious over the beast and its image and over the number of its name. They held harps given them by God" -Rev 15:2
Leave Iran alone. They would gladly destroy them for us.
We stop supporting them funding terrorism and dragging us into conflicts.
It's simple, really. Glass Riyadh, and re-create the Kingdom of Hefaz. After that, force the Qataris to stop giving money to other groups, or they'll end up like the glassfield formerly known as Saudi Arabia.
stop being a nigger
At least those savages have toilets and don't shit in the streets like you Pajeet.
Well we gave the House of Saud a fair try, but they fucked up literally every time they did anything without explicit U.S. approval.
Time to install another equally dysfunctional government and see how that turns out.