This guy is only 22 years old and already secret agent killing bad guys. Like a James Bond

This guy is only 22 years old and already secret agent killing bad guys. Like a James Bond.

What's your excuse to be such a loser compared to him?

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at least i haven't been shot dead like a little bitch

So cool~

>reverse the changes to sonics arms reeeeeeeee
That's what he looks like, and now he's dead.

But he's dead now

Not gonna lie, he is sexy as fuck.

Short life as an alpha male and death with honor or long life as a useless loser.
Which sounds better?

>killed one person

Small time. You gotta look at the big picture. With meme magic you realize that anything is possible.

What's your excuse to be such a loser compared to him?
>not our

I haven't been brainwashed by his garbage desert rat religion from my birth, for starters.

fugg thanks to depression that I only recently got medicated for I might not return to college in the Spring and I'm 20.

He dead. Don't nobody care about dead people.

become a CIA asset then

University. I have to be a lawyer for some reason

A real alpha male would have made it out alive.

He was too dumb to be alpha. 47 would've gotten out.

That is way too much trigger finger
0/10 would not agent with

Better to live one day as a lion than hundred years as a sheep

Aye keep at it man. I'm 20 and in a similar boat as you. Was always naturally smart, but in college I've struggled in mech engineering and have a 2.85. Just got diagnosed with add and depression and hoping I can manage it better and finish out strong. Gonna have to go an extra semester but better that than quit.

Are you actually praising this faggot? Lol dont get blinded just because A E S T H E T I X

Poor guy, only lived 22 years.

>Killed an unarmed man behind his back

>Secret agent killing bad guys

What can you expect from Sweden's welfare niggers?


Literally retarded.

>tfw you need to assassinate two targets for your License to Kill
>tfw i'm pushing 40 and i haven't even killed one

I don't know what to do guys.

was this guy a turkroach shitposter on Sup Forums? We'll probably never know but all signs point to... yes.

I got my dick sucked already today, I put a finger in her ass and one in her pussy. What did he do? Rot a little. I think i won today.

Better a living dog than a dead lion.

bruh I'm struggling to get a 2.0, but I had straight A's at the private high school I went too. I also have ADD, and some learning disorder dysgraphia which isn't dyslexia's make believe cousin but means I have to dictate my essays, again found this out very recently. But thanks man, means a lot, just gotta get a degree and I'll be gucci


>tfw 22
>lived 1/3 of my life and i may die tomorrow
>didn't get to see communist become real yet

22 years old and got a job as a bodyguard for the high ups? How the fuck you do that?

Long life kinda sounds better to be honest

He didn't.

He waved his badge and the actual turkroach security let him through, never questioning it. Not even when he started pacing around in the background.

>This guy is only 22 years old and already dead


He was a Mossad agent so...

Hes dead, faggot. Howd all that shit work out for him?

>has to foresight to wear a suit, sneak in as security
>has a little pose prepared and everything
>doesn't even consider a getaway


I like to live

WW3 imminent
Hide your kids, hide your wife

Real life is not a video game. Even in vidya... i bet you can't finish any of 47 games without guide in ironman mode.

>shoots unsuspecting guy in the back while pretending to be security

Fuck off Mohammed, you will get to die a Shahid soon.

>Like a James Bond.
Doesn't James Bond always live though?


Sup Forums talks a big game but would never die for their beliefs because they live comfortably in a first world nation

Dying was part of his plan, he even said so.

The CIA isn't going to want their mind controlled puppet interrogated by Russia.

>What's your excuse to be such a loser compared to him?
I'm alive at least

> died like a bitch
> will only be remembered through memes on a Chinese image board

>James Bond

007 was never killed you faggot.

Question. He *was* shot dead, right?
We all know better

The fucking media here is saying that he was merely suspended.

No mention that he shouted "ALLAWA AKBAR" at the top of his lungs after shooting the dimplomat to death.

Nips made yelling slogans before you sacrifice your life for an imaginary friend cool in the 20th century.

>secret agent
He was a cop in turkey

I do wonder how a kid got that postion desu

>that five oclock shadow he grows when hes dead
really made my neurons fire

How do you even imagine getaway especially if he probably considers bystanders as his own people and not enemy?

I take the second one and go fap to my waifu, thank you.

"with honor"

Found the mudslime. Nigga, he will be disavowed by his own country soon and be considered a Traitor to prevent another Russian Invasion. If russia does invade, victims of the war will blame this motherfucker right here.

I'd rather die like a little bitch then some retard who caused WW3 becuz "Muh Allepo".

secret agent???
he fucking died and revealed himself on national television, an good agent is an agent that act in a way so the enemy doesn't think there is anything fishy and gets away with it.
Espionage 101

A true hero is that kid who killed the Jap Communist.

>only 1 finger


Where do I apply?

In Egyptian Port Said arrested five local residents with their two children, 12 and eight years, who did Staged shots, designed to convince the public Internet in the sufferings of the inhabitants of the Syrian Aleppo. This was reported on page Ministry of Internal Affairs of Egypt to Facebook.
On the company noticed a suspicious police officers patrolling the area,
which is adjacent to the waterworks of the Suez Canal.
Law enforcement officers found that the girl dressed in the white dress, smeared with red paint, and given into the hands of a white teddy bear, soiled with the same substance. "Bandage" was attached to the forearm girl. Shooting was carried out against a background of building debris
illegally built and demolished by the decision of the authorities.
The detainees explained that they were going to publish the pictures you have taken on social networks, and give them for shooting affected residents of Aleppo.
Photographer a prosecutor detained for four days as part of a preliminary investigation, the rest of the shootings were released on bail.

https: // lenta.
ru / news / 2016/12/20 / egypt /

The finished product comes here and squeals of Russian crimes.

Hanged Man,

Heil Hitler digest detected


What are the chances that this is all staged

>killing bad guys
>a police officer shooting a foreign diplomat from back
I can't imagine how shitty your life and upbringing is when this is "cool" to you.
A brainwashed cultist. He'll accomplish nothing. He literally helped people he was opposed to. Do you think RUSSIANS will flinch?

this photo isn't as A E S T H E T I C as the other ones kind of a let down

nice touch with the pictures in the background.

i heard he die, no?


the nerve on this fag

>Dies like a squealing pig
If he was true alpha he would have had escape plan, but he was a fucking omega cuck

James Bond faked his death several times




well once thing you can count on, is that parts of it are staged and framed for sure.

Id suspect Soros and company is behind this, trying to kick off war with Russia. Its always fucking Russia. Its like the place your nation is sent by traitors to die.


he was probably brain watched by CIA or something, i wouldnt doubt it

Does anyone have a complete video. Like start to finish?

>not YIFY

>Not wanting to die to cause the greatest of all HAPPENINGS, WWIII

It's like you actually belong at reddit

Nah. If this was staged, it could've been staged by Russians, but I really doubt that.
As for Soros, CIA and rest, where's the profit in that?
What the fuck could they accomplish with this? Even if Obama is butthurt and wants to send a message, there are far better targets.
This was just a brainwashed retard. He probably acted alone.

Im not dead yet

He's a not a guy, he's a sand nigger. They are not human.


He killed an envoy/ambassador. He's a terrorist, not James Bond. Who gave the order sir? WHO GAVE THE ORDER?!? I WANT THE TRUTH!!!

No CIA. That is what you need to ask yourself. 22 years old and stuck behind a computer trolling Sup Forums. Twenty years is a looooong time CIA. How did you draw the short stick CIA?

>Like Bond
>Dies on his first mission

Turkroach Bond

Altintas translates to Goldstein lmao


Who benefits from a war between Uncle Ivan and Uncle Sam?

Its def not pic related

Probably this. They'd make sure it was a one way trip. Dispose of the "evidence".


>becoming a meme
>spreading your genes

I choose the latter.

He was "self radicalized", not like they could brainwash him over tha internetz or by zersetzung or using MK.

That's imposserbole.

he wasted his life.he will be forgotten no longer than a week and world will go around.

You don't understand me. How will this cause war?
If they wanna cause war and have such power and impunity, there are far better ways.
On the other hand, this is really embarassing for Turks. A policeman shot a foreign diplomat. Erdogan really lost face with this one. Time for another crackdown, guess "muh Gülen" wasn't just a meme, Turkish state is deeply infiltrated, maybe not by just Gülenists but still.

Are you saying this was an inside jorb?

Turkroach is the enemy, not Russians. Though a Finfag won't understand this, because Finfags share common mongoloid ancestry with Turkroaches.

Real alpha had commenced order 66.


He and his family, as well as his roommate are members of the Gülen movement - a clandestine cabal created by Zionists whose leader is living in the United States.

The Gülen movement is also linked with the failed coup attempt. The movement is also connected with the Council on Foreign Relations and Soros led Open Society Foundations.

nope. he will be eternal meme from now on.