Which Trump will sign off on.
Which Trump will sign off on.
Other urls found in this thread:
Social Security is doomed to fall apart anyway
Good SS is the biggest scam on the planet.
>Which Trump will sign off on.
nice fake news
>government made a promise 65 years ago that it can't financially keep
>evil republicans getting rid of the largest drain on the budget
Literally not in office and were speculating what he will do.
>paying people to sit on their asses all day
Yeah fuck off.
Maybe people will try and save money instead of blowing money on stupid shit for their entire lives.
>give large percentage of my money to pay for other people's pension in addition to my own private retirement plan because I will probably never actually benefit from Social Security and my private plan gives me more money anyway
>not have to pay for social security and just build my own retirement plan while saving money on not paying for that scam
Gee, I wonder what the better choice is?
Thinkprogress is fake news for liberals.
Good riddance if it goes. I don't want to pay into a system that will fail before it pays out for me.
just call it what it is: gibs
They already said they had to raise the retirement age on it by 2 every 20 years to sustain it so by the time I even get social security I'd retire at 72 (after they raise it to 68 next year)
And social security was never meant to pay out benefits for very long. In 1935 when it was passed the average life expectancy in the USA was 61, you couldn't collect benefits until 65.
Fake news.
As well they should.
In fact I think it should be raised even further. It should track life expectancy.
People are retiring too early.
>forced into the social security scam
>you pay into it all your life to pay for people who are currently retired
>when you retire you are paid for not by what you put in earlier but instead by the current workers
>system runs fine in a nation with a growing population and young workforce
That is until life expectancy kept getting ducking higher and higher and demographic change meant that this infinite supply of young workers ready to keep replacing those who had just retired is slowly dwindling has left this system in a mess. It was doomed to fail. You pay for the previous generations benefits and hope that the next generation will pay for yours. The personal responsibility has been removed.
It was a scheme by those who were fine with fucking their children and their children's children the same way all this government debt and spending will never hurt them but instead leave their generations to come in ruin. I'm sure there's a nice witty quote about this shit some place but it blows my mind that someone can see this system and wonder how it could go on should a change in demographic ever fucking happen.
If there's one thing my nanny state did right it was implement retirement accounts for all and a % of your pay goes into it, available to you if you are retired or if you wish to invest (therefore providing funds if and when you retire). You Americans are against this nanny state bullshit but at the same time are not cold enough to walk by a man dying in the street because he was too stupid to plan for his retirement and so you have created this shitty house of cards that is going to come crashing down
So, are they going to reimburse me for the $65,000 I've already paid into the system before they destroy it?
God I will personally go out and shake the hands of politicians who sign off on this and protest in favor of it. I argue on disqus daily with so many shitty boomers who are retired and spend their days writing some of the most pettiest shit you would ever see and I would love to see them punished.
Most likely they will reallocate what is there already to something else. I'll take the hit if it punishes boomers I don't give a fuck. I'm in my mid 30's and put in a lot but fuck it boomers are scum and should be punished.
To expand upon that, I think half your mess with healthcare also comes from you reluctance to go full socialist muh free healthcare but at the same time not willing to allow a proper free market to work because a bunch of bleeding hearts cunts exist and so you have a bunch of standing with one foot in each bucket with your Medicaid/Medicare but also with no "free" healthcare. All the while you are getting fucked in the arse by both.
It's one or the other, you can't have a proper free market with all its benefits if you decide to have half your nation on Medicare/Obamacare etc while at the same time you can't have the benefits of socialized healthcare if you don't wanna buy into a bunch of commie shit
>A big group of stupid people elected Trump
>HEY Hillary WON the POPULAR VOTE. It's her turn.
they will actually crack down on the pyramid scheme? amen to that
Good do i get a refund for all that money i paid in that i was never going to see?
Dude I WISH we were getting rid of social security.
>Social Security is doomed to fall apart anyway
Said nobody ever. Most popular program in the USA.
Hahahaha leeches BTFO
I don't think we have enough tax payers to support this though that's the problem. They really need to start lower and crack down on people abusing welfare systems and then when you fix that it might be viable.
Popular but not soluble.
>Hahahaha leeches BTFO
>I don't know what social security is
Pic related. The leeches getting hit by this
Ponzi schemes are popular too until they fall apart.
>but not soluble.
Not true either. It's always soluble as long as people are paying something into it. All you need to do is lift the cap and it's all good.
Repealing social security along with aging boomers, along with stock market crash that is coming will lead to a communist revolution in this country.
Are you kidding?
We've known for years that social security will need major changes in the next few decades. Longer lifespans means the programs can't support itself, and with them constantly pushing back the age you can collect to the point that soon it will be pointless anyways.
Fucking good. Its a pyramid scheme that I'm forced to pay into. I'm no ancap-taxes-are-evil type, but Social Security needs to be killed off. I've been paying into it for ten years and I'll never see a dime back.
>Ponzi schemes are popular too until they fall apart.
Ok so why does only wallstreet want to repeal it? Why did Trump "claim" he supported not cutting social security?
>Its a pyramid scheme that I'm forced to pay into.
The delusion is real. You know how many people were dying in the streets before this was enacted?
Shit doesn't work. Their money is already gone and they lived more than expected. Better to fix this ponzo scheme before another generation grows up to realize their money is gone
It's functionally impossible for any president to spearhead an entitlement reform movement with teeth. Too many potential voters pulling money from it. If Trump manages to pass an entitlement reform package that actually manages to take down social security, he will have achieved the political equivalent of turning water into wine.
I doubt it'll happen. But shit, if it does...
el oh el
don't forget to sage
>Ok so why does only wallstreet want to repeal it?
Everyone in this thread wants it removed are we wallstreet?
>All you need to do is lift the cap and it's all good.
>No, it's fine, just redistribute more income from the middle class to mi abulos.
Fuck off.
Get a fucking job you parasitic kike
>We've known for years that social security will need major changes in the next few decades.
No conservatives who always hated social security who are greedy fucks wanted to cut it so they tried pushing the "we need reforms" bullshit. Started under Reagan. Trump is doing the same. He's hostile towards social security and wants to chip away at it bit by bit.
> I'm no ancap-taxes-are-evil type, but Social Security needs to be killed off.
Ok you are looking at aging boomers going in retirement, plus dying wages, plus incoming stock market crash, oh and they have no social security. What are they gonna use for money? Monopoly money. Shit like this really did help my grandparents who lived into their 90s and 80s. This isn't your stupid fucking green meme faggotry. This is MY LIFE AT STAKE! I'm trying to get par time SS benefits for my disability.
HEs been the candidate who got into office not giving a fuck, it would be nice if he continued not giving a fuck and did what needed to be done no matter how painful. Killing social security would ensure he's a 1 termer but like your mother who made you eat your vegetables you will thank her when you're 25 and able to consume things outside of pizza and coke
>mfw imagining boomers with massive cc debt, two cars, and a boat realizing they won't get bailed out
>Get a fucking job you parasitic kike
Which is it faggot? And I have a job btw.
Good. It's just another boomer scheme to subsidize their lifestyle of buy now and make the later generation worry about it. They're entitled as fuck. P
Morons should be cracking down on voting rights ASAP. Wtf repubs, you wanna become the losers again?
>Their money is already gone
That's total fucking bullshit. It can NEVER be gone. You can't take away money that's put into the SS savings.
I never expected to get it anyway. The whole fucking program is a ponzi scheme in which the elderly rob future generations.
>Implying anyone born after 1980 will benefit from Social Security
If we don't pay SS that's a large sum of money from your paycheck you individually can invest in and manage.
Because claiming you want to cut Boomer benefits is electoral suicide. Our main government programs need reform otherwise our nation will become insolvent. This is a fact.
Your problems are not my problems. And I fucking hate you're trying to make them mine.
Boomers won't give a fuck they won't even agree to a reform. God damn they need to go.
um obama raised social security tax 1% a few years back. 1 fukin dollar for every 100 earned from every person in america. you know how much that is? its staggering. and no one changed their calculations on when social security would go broke. nothing that comes from our current govt can be believed.
>It's soluble as long you change how it functions
Fuck socialism.
End taxes on land ownership and people won't need social security anymore.
Just take it on the chin. It is something that needs to be done. Someone is going to have to make the sacrifice for the greater good. I am in the same boat as you. I don't expect to see a cent of the SS money taken from my paychecks.
I'll never even get it and my parents for years have told me they don't plan on getting it. It's been doomed for years and years.
Wow Thinkprogress what a trustworthy site.
Yeah, sure, Republicans are going to 'annihilate social security' - just as they're always apparently planning to along with reintroducing segregation and Jim Crow and all the other retarded rote arguments the Democrats ejaculate regardless of what GOP candidate is running and what that candidate's/wider GOP's policies actually are.
>Morons should be cracking down on voting rights ASAP. Wtf repubs, you wanna become the losers again?
They will probably go full pinochet. Trump will be so unpopular there will be mass rioting in the streets.
>Just take it on the chin.
This. Money's gone. At the very least we can protect the future. Which is what we should have been doing all along.
Yeah feudalism was great!
I was about to type this out.
Social security right now is losing more money than it is gaining.
>You know how many people were dying in the streets before this was enacted?
Doesn't change the fact it's a giant Ponzi scheme in its current set up.
This. You should be willing to take the hit because ultimately it hurts boomers more. We need ways to send a fuck you message to them and if it costs me $80,000 I'm fine with that.
no its not they raised the amount stolen by 1% and never revised predictions
Hopefully they round up the niggers into forced labor camps next.
The same number that are dying in the streets today :^)
>You know how many people were dying in the streets before this was enacted?
How many?
is called chain gangs already got them thanks
>You can't take away money that's put into the SS savings.
>He thinks FDR told the truth about his giant Ponzi scheme.
>He's this delusional.
fake news
It is really sad the way you have all resigned yourselves into this. I know it's the only choice, you know that this system you have been forced to pay into will collapse long before you reach it but you still have the government gun to your head forcing you to pay into it. It fills me with sadness to know that not only are you forced to pay into it and will never get but that you will need to set aside second dollar for each you send to help with your own retirement.
This troll is probably having a good laugh but this is really sad stuff I gotta say
>Ponzi scheme.
This is why I hate teenagers and mill. They seriously believe the propaganda they are feed by the Kochs.
SS might work if we had more tax payers but there are so many people on welfare or exploiting the government we really are running out of ways to pay. Our choices are either drop it or maybe automation will save us.
I agree with this. If you're in a situation where you have to live off of Social Security in your retirement, then your "best" option is going to a retirement home.
It's MUCH better to just handle retirement yourself, because Social Security is a fucking joke.
I wish I could opt out of Social Security. People don't really realize how much of a cut in take-home pay payroll taxes hit you for.
It's called cutting off your arm to save your body. It sucks yea I agree but it has to be done. Millennials are getting ass fucked left and right by unsustainable shit from boomers we have to fight back eventually.
Why is that?
So much of this
>Reform means abolition
When people mean reform they mean the check that arrives in the mail for boomers not the check that arrives for welfare.
Also stop making your problem my problems, you filthy kike.
is really sad the system you spend your life supporting will be overrun by the superior emu
What do you mean user? Millions of Americans died in the streets before government stepped in the same way millions couldn't see a doctor before government solved the healthcare crisis. Poverty has been going down ever since the war on it was started by government. More government is what we need
When it was first started there were 27 people working to fund each person on ss today there are 2-4. You're either retarded or baiting
Social Security SHOULD be annihilated
you want to retire PAY FOR IT
you want health care PAY FOR IT
you dont have money WORK HARDER
>Land ownership is fuedalism
He is baiting. He made it obvious when he mentioned the Koch brothers. He is just being a parody now. Ignore him.
Most people get much more money out of social security than they ever put in.
If they want to shut Social Security down in an orderly, somewhat just fashion, they need to mail a check to every American below a certain age just for the principle amount that they actually paid in, no more, no less. The people above that age continue to receive benefits until they kick the bucket. The people below that age get all of their money back (without interest) to invest themselves in a mandatory retirement account.
>Get taxed up the ass by your government with no access or say in what your money is used for on a daily basis.
>Some things the government likes to use your money for that you get no say in and do not benefit you:
Shipping 64,000 dollar hotdogs from across the state.
Hiring self confessed witches to paint rooms in fetal blood at private parties.
Massive subsidaries to food companies resulting in mass burning of food.
Lobbying banks for kickbacks to private 'charities' and institutions.
Warfare that no one actually voted for.
>Things that you get access to for paying taxes that improve your life:
Public transport.
Public services.
Disability and SS/foodstamps if you hit bad times.
Always makes me laugh when burgers vehemently defend further cucking at the hands of the government and actually, unironically agree with every avenue to access your own taxes being taken away from you while the children of the elite live on public business, a form of welfare, while contributing jack shit except for, in extreme cases, pouring 45k alchohol into the ocean from yachts.
>t-t-they earned it.
>if I end up homeless, i-i-i-i-its 100% my fault always.
So what is it ameriburger?
You should be taxed less or you should have less access to your own taxes?
Because I don't see you being taxed less for these cuts.
How will benefits be cut?
I'm currently on SSI income and am wondering how long I''ll be eligable
good goy
if you want to live a half decent life after working 50+ years for Mr. Shekelstein just use your own money, he, and the government you've been funding, owe you nothing
Look at this. Look at it. Where the fuck are these taxpayers going to come from to keep your system going?
It's political suicide to touch it and nothing short of all boomers dying will fix it by then it'll have collapsed and all your money into dust or worse into debt that you now shoulder.
He's a troll dude. Some NEET faggot pretending to be a liberal.