Am I considered a goy because I prefer jews over Muslims?

Am I considered a goy because I prefer jews over Muslims?

When will the meme ''muslims are not bad'' end?

WTF are you talking about you junkie, everybody here hates muslims.

No, you're considered a goy fi you're simply not a jew

I don't think so user, a jewish male can usually be trusted to fit into society much more than a muslim male. He might rob you and systematically try to destroy your country if you aren't careful, but he won't murder you and your family or blow up populated area...

you are wrong newfriend. Many people on Sup Forums prefer muslims over jews.

you are indeed a shabbos goy

Go away Colgate.

muslims are pigs aswell

Yeah, the Muslims on Sup Forums do.




The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (the Boxthorn tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews. (related by al-Bukhari)

They are both absolute abominations but nothing will ever compare to the evil of the eternal Jew.

Yes you are.
You are also an idiot for preferring one over the other, they are both shit

Geert? Is it really you?

flag checks out

From the Qur'an itself.

Preferring one thing over another doesn't automatically make you like any of those things.

There's good Jews and bad ones OP.

The ones who want to stay behind their walls and kill Arabs are the good ones.

The communist Jews who promote subversion are the bad ones.

The Jews created ISIS and all the conflicts in the Middle East.

It sounds like you've been fooled by the Jewish controlled media

When will the islamaphobia meme end

Sure they did Ahamed, sure they did.

Muslims are currently puppets in the filthy Jewish hands, among many others.

Look at Syria which had secular government, Girls can study and become artists. a small % of Christians. AIPAC constantly pushing for US intervention and "regime change"

You must choose only one:
[ ] continued Jewish rule
[ ] emerging muslim rule
>inb4 neither that's not how shit works deal with it

Why would you had to prefer between two evils?

Exactly my answer when people ask me do I like more Germans or Russians.

Only the Ahmed posters that immigrated to europe do.

Also most of the time the Sup Forumsack kikes are based tier and come with nice bantz.


[ ] continued Jewish rule
[x] emerging muslim rule

We can make Muslims look like enemies and fight them. Jews are immune from attack as long as there are good goys in every facet of society.

No, you just a fucking moron, as anyone else who thinks (((they))) are a lesser evil than Muslims.