Why does the right worry about stupid shit like terrorism and completely ignore far greater risks such as impending...

Why does the right worry about stupid shit like terrorism and completely ignore far greater risks such as impending climate change?

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Climate change won't kill me anytime soon and people trying to fix it don't actually know if they are fixing it.

You don't care if your kids won't be able to live lives anything close to the quality of yours?

>Stupid shit like terrorism
>Implying climate change is real
Just because you live in the worlds death palace doesn't mean it's a problem for the rest of us

That may be true in America, but it's not that common anywhere else. Most of us wish to preserve nature and create a sustainable future for our peoples. There are things standing in the way of that. One of the main things is migration. Terrorism is just a consequence of that, but hardly the root problem. In the long term, I am much more concerned with how these savages will ruin our countries. And I am very concerned with the fact that climate change will tempt even more of them to attempt to migrate.


Chance of dying a violent death without being able to save your life

>Climate change
>It gets a bit uncomfortable
>Simply research some shit and its all OK

because terrorism kills people while anthropocentric climate change is a meme designed to add greater government control and get subsidies for phony green companies

>And I am very concerned with the fact that climate change will tempt even more of them to attempt to migrate.

Don't let them in, let them die in their shitty countries that they ruined.

climate change happened all over the timeline of our world. we did not cause climate change

BUT we increase odds of it happening sooner.

however, building green energie farms while rooting down forests is not a thing to work against that.

shutting down nuclear power wont help either, get those coal power plants down.

>1990 IPCC projections
now that's what I call shitposting

>Not accelerating
>Rising at the same steady rate it has since the end of the little ice age in 1870s
Not an arguement or problem

>Literally ~1cm a year
>Same rate of sea rise as for the past 150 years
>Not accelerating
How can we plan ahead for such rapid and large changes?

>I am very concerned with the fact that climate change will tempt even more of them to attempt to migrate
That's exactly how you solve climate change.

hmmm really makes me think

>I am much more concerned with how these savages will ruin our countries
How? If done right like in the US populations will pretty much assimilate perfectly

>Chance of dying a violent death without being able to save your life
There are plenty of random, insanely unlikely things you could die from which are insanely statistically insignificant that you don't worry about

>It gets a bit uncomfortable
Estimates have it being between 5-20% of GDP per year


No denier here, but that's a bizarre graph. What is the reference sea level here? I wish plots like these would just show absolutes rather than relatives, as it allows less room to hide from absolute scales and brings up shitposters who (correctly) challenge the baseline level used for the computation of the relative axis.

Overpopulation causes more resource shortage than climate change by such a huge margin it's not worth worrying about.

Either we start shooting them at the border or Europe dies.

Only Jeb! could outpace the sea rise.
We have to give him more power.

No the grey area is IPCC projections, observed sea level data is at the high end of that


Using sea level/temperature anomaly helps adjust for local influences. It shows the recorded stations departure from their individual means which is useful if the station has a certain systematic bias either way

You don't have mass completely non selective immigration of muds burger.

Nor our overly generous welfare system.

>How can we plan ahead for such rapid and large changes?

You've got a point, and I don't want to take it away, but at the same time given the Earth is 70% water, the enormity of the volume needed to increase sea level by 1 cm is absolutely fucking immense.

On a human timesclae 1 cm / year is not much, but 1 meter / century is pretty staggering. Entire regions your grandpa saw will be underwater in your middle age, and your kids will only have photos.

Humans have time to build walls or retreat from the ocean, but the question is if something can be done and in what time because many generations from now those meters will add up to large devastation or crippling infrastructure costs needed to fight the sea.

This is regardless of the source of the increase by the way.

I fucking hate it man I really do. I fucking love the environment and shit. Im 0waste, eat vegan 1day per week, pick up trash in my spare time, grow a bunch of plants and this election I was voting for trump. Why? Because im fucking stupid man. I was sick of all the lefts bull shit, all the racism from them, all the idiocy that instead of setting it aside and focusing on whats important I went for the guy that was their enemy.
Hillary is not the answer either but trump elected a climate change denier into an important decision and I feel a little betrayed. Goddamn man it burns a little you know? Makes me dislike Hillary supporters even more that they clouded my vision with their enraging behaviour.


I would think people are more worried about being raped and a truck driving into a Christmas market.