2016 will be remembered as the year that Donald Trump, a reality TV star and real estate mogul with zero political experience, was elected president. But it will also be remembered as a year of heightened, vicious online harassment.
2016 will be remembered as the year that Donald Trump, a reality TV star and real estate mogul with zero political experience, was elected president. But it will also be remembered as a year of heightened, vicious online harassment.
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Just remember media libcucks, you sewed the seeds.
2016 was just practice.
The media calls absolutely everything they don't like harassment.
assault gifs are now a thing
Liberals have been doing online harassment for much longer.
>implying the left aren't the worst at online harassment
This is not a joke. 5 nanoseconds after Trump was elected Russian hackers set this as my PC's wallpaper.
Donald Drumpf president of the Electoral College
It was all a joke! Kurt Eichenwald didn't actually mean it when he said he had proof that Trump had been committed to a mental hospital. Haha he was joking guys
"Harassment" was the "fake news" of 2015-2016.
>the year of harassment
They fucking deserved it. You don't think so? Google "how created white people" and then try to defend the blatant post modernism shilling
might as well link naturalnews.com
It's almost as if people will be dicks no matter what you fucking say. So shut the fuck up and get thicker skin.
>lower than rock bottom
That's not how that reference works.
Every fucking time
I chuckled.
Youve seen nothing yet.
2016 was justice
2017 will be vengeance.
>photoshopped going into ovens
Oh fuck my sides, I love you bastards
> That spazsticka
> That Hurrkenkraus.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
Fuck the press.
They shopd that themselves.
>heightened, vicious online harassment
like the Trump supporters that got beat up in real life?
CTR, you're still at it eh ? You fucking nigger, you deserve day of rope.
just like all those ''celebrities'' who said they'll leave the US if trump wins
Yeah I don't recall any Bernie/Hillary supporters getting beat up/harassed by Trump supporters. The (((media))) seems to always conveniently forget that
(((friends and colleagues)))
Useless laughable cucks
I cannot wait for the huge nut I drop when Trump passes massive laws that fuck the media over when it comes to pushing lies and taking money. Hopefully he forces the FCC to pull their licensing.
And people still give a shit what kike msm has to say....
When will this stop?
Why there are so many Libtards here?
Don't you have more important things like sucking dick of your Jewish masters
Boomers grew up watching the news, it's practically a lifestyle
Jews were actually expelled from 110 countries.People are forgetting Uganda under Idi Amin.
should have let us play videogames in peace
>insert picture of tyler the creator on cyberbullying
how long until cnn is shut down? 31 days?
Pretty sure the left-wing has done more harassment this year than the right-wing. They ran around screaming at anyone they even suspected was a Trump supporter. They removed friends who they'd known for decades. They rallied mobs to harass employers into firing employees who expressed opinions that the left disagreed with.
This will be remembered as the year that the left-wing was unmasked.
I am pretty proud actually. After a coffee and my dose of liberal tears, I'm more awake for work than ever.
Hey Sup Forums, bernout here. I just wanted to say thanks. I was lucky enough to be frequenting this board when the current year man Drumpf video was released. Cross-checking between you and the comments on the Youtube video made me realize just how hypocritical the left was. You turned me from being independent to being a full on Trump supporter that day, just in time for Super Tuesday. This year was nuts, and I'm so glad I caught onto the Trump Train early, many keks were had.
2017 is a new year, lads. If Trump can be president, anything can happen. So with a heavy heart, I'm signing off of Sup Forums. It's time to make my life great again. See you in January of 2020, if you haven't been nuked off the internet by then.
How this picture turned out to become true so many times is amazing, the stereotype is absolutely spot on.
underrated post
>communist news network
>false flags
dialing the fbi with both hands rn
>linking to CCN ever
ya lets just link to rt instead :^)
I'm shaking.
Who would have thought video games would start a revolution impacting all of western civ?
Can you give me examples of liberals harassing people online? I need ammo
Worse than that. There are faggots on reddit literally disowning their parents because their parents were Trump supporters.
Hell, in my own family my rich lawyer aunt ALMOST didn't come to Thanksgiving because of the election. When my grandpa called her on it, THIS BITCH THREW HER OWN DAUGHTER UNDER THE BUS, and said that she was upset about the election so she didnt want to come. There is something fucking wrong with left wing shills.
We memed a man into the Presidency. There's nothing we can't do as long as we give proper praise to the almighty Kek.
Enough with the cringe worthy kek shit you virgin autist
I mean, CTR is the obvious answer. They paid faggots to shill online, but there was the Canadian guy that disagreed with this feminist on her witch hunt on some kid who made an "offensive" app, and she literally got him charged with harassment. Fucking Canada, man...
I'll do what I want.
2016 is the worst it could get, and ezra kelin didn't kill himself?
i guess it's not a big issue then huh
>online harassment
The Republican electors
>liberals for years
>fox news made it legal to lie!
>trump makes it illegal to lie
You're kidding, right? The group that calls people everything in the book even they even think about voting for Trump?
I didn't call my friends racists or sexists or warmongers if they voted for Hillary. I didn't tell them I wouldn't be friends with them if they didn't vote how I wanted them to. And trust me, everything Hillary lobbed at Trump she had a history of doing herself, but worse. They complained about Trump knowing Epstein, and I could easily point out who else hung out with Epstein. They complained about white supremacy and I could easily point out who Hillary was good friends with and who she was mentored by...
The left acts like a cult.
no one
liberals are good honest people
it's just you nazis with your gas chambers and need to annoy every jew on twitter that harass people
If this was 10 years ago, they would have been sent pictures of goatse, extreme porn and gore
weird twitter faggots still do that
probably because it'll always be ten years ago for them
They're like if the Amish had the internet
I can't wait for 2017
Fuckin goatse. You know some stupid TF2 server I play on bans people for having that spray because it's "gore". How fucking retarded is that?
Exactly, this is the payback.
Autists can weaponize anything given enough times.
Sup Forums calls everything they don't like liberal propaganda.
Haha hilarious, I always believed in his professional integrity, Ha, ha.
Good luck.
All the glory is yours.
Choke on it.
We call liberal propaganda liberal propaganda, not our fault it's fucking everywhere.