What's wrong with communism?

What's wrong with communism?

Blue furry autists like it.

It doesn't work.

It does.

It's autistic.


Compelling argument there mate.

Communism is Capitalism with Gulags.

>almost 2017
>still thinking communism could work

Boy, I sure hope you are underaged. Otherwise there really is no hope for your pathetic excuse of a life.


And without money

It puts "equality" over freedom and self-ownership.


Let me guess: you are an activist, student or work in a NGO.

As a system, communism seems to have a knack for failing its stated goals. The humanitarian and economic consequences of implementing communism have, every single time, been purges and stagnation. Even if you believe the 'official' Holocaust death toll, the number of lives lost in communist purges during the 20th century dwarfs that figure by a factor of fifteen at the most conservative estimate.

It was, measurably, the very worst thing to happen to the world in the 20th century.

Many people think that Brazilian girls have always been whores.

That's wrong, Spanish women brought us whorish behavior, they are known for being the worst sluts we have ever had

Fuck off Spain you fucking faggot every time with these threads

>spanish socialist
fuck off

People work for their own interests.

Having collective farms = means all surplus won't be money in your pockets, but will go for the governement.

Incentive to work harder = none, since everybody's equal (equality of outcome rather than equality of opportunity).

>What's wrong with Communism
Get a real job and you'll know the answer.


Oh yeah? What about National Socialism?

That was Socialism and it worked.

>it worked
Except the bit where you know you end up being occupied for 40 years by your enemies as a divided nation.

>you are pathetic

I don't get it. Didn't he just said that I am not communist?

>a world war is like collapsing on your own
go watch you're gf get fucked by emus m8

Most of those were destroyed before they could fuck anything up to badly. Yugoslavia worked, but it was basically NatSoc.

it doesnt work

>what's the difference between socialism and communism

It accomplished more scientifically, economically, militarily, and culturally in its short lived life than communism has in the past two centuries.

So yes, relatively, it may not have been entirely successful but it was magnitudes beyond communism

As a matter of fact I'm not even a natsoc and I know this to be a fact

>Amount of times it has worked: 0

But isn't sonic the embodiment of autism?

Shouldn't he be for communism?

> national socialism is socialism

Good one

>it was real in my mind
It doesn't

doesn't work on a large scale

When a system only fails because it works so well it frightens the elites in rest of the world so much they quickly gang up and destroy it, that's not really an example of a system not working.

Germany started the war as just the homeland. France, Britain, USSR, and USA were all huge empires. And Germany would have won if the USA hadn't been brought into it by the fraud of its politicians.

Most of these were destroyed. Also /leftypol/ likes to push the "communism isn't socialism" meme but they sure like to post this picture when someone says COMMUNISM doesn't work.

lefty here, it's generally easier and more efficient for a free market to work so long as we have regulations to keep unfair advantages (like monopolies, cartels) out.

>so long as we have regulations to keep unfair advantages (like monopolies, cartels) out.

Monopolies and cartels do not form in a free market, unless they are a net-good (non predatory)monopoly.

It is when youre the one that started asshole.

Is there anything right about communism?

>utopian society
>central planing
>fails everytime
>used by (((them))) to create monopolies and enslave nations

It will never work and the society is full of responsable and honest people, which is not.

In Spain we are full of gipsies and getting more and more blacks and muslims, these people live leeching the people that work. Literally a muslim woman can have like 4 kids WITHOUT working but then a couple working (with luck, cause of high unemployement) can´t barely afford one.

It´s making more and more sense to stop working and wait for heritage at this point.

still, it didn't collapse on its own
as long as peace can be kept you're golden

You dumb fuck, it doesn't. You are the lucky one, living far from the east and you stay delusional, while people of Central and Eastern Europe nad to deal with fucking REAL communism for 45-70 years. It's literally the worst disease in history, because it's not only destoying nations physically but also mentally, what is fucking devastating.

pls delet ur account

>anarchist socialism
>socialist anarchism
>socialist socialism
>socialistically socialist socialism
>revolutionary socialism
>socialist revolutionism
>marxist socialism
>socialist marxism

wtf is even this shit have any more prefixes?

and you wonder why people opt for fascism, fuck me if I have to learn literally a million different theories, and every single one of them was so fucking terrible it got BTFO in an instant

Assumes all people are created equal. It also crushes the soul.

I mean it could work IF the society were full of responsible and honest people



The hundreds of millions of deaths due to famines and concentration camps come to mind.

.. But it looks great on paper! Sign me up.

>Germany would have won
Germany lost to Capitalists who not only fought the war themselves but funded poor Communist Russia to fight the Germans as well.

That's how efficient at resource allocation Capitalism is.

>Radical Social Justice Warrior Socialism of the Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session

Nothing wrong with socialism.

As long as you have nationalism to go along with it too.

no the germans lost because they were fighting half the world you cunt, and then they still almost won

Wouldn't have the computer you're typing on with communism.
>Largely atheist.

The only acceptable form of socialism is based Juche.

The problem with communism is the communists.

>unless they are a non predatory monopoly
That doesn't make them good and doesn't make them not a monopoly.

Also what were the monopolies of the America's during the gilded age?

Mengele and the Dachau (Other camps too probably) experiments? I guess, but only because the Nazis arbitrarily disregarded human life. Don't forget the space race though where the US was sitting on its ass for years.
Wew. Only because of Hitler shitting on the armistice and creating a war economy arms bubble.
Not really a concrete thing, hard to compare. Nazis did jew hate, weird neo-pagan shit, eugenics...And that's basically it.
Blitzkrieg, combined arms and the MG34/42 + MKb-42(and Rommel) but other than that they didn't contribute much other than get wrecked on both fronts because Hitler was incompetent.

>What's wrong with communism?

That it doesn't and never has worked? That it always results in incromprehensible misery?

>What's wrong with communism?
It doesn't work.


>Still almost won
No not even remotely. The Germans were fighting Russians 2/3rds of the time and got their shit pushed in by sheer incompetence.

Capitalism in the US not only funded and supplied the UK, USSR and China but also successfully rearmed the US all the while fighting the Japs.

Such was the excess capacity of Capitalism that trucks were simply ditched on the front and new ones ordered.

That is the power of Capitalism.

Communism does not respect the sovereignty of individuals.

(((That post)))
>lol yeah I mean they had scientific, cultural, economic, and military power, but think about it, they were a bunch of meanies and the Americans were against them so they suck

because the allies had the biggest resource pool in the world, germany was pretty capitalist too, and they fought against countries with far more resources and far bigger populations

That sounds like third wold capitalism to me, bro. Not post-revolution communism.

Stop fucking talking about working class you scum. First, you never worked, so you don't know shit about working class and second, the working class is always the biggest victim of communism.

Look at the commie fucks in universities - they do nothing but shit on the working class all day.

"I can't read"
Wew ok

> implying capitalism does
> implying that the doctrine of "sovereignty as an individual is paramount" doesn't completely fail as soon as it is attempted to be universalized
> implying an individual human being can ever be sovereign when we are a social species that rely on each other to live

you should know better hans


Id have less under communism. I have a good job and stand to inherit a lot.

Doesn't scale up beyond "tribal" civilization. The number that must work in the bureaucracy to ensure compliance increases exponentially with the population of the commune, exceeding the population at between 100 and 1000 citizens, depending on available technological support.

Israel studied their kibbutzim for decades before reaching this conclusion.

>mfw I'm old enough to remembers the GDR and you're just wrong

>1 post by this ID


Communism only killed 94 million people, whats the big deal? I'm with OP lets give it another shot, we can make it work this time around.

>talking about the working class
I'm going to assume you mean the image and disregard your autism

This is an image disagreeing with communism so I don't know what your point is

>gommunism an sonig

How many did capitalism kill? Include all colonialist wars please.

>Include all colonialist wars


Marxists proving once again that they're no different from triggered, demisexual agnostic genderbenders.

What about capitalism's death toll?


That was literally your post you fucking dense faggot

How do you expect me to argue with conjecture, you literally said
>Not really a concrete thing, hard to compare. Nazis did jew hate, weird neo-pagan shit, eugenics...And that's basically it.
If you came here expecting my to deliver what you can't, you're sorely mistaken

It slaughtered 50 million innocent people and doesn't work. Every single time it has been tried it has failed and collapsed spectacularly.

Whereas the only time NatSocism was tried, it took the entire world to take it down because of how powerful it was.

Go to the communism general and stop spamming


> he doensn't understand that colonialism is a specific and inevitable stage of capitalism's historical development due to the inevitable domination of finance capital over industrial capital, and thus the need for capitalism to expand its markets
> not understanding economics or even just history at all

Kek there's tiny differences between the different lines of thought, it's mostly sectarianism.
Also implying any of you tards actually read theory other than .Jpg's stating da [[[[[joos}}}}} did literally everything

A very strong logical argument you have there, fatso.



Even better, these were all perfectly natural population adjustments that must take place in a communist system to reduce the population to a level where communism is sustainable without external support (under 1000 people).

Implement communism, people die until there are under 1000 left. It's mathematical law, and can only be prevented by abandoning communism (usually for socialism or military dictatorship, depending on whether the people with the weapons and training to be one of the thousand survivors care about those communism marked for death, or not).

>Blaming capitalism for an irrelevant revolution
Truly a spectacle

>Colonies brought more progress to Africa than any humanitarian organisation ever could
>They're bad because people were enslaves by their enemy tribes and sold to the colonial powers
This is anarchist logic.


>Posting lots of marxist drivel
Pray tell, why couldn't markets expand through peaceful cooperation?

I said Hitler created an economic bubble doomed to burst, his military prowess was good versus garbage countries still suffering from WW1 but eventually got rekt, his scientific progress was not caring about human rights (though tbf none of the countries did) and you can't really say they achieved more culturally.
You didn't mention any of my other points because you're retarded.
Stay spooked you mega queer, maybe graduate high school too.

> Blaming capitalism for an irrelevant revolution

Wtf are you talking about m80?

Communism is like living next door to the English.

Survivors are healthy and tough but they are also alcoholics.

> reducing your politics to moralism

It's not really about whether it was good or bad. It's a fact that colonialism had a high dead toll. Of course colonialism developed the productive forces in Africa; no leftist would deny that. We're not fucking moralists; we're economists you muppet.

Same thing as the corrupted US or the intended EU - bureaucratic rule.

Trade =/= Capitalism dumb cunt