Why is this an official Sup Forums Banner?
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why does OP suck so much cock?
It's an old meme you fucking faggot. You'd understand if you lurk more.
He said nothing about communism.
Nothing to do with that "old meme", faggot
>linking to knowyourmeme unironically
>pretending I implied waha has anything to do with the OP banner
Day of the mashed potatoes when?
>a fucking leaf
Wew, lads.
Why are you an official Sup Forums Bellend?
Because communism is fun.
Point out where I said Waha is related to it's a party, desu. Do they not teach you basic reading comprehension in school?
I just posted a banner that was the opposite of the commie banner, burger.
>linking to knowyourmeme unironically
do u know a better website, cuck?
>pretending I implied waha has anything to do with the OP banner
what were u implying then, faggot?
>protecting communism
>>>/mlg/, commie low IQ subhumans
Every time you post, I save some other poor thread from your horrible shitposting for about two minutes. Keep it up, leaf.
Stalin did literally nothing wrong. Tanks in 30 minutes or your execution is free.
Free speech user. For everybody. Even gov't trolls.
I will be the one making fortunes from you and your stupid commie buddies in a few years time
I think it's an ironic banner since moot wanted to take heat off Sup Forums's alt-right Sup Forums shenanigans
it was a popular wallpaper from back when you were still a child. like two years ago or something.
Because Sup Forums hasn't always been right wing
This Irish lad sounds a wee bit underage
Sure, but I will never be a greasy wog. I have already won.
>lurk moar even tho nobody talks about this shitty commie meme!
If you niggas think this banner has anything to do with Sup Forums or "the alt-right" you're retarded and showing your new
It predates anything Sup Forums has done recently and the alt-right by years. Literally just a crop of one image that comes from a group of images of Communist leaders doing stupid party shit. The Communist PARTY huehuehue
>1 post by this ID
>If you niggas think this banner has anything to do with Sup Forums or "the alt-right"
i know the banner is old and obviously it has nothing to do with Sup Forums
> in this thread you friggin newfag
>he's so brainwashed, he prefers being a poor slave
topkek, enjoy being a submissive sissy
so why are you complaining?
just wondering why it's a banner in the first place
it *triggers* me
Communist party.
>just wondering why it's a banner in the first place
then why didn't you ask on /qa/?
>LITERALLY has to work or starve
>calls others slaves
because it's a good joke
>LITERALLY thinks he should be entitled to everyone else's stuff
>said the porky who believes he is entitled to the surplus value of his "willing" employees
If they don't like it they can get a new job. I'll find someone willing to do my fucking work. If not I'll have to raise my wages.
God the ass backwards way you stupid commies think is mind boggling. Im not entitled to the surplus of their work. I'm paying for it. Theyre selling it. Willful transactions.
>If they don't like it they can get a new job
Where a different employer will do the same thing.
You porkies don't understand how deeply mired in pure ideology you are. I'm not even asking you to agree with me. Just use your brain. If I object to the capitalist system entire then how is your answer of "go find a different capitalist and continue to participate in the capitalist system" an actual answer to the systemic objection?
It's not.
It may be ass-backwards thinking according to you, but at least I am actually fucking thinking. Jesus Christ I get better debate than this when I argue with my fucking self. I could probably argue your case better than you could anyway.
>If I object to the capitalist system entire then how is your answer of "go find a different capitalist and continue to participate in the capitalist system" an actual answer to the systemic objection?
Because those are you options. The only way your system works is if you force everyone to participate. We all know how well that has worked out in the past. You think you're entitled to other people's shit, and I'm saying you aren't. Work for your food or starve. I'm not going to pay you to sit around and jerk off to anime all day.
>Because those are you options
Is =/= ought.
Stop posting any time.
/r/ing edit of that shitty meme with all but Marx bludgeoned to death in the background, the original neet collapsed and bleeding looking up helplessly at a faceless figure standing over him with a bloody hammer or baseball bat and the caption: "Communism: The Party's Over"
>LITERALLY has to work or starve
doesn't count if I enjoy my work
>>calls others slaves
people that are bluepilled are slaves because they are stupid and are brainwashed tools for TPTB
>believes he is entitled to the surplus value of his "willing" employees
Yes, I am entitled because I'm the Boss.
Retarded commies can't understand simple evolution
>I'm not going to pay you to sit around and jerk off to anime all day.
OK, state your manifesto then
Same guy as above, different ID, home for lunch. You know, because I have a job and I'm not some lazy commie.
>Is =/= ought.
So make straya into a communist utopia then. I'll watch the gulags and execution squads from across the pond, thank you very much.
I can't believe there are people alive RIGHT NOW that defend Communism. What went wrong? How old are, straya-user? Is it my generation not growing up with a real Red Scare that makes them this way? Fuck if I met anyone IRL defending Communism like you, I'd probably laugh in his face.
But I appreciate a civil discussion so I'm engaging you and trying to show as much respect as I can.
>So make straya into a communist utopia then
Ought =/= is, either. But FYI I'm working on a draft constitution for a theoretical political project that I might be starting soon. Not to mention I work in the industrial relations field anyway, protecting the rights of workers when I'm not being shat all over by incompetent government bureaucracy and straight up corruption.
C'mon, step it up.
Back in the shed leaf
>>work or starve are your only options
Not true and you know it. Various forms of government assistance will always exist and the state that allows free markets to exist will always wind up paying off the restless mobs from burning the marketplace to the ground.
>when I'm not being shat all over by incompetent government bureaucracy and straight up corruption.
>While being an advocate of Communism
Mate..... Please tell you see the irony here.
>he fell for the (((equality))) meme
maybe if you worked hard you wouldn't be such a submissive sissy
Hierarchy's will never go away. The "food chain" is tied to human evolution.
I don't think you understand what gGPxXgEv means
stupid paki, i wasn't even trying to bait
Use your brain, fool. If you were exposed to all the different ways corporations fuck over workers on a daily basis, and your job was to stop it, and then the government came along and sliced your balls off and left you impotent to actually do anything about it, don't you think that radical ideology might be more appealing than more of the same red tape regulation that you already know from first-hand experience is hideously ineffective?
>b-b-b-but muh USSR
I have numerous points to make on the USSR, none of which you will listen to and all of which you will reply to with "BUT IT WASN'T REAL COMMUNISM" sarcastically. I'll just mention that Russian GDP growth today is about the same as it was when the USSR ran the country. The USSR was not a poorly performing economy, it only produced the wrong things. I have revised my own worldview according to this experience and think I've solved that problem by incorporating price signalling.
Communism is not anti-free trade in general. It is only anti-free trade in the case of labour. I am anti-free trade because I am a protectionist and a mercantilist, not because I am a communist.
Rajatu. Isn't that the evolutioned version of Pikachu?
>If you were exposed to all the different ways corporations fuck over workers on a daily basis, and your job was to stop it, and then the government came along and sliced your balls off and left you impotent to actually do anything about it, don't you think that radical ideology might be more appealing than more of the same red tape regulation that you already know from first-hand experience is hideously ineffective?
Oh I agree. I mean, especially in 'murrica. The corporations pay off lobbyists to pass shit that benefit them and that's kinda messed up. I'm just confused on your logical step from "the gigantic corrupt government doesn't let me reign in the corporations" to "the solution is an even bigger all encompassing government"
>The USSR was not a poorly performing economy
You have to look at more than just the economy though. The factors that go into that. Mainly the useless nonworkers being hauled off to gulags because they chose to jerk off to anime all day. You seem to think Communism is some utopia where everyone works and we all move forward toward a common goal. I'm saying I respect personal freedoms and I have my own mind and desires. We aren't an ant colony. People will always have their own desires and aspirations. "The Greater Good" will almost always take back seat to individual wants, no matter how optimistic people get.
>Communism is not anti-free trade in general. It is only anti-free trade in the case of labour. I am anti-free trade because I am a protectionist and a mercantilist, not because I am a communist.
I can respect this. Just because we aren't agreeing so far doesn't mean I'll shit on you personally. I like to have civil discourse on here from time to time, in between the shitty shitposts and bait threads (fucking mods need to do their god damn jobs).
typical commie, avoiding civil debate because he can't defend his retarded ideology
>USSR only produced the wrong things
Their only exports were gas and oil. They couldn't compete with American and Japanese goods because their system sucked
>making light of communist figures
Uhh, it's satire?
Because communism is literally a meme and not to be taken seriously.
>I'm just confused on your logical step from "the gigantic corrupt government doesn't let me reign in the corporations" to "the solution is an even bigger all encompassing government"
That's not a step I take.
>You have to look at more than just the economy though.
Why? People say that USSR was poor. Sure, but it didn't have to be. The socialist mode of production didn't fail them, the socialist economy did. The government focused too much on heavy industry and not enough on consumer goods, and so you get "poverty" in a nation of wealth. Not that Russia today does too well anyway. As for the rest, that's Russia for you. Russia has always been a repressive political backwater whether it's the Tsar, the Premier, or the President.
>You seem to think Communism is some utopia where everyone works and we all move forward toward a common goal
Perhaps I haven't sufficiently explained myself, then, because I definitely don't subscribe to classical Marxist unitarian thought. I'm a pluralist, and Mills' statement that each should be free to pursue "his own good in his own way" is dear to me. I'm not a tankie. I want representative democracy just like we have today, only under a communist constitution. So you can skip the entry level "human nature" argument.
I am not going to reply seriously to you at any point in this thread. Every post you make with the goal of inciting me to reply from this point on is a waste of your time.
This is your own fault.
beaten into silence.
how pathetic and typical of a communist
This, we definitely still have a rogue mod
Other guy I was talking to, I'm going to bed because it's 5AM here, but if there's one thing I want you to take away from this discussion it's that Marxism is a very, very old and out-of-date ideology from a very specific time and place, and nobody knows this better than commies themselves. There has been a lot of tinkering around the edges, as well as some huge divergances, over the centuries. You don't hear about these in the mainstream. When you set up the same generic arguments you are arguing against an 1800s belief system that nobody believes in anymore except corpses.
I don't argue against Smithian economics because, although crucial founding work, they are no longer relevant. They have been superseded by more modern, more relevant work. The same applies to communism. Just keep that in mind - if you, in a few minutes reflection, came up with an argument that blew communism completely open, how have the people who have devoted their entire lives to the philosophy missed it? Don't you think there might be some explanation in the literature?
Anyway, that's a complex way of saying read more - which we all need to do anyway. Thanks for the discussion. Goodnight all.
>That's not a step I take.
Then I'm confused because it looks like that is exactly the step you took.
Because the economy isn't the most important thing to the everyday working man. Only to the social elite. Sup Forums would blame DA JOOS. Some things are more important than how much the elite make. For instance, flooding my country with millions of illegal spics to take jobs purely so "the economy" aka the social elite always expands doesn't interest me. It isn't just about the economy. This might be where we agree on things too. Someone needs to stop the corporations from corrupting our government and allowing that.
> I want representative democracy just like we have today, only under a communist constitution.
I dunno man, I think that would be hard to maintain. The seem so different.
My lunch break is over so I couldn't really type a great response up above. Maybe once I get back to work and can articulate better I'll quickly write up some response that's more coherent that you can read when you wake up tomorrow.
I'll sage this because the discussion is over.