Fuck Drumpf
Obama was president for 8 years.
Trump hasn't even been sworn in yet.
Didn't the black spend trillions?
>occupy democrats anything
How did Obama add any jobs? Show me the chain of events. Trump saved jobs by making a phone call directly to an employer and convinced him to keep a factory here.
What were the specific steps of Obama "adding jobs"?
Bonus: How many of those jobs were part time?
>attributing job creation to the president
Obama has never created a single job in his life, Trump on the other hand...
Nice meme, needs more sauce.
Nope. You can both add and lose jobs, but when you're losing more than you are gaining, you're in trouble. Under Obamas administration we lost more than we gained.
> According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a record 94.6 million Americans (ages 16 and older) are out of the workforce, including over 56 million women. Reasons for people dropping out of the workforce include giving up looking for work and retirement.
> dailywire.com
He convinced them by paying them, money that will come out of tax payers. And they still shipped like 800 jobs
Drumfalinas BTFO
This. Fpbp.
how will drumpf recover from this?
>in 8 years of presidency
>in 0 seconds of presidency
>convinced them with money coming from taxpayers
Ever heard of a bailout? Or is Obamas dick so far down your throats you can't gargle up the word?
Trump = New jobs
Obama = 0 new jobs
Obama looks good because loads of baby boomers retired and he can claim their vacancies as "job creation."
part time shit jobs, obama legacy i will also get quints
that pic, hahaha. please tell me they made it and not us
>>Berlin wall
millions to save 1000 jobs is nothing.
that is 1000 dollars a job. that is literally fucking nothing
Jobs aren't the only thing that obama has appropriated btw.
>lowest job participation rate since fucking Carter
Keep being butt hurt, limp wristed, effete, statist faggots
Obama adds millions of fucking foreigners, Visa holder and illegals
Adds 40,000 part time jobs and forces American taxpayers to pay for welfare, food stamps and health care for the foreigners
Trump did not spend any money to keep the jobs, why can't the left be honest about anything.
>8 years
those occupy faggots are still around? hearty kek
The majority of those were between 16-24 and senior citizens
Obama literally sold the country to China, now Trump has to inherit all the debt and somehow save the country
why do libtards only evaluate u3?
actual unemployment is closer to 35%
sauce me on jobs he added
a lot of worse places that money could go. it's a future investment
Tax breaks aren't paying somebody anything, you fucking retard.
>Adds 40,000 new jobs a week
Being on welfare is not the same as having a job, though.
You don't understand the mind of the left. All money is that of the states and you can have what they choose to give you. To any reasonable person a tax break isn't free money, it's simply me saying I will take less of your money but to them a tax break means they will return the money to you.
When you realize this is how the left thinks it makes things so much more clear. It's why the EU had a little bitchfit about Ireland attracting all these companies from around the world with their low tax rate, they equate with you not taking as much as you giving money essentially. Fucking bizarre
They're just taking the BLS figures for net job growth during Obama's 8 years and dividing them up. Obama can take some credit for jobs that were created and saved because of the Stimulus Package and extending unemployment insurance, but it's next to impossible to parse out the difference between jobs Obama "created" through policy and jobs that would have naturally occurred because of a recovering economy.
You forgot to mention that they consider creating a "new job" as switching around people ina company e.g. making the current janitor a secretary and vice versa.
>1 post by this ID
is that a meme image or an actual image
because if its for real
>J U S T
It has the same effect on the budget, so targeted tax credits are called spending through the tax code. The government giving you a tax credit for the mortgage interest deduction on your house has the same economic effect as sending you a check every month to help pay your mortgage.
he didn't give them money, he gave them the ability to pay less taxes and remaining in america, or go to mexico and pay expensive tariffs to import their product
America First!
is fake i post it for a free (you) :3
then the administration will use a smaller budget or find other way for the government to make money, maybe privitazing national parks or some brench of the government
The GM bailout cost us 11.2 billion, that was the amount lost not the total bailout. Fyi
>have worked so 50hrs a week
>drop worker to 25hrs per week
>hire second worker to do the other 25hrs per week
Congrats I just doubled the number of jobs
>have 2/3 people not working
>66% unemployment rate
>1 person says they're not looking for work anymore and have dropped out/given up
>conveniently stop counting this person
>now have 1/2 people not working
>50% unemployment rate
Dropped it by 16% guys, am I your lord and savior or what?
>occupy democrats
"millions" from indiana state coffers that they probably offered prior to trump securing the deal.
How dishonest. Sad.
>Japanese Mogul Starts on Vow to Trump to Create 50,000 U.S. Jobs
yo 40k aint shit nigga get fucked
That money will not "come out of tax payers". A tax break is you keeping more of your own money. It was already their to begin with so it isn't "giving" them anything, it is taking less.
They used to teach basic economics in school instead of cultural sensitivity and how to be a faggot for profit and glory. Sad.
40,000 a week * 52 weeks in a year = 2,080,000 workplaces
Obama was 8 years in office.
2080000 * 8 = 16,640,000 jobs total
There are 7,400,000 unemployed.
>There are 7,400,000 unemployed
I trust those numbers as much as I trust a nigger.
>pays 1,000 people millions
>complains that bosses don't pay enough