cant maek sheid ub
>listing Greenland as Denmark
Kill yourself.
the fuck am I looking at blud?
Second languages.
I assume it's the second most popular language by country
Whoever made this was fucking retard.
Calling Czechia and Slovakia as SLOVAKIA is heresy. We have older history and basically they are fucking nothing, kill yourself gypsy.
It shows what the second most spoken language is.
>not creole
we are magyar cigany :DDD
Isn't it the same language?
Is that the new Europa Universalis V map?
people in glasses houses
Get rekt retard, besides I'd rather have our immigrants learning swedish, than swedes learning arabic.
>Ireland: Galeic
>Belarus: Belarusian
>besides I'd rather have our immigrants learning swedish, than swedes learning arabic.
>Arabic set to become second largest first language in Sweden
>More than 155,000 people in Sweden spoke Arabic as their first language in 2012, a number which is expected to have grown exponentially since.
In 2015 alone, Sweden welcomed 165,000 migrants and refugees, many of them from Arabic-speaking nations.
the French speak English?
I've seen so many variants of that pic. Sauce?
English is mandatory through all your scolarship but pupils don't give a single fuck about it so people still can't talk or understand for shit
why is Spanish the most popular in the UK? are chavs really prepping that much for Mallorca?
Germany has Turks, Britain has Poles, Turkey has Kurds... we have Swedes.
isn't Spain basically your Florida where people vacation and retire to?
English is our second most spoken language.
Catalan speaker here.
Sadly, in Ireland second language is Polish already, look it up.
no,almost all more frequently spoken "dialects" on the balkan is considered its own language because of nationalistic bs.
else this language would also be the second most spoken language in austria and not turkish.
Only sad thing is that Gaelic is the 2nd most spoken language in Ireland. Pathetic. Ireland is rightfull British clay.
Medival Serbian and medival Russian are almost identical.First reformed language was Russo-Slav.Be Croat,give up Chavonian for new language and record it.Hundred years latter mountain nigger vlach collects words.Records same language as Croatian. Publish dictionary,but Serbia is an indepedent country before Croatia.Now everybody thinks Croatian is Serbian.Meanwhile Serbs think they are speaking Croat even though their original language is a hybrid between Bulgar and Russian.
Ugh don't know which is sadder here.
god I can't wait for Euskara to be the dominant language in Spain
Nah, it would lose all its charm as a mountain-nigger language.
You don't realize? If it was bad it would be English because that would mean that not enough people speak English. What that shows is that people want to speak a bit of Spanish next time they take a trip to mexico to fuck hookers.
you mean the language of the pure original people and the only part of spain left uninfluenced by the cliphate of cordoba
> turkshit
> europe
>pure original people
you mean the barbarians who lived like niggers in this tiny part of Spain?
But yes, you are right in on thing: they, at least, were not sandniggered.
>no source
nice try Esmeralda
technically it is
but you can blame communiggers for not being so
>said a tataro-mongol
Yeah it's called being cucked. You import masses of hispanics and now your local whites wants to learn their language. The hispancis are supposed to learn english not the other way around
Its not new information that usa is cucked. Only 60% white and they just close their eyes and laught at +90% white europe.
Better be not. Romanians can post the most abhorrent maps here
The joke is that Russia conquered the Tatars while the Turks are conquering Germany.
>not czech
Lol @ Sweden.
>when you realise you're an irrelevant nation like the rest of Eastern Europe
>Just Russia with a tramp stamp
You're not even half a country.
got cucked well, neighbours, didn't you?
i'm an american that's voluntarily learning spanish just because i think it's a beautifully structured language. debes aprender arĂ¡bica porque estais siendo invadido por los musulmanes haha
It's just too bad that I've forgotten my Swedish skills completely :^)
pls have cancer
>In sweden
You must be from the capital, friend.
For the rest of us who don't live next to niggers, I'd say Ukrainian is the foreign language we hear more often
I'm pretty sure English should be higher than Hungarian for us.
This seem to mix up spoken languages, as in the language you actually speak everyday, and known languages.
Most know English well in Poland but they don't necessarily speak it as a mother tongue everyday.