McMuffin Is Still At It

Why won't this fagit go away?

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He is a potato nigger, can't expect much

heil putler

CIA = Cuck International Agency

He got called out as a Mcmuffin. Dudes eternally assblasted.


What the fuck is this guy blabbing about?

> international
> nationalist

Christians going to side with marxists the same people who hate them and genocided them for decades. they deserve their fate.

>gets labeled by Trump
>immediately assblasted for all eternity

he was part of the (((CIA)))
all they know is taking down foreign governments

Fucking McMuffin

Someone call the UK, we have a potato problem

Oh no, not another international nationalist movement.

It really appears the CIA is losing their grip
More and more often their propaganda falls on deaf ears, their terrorists on the ground are either pussies or just completely uncontrollable

Lol, people in the west still think Putin is a white nationalist. He's a cuck for muslims. He wants to replace ethnic russians and praises Stalin, one of the worst dictators and genociders of russians.

Yea sure, those international white nationalists run over with a truck those people in Germany and killed an ambassador.

>international nationalist movement


So this guy is a confirmed CIA/Clinton plant right?

member when the CIA promoted strong nationalism?
member when the CIA helped to throw commies from helicopters?
member when the wife of the CIA agents had no black boyfriends?

I member

redpill me more because i hear this often from ruskies


Isn't he a Finno-Ugric?

>international national

does this dumb fuck have any brain cells

His head looks like a dildo with ears

Daily reminder:
Two people who weren't even running for president got more electoral votes than this cunt

more like a tenga egg

Actually there's an international anti-white movement going on right now, and what we're seeing is an opposition to that.

The truth is always the opposite of what leftists say.

why don't the CIA find white nationalists in Russia to make opposition to Vladmir "don't question the holocaust, I love jews" Putin? They could stop funding SJW shit like Femen and start funding a real opposition. "muh Putin kills journalists muh hu hu, so evil" no one cares, a big portion of the population might even think that this is a good idea since they hate the media. Get a pro-ukraine nazi white nationalist group and feed them all the information about how Dugin is a proto-commie faggot and that he has Putin's ear.

>member when the wife of the CIA agents had no black boyfriends?

Yeah, some of course, but not all Christians are going with the reds.

Fuck the reds, may every commie supporter be rounded up, and forced into giant furnaces the size of sport stadiums, made out of pure silver. Whats left of the ashes can be shot into the damn sun.

You should check his Twitter account, he talks like a SJW. I believe he even supports BLM.
This guy used to work for the CIA and is now pushing crazy conspiracy theories?

We have retarded laws on racial and religious discrimination too. When some muslims chimp out and murder a russian guy, which happends at least twice a month, they get 1 year max and of course he didndu nuffin, he good boy. When a russian defends himself from kebabs, knifes one maybe, he goes to jail for 8 years and being called a skinhead by the media. Same shit as with immigrant crime in Europe. And Putin says that Russia has big white natinalist problem. He is the same anti-white kike globalist cunt. Don't trust all the western pooteenboos. They don't live here. They have no idea. I was born and live in Moscow. Everytime I go out I see ocenas of brown faces. Every 2nd person on the street is a muslim of central asian. I barely hear russian speech anywhere.

cuck reference m8


Greenland, when do you replace the shit flag with a proper Nordic one?

He's running for the new shadow head of the Mormon Mafia - taking Harry Reid's place. Doesn't matter what party, they just need someone who can get on TV and spout absurdities, making it seem like absurd world is normal world. He's a clown, a deceiver, a domestic enemy.

reminder McMuffin is 40 years old, not married, no kids

literally a gay mormon

The CIA is and always has been a terrorist organization.

They fucking killed Kennedy.


I'm telling, those ex-commies are big cucks, white nationalist Russia is what CIA should be promoting

That much I know.

I thought you were talking about some high profile case.

CIA shill.

Fucking Muffinhead.

Let's make Utah diverse.




>international nationalism

Wait Vladmir Putin has a white nationalists movement?

They literally hate anything resembling a nazi in Russia due to war propaganda brainwashing.

These people need to stop calling others names or at least pick better insults.

I don't deny that Moscow has Muslims from central asia. But they are certainly not brown senpai. And they speak Russian, since it is more often than not the official language of those countries.

Putin is a diplomat, and a businessman. He will say things that appeal to investors. The fact is Russia is still a majority slav ethnostate, and people are fiercely nationalistic. This is it's appeal to the 60% burgers.

t. slav with dual citizenship

It's called the Ummah

Why is white nationalism a bad thing?

Stronger together my friend :)

standard christcuck practices

omg now Putin is Hitler and a nazi

you know what, i actually like that

If you're white, why would you oppose white nationalism?

Eternally assblasted confirmed


Because Hitler did that thing 70 years ago, when every single country in the world was equally as ethnocentric.

Are you colour blind maybe? Sure they "speak" russian. As much as amazonian indian trying to speak chinese with a pocket phrasebook. How do I get duel citizenship? I want off this ride.

Can you provide proofs of these laws or cases of someone getting lighter sentences cuz dindu?
Saw none of this except opposition to actual skinhead games when I was still there, surprised if it deteriorated that bad.

Is he actually this stupid? First of all, Putin hasn't created this white movement. Second of all, the international movement already exists. The entire white nationalist movement has sprung up to oppose these globalist kikes. Why are left-wingers so laughably ignorant?

If Putin is creating that he's literally the most based man alive.

because being called racist is the worst punishment someone can inflict to you

Ask Richard Spencer. He dreams of a united Eurasia and supports the EU.

You came to the wrong neighbourhood, hothead.

>an anti-white internationalist movement

Almonds... activated.

Old people deny our flag and use the Danish one that has a cross in it. They're also diehard Protestants and I've heard that my grandmother cried when her daughter dated a Catholic.

>an international nationalist movement

Most of the people who run for PotUS that obviously will not win are doing so for publicity. They want the media to pay attention to them for a year and to market their upcoming book or some other dumb thing they sell.

Richard Spencer's brand of white "nationalism" is intentionalist in its aims.

Chinks aren't brown you retarded russkie, maybe try actually dealing with actual brown people sometime

Or don't, you're better off thinking Kwan Li is the epitome of brownness than dealing with Jamal


>Can you provide proofs of these laws

282 article of the Criminal Code Of Russian Federation

If you want MUH PROOFS be ready to use google translator, because they're all in cyrillic.

You mean globalist? He might as well be Jew.


>race war
>picking your side

yeah, no. That won't play out as well as some might hope

faggot jew thinks he's fucking Evan MonMothma

Not all chinks, idiot. I used the term "brown" for retarded burgers like you and you're still assblasted.

what do you think the jews are retard

Oh an btw, we deal with Jamals better than you 52% white cucks. Our africans are the most timid and mannered ethnic group here.

Sure, but I think he more specifically focused on euraisa as opposed to the whole world. That is why I would call it internationalist rather than truly globalist. Personally I want nothing to due with such things. Ethnonationalism is the only viable solution. We can still have shared goals without giving up sovereignty and independence.

Я жe гoвopю, я нe тaк дaвнo пepeeхaл из paшки. Пpoчтy бeз пpoблeм.

Why are they spouting conspiracy theories now. I thought that this is Sup Forumss job.

Wait a second, all these laws don't mention specific ethnicities that I can see. This is all classic crime law that considers actions taken against a religion, ethnicity, gender etc due to said characteristic to be a hate crime.
Can you give proofs of this being actively used in favor of muzzies but not vice versa? I.E. cases of unequal application of said law?

>centered around Christ
>not christian

Reminder that mormons are a jewish cult and (((Evan McMullin))) was raised by a couple of dykes

>Can you give proofs of this being actively used in favor of muzzies but not vice versa?
No such cases exist. We did had some issues with people being prosecuted for shitposting about religion, but it was shitposting against Orthodox Christianity.

Pan-European might be a better term. It's the same principle as German or Italian nationalism pre-unification, just on a larger scale
