How do you justify this Sup Forums?

How do you justify this Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:égantic_rail_disaster

elders already agreed to the pipeline
most protesters are dirty hippies

They couldn't defend their land against invaders. It's solely their fault.

The noble savage was literally holding out for money for the property rights of a different tribe.

They didn't give the slightest fuck about the land.

How many indians died for the cause?

They were offered money and accept it. Then changed their minds and said no pipeline you paid us for. Almost like they were Indian Givers.

So they paid the state or the county or fucking Xenu to put the pipeline a few miles away and the Indians want their money back.

*sad trumpet*

Isn't a pipe safer than a truck moving the oil?

Those prairie niggers should respect my culture

>Indian Givers.
I live in Best Dakota and I still have no idea where this term came from.

Maybe if the pipeline was for Listerine there wouldn't be any protests.

We need to burn more oil to heat up the Earth so we can see what's under the Antartic ice.

>How do you justify this Sup Forums?
The pipeline wasn't actually going to be on their land. It is a false narrative.

>picture implying it isn't mostly white liberals travelling miles just to oppose "the man"

It's an expression older than your state. So, seeking the meaning within your borders is a little shortsighted.

You really think those casino niggers had "sacred Earth" traditions? Or was it that they never advanced their civilization beyond the stage of stone age hunter-gatherer and thus had never considered utilizing Earth's resources?

For example the way they harvested maple syrup was to hack huge gashes in a tree. A tree wouldn't last more than a few seasons before dying this way. Compare with modern 5/16th spile with check ball and how quickly these holes heal.

In any event, fuck those buffalo niggers. They have failed in the game of evolution.

They're going extinct.

>How do you justify this Sup Forums?

What, midgets?

I don't know, but they sure are funny

Guess I should give my state back to the Indians then :-(

>government and oil company say they are building a pipeline
>consult drunk redskins "Hou, we want you help consulting with where we should build it"
>they ignore them, get drunk and rape their daughters like usual
>pipeline finally gets built and once it makes it to their reservation they chimp out like the whiskey niggers that they are

fuck 'em

what about their sacred traditions of getting drunk off of mouth wash and scalping children?

What do you call the only white guy on the reservation?

>the bartender

What do you call a puppy on the reservation?

>A happy meal

>Indians were paid by white man for "their" land
>want their land back after being paid for it
>Indian giver

A group of Americans standing for their rights and asking fair compensation. For what they believe they are own. It's fine in my book, meme racists only hate them for their Shitty ethnicity, and meme liberals pretend to care for the same reason.

Any big political action against the elite is fine in my book. FUCK the Jews, fuck the hippies, and fuck all corporate shills


Yes, much.

I fucking hate environmentalist cucks.
They all have the literal minds of children calling everyone who doesn't do their way evil.

Spare us your platitudes, native, your lectures on the evils of
colonization and cultural appropriation. Spare us your pity and petty
anger, your stories of woe and white guilt.

You talk about your
great culture, your harmony with nature, your way of life. Yet where
has it gotten you? Where are your feats of engineering, your voyages of
discovery? Where are your scientific advances, your technological
wonders, your insight into the nature of Creation?

Even at our
basest, when we dressed as you do, hunted as you do, lived as you do, we
did more then merely survive. We built wonders. We forged epics. We
established monuments in God's name. We carved our names in stone and
secured our place in history. You did not.

We came to America in
search of land, resources and religious freedom. Whether you had
welcomed us (as you did) or driven us off, the result would have been
the same. And in a thousand years you would have not have changed from
your contact with the white man. We would return once again more
advanced and enlightened, to still find you living in your huts, hunting
with bows and spears, communing with your "Great spirit"; a sad parody
of civilization, lacking that special spark to become something more.

you refused to advance, to adapt, to improve, you yourselves doomed
your "culture" to a painful death. To blame us for your demise is as
useful as blaming the sea for washing away a sandcastle.

You had
the run of this land for thousands of years, and because you wasted that
time, this land has been taken from you. And above your graves we push
forward, ever improving, ever expanding, constantly reaching for a
higher plain of existence.

Why the fuck do you think they're were building the pipes in the first place? The the more people there are the bigger are the needs for an pipeline.
>muh diversity needs the pipes

you're a bit late to that strawman meme

Pipelines are safer than rail and trucking, decreases CO2 emissions as well. Buffet just doesnt want oil being taken off his railroads

but native indians aren't white! they literally cannot do anything wrong.


getting paid for the land, then saying wait no never mind we want the land too it's sacred is pretty kike like.

It's what they've always done.

>Defend the earth
Totally why they hunted entire areas barren and then moved on, right?

They had the same instinctual behavior to consume as much as possible around them as early Europeans, and given another millennia would have maybe reached the point where they had the technology to do some real damage.

The only thing holding them back was their lack of development of even basic tools like wheels and fire. Not some made up bullshit religion centered around the Earth.



>whiskey niggers
Wew lad, that's going in my encyclopedia of racial slurs.

>Why the fuck do you think they're were building the pipes in the first place?
Well, they were planning to build it near Bismark until the people there were worried about THEIR drinking water.

I thought they were called "Smuggies"
And it's not late when you're currently doing the exact thing in the picture. :^)

>You had the run of this land for thousands of years, and because you wasted that
time, this land has been taken from you
I bet you the muslims in Europe feel the same way about the whites there, boyo safe
Are you sure about that?

>Buffet just doesnt want oil being taken off his railroads
And yet, if you invested, say, even $10,000 into something and I came along and did something to make your investment collapse, you'd be pissed off, wouldn't you? Come on, it's okay to admit it.

I'm sorry I must be missing something. Looking at the map, why can't they just build it a few miles north?

ND fag here. The tribe was offered 1 million to have the pipe go through their reservation. They held out for more money. Company said ok we will divert it somewhere else then. THAT's when the Indians got butt blasted and started making it about water safety. (still I don't like the prospect of millions of people water supply, the Missouri river, getting an oil spill) I get my water from the Red River lol. It flows north into Canada and my shit literally flows into Canada everyday. Thanks!

Why not build both? It is entirely possible and would be benefits to all

Environmental causes are the one place where Sup Forums is completely blue pilled

>the whiskey niggers were literally forced to sell their land

nice meme.

Bismarck resident here. They were not planning to put it north of here. The current crossing was chosen bc several pipelines ALREADY CROSS at the site. Fuck off pls.

I don't give a shit about "ancestral lands" though, all that matters is that refugees are being allowed into economically stable, predominately white countries because the leaders are morons

how many times have underground pipelines spilled though?

Cause they're too stupid to realize that if any spill happened they'd all be millionaires.

>caring about low IQ amerindian spics

They can make oil out of Squanto for all I care. Make him useful for once in his life.

Compared to the number of pipeline operating years in the US alone? A tiny amount

and aren't almost all of the protestors white liberals?

>protecting the earth
>hunting bison to extinction before we even got here and we just did it better

By force. That's how everything on this earth is eventually justified. It's a doggy dog world out there, get over it bleeding heart faggot.

The indians probably dont even own the land. Almost every foriegner, listen up. Almost 90% of indians live on government funded reservations, and live entirely on welfare. They don't get to have a voice. They exchanged it for the land, and the money they spend.


wow a windswept mountain fucking kill yourself

>Dont worry you stupid minoritys us whites will be offended on your behalf.

>Muh sacred land
Most Native Americans give jack shit about this shit until some company with money is involved.
They fucking dump garbage and other shit in their "sacred lands" constantly. They leave their "sacred lands" to rot.
Native Americans are fucking gutter trash. Thank god there are so few of them.

Military base with nukes. No civilian stuff can be built within a certain perimeter.

Fuck Indians.

Even if they are objectively right, I side with the pipeline, because FUCK INDIANS

>literally forced to sell their land
Never said that

No, you fuck off.

The leaders there don't give a shit about the muslims coming in just as much as the leaders here don't give a shit about oil spills (which is a very big reality if you made the effort of a 5 second google search) - but they both call it progress.

buffalo are qt animals. we should domesticate them and keep them as rideable pets.

>It's a doggy dog world out there,
It's dog eat dog.

Well if they wanted to get their way they could've always invented better weapons instead of spending all their time on crafts and fucking basket weaving.

>implying dogs are as savage as blacks

We have something like 2.5 million miles of oil pipelines already. SJW faggots just wanted something to virtue signal and feel superior about.

>Are you sure about that?
Oh you care about the environment and safety so much huh?égantic_rail_disaster
This is what happens when a train with crude oil derails- over 45 people die and entire towns center is demolished. But no a pipeline is much more dangerous right? Tell that to family members of the victims and the people in that community.

And if you cared about the environment you'd be saving shitloads of CO2 going into the air, also less congestion on the roads.

>And yet, if you invested, say, even $10,000 into something and I came along and did something to make your investment collapse, you'd be pissed off, wouldn't you? Come on, it's okay to admit it.
I didnt realize people like you cared so much about supporting billionaires?

>being this new

Newfags like you are a diamond dozen.

Go home newfag this isn't it.

another "cube" structure.
Anything important is underground or in space

He's being a double's advocate for sake of argument.

>>literally forced to sell their land
>Never said that
if they didn't want whites around they should never have sold their land.

opposition completely funded by warren buffett. Liberals are the biggest patsies of billionaires...


Also, reminder that Native Americans have taken a huge boon in the fracking revolution, as extraction on their lands proved possible.

you're just as bad for trying to make the same joke in a chain like reddit

>old wise indian maymay


yeah nevermind they killed off all the megafauna in Americas

6 gorillion times safer actually.

>our sacred tradition of always getting in your way
>by inventing the wheel and actually going somewhere unlike injuns

>Are you sure about that?

t. Guy who dies pipeline risk assessments for a living

Why are political cartoonists such retards? Do they really need to label the guy in riot gear POLICE?

They didn't want the pipeline on their land so it's not. It's now on private land which those natives have no say over. Now they want to illegally prevent the private construction of a pipeline on private property.

Liberal smuggies are usually terrible. They can never get their point across with typing large blocks of text and generating strawmen arguments.

In many ways:
1. The pipeline is not on their land.
2. They were offered huge sums of money but they declined.
3. There are already hundreds upon hundreds of pipelines spanning all across the country (someone please post the map, I'm on my phone).
4. The only reason why this became such a big deal is because of professional protesters hired by billionaires who would lose a lot of money if the pipeline got built.
5. There's absolutely no argument against the pipeline, only arguments in FAVOUR of it. The US could literally sink the Saudis and hurt Russia if Canada and the US give the green light to give some damn use to their oil, but nope! They'd much rather be a bunch of hypocrites and buy their damned oil.

this pretty much

yeah but that backfired wit HUGE losses for everyone involved when the Saudis increased the slow of spice from Dune.

why invest in obsolete tech? of course the reason is construction cronies need their gibsmedats.


>ancient burial grounds
literally all of the earth is an ancient burial ground. What does "ancient burial ground" even mean? We should have no commerce or infrastructure ever because people get buried when they die?

the US doesnt get oil from Saudi Arabia why are you lying?

america gets its oil from north america.

Aww, is this Trump's fault yet, even though Obongo hasn't helped them for years? Should Trump now help these losers who voted overwhelmingly against him and could never be appeased?

and celebrities

This meme is shit. US have strict laws and safety regulations for oil pipelines and this pipeline doesn't do anything to their water.

>the US doesnt get oil from Saudi Arabia why are you lying?
more oil in the market = rip in peperonis saudis. they're already struggling as it is.

If you actually read the article you would see that crossing north of bismarck never made it beyond initial planning. We didnt have them move it. The site was chosen because it was SAFER.

that's Alt Right in a nutshell

actually they are decimating Russia, who you obviously shill for semiprofessionally

Kek, it's okay Hans, those "poor, innocent refugges" didn't care when they raped a bunch of your women on New Year's Day.

And considering, in this world of feminist-theory, "my body my rules", "just because I'm wearing this doesn't mean consent" that your own police blamed the women for dressing like that, sounds like the muzzies were objectively right according to the police.

>Oh you care about the environment and safety so much huh?
>This is what happens when a train with crude oil derails- over 45 people die and entire towns center is demolished.
How many trains carrying oil derail versus the number of pipeline spills that occur? And better yet, how many gallons of oil gets spilled in a derailment versus when a pipeline busts a leak?

>Tell that to family members of the victims and the people in that community.
I gladly will. At least they have drinking water to replenish their tears. :^)

>I didnt realize people like you cared so much about supporting billionaires?
Nice job avoiding my question, but if Warren Buffet doing this matters to you (and again, I would like to see the proofs), then if they had just built the pipeline somewhere else, anywhere else, away from them (like through Bismarck) then the indians wouldn't have any right to protest a pipeline not going through their area, Buffet wouldn't be able to get involved in this as effectively and nobody would care.

Then considering the amount of pipeline spills that happen, I guess the better question is why are you so bad at your job?

>liberal smuggies
>immigrants pissing in fountains and ruining Europe
Fucking lol, man, come on, try again.

I'm shilling for Russia? Don't you see I'm in favour of an oil pipeline in the US? Pffftaahahaha, go suck some Saudi dick, faggot.


Long story short: Business before feelings.

Reroute the pipe.


Pipeline isn't even being built on their Rez
and yes liberals do deserve to be killed by muslim pets