>9 people killed by muslims
>Sup Forums: "ban muslins"
>900 people die from gun violence a day in america
>Sup Forums: "woah let's not be too hasty, gun laws are perfect"
>9 people killed by muslims
>Sup Forums: "ban muslins"
>900 people die from gun violence a day in america
>Sup Forums: "woah let's not be too hasty, gun laws are perfect"
lmao Sup Forums btfo
Sup Forums just got roasted BADLY
kys samefag
>900 niggers die from gun violence a day in america
It's like you faggot shills aren't even trying
I love Islam
>9 people killed by muslims
>Sup Forums: "ban muslins"
>900 people die from gun violence a day in america, most if not all perpetrators being niggers
>Sup Forums: "ban niggers"
Sup Forums is rather consistent if you ask me
>900 niggers kill themselves with guns
>Sup Forums: "ban niggers"
>achmed: "woah lets not be too hasty, you don't want to be racist do you?"
welcome to Sup Forums, newfriend
>First scenario: blame the person
>Second scenario: blame the tool
Do you see what you did wrong? I get the feeling that most of Sup Forums agrees that the mentally ill shouldn't be able to purchase fire arms. That way you are blaming the person and not the tool. Most deaths caused by guns are from niggers using illegal guns anyway, so banning guns wouldn't even bring down the number that much.
if not for guns we'd still be ruled by Britainistan
that fired up my neurons and you are completely right
>Isolated incident
>Number one motive of terrorist attacks
Continue, I want you to simulate an entire Sup Forums thread by yourself.
They're both tools. People are weapons too.
You know op thats a good point.
Maybe banning niggers is a better option.
guns dont have a religion that tells them to kill as many outsiders as possible
>isolated incident
you mean the first means to carry out terrorist attacks and murders? yes, thats guns
If not for American jews Britannia would still rule.
Thanks for ruining everything I hope the 30 years of success were worth the destruction of the entire white race
>i dont know how post IDs work
Wtf did you mean by this one? It doesnt make sense based on your other posts. Getting the flag wrong as well? Almost makes me think you are a master troll, but that should be impossible based on your first shitty posts
What are you talking about? Sup Forums routinely advocates the deportation of niggers back to Africa.
>900 people die from gun violence a day in america
Mostly niggers and suicides so who cares
We don't want to ban muslims.
We want to exterminate them.
With guns.
You literal faggot.
Go kill yourself Ahmed.
most people who commit crimes are white people
most serial killers are white too
>muh percents
White people still commit more crime than black people
>900 people
Niggers aren't people.
leafs cant even bait properly
>what does proportional mean?
>9 people killed by muslims
>Sup Forums: "ban muslins"
>900 people die from gun violence a day in america
>Sup Forums: "Hang Niggers"
White people never kill, and if they do, it's all staged with crisis actors and sheeeeit.
> pol logic
>t. paki.
Go fuck yourself you goatfucking subhuman.
Most gun murders happen by guns that are already illegal
>several million male refugees come to Europe
>Sup Forums: kick them out! That's too much
>several million female refugees come to Europe
>Sup Forums: yes gib me conservative waifu
>Sup Forums: BLEACHED
t. Harvard graduate of middle eastern studies
>White people still commit more crime than black people
Nope. Maybe if you count mexicans as white, which is a lie
nearly all black criminals are repeat offenders for life
Guns don't breed or vote, less dangerous than muds.
Damn, that's the saddest attempt I've witnesses in a while.
But it's Christmas, I'd feel bad if I didn't help those feeling miserable, so have a (you)
>9 people killed by muslims
>Sup Forums: "Deus Vult"
>900 people die from gun violence a day in syria
>Sup Forums: "Deus Vult"
Said no one ever
>female refugees
we just hate non whites and guns protect us from them.
stupid op.
>blatant lies
move along guys
How are we supposed to protect ourselves from criminal muslims if we aren't allowed to own muslims ourselves?
People like you are the reason our country sucks.
>900 people die from niggers shooting people
Ban niggers
Top ebin
I agree ban muslims AND niggers
>because gun control works
Boo who, no guns for you.
Guns weren't the killers, the people holding them were.
OP obviously a Moron. Look at the Deaths caused by legal owned guns and now look at the Illegal Gun Deaths. See Something ? Cant do much about illegal Guns
the right to own a gun is there since the fundation of the united states. the country is build on principles like that.
islamic terrorism is a result of what happens on a multicultural society. And, as you can imagine, multiculturalism has never been so praised like it is now.
too obvious
haha troled
>most people who commit crimes are white people
Because most of the country is White you fucking retard.
>most serial killers are white too
Unsourced and untrue.
>muh percents
>White people still commit more crime than black people
Fuck me even by leaf shill/sjw standards you're a dim one.
>people killed by muslims
>Sup Forums: ban muslims
>people killed by niggers
>Sup Forums: ban niggers
Don't really see what your problem is.
>refer to nigger violence as "gun violence"
hahaha female refugees
nigger u wat
I like this new meme. It shows you how many newfags fall for the bait. Strong work toothpaste.
But I can't keep a police officer in my back pocket to protect me from insane (read: muslim) truck drivers.
>most people who commit crimes are white people
>most serial killers are white too
This is actually not true at all.
Mestizos(beaners) and arabs are counted as "white"
>900 die from gun violence
>600 are suicides
>280 are drug related
riight. right.
kys yourself
How many gun deaths per population in Switzerland yearly ?
How many gun deaths in Honduras per population yearly ?
muslims are biggest killers of muslims worldwide why not erradicate them ?? fucking pakis are pure vile, uncivilised imbred pedophille worshippers why not erradicate them ?
Retard - there are not 350,000 gun deaths in the US every year. About 32k. About 90/day. Less than 2/day per state. Stats are fine. Guns are fine.
>banning guns will stop criminals from gaining access to it!!!!
We here in Brazil learned the hard way that is quite how it works.
A gun is not going to prevent you getting run over by a truck either, retard
Nice cherry picking libcuck. You also forgot Columbine and a couple others.
Guns are inanimate tools. Muslims are people who make decisions.
Pretty obvious distinction you dumb cuckold.
He's obviously one of those pedophille saracens we have been invaded by
>stopping people from praying the way they want to will stop them blowing shit up...
get fucked you meme loving nigger.
Have any more ES political memes?
I love cultural genocide too
>ignoring that muslim extremism is the outgrowth of everyday racism/sexism of the muslim mainstream
how many muslim girls are allowed to date non-muslim men, cuckboi? people like you are the enablers of such sexism/racism, get lost, you disgust me
shut up, faggot.
How many of the firearms used in violent acts were legally owned? If they were all swept up how much violence would still have occurred using different means? Why are these crimes being committed and who is committing them? Hmmm
>900 people die from gun violence a day in america
>Sup Forums: ban niggers
If you do the math, and assume for the sake of argument that each homicide is committed by a legal gun owner, the % of gun owners committing homicide is less than 0,0001%.
The reason gun ban won't work in america is because of Canada and Mexico
Very a few people advocate for that though, what most us want from Islam is that they do a Reformation much like Christianity did a few centuries ago.
We don't care if they blow their own shit up in their own countries, just stay the fuck out of my country.
Ok then.
Just don't forget those examples are statistically insignificant
>if there were no black people there would be no violence!
even if you remove all minority crime rates, US crime rates are still much higher than other Western cultures.
Well, speaking of... Have you turned in all your high capacity spoons yet?
guns don't kill people
muslims do
Out of all the things you could of said? Respectable.
we hate minorities to though
>mass shooting occurs
>left: we need to have a conversation about gun violence
>terrorist attack by brown person occurs
>left: don't politicize this tragedy
Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
If you van legal guns then only criminals who get them illegally will have guns.
Not Asians. Even if I lived in a post apocalyptic world where humanity was plagued by eternal nigger rule, I would still hate niggers.