Just think about it... all these happenings in Germany.. Can benefit only one party.

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only in Soros' dreams

I fucking hope not, because this sounds too good to be true. I'd move to Germany if a legit 4th Reich was born

I've had a similar theory in 2014 when the engineered rapefugee "crisis" dominated the news cycle. I've always suspected the whole refugee affair was 8D quantum checkers to bring about a 4th Reich. Although the nature of this 4th reich will be different than that of times past, it will be luciferian and part of the New World Order.

How did any of us nazi this coming?

hopefully the 2nd reich will come back, all the cool stuff with no gay nazi shit

I can work with this

I can certainly see a lot of crazy things going down in Germany.

You can only hope, they were a great ally of India, and if they come back, you might finally be able to nuke the pakies.

Daily reminder: the Blutfahne, the flah dipped in blood from the kameraden who died in the Beerhall putsch, which was used to officially anoint new flags of the Reich has never been found, no one knows where it is

ODESSA is known to exist but no details available

Hitler and chums lived in Argentina (almost certainly) and its stupid to assume that they did absolutely nothing to bring back the Reich

pic related

>Vernal by Johan Maesser is published by Nuevo Milenio and is available via the Lulu website to purchase. This is a rare work indeed, an Aryosophical and Hyperborean work which takes as its subject matter the survival of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich and their escape to an underground world in the pristine white and untouched continent of the Antarctic. The Fuehrer prepares the surviving Polar Reich for the final onslaught of the zionist-American forces.

>One interesting passage from Vernal is of particular merit: When questioned about the necessity for engaging and continuing to fight an apparently lost war Hitler replies: `"For religion", he answered, "For the sacrifice of the sons of the sun. The Great War was the battleground on which the warriors of the Reich sacrificed themselves so that they could be born again. They will thus reincarnate as pure Aryans when the final day comes and we retake the earth.The Einherjar, the Wotanic soldiers, the Last Battalion, Wildes Heer. The war was a sacrifice for the German warrior to transform himself through death."`

aryan-myth-and-metahistory blogspot co uk/2013/02/wotans-krieger-recommends-vernal-by.html

I'll also leave these here

>Within the pages of Ostara, there were articles that contained what Lanz von Leibenfels termed 'Fraja-Christus' or the new Aryan Jesus of the coming order. This obviously influenced the young Hitler enormously, especially the articles entitled Sexual-Physics as Odylic Energy.

>...announced the imminent arrival of the German Messiah who had been longed for all these dark years. The dialect in which the spirits allegedly spoke was the 'Low German' (Plattdeutsch), derived from the ancient Old Saxon tongue. However, the apparitions also came with a dire warning that this Messiah would be a false prophet who would lead Germany into destruction.

I wish man.

Are you cunts ready for the ultimate redpill?

Well fucking prepare yourself, because i'm not shitposting

You know what? I was recruited recruited, not by the Nazis, but by the roman empire!
the romans are coming back, they were never defeated, they lived in the shadow
they will be coming back soon, people from the roman empire, real roman legions

a call to arms will be issued.

you guys need to be ready and shill extra hard for Julius Caesar, you might be chosen for a special position. Even if you don't get chosen the roman government will let all ethnic whites come.

ave caesar

You may THINK you're joking. But realize this: the OLD European aristocratic elites who truly control us? The oldest of those bloodlines go right back to, you guessed it, Rome itself.

There are meetings all over the country, mostly in the really small villages but they're all in contact with the big ones and the surrounding countries.
Have you heard about all the "Reichsbürger" they're fucking right now over here? Enormous weapon and ammunition storages everywhere, countrywide.
They're not stupid either, they have chemists, biologists, botanists and what not. Shit's all planned out, has been for years.

There even were rumors that some guys are messing around with chlorine trifluoride again, just like back in the days but with modern minds.


spotted the cuck volksverrater

kek I remember this thread

Japan goes older

You realize noone ever tried to kill the Emperor even as we nuked their people?

now everything becomes clearer.

This is like asking if the Romans will be back because the new Pope is a fag.

Stop it.

>the pope is a fag

Borgia was the last decent pope, assmonkey