Do you fool around with your mates, rednecks? Remember, no homo.
Do you fool around with your mates, rednecks? Remember, no homo.
>New york mag thinks it knows anything about rural folk.
Made me kek.
No way, that's what sheep are for.
Maybe they're actually gay people who live in the country?
Or, you know, this is another bullshit article?
We need welsh flags on this board.
(((bud sex))))
Sad, they said they were with the gays but when they're white they don't like them
>hurr even straight guys are gay
No those are fags
the author is a poo in the loo
I was shocked to discover that most if my male friends all did gay shit with each other back when they were in their teens.
Luckily they're more friends of a friend but still, I see them often enough. Animals
If homosexuality is inborn, then how can straight guys do it?
Don't project your countrymen's pastimes into us, thanks pajeet.
"I saw it in a (((movie)))!"
>yeah guys, people are totes gay in the south!
>isn't it ironic? You know? Because they are always soooo bigoted towards the lgbt community
>yeah I was in Baltimore for three hours. That's the south, right?
I hate their subversion
That's my favorite magazine from now on.
>this much astroturfing
Did you guys read any of the article? They recruited the men they studied from men-seeking-men boards on Craigslist.
No actually straight man goes to the men-seeking-men board on Craigslist. This article is fucking stupid. The other study they cited dealt with prison rape and military hazing. This is just a cultural hit piece - fake news. Move on.
> Cute blonde guy-friend nervously offers to 'practise' sex and kissing with me.
This is my fetish.
As an rural outdoor type straight American male, let me recall all instances of such an occurrence for you: let's see now...thinking...calculating...and there we have it! The number of instances is ZERO (0).
>hehe every goy is gay lemme just compose this bullshit real quick, you think you can have any remnats of masculine role models?think again goy, we will destroy it
Cockhole using JewYorkmag unironically.
Not suprised.
You hung out with some real faggots then, none of my friends did any of that shit. In fact we would have beat their ass if they did.
I don't know about the U.S but rural men hunt fags as a sport down here
>straight men
>have sex with other men
Kill yourself Americans
Our flag is literally Satan.
Straight rural man here. If someone approached me for "bud sex" I'd call him a faggot and to get the fuck away from me.
This is fake news.
>not having a cute twink country guy over to snuggle on cold, snowy mornings
>zero percent chance of aids because he is white and you are both from the country
>play video games, order some takeout, and still be friends after
No regrets, will do it again this weekend ;)
He thinks he is a liberal, but his heart is basically conservative. By that, I mean he has been convinced by others that he should believe in liberal things, but his method of thinking and natural instincts all tell that he has a great big, beautiful wall in his heart. All I do to make him melt is give him what he actually wants.
>Sup Forums will never engage with a barely 20 twinkish type that is on the verge of being redpilled
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_
|______________|||__|__|__|]beep! beep!
Go fuck yourself and your stupid spelling. Its practice you fucking faggot.
I've slept with men, I don't even feel that I´m gay. Lately I've been binge watching straight porn and wanting to fuck hot girls. I feel like I went through a gay phase that I literally had to experiment with just to know that I'm gay.
But since I´m a social shut in getting girls will be really difficult for me, so it´s much easier just to go on grindr and meet some guys. At least it fills some sort of emotional gap.
I´m so broken as a straight man, I´m such a weak minded beta that's willing to fool around with other men just because it makes me feel wanted and safe.
fpbp. I thought that same thing.
The article is critical of it's sample group, it's more balanced than you make out, however the title is clickbait and very misleading. It is an interesting article, with a bullshit headline. It worked though I bet.
> In other words: If you, a straight guy from the country, once in a while have sex with other straight guys from the country, it doesn’t threaten your straight, rural identity as much as it would if instead you, for example, traveled to the nearest major metro area and tried to pick up dudes at a gay bar. You’re not the sort of man who would go to a gay bar — you’re not gay!
Why any sane guy would go to a gay bar full of degenerate fags, if he can have sex with normal masculine guys that live nearby? Seems just unlogical.
Anyone here find it hard to sleep without cuddling some on?
Another case of classic liberal projection.
>w-we fuck around n-no homo, surely country bumpkins do so as well
birds of a feather flock together.
Only if he's a qt trap
>or, you know, this is another bullshit article
Nooooooooo. We can't be going around saying that, not when there's "fake" news all over the place. Who else other than nymag can inform us on what actually going on in the world?
>New York Magazine Studies
I just want it to stop.
this does not fucking happen. I am a straight rural white male, and we most certainly do not have "bud sex".
This is the gay liberal media trying to normalize faggotry.
The cant conceive f anyone just having a wholesome friendship, Sad.
Personally I think there is no such thing as homosexuality.
Guys like to fuck women but also want to pair-bond and procreate.
Gay men are often hedonistic, personally I think it is just about sex.
gayest thing all day, you could probably find less gay shit on the gay boards, you faggot
They finally realized their true enemy are rural folk. Now they are trying to plant poisonous liberal ideology.
Maybe, but at least I don't make my sexuality my single issue and vote for losers like Hillary because of it.
If anything, people like me destroy the liberal sphere of influence and drag people to this side of the line that otherwise would have become activists for liberal groups.
What the fuck? I've been living in the rural Midwest practically my whole life, and I've been around the country, I've never fucking heard of this "budsex" stuff.
first post best post
I was always an autist so did not get invited to the cool kid parties but years later learned all the skater and skinheads would circle jerk and more every weekend while I was home trying to beat Sonic 2.
I'm shocked that you still think that you're any better than they are if you associate yourself with them often.
Never change, Omar.
Fake news, ultimate Jew York edition.
>uses trip code
Maybe less gay, but with 200% more aids.
Would you rather two young white guys that can pull it off or shanequier dominqua the manslut unpassable black tranny girl from craigslist degenerate the space around you?
>lived in rural America my whole life
Never heard of bud sex. Ever.
What constititues gay though? Me and my mates once all had a fap session in the woods for some odd reason, something about the atmosphere and the smell of the damp ground set it off, we all kept our distance and just cranked it out. Is this gay or just horny teens?
Checks out. What do you think happened in your life that prevents you from being a little more independent?
On the appointed day, your rope will be EXTRA long.
The kikes will never stop attacking "fly-over states", will they?
"Everywhere I go, I must create subversive propaganda."
t. The Eternal Jew
>he has a great big, beautiful wall in his heart.
Wow, poetic.
>twink country guy
How such thing even supposed to look? Fuckboi with Justin Bieber face in cowboy boots?
They shit on these people non stop.
>Why didn't they vote for muh queen
I think the biggest takeaway here is how alien normal white people and their cultures are to these authors. "Bud sex". This is like the "Bromance" shit from years ago.
> We're just two heterosexual buds, bro
> nothing subversive going on bro this is how buds like us talk
The only people who speak this way are roleplaying furry homosexuals.
Yeah, I got a sex-bud. We do bud-sex all the time. No homo though.
We tell each other we love each other, go on dates, live together and occasionally fuck. It's not gay though. Just straight guys fucking around.
Been like this for about five years now. Totally no homo though
I have a tiny bit of autism, it's so mild that people can't see it. I've never been the kind that really wants to hang around with people, when I was younger I thought that everybody in my class was a scum, I just couldn´t relate to them.
I just have this need to want to be alone...
Is this related to that Big & Rich Song "Save a Horse [Ride a cowboy]" song which is alleged to be about gay sex?
>Implying the gay guy wouldn't overpower you and cram your face into the mud as his dick slips up into your tight little ass while you cry unending tears.
That's pretty gay
Masturbating alongside other men is faggotry
I want to go to the UK and find cute boys to do gay shit with
Grateful you live on Iceland, where absolutely nobody lives and you're more isolated than Australia.
Because it's not a thing only jewish/marxist propaganda.
that one caught my attention the being into middle aged is a sexual orientation, the slippery slope or liberal logic. 'wanting to fuck old people is normal, so like fucking kids is nomarl to'
Lieberal wet dreams lol
This is like all those gay guys raping women.
Bullshit. This is exactly the same as articles that say Hitler had a micro penis and a single testicle. They're just trying to demonize rural conservatives by calling them faggots.
What? Why do you say that?
But you said you need to feel wanted and safe?
yeah this is a subtle fuck you for voting trump kind of thing
Nah mate, we were boys
>New Yorkers can't tell me that fucking my m8 is gay
Ok faggot, MSM is wrong you go fuck your buddy now, the coastal elites won't laugh at your degeneracy.
Yeah actually that could be a sexual fantasy like this movie with two faggot cowboys.
lmao at the losetwd fags ITT. There's nothing gay about swapping head and frotting with a bro, it gets lonely out in the country and besides, it's just fun. Sometimes I like havong a few guys up at once and just spend the whole day naked, drinking and cumming.
>he has a great big, beautiful wall in his heart.
The glory hole has to be in a wall you dirty fucking raging faggot.
There's likely >500 gay porn comics with that exact premise so you tell me
There's a play that takes place the state over from me where two kids tied some other kid who was gay to a fence post and beat the shit out of him, leaving him to freeze to death. Although the real cause was drug money or some shit, not that he was a fag.
Point being we tie faggots up to fenceposts and leave them to freeze to death around here.
Lol, sure. Keep pretending you're hard, cos our dicks are harder still for you and they will be inside of you.
actually this is true
i live in the heartland and aids is rampant
What I get from that article is that if a guy portrays traditonal values, and occasionally fucks a butt without making a bunch of "look at me! I'm a FAAAGGOT!" fanfare about it.. Thats *wierd*?
I could care less if a guy is 99% straight, for 99% of the time, and that remaining 1% has a cock in his mouth because he likes it. If these cowboys are bi to some degree that doesn't mean they have to go full on pride parade about it. That's not the rural way. Fucking another dude doesn't magically alter a married guys life if he doesn't let it. Libtards looking for issues to discuss that nobody in the midwest will read or care about.
If you are male and engage in sexual activity with or around other males, that's faggotry. Straight men never even consider something like what you described
Bud sex is the faggiest name for a muddy rutting that I've ever heard.
I want both, it´s hard to explain. I really don´t like the grinding that is socializing and meeting people, that's a stressful grind but I do want friends and people to fuck...
If you build 10,000 bridges, you're a bridge-builder
If you build 10,000 bridges and suck one cock, you're a cocksucker
>Charlie, I'd like to, but my bails aren't going to stack themselves today. Maybe tomorrow?
I just can't quit you bullshit.
This. This is a fag's fantasy posted in a magazine for fags.
Stay in your own country and rape people over there, Abdul.
Making that distinction is an implicit admission of your homoerotic sexualization of younger men. That's the gayest fucking thing you could have said