Goyim what's YOUR final solution to the jewish problem?

you can't really kill us all, we have enough nukes as a samson option to literally end humanity if faced with extinction

so what would you REALLY prefer happened to make you stop hating jews? in the pratical and geopolitical reality, and logistically viable way
what do we need to do so that you would finally stop bitching about us?

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop being jews, it's gotten you removed from and persecuted against in almost every single society you integrate in to, because you can't help but be fucking jewish

I don't hate Jews.

That being said, if they all fucked off to Israel, that'd be great.


Deport them all safely to Israel where they can continue to colonize Muslim territory.

that's like telling a nigger to go and be white
I'm talking about jews as an ethnic group or nationality, not as practicing religious people (since most israeli jews already aren't)

you two are officially zionists now

Of course. Israel is the Jewish homeland, if they can keep it.

>you can't really kill us all, we have enough nukes as a samson option to literally end humanity if faced with extinction

Solve your internal problems or you'll be annihilated guaranteed.

The soviet union was founded mostly by jews from new york. Together with the media bolshevik jews (now pushed out of russia and spread throughout the west) have been pushing the multicult agenda to mongrelize the whole human race into slavish moronic cattle.

You think the progressive kikes are going to exempt the ordinary jew from destruction?
They're trying very hard to open Israel, too.

Oh and quit the fake holocaust shit. That was just the western media and soviets (same kikes from new york) projecting their own genocidal tendencies onto germans.

The entire west should join forces and remove kebabs then give all that land to the jews so they fuck off and never leave their big ass country ever again.

Preferably we also have a giant wall around it.

Put you in a spaceship and hope you jew some alien race instead


you think I don't know that?
Hazan is the reason BDS and the goldstone report even exist, and she is Soros' lapdog
hell just google "sudanese tel aviv" and see that we've faced (((funded))) enrichment just like Europe

that's the reason I said logistically viable. what exactly do you propose we do about top jews? they're not israelis, they don't give two shits about our existence (much less survival), and we don't have the funds to mossad their asses
hell they have more money than our entire fucking GDP

>we have enough nukes

No, you don't. You can fuck a lot of us up but you don't have enough to cause a nuclear winter, silly kike.

I'd like to see all jews and muslims deported to the Middle East and the entire region then quarantined. We don't go in, you don't come out.


why do you think we got kicked out INTO earth

Give you weapons and let you have fun with the shitskins in Israel. Clearly you enjoy their blood as much as we enjoy their tears.

I do not hate Israeli Jews. Props on your homeland. I hate globalists who wish to preserve their own little sanctuary as a ruling class while muddying the waters for the rest of the world.

Also, you literally have enough nukes to kill a few population centers in your region, nothing more.

Hypocritical globalists are the problem: Identity for ourselves, diversity(!) for all others. Elitist scum and should be crushed under heel and taught to mind their own business.

Let me know when Israeli opens their borders and homes to refugees. You have the food and resources to do your part. Are Somali welcome there?

Israel wants what is best for Israel. Fair enough. Globalists (many Jews, many such cases) want what is best for Israel perpetrated upon everyone else.

>build missile defense shields in a wide ring around "Israel"
>find their nuclear armed subs
>drop neutron bombs all over major Israeli population centers
>hope to god their nukes don't go through the shield
There, I fixed the middle east.

I don't hate jews but I can tell you what's gonna happen:
One of this days you'll get a crazy politician.
Once in power this crazy politician will open the borders, maybe not to arabs, but to subhumans anyway.
This will happen for one or two terms.
Subhumans will breed like rabbits and leech the State.
Every year more and more funding will have to go to subsidize their asses.
Crime will rise, the sense of security will be lost, unemployment will rise, wages will go down.

It only takes one or two terms Moises, that's all it takes, and then it's over.


about (((Hedva Radovanitz))), a jewish american local head of globalist NIF:
>She commented that she believed that in 100 years Israel would be majority Arab and that the disappearance of a Jewish state would not be the tragedy that Israelis fear since it would become more democratic.

sorry to burst the bubble, globalists wants Israel gone too

giggle. ok, since it's almost over for you....

read up israel fault

auf weidersehen

>we have enough nukes

I'm willing to risk it

how long they last bruh?

>you can't really kill us all,
Personally I don't hate jews. I hate the Rothschilds, the other 12 families etc. They own the central banks, they're responsible for guiding nations into war, they're the party. They own the propaganda machine, the food, the water, education, economy. I can't take it. When more people know what really happened in history and stop being ignorant then we'll see where you stand you fucking animals. You're just animals, just like us you fucking monsters.


So in other words the most powerful Jews own and control everything but you don't hate Jews............

that's literally the reason Bibi stays glued to the chair for so long, spaniard
he's a cuck that doesn't do much
but if there's one thing he doesn't allow is ruining israel's ethnic profile. that's why people just sigh, call him a useless asshole, but vote for him again anyway

then again maybe now the US has a president that doesn't love arabs, Bibi will grow a pair of balls again

The fact is the vast majority of Jews in the USA support globalism and leftism for the goyim whilst also supporting Israel. Your average Jew is a Hillary Clinton leftist not George Galloway.

final solution?
completly ignore you! we should stop using your money, stop trading with you, our politicans should act like israel never existed, no more protection for you.

this would stop the shekelflow and all your power are gone and there is nothing you could do about it.

Love it, love everything about it.

All the people that want to expel them to Isreal are just pushing the problem on to our grandchildren. They will grow up unknowing of the treachery of the Jew. It will not be over until they win or we do.


Kill moloch . It's the only way they'll get it through their head they failed.

כושי, בבקשה.

>what's YOUR final solution to the jewish problem?
why would I tell you?

>support israel
>vote democrat
choose one and ONLY one

That's why I'm a narcassit. The only God I need is my self.

Take advantage of the fact that Jews hate each other more than any goy possibly could. :^)

The muslim menace will only stall for so long the inevitable confrontation that is coming.

There's the problem... they don't "integrate"

well, all evil people have this overpowering urge to reveal their insidious master plan for others to admire and despair at it before carrying it out

I mean, haven't you played fallout?

>support Isreal by killing all the Jews.
Much better

You need to know your own religion.

You need to know there is a God, and a devil.

You need to know that the devil runs this place, and hates you people. He's always been trying to eliminate every single Jew so that the promise of God is broken.

And God has kept a remnant of you alive so that he could fulfill his promises to Abraham.

You have to get back on God's good side.

The democrat party serves Israel as unconditionally as the republicans. They just don't bleat on about it because their voting base isn't evangelicals.

You're trying to be rational. The people who hate you are irrational. They voted God and Israel out of their platform, and when caught, voice voted them back in.

But the voice vote was clearly and obviously against God, and against Israel, and the former LA mayor, Villaragosa, was instructed to pass them back into the plank anyways.

Self hating Jews are a real thing. Israel hating Jews are a real thing.

You have to get back to God.

Jews in the US intermarry with Goyim at high rates. Within a few generations, Jews will just be mixed in with the broader population, and will stop existing for the most part as a distinct population.


>We have enough nukes to end humanity

So do we.

>What can be done to end this hate?

Nothing. Deal with it forever, Jew.

no, seriously. you morons had better read the book instead of you fairy tales.

here. have a look. it's all going bye-bye.
you are no real jews anyway, so... no loss.

Y'all say that, I'd like some proof that Secular Liberal 1% Jews don't give a fuck about Israel.

I want you to rule our world so we could live in peace and friendship.

uhmm..hmmm..i got nothing

Quit the holocaust victim culture.
If it becomes acceptable to hate kikes and no longer edgy people will get bored of it- except for the tip top kikes.

sure bro.



At long last, America will have last proven that its solution to the Jewish Question is the best one.

Miscegenate the Jews into becoming Goyim.

Israel only has a few weak nukes.

Your bluff is just a bluff

They also kill muzzies, so it's an added bonus.

THIS. Seriously, what the fuck is up with that 'No, you're not allowed to deny the Holocaust!!1!!'

I just saw a faked picture of the emaciated Jew standing by the shelfbunks. It's a famous picture, and it's fucking fake! No shit we need to talk about that! Why the fuck is that not fucking news?!

Free speech uber alles!

>you can't really kill us all, we have enough nukes as a samson option to literally end humanity if faced with extinction
all it takes to solve "your" problem is a cobalt bomb fired near shore

never forget this kike

your proxy doesn't fool me, captain sweden

Jews vs Atheists is the final battle before our lord takes his place down the earth.


there is no solution, Jews are part of the plan NWO

Islam is the beast of Jewish Babylon, a combination of Israel and the US working together.

Political Zionism (Israel) and Islam will neutrally destroy eachother. and the american flag will fly over the entire arabian penisula.

Israels destruction has already been planned, their executioners already wear the black hood, wield the axe, and is the current steps of happening. Israel won't survive a black flag on the dome.

jews think they're going to get their hands on this but they're not. everyone in Israel will die killing the mudslimes they helped create.

Donald Trump is a 33rd degree freemason along with Dave Chappelle, Alex Jones, and now probably Kanye West.

Part of the plan for the NWO is the destruction of Iran, which Trump will most assuredly do because he is pushing Zionism hardcore. Trump came along to renew the faith in the presidency, something desperately needed lest they lose complete control of the US population.

the Saudi's get Iran, and will eventually march on Israel with this military alliance en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_Military_Alliance

If the US doesn't get the arabian penisula then China will.

if you people think Putin is a saint he's not. He's better than most, but you're naive if you think Russia hasn't been fucking with us, thats where the jews that fuck with our media come from in the first place

On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives which lies to the east of Jerusalem, and the Mount of Olives will be split in half from east to west, leaving a great valley. Half the mountain will move northward and the other half southward. (Zechariah 14:4)

Give me one good reason why can't you go here?

>Setup 10 years before Israel
>Significantly larger landmass
>You will only annoy the Chinese

Move them all to their own country so they can stop being subversive nepotists and usurers. Then surround them by muslims and make them dependant on goyim handouts.

Hey, that's actually pretty cool. I've never heard of that place before. Why are all the Russians coming to Israel instead of moving there?

Large capacity ovens are being built as I type.

I know what picture you're referring to- it's actually of shitty working conditions in the US.

There's literally 0 credible evidence of the holocaust. Even the nuremberg trial testimony was mostly moronic obviously fake shit like "pedal powered brain destroying radio devices the SS rode while listening to classical music" "you can cremate a body in an oven" "nazi electric chair that could kill 10,000 jews at a time" "dogs trained to rape jewish women" "machines that would masturbate jewish boys to death" etc. etc.

It's not a coincidence that the western media and the soviet union were controlled by the same jews from new york city.

When Jews embrace anti-semitism (which exists for a very good reason and didn't poof into existence because muh 'nazis') and we can all openly discuss and ideally go after the rat kikes destroying the civilized world together the world will be a better place for everyone including the Jews.

>10% of the Senate are Jewish Democrats
>they all hate Israel

Doesn't sound realistic at all

Also the important Jews in this equation are the conservative ones, who act the same as the liberal ones but whose involvement in the Republican party helped entrench the civic nationalism meme in the Bush I and Bush II administrations, ensuring the USA was flooded with poopoo people and then proceeded to fight a protracted battle (along with their pet goyim) against Donald Trump because he was against the civic nationalist "just let mexicans flood in" bullshit

Also nothing you whine about matters, if Europe and the USA fall into civil war or isolationism then Israel will cease to exist. If the USA falls into civil war most Jews worldwide will probably be killed. The Sampson Option targets major cities like London and Paris anyway- which are full of shitskins. You'd go extinct globally while wiping out the population centers of invading shitskins, saving Western civilization.

You kikes are your own downfall.

There is no Jewish problem. There is a radical zionist problem. If Zionists have their heads so far up their own asses to nuke the world killing all other jews as a Samson option, that tells us all we need to know about them.

I wouldn't be surprised as it would not be the first time you've willingly bombed Jews.

It's your right though, because GOD apparently chose you over everyone else 6000 years ago and gave you your very own piece of land forever. According to YOUR book. Kek

Send them all to Israel and watch them turn into a real nation instead of a parasitic tribe. Problem solved.

see. it's all been there. but those who make up their own stories, end with nothing.

mohamed was a tool of the vatican. there "did" exist a real religion called islam before he corrupted it, though

made-up bs by one atheist who was too smart-assed for his own good...

are all dead. the jews of today did not exist in the times of old. they were judahites. learn the difference (difficult these days with all the semantic distortion. the word jew was unknown at the time). what poses as jews today are baal worshippers. nomads, who assimilated this dead people and pretend they are legit. they are as fake as their whole existence. khazars from the ukraine. the nazis, get it?

i could go on, but this is tiresome. it will all end soon enough anyway.

Nice trips on this one. Being taboo is the greatest asset. Trump very well might be Sup Forums's killing blow. Time will tell.

I've heard the tip top rat kikes are trying to amass a large amount of jews (6m+) in israel as a sacrifice to awaken their volcano demon or something.

Who knows what these cunts believe.

Got a source for the Nuremburg testimonies?

I gotta ask to begin with, what's the level of evidence needed to prove that six million Jews were murdered?

>When Jews embrace anti-semitism (which exists for a very good reason and didn't poof into existence because muh 'nazis') and we can all openly discuss and ideally go after the rat kikes destroying the civilized world together the world will be a better place for everyone including the Jews.


Deportation of all to Israel and no stays longer than 72 hours in any other country. Probably won't fix the problem, but at least we can say we tried.

You don't have the delivery capacity to actually hit anywhere in the world do you?

Jews are white so POC will sort them out soon enough

All jews in the west get deported to Israel and banned from interfering in our politics.
It's a win-win for everyone but won't happen because the jewish nature is to be a parasitic leecher.

>you can't really kill us all, we have enough nukes as a samson option to literally end humanity if faced with extinction

We? Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism. It's avodah zara (idol worship).

You are living a lie. After taking the red pill, flee from Israel. And don't let your peers know there is a fire.

No. The only REAL way to eradicate the kike problem is to abolish the US Federal Reserve. As long as the big Jewish families control the United States' money, they will continue to rule the world.

nuremberg testimonies are online

I highly recommend the fully sourced volume "Made in Russia: The Holocaust"
vaporizing 20,000 Jews near Auschwitz with atomic energy";
- killing 840,000 Russian POW's at Sachsenhausen concentration camp (in one month, with special pedal-driven brain-bashing machines, no less), then disposing of them in mobile [sic] crematoria;
- torturing and killing Jewish prisoners to the tempo of a specially composed "Tango of Death" in Lvov;
- steaming Jews to death like lobsters at Treblinka;
- electrocuting them en masse at Belzec;
- making not only lampshades and soap but also handbags, driving gloves, book bindings, saddles, riding breeches, gloves, house slippers, etc. from the remains of their victims;
- killing prisoners and concentration camp inmates for everything from having armpit hair to soiled underclothing?

Large scale, nothing. But I personally will not associate with Jews, and remain awake to their tricks. When we finally get off this planet and become interstellar as a race I won't have to deal with your kikery anymore.

...Are you fucking kidding me?

>not be bound by technical rules of evidence

To quote Gen. Patton "it is not cricket and is semitic".

>what do we need to do so that you would finally stop bitching about us?

World wide debt jubilee as reparations for the private central banking system.

move israel to a nice tropical island away from muslims, there, world peace

Turn to Christianity faggots only real solution. The strongest foundation plus the blesseth JewKhazars will conquer the stars

>kill all muslims
>give jew entire middle east
>keep oil rights
>Ban jews in all places but midddle east


I'll look up the Nuremburg Trials. In the meantime, please come contribute to my thread, which I actually am better qualified to talk about.

You don't have enough Nukes for that or a way to deliver them far enough to nuke the world

Look at how Kenyan niggers integrate. They don't just Jamal and dartravious around. They work hard and integrate as functioning members of society. Integrate you kike

your samson option wont end humanity, it will only be suicide

pls do it.

your nukes wont travel 2 minutes without being taken down, blowing up in israel.

Why do you hate goys?

>implying things have ever worked like that in America

>we have enough nukes as a samson option to literally end humanity if faced with extinction
are you talking about American nukes or something?

This guy is a twat.

"everyone in the world thinks they're chosen and only the jews are hated for it"
Somehow this does NOT make him wonder if there might be another unrelated reason.

Stay in your own country. Don't ask us for assistance. Don't try to influence our politics. Commit genocide on all Arabs and Turks.

yes exactly, Jews again exaggerating
(muh 6 gorillion)

You can nuke yourselves in Israel for all I care.

What does this mean?

>The trials were conducted under their own rules of evidence. The Charter of the International Military Tribunal permitted the use of normally inadmissible "evidence". Article 19 specified that "The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence ... and shall admit any evidence which it deems to have probative value". Article 21 of the Nuremberg International Military Tribunal (IMT) Charter stipulated:
>The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof. It shall also take judicial notice of official governmental documents and reports of the United [Allied] Nations, including acts and documents of the committees set up in the various allied countries for the investigation of war crimes, and the records and findings of military and other Tribunals of any of the United [Allied] Nations.