When did Sup Forums become a lefty board?
Sup Forums now:
>Islam general thread
>Marxism Leninism general thread
>1/3 of threads are pol btfo
>1/3 of threads contain the word 'drumpf'
I miss all my statistics about niggers.
I'm sad.
When did Sup Forums become a lefty board?
Sup Forums now:
>Islam general thread
>Marxism Leninism general thread
>1/3 of threads are pol btfo
>1/3 of threads contain the word 'drumpf'
I miss all my statistics about niggers.
I'm sad.
Sadness increases at every update with no posts
Leftypol think that Trump's election means that Sup Forums has one and that the left is the underdog again, so they're coming from 8pol to bitch about it.
I got banned from /leftypol/ for no reason. Sad!
I hate niggers, don't let those lefty threads depress you bro. If you want I could send you some niggers from Aмepикe
What is Russian word for nigger?
Leftcucks started posting more aggressively around the time of Trump's election yesterday. It started a week before that. Really fired up my neurons.
>tfw (((someone))) is actually paying random unemployed leftards to shitpost on a Sri Lankan weaving board
there's a mod that promotes lefty threads and shuts down everything else at the first opportunity, it's part of some big plan leftypol has to divide the board.
Sup Forums never became nazis' or anyone's circlejerk echochamber. Anybody can post anything you see.
this place never changes, only the bantz do
anyways the islam/communism/lefty generals are just retard containment pens
What board is this from?
we've garnered some attention over the election.
Their attempts to split us only strengthen our resolve. That's why the board happened in the first place, no one would let us have these conversations
>le Sup Forums is one singular entity meme
drink bleach
There's not an actual Russian version of the word?
apparently they are hated everywhere.
yeah but it was funnier when niggerposting and statistics were a thing. Not really amusing anymore, just communists posting about communism and trump
I am glad actually that they don't get censored because anytime they try to discuss seriously their ideology they get exposed and ridiculed by how stupid and unrealistic they are. I say, let them come and let themselves show you what they offer, and convince yourself of how horrible and dangerous all those leftist are.
Keep in mind that they're trying to divide the white identitarians by pushing the forced Mediterranean vs Nordic meme. Best response is to not reply to lefty pol threads and make a bunch of our own threads to push them off the board. Also if we can find out which mod it is and report them to gook moot.
>he doesn't know about the raid
Some autists linked the 4plebs archived DIY thread on FB commie pages and also some "journalists" written butthurt articles about the Safety Squad too, they're trying to subvert Sup Forums now.
Pic related.
Also Brianna Literally Wu mentioned the Safety Squad recently on twitter, which brought more filth here.