German cucks acquitted a nigger who raped and killed a german girl

For the question if he feels guilty he responded that only the God can punish people.

Shamefur dispray krauts.

stop fascist propaganda now

Correction she committed suicide after being raped but they still exculpated him.


chicken coming home to roost


cuak cuak cuak

I'm sorry this refugee had to suffer through the hands of the racist court system. Hopefully he gets financially compensated and an apology.

o eternally based poland, can thee translate some of it for the rest of us worthless cucks?

Ja! Zehr gud! Das ist so tolerant :^)

So basically Germany is fucking up Europe for the third time. Cant we nuke it out of existence, with all their piss porn and annoyingly rich pensioners?

Correction n.2 she was actually double teamed by a nigger and an arab/turk.

This. How long will you let prejudice rule your countries? These poor people suffered, and clearly accidents happen when people are desperate. Any do you have to label everything and call groups of people for misfortunes of one poor misguided soul? It's 2016 for gods sake!

She was killed? A horrible accident, but we need more refugees in order to fix this population decline.


Cuckstiniaty strikes again

That's just it, we need to have another crusade.

Yes it's so funny you asshole.


You know if there is not enough physical evidence, a lawyer will recommend an acquitting the accused.

Germany isn't a lawless hell hole like oh Idk, pooland.

She probably enjoyed the multicultural experience.

Start with the war on Christmas.

Mother is crying that they killed her daughter. They set them free because apparently german courts have the rule that says ''rule in favor of the accused'' if suspects are shitskins.
I'm scared that Poland may end up the same way.
Polish posters under the clip are commenting that polish women fucking shitskins willingly so they don't need to rape them.

Yes. This is an important issue for reasons.

>this thread
I've seen only allied flags.
So I don't understand.
Isn't it what your grandfathers fought for?
What don't you like the world they built?

You do know that you are the reason europ is being ruined right now?

>murdered by magical immigrants in a rape orgy
>had time to pose for this photo
Consuming Jewish media Not even once.

All modern conflicts are articially manufactured. Nobody knows what they actually fight for.

it isnt youre being force fed a cuckold ideology

Nigger rapists in Sweden actually are getting paid for raping.

It's your country's fault. You guys elected Merkel, not us.

She committed a suicide 6 moths afterwards,

Where are you?

It's your fault that Europe is flooded. You ruined and destabilized many muslim countries, West Europe is finished but I think east europe is just a matter of time. Europeans aren't savage enough to survive, even poles who are among a most violent europeans are too pussy to control polish women.

Sure the US is responsible for most of the mess in the middle east BUT that doesn't change the fact that your cucked population elected Merkel more than once, had you chosen a decent leader who actually stood for traditional german values, Europe would probably be in better shape than today, then again most of your real men died in WWII so its not entirely your fault

>implying niggers are human
>implying niggers shouldn't be exterminated
>implying Jews don't use niggers to make themselves appear better by comparison
>implying we don't need to purge this planet of mongrel filth

When looking at the bigger picture, all of this has been orchestrated.

I forgot my picture

And you only made the problem worse, Hans. Burgers are not letting millions of refugees into your country, you are.


You did this to yourselves Europe

Poland hasn't taken even single one but you jewish morons killed europe, Germany is right next to Poland so we'll get our share of shitskins sooner or later in one way or another.

She had sex with them didn't she? Then she called it rape after she sobered up?

Bitch deserved it. And her mother should commit suicide for raising a tramp instead of yelling at a nigger for acting according to his nature.

Yeah, was she assaulted and raped in the open or did she follow these fine gentlemen home for a threesome? Because if it's the latter, she had it coming for her, her mother did too.

damn merkal got fucked up large style
dont come back to england bitch you aint welcome here

>"Fuck off, America. Stop forcing us to take in refugees from all the countries you ruined! Look, look, we just let in 500k more, why the fuck do you keep making us do this? We had to acquit a poor refugee from raping somebody's grandmother yesterday and it's all your fault!"

America isn't pointing nukes at Europe and telling you to take in refugees nor are they telling you to kick your people out of their homes to house them, acquit them of heinous crimes, or cover up their crimes in the media. That's all on you.

>muh destabilization meme

Even if that were true--and it isn't, because radical increases in immigration were already happening long before Syria and Iraq, and the overwhelming majority of immgirants aren't even from "destabilized" regions--it still doesn't justify Europeans opening the fucking floodgates to anti-European, Shariah-supporting Jihadist barbarians.

Go suck Ahmed's cock, you utter fucking cuck. Even when faced with the undeniably, concrete reality of how inhuman these shitskins are, you're still trying to blame Americans and white culture.

In this year, I might have actually believed it were it literally anybody else.

It was never your prerogative to let them in shitface. Your leaders sold you out.

"Our borders are open for everyone, and we have no limits!" - Angel Merkel Prime Minister of the USA

Lol that Muslim fag stole that line from Putin.

There was this good guy, good leader back in 1940 but I seem to remeber some fuckers coming over and ruining a good thing.

Our bad. Sorry guys.