They did it guys, you dont need to worry anymore.
They did it guys, you dont need to worry anymore
How disgustingly racist and intolerant.
call me when it's black white and red.
Holy shit right wing populist Nazis have gone too far this time
Have they seriously not done this in forever?
WTF, they really have tried to sap you of all your pride and self worth.
german nationalism on the rise
they did this too
>actually having black on your country's flag
you cucks never stood a chance
>Using the cucked flag
second reich was best reich. there is literally no reason to cuck yourself with facism.
> see the signal
> to the cuckmobile Throbbin!
> time to bring more Muslims in!
Kaiserreich>Drittes Reich
You are not better ally than shItaly.
You bring the war with JewSA for Reich.
tomorrow, demonstration in front of the parliament. Hin da!
Whew, what a relief. This is still a worrying display of nationalism though. They should display a version of the flag that shows Germany's tolerance towards its new citizens and prove it is a welcome and diverse society.
Nip is right. Kaiserreich was best, don't even consider facism
I don't get it.
German Nationalism On The Rise
Oyyy Veyyyy
>cheering for "Die Mannschaft"
I'm reporting this to Brussels for antisemitism, racism, sexism, and hate in general.
Shame on you Germany, No!
The jews won't let it get that far.
Bring back the kaiser
Conscription when?
Thats nice but how can I virtue signal on Facebook with yesterdays events? #JeSuisBerlin?
>they told me I can be anything I want
>so I became . . .
>not posting the real victim
Kek why is germany the central focus of every world war? Y'all are rambunctious souls.
This Nip knows his shit
Nationalism is what drives Muslims to become terrorists though. If people would only stop being ignorant and intolerant. Violence doesn't solve anything.
Day of the rake when?
Germany is a victim of its relative size in Europe, it's economy always dominates it's neighbors and is therefore a logical central point of interest.
Violence solves everything. The longer they try to stop it, the stronger the tide of righteous anger will grow.
Germans are an autistic people, whenever they have a goal or ideal in mind they commit to it to retarded levels.
>Cuck flag instead of the Based NatSoc flag
Try again Heinrich.
>swedecuck bashing a canadian.
Know you place, for you are far below.
>Being racist on skin color rather then nationality.
Get a load of this pleb.
goddamn leaf.
like clock work
For fuck's sake, invade and dismantle these fuckers already
You just keep pushing it Hans, another truck is on the way.
Because it's literally in the center of Europe.
Simple geopolitics.
If people would only stop being ignorant and intolerant.
> drives Muslims to become terrorists though.
i trought that terrorists are by definition intolerant, idiot.
better use the EU flag next time. Germans might get overwhelmed by all the patriotism
Don't I fucking know it. Hopful for SD 2018 though. Even if they aren't ethnonationalists.
Someone gonna get arrested for this racism!
WTF, have they forgot about hitler or something?
>this blatant display of nationalism
literally shaking
I love how leftists abuse this occasion to show their fake "solidarity" in order to get some social brownie points, but once this is over they'll go right back to being nation wrecking, fatherland hating nigger lovers.
Leftists are mentally ill and must be purged from the West.
Came here for this. Here is the video of 6 for you, Germany.
You guys realize this is just Merkel throwing a few breadcrumbs to win the election next year, right? At any other point, she'd much rather put up the Turkish flag.
>German Nationalism on the rise
No it's fucking not, you dumb cunt.
>H A
>O O
>A H
How come a truck never plows through that large group?
Really makes ya think
Fuck Merkel, she should be publicly executed for treason.
How do they do the black light effect?
pls serbia get us out of this misery
Burgercuck you are 60% kys fatass.
That's actually a pretty significant movement in the right direction for you cucks. It's sad that a flag on a building is farthest you've come in the fight against islam, but you've gotta start somewhere.
by illuminating in the night moron
we can't, our balls have been cut off
>Violence doesn't solve anything.
It kept Muslims out of most of Europe for most of recorded history.
I would say that could only be described as 'wildly successful'.
Yeah, because in Sweden fags like you take 100% up the ass.
Nice bantz, Kevin
>that webm
> that pic
The age of Germans is over.
The time of the Rapefugees has come.
that's racist and disgusting
ban assault trucks Germany
>tfw more people have died this year by assault trucks than sharks
>tfw more people have died this year by assault trucks than white males
that actually looks pretty cool
>Duplicate files exists here
Well fugg you Sweden I wanted to post it!
you mean like this?
Germany has to become a selfrespecting nation again. Let's forget about those world wars. We should help Germany to win it's proud back again. It's not about territory, although I agree Pomeriana and Silesia should have never given to Poland, because they have been part of this country since 12/13th century. It's about the soul
germans are like bots, when they finally grasp an idea they are all for it.
it's baffling that such a primitive form of life has been the center of all of this
We are tolerant now. No removal poor muslims. We got almost 6 thousand fugess in our country. Islam is religion of peace.
Oy vey shut it down!!!
Thanks for decades of ""denazification"" which made any hint of patriotism clear evidence of being a nazi.
A Swede who attacks a Trudeauist is clearly not a cuck. The right needs to stop generalizing so much, it's nothing but divide and conquer for the left. We need nationalism and encouraging and supporting other nations' nationalists. Every Western nation suffers from the leftist cancer, even you - you haven't magically been healed just because you won the election, it will be a long and painful process to uproot them and truly get the country back and kill the danger for good.