I fucked up

>be me, loser in high school
>finals week, oh boy
>have to do group debate about "sexism in oscars" aka why are there seperate awards for men and women
>everyone has talked so far except me
>girl brings up a good point: "why do we seperate based of sex but not off race?"
>she sees I haven't talked yet
>"user, what do you think"
>FUCK my social anxiety kicks in and I look around and everyone is staring at me
>what do I do what I do
>says the first thing that comes to mind: "well I think we should seperate based off race because many scientists, including nobel prize winners, have proven that there are distinct biological differences behaviorally between races"
>everyone is dead silent staring at me
>FUCK what did I just say
>Now everyone views me as a racist and no one will talk to me
Any similar experiences?

Other urls found in this thread:


You're a winner. Those race cucks are gonna hate

just be racist and don't deny it

You should have said that if we didn't separate by sex, women would never win the award.

>be me, 7 or 8 years old
>swimming classes at school
>taking it in groups of 5 to swim the width of the shallow end to check out ability
>class has one black kid
>his turn
>I genuinely warn the teacher "he cant swim he's black"
>I'd heard the joke before around others and just assumed it was fact
>Student Lifeguards sniggering, teacher annoyed
>"Don't say mean things"
>I'm confused
>Black kid: "I actually cant swim"
>Lifeguards now in hysterics
>I genuinely believe no black people can swim for like another 8 years

Can't remember ever seeing those lad lifeguards after that either.


That actually came up

We should separate people by disorders too.

Especially those with Histrionic Personality disorder.

nice story desu

now post the one where you fucked up

This was just the other day
>watching PBS news with Dad
>they mention growing violence in Sudan
>specifically increasing rape
>rape victims as young as 2
>blurt out something about bombing the whole region
>"I swear, I only hear about this shit in Africa! What is wrong with that continent?! "
>he's taken a bit aback, tries to reason with me
>I realize I just showed my power level in front of my Dad for the first time
While he emphasized I can't talk like that in public, he didn't really disagree. I still stand by my fury. Raping toddlers? You get glassed. We did it to the Maps after their baby killing in WWII, now they're cool. Just takes a beat down every now and then.

nice op

Awkward as fuck.

On plus side some of those in class will definitely have tried to do a bit of research on what you said - even if just to check if any nobel prize winners have indeed said that. They would of course have come across James Watson at least and maybe a few other older timers.

Anyway maybe you've set a few on the path to redpilling.

I told my libtard shallow minded classmates why electing donald trump is actually good and they think im edgy

Have you ever seen an actual black swim? Im curious, because I havent.

t. resident of Detroit

>be young kid playing San Andreas
>make CJ jump into water
>doesn't instantly die
>me and friends all have a laugh about how unrealistic the game is, then spawn a tank with cheats and start a ghetto genocide
Good times.

> Friend of a friend is an ultra feminist
> Constantly bitching about gender and mansplaining
> Always take the piss at her because it's funny
> One day we walk back home together and she says :
> "I don't unterdstand. You're always super ironic when I talk about feminism and yet you know everything about it, the authors, the terms, the theories"
> mfw when I discover that Sup Forums made me an expert in gender studies

Is Sup Forums a feminist playing the long run?

>be riding with dad in gas guzzling pedestrian crusher
>listening to radio
>"There where another sixteen bajillion shootings in Chicago this weekend, authorities are at a loss as to what could be causing this violence"
>Obama makes a statement, blames it on guns
>I lose it, point out its black on black crime, spout off on black crime statistics Sup Forums is saturated in
>my dad looks shocked
>"oh shit, here we go"
>dad actually agrees with everything I said
>says we can't say the truth anymore without being called racist
>tells me part of the reason we moved when I was a kid was to live in a white neighborhood, in a white town
>realize we both reached the same conclusions, despite neither of us being allowed to share out beliefs openly
>we conceal our power levels
>been closer ever since, more honest when it comes to politics and news.
>"thanks obama.jpg"

How Did 6 Black Teens Drown At Once


I once openly said in a college class that I tought women vote was a mistake and nothing happened, everyone thought it was me making a joke, some people laugh and that's it.

Hell yeah! This kind of thing reemphasizes the "silent majority" concept. There are plenty of people, apparently our dad's included, that see the reality but don't have a safe outlet. Glad you're relationship with your pop's improved, that's something thank niggers for!

You must know the enemy better then they know themselves. You're on the fight path.

Well, there's this Olympic gold medalist.

I was at some guy's house the other day and he mentioned he was jewish for some reason and I said something along the lines of "oh I didn't know you were jewish". He jokingly said "what are you racist or something haha" and I completely by accident said jewish isn't a race. He got genuinely pissed.

honestly a sad story

But Jewish is a race, user.
You haven't been here long.

>walk with my mates towards a pub
>see nigger running
> make joke ''haha a running nigger, he must have stolen something''
>two people chasing the nigger
>''stop him! he's robbed our store!''
>take nigger down and friends help in keeping him on the floor while we wait for the people chasing him to take over

Cracks me up every time I think about it.

>doesn't understand the difference between race and ethnicity
>calls someone new


Where do I begin?

>underage b&