Should US defend Estonia if Russia invades/fucks with them?
why would russia invade anyone?
From what little contact I've had with them; I'd vote yes.
>if Russia invades
Why would we? Every single successful "invasion" just adds another parasite to already huge list.
>why would russia invade anyone?
Sea port access, resources, power, aryan wimmen, etc.
>See: Crimea, Georgia, Ukraine, Soviet era, et al.
Russia will not fucking invade, also it's not a question of should, it's a question of obligation you daft motherfucker
Oh they'll just forget about NATO and everything right? Oh wait all members of NATO help ALL other members of NATO?
>Sea port access
what is Crimea, what is St Petersburg.
literally their land has almost periodic table.
specify more(political, regional, global,nuclear,economical).
>aryan wimmen
they have the most beautiful women in earth just behing Ukraine.
>Sea port access
they have Kaliningrad
>aryan wimmen
there's not enough here
do they have oil?
Get out of there cold war era stupid burger, besides rusiia got allready all those things that you listed.
Fuck you live in other side of Globe and still you are most worried about "big bad" russia.
we have got oil shale
just don't tell the illiterate burgers, they might think we have actual oil
We want baltics back in our sphere of influence, true. But taking them by force is a waste of money , manpower and effort. I get that you might trust msm/baltic leaders saying that we are gonna invade. But let's be real here, they have been saying this for 25 years.
I'd do anything for zesty eesti
I actually want this, Russian influence is better than EU by a mile
Nations I would defend if Russia invades/fucks with them:
The United States of America
>Battle between US and Russia
>Several million people die
>1 million Estonians may live
Donald, this is silly...
Hand over the Baltic states...
did i hear the word OIL!
What's funny is that people used to believe the same thing before the refugee crisis.
But now the people see Russia as more of the only one actually doing something about it, and now the media has kicked itself into full gear with the Russia hate.
Is nobody going to post the gif? I would but I don't have it.
Defend your own country nigger
Estonia's pop is 25% Russian.
most of them aren't even citizens, just migrants from a shitty era
>sea port access
We already have St. Petersburg for that.
>aryan wimmen
Estonians? Kek
What power? Invading another country in a political and economical suicide for Russia
> Crimea
It wasn't an invasion, you idiot.
>Georgia, Ukraine
CIA setup
Yeah Estonians are nice people
But Russians are too.
Maybe we'll settle it with paper rock scissor, whoever wins gets Estonia.
just admit you want our comfy swamps and medieval christmas-markets soooo bad
hahaha you cant get it U MAD?
>most of them aren't even citizens
>25 % of population are not even citizens
heh, Estonia, you won't exist for long
Not at all. Why would we need Estonia? You people hate our shit.
May as well ponder about defending Alpha-Centauri if they are invaded by intelligent mushrooms from Andromeda.
Fuck you.
That is why we elected Trump. To disentangle us from you motherfuckers.
If that fucking graph were in dollars, there would only be a noticeable line following USA.
2% of Elbonia's GDP is what, $10?
OOPS, i'm from Crimea, and you 100% wrorg.
they have been saying this about estonians a 1000 years atleast now
Turf energy is the future. They will come for our advanced swamp technology.
what do estonian women look like
>Should US defend Estonia if Russia invades/fucks with them?
We are currently dealing with our own massive invasion. Perhaps Estonians should migrate to America and help us exterminate the kikes, niggers, spics and gooks who have invaded us.
it is closer to 12%
The only thing you will ever defend is jews and niggers
yeah, and leave our lands to shitskins, niggers and slavs?
I have been meaning to make a thread about a similar question: now that everyone on Sup Forums sucks Russian cock, how many countries do they have to invade before Sup Forums sees them for the scum they are?
Why don't blacks breed?
Albania? Estonia?
>should us defend a NATO member?
If you want your alliance to mean anything, ofcourse...
How is it migration if it's within one country, Toivo?
Fucking no. We're not everyone's goddamn big brother. You know what countries used to? Defend themselves. I'm sick and fucking tired of this bullshit. The US shouldn't have to come to the fucking rescue every damn time the ruskies inch forward because these fucking worthless countries have a military composed of a guy and a couple fords.
So no, if I had any say we wouldn't defend any of you ungrateful shits.
Sorry, your position is geographically indefensible. At the very least you should all migrate to Finland, Estonia probably has no future.
They are encouraged to get abortions, this is one of the few policies which American liberals get right.
> Soviet occupation
> one country
Fuck you, Igor.
USSR was de jure a union of independent states after all
Glories of an ethnostate, coupled with remnants of last great projects of the jews.
I swear, if russians actually were niggers, we would have been called an apartheit a long time ago and "democratized"
KYS faggot leaf.
Well if you don't then it is quite likely that we'll flip over to Russia as fast as possible even before their autoloaders need to reload
>muh occupation
>muh deportation
>muh compensations
The holy trinity of pisstonian butthurt.
How is it an occupation when it was simply taking back the lands that belonged to Russia in the first place?
>1.4 billion
>143 billion
~100 pidorashkas on each estonian. How Best Country In The World can defend Estonia from pidarahkas?
>plot twist that Polen has annexed Butthertstates when Russia and USA are fight vs
Our russians are mostly a-ok except they are russians. And it shows.
Why would we NOT defend Estonia?
I mean, I don't think this scenario will happen, but if it did, I don't really think there's a question here.
>But now the people see Russia as more of the only one actually doing something about it, and now the media has kicked itself into full gear with the Russia hate.
The most ironic thing is - blaming outside forces on internal issues is a first step towards a dictatorship or a failed state. Depending on the following steps.
What amuses me then is that they should know better. They've been under USSR.
How about peace treaty in 1920?
The US already has a division deployed there so yea.
I don't give a fuck about Estonia.
It's million, druzya
I'll gladly take on 100 pidorashkas
you and me behind cypermarket 10 o clock bring it
They are. There are rabble rousers among them, but all things considered, they are a damn blessing compared to the diversity rest of europe gets
They might have depression, drugs and more aids in their minority than rest of the country but together, but at least this is something we can work on. Shitskins are beyond help and should be thrown away.
What is cypermarket, spalilsya, pidorashka.
ok since you don't know that place shall we do it infrony bypgerkiock 6 am?
Maybe at runepmapket at 1 pm?
Mowno delat' startup
>hispanics 31%. whites 43% by 2060
How you will solve that problem
Пeдpильный клyб любитeлeй пoщeкoтaть oчкo
Gas ofc.
You should know how this works. You won't get rid of them by yourself and you will have these multikulti problems around forever.
Tallin isn't even majority Eesti.
then save it, if you must
Of course not. You want all these young american boys to lose their faces, hands, legs and what not, just to protect some far away Estonia? Come on, NATO is a paper tiger alliance, everybody wants to fight for his own interests
It is.
>an agreement that was signed to prevent a literal chimpout
Estonia has been Russian since 1710 and always will be, until you pay back what Peter I paid for you to Russia.
Of course. Do you know how many Estonians died during the Iraq war? (hint, it was the most out of any allied country). Estonians are top tier bros.
so, you are crying.
What is the big deal,just kill them and your SJW who invited and allowed them in first place.
Donald, the Baltics...
Nobody needs to get hurt
I'm a kind man but you're forcing my hand
The Baltics Donald..
Little jewish bolshevik got BTFO and gave it AWAY to Estonians for safety.
Not a question really. We have too. Estonia is a treaty obligation. If we refused to defend them, all our defense treaties get nullified. The entire US Diplomatic and Military order would collapse.
The follow on strategic ramifications would make not defending Estonia an existential danger.
That's not thick, that's fat, my Mexican intelletual friend.
Their flag has cool colors so yes
Why would Russia invade anyone?
They are on 11 time zones already..
>coming from a dog eater.
discarded opinion my friend from non-real China.
I worry less about how your treaties hold out with estonia, and more about what happens if the invasion were to happen in latvia or lithuania.
We spend the designated ammount of money on spending, but our neighbors do not fulfill their end of the bargain fully. If they were to be attacked, leaving them to hang would be a lot more valid option.
Hey, I buy bootlegs from you too!
You're right. 53%. You get the point.
I don't dislike Russians but eventually we have to tackle this problem. They've got a huge country for themselves.
To an extent that argument could be made. But then many of our treaty partners don't fully hold up their end of the bargain. In the case of Latvia and Lithuania, it really would not matter a whole hell of a lot if they spent the required amount or not considering the strategic threat they face. If anything, all three of the Baltics should be spending 10% of their budget and have mandatory military training for all citizens Switzerland style.
Why do you think that Russia will start the war? Most of Rissia's government are European and American citizens or have childrens, who living or studying there. They will attack themselves? Are you reteraded?
>mandatory military training for all citizens
>women in the military
All of our men do have to go tho
You started a war in Ukraine. Its a relevant concern.