Global warming is causing sea levels to rise
Global warming is causing sea levels to rise
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why this is a supposedly left wing only opinion blows my mind
like its obviously happening as a result of human action and if you don't agree you're either retarded or deep in denial. you can still be a fascist racist while recognizing that human caused climate change is a fact
Your husbando a shit
Melt that ice!
I agree OP, global warming, which is more correctly called climate change, is a very serious problem that we are facing. Most credible scientist, off all nationalities and disciplines agree that it is occurring and something needs to be done about it.
how so? link me one study that confirms global warming is man-made
I don't care, we will be above the sea level even if every ice is melted. We just need a bigger wall to keep the refuges out
Oh cmon, even if he does you'll still say it's wrong.
Stop buying gfs
okay, maybe he'll 'redpill' other people then. let him post it (because there is no study that confirms or even provides strong evidence it is man made)
>Humans are pumping billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere
>come on guys, that doesn't have any effect on the atmosphere!
the question with global warming is this:
>is CO2 causing the temperatture to rise
>are rising temperatures causing elevated CO2 concentration in the atmosphere
basically, the chicken or the egg. it's inconclusive
the real problem (that is man made) is pollution, but I guess actual problems aren't very popular in the media
The question is, should I care?
Melt that ice.
>varg-posting incorrectly
Get out.
I live off of welfare
How would rising temps cause elevated CO2? You're just making this stuff up.
We can precisely measure how much CO2 we put out... and we know the exact mechanisms by which CO2 increases atmospheric temperature.
>>is CO2 causing the temperatture to rise
This one. Everyone knows that it's this one.
It also causes the Sahara and the Middle East in general to become hotter. I say fuck the Earth, gas the carbon based fuels now, heat wave now.
sea level is actually lowering and antartic ice is still growing . 2 years ago it hit a new maximum on record and last year it did the same no data for this year
that will be a real problem around 2100 (except places like bangladesh)
What we have to worry about in 10 years is food crops, 2030s prices will climb, 2040s real hunger.
All the breadbaskets are drying up because the hadley cells are expanding.
Sea level is rising. Antarctic ice might be rising slightly, but arctic ice and the greenland glaciers are disappearing rapidly.
>these temperature increases at continental scales cannot be explained by natural climate variations alone
we only have data from the last couple of hundred years, so no
>very likely to be due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentration
see maybe I should also elaborate, since you probably have no background in science. gasses dissolve better in water which has low temperature and they evaporate more easily when the temperature rises. the point I'm making is this: global warming is not man-made, but is a natural climate shift. the climate shift is causing the temperature levels to rise, which in turn decreases the solubility of gasses in the oceans (CO2 evaporates, thus the higher conc of CO2 in the atmosphere)
so what do we do about it? cripple our economy for decades until we have the technology to rectify it?
>You're just making this stuff up.
no, I'm an engineer. look up gas solubility
also explained here
The amount of dissolved gas in water is nothing compared to how much humans put out.
You cannot account for billions of tons of human CO2 output by saying it just came out of the ocean.
So explain the medieval warming period and the Ordovician glaciation.
>I'm an engineer
I have over 300 confirmed PhDs
>look at me i googled man made cimate change
You are fucking pathetic. I bet you understand nothing of the scientific methods involved and how the conclusions drawn are far from empirical.
maybe so, but does that unconfirmed theory justify impairing the evolution of bussinesses
you know nothing about gas solubility, I can safely assume you're a liberal arts major, a NEET or a highschooler that likes being edgy
>You're just making this stuff up
Ever had beer?
It goes flat when it warms up, same thing.
I know that gas solubility has no real impact on climate change.
Start watching porn pls i beg you
"Link me to ONE study"
*link to study*
"You are fucking pathetic."
thanks, I'll give thse a look
no you don't, you fail to grasp the magnitude of the oceans and the amount of gasses dissolved in them
good, that will keep our levy engineers merrily employed
You seem to be confused. I know what gas solubility is.
I'm saying he's making up bullshit causes for climate change that are long disproved, like solar forcing, etc.
>give me a study
>given a study
new zealand what the fuck are you doing?
No, but your mom going for a swim is.
>average temperature is rising
>CO2 is a greenhouse gas
>Humans have been pumping CO2 at astronomical levels to the atmosphere
>"Humans totallies havs not beeens resposibles amirite guise?! Fuck the liberals!!"
Good. Siberia and Canada will be global agriculture superpowers.
When the seas warm up, they'll burp up loads of CO2.
Nah, we're heading towards an Ice Age
Humans put thousands of times more CO2 in the atmosphere than is released by the ocean.
We can measure it.
>Global warming is causing sea levels to rise
No shit, they have been rise since the end of the last ice age 13000 years ago, and will continue to rise until the cycle repeats in another 15000-25000 years or so
>2000 meters above sea level
>only leftists cuckolds and chinks live on the coasts
say it with me
forgot pic
hey man I looked over the studies that you linked, most of them are just observations about rising CO2 levels, not the cause of the rise. they can only speculate that it's man made and it's not conclusive.
I never denied that CO2 levels are rising or that the temperature isn't rising. you should look more into the stuff I said about gas solubility since I looked over your stuff (would be fair) instead of just insulting me like
No self-respecting white man lives along the coast, problem solved.
wtf i deny man made climate change
okay, what amount is released by humans in total?
my guess is we subtract the overall amount of CO2 by this and we get the amount that oceans 'emit', so lets calculate it
>Humans put billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year
>man, how are these CO2 levels rising? I guess we'll never know!
why are you just ignoring what I said earlier? I explained how they could be rising, you have provided nothing but mocking remarks
Total global CO2 emissions by humans in 2014 was 36 billion tons.
>the TAR's conclusion that "most of the observed warming over the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations".
Nothing empirical there.
>the earth is arming
Cool, still waiting on that empirical evidence it's man-made. That's what science does, it finds exact causes and doesn't insinuate.
>more le earth is warmer than it was when we started keeping record
Cool. Where is the empirical evidence it's man-made?
Your belief that the situation will develop linearly is wrong.
This is the killer:
this study could be explained by what I'm saying, the chicken or the egg (what came first) - heating or CO2
okay, what is the total amount of CO2 in the atmosphere? if it's below 70-ish billion tons you could be right
It doesn't matter whether or not man has directly caused or contributed significantly to global warming, what matters is that it is happening and something must be done
>skeptical science
>hey guys check my bachelors in physics
Kek. Skeptical Science is literally propaganda mate.
I already told you, everyone with half a brain cell knows that Co2 came first.
>its CO2, not the Sun
>our greenhouse gas emissions are causing the polar ice caps to melt
>on Mars
Corporations have trained them like little good goys
wtf i deny climate change now
Go back to leftypol you dumb fucking nigger. I remember your old trip.
Fear the samurai
Ad homenim
Can you refute the evidence or data?
nobody knows anything, especially not you mr ad hominem incarnate
>The oceans contain 37,400 billion tons (GT) of suspended carbon
even a small part of that evaporating would cause a shift in CO2 levels in the atmosphere
If you would have read the whole thing you would see that almost none of it does, and atmosphere CO2 also goes back into the ocean. We can measure how much CO2 there is, and where it is. It's not that hard.
You're just being an idiot. Very little CO2 goes form the ocean and into the atmosphere and stays there.
What a compelling argument. I think i will now shill for the saudis and oil tyccons.
What is the narrative now? Last decade it was that climate change did not exist, but i've been seeing here that the narrative changed to "climate change exists but it's not man made". So i am a little confused. Care to enlighten me so i can shill properly?
>suspended carbon
> evaporating
You just went full retard. If the oceans increase in volume and warm, more carbon can be dissolved in them. If the ice caps grow and the ocean cools and decrease in volume Co2 will be released
t.chem eng
cut emissions
Scientsts are just lying for money while politicians and oil companies just want to do honest business and want to know the truth. Politicians and large companies would never lie or have bad motives! It's the scientists are all lying to get money, because as you know scientists are very rich and research is a very profitable field to work in!
>You're just being an idiot.
hey thanks a lot manchild, someone like you must know what an idiot looks like
>atmosphere CO2 also goes back into the ocean
not if the temperature of the ocean is rising
you got it backwards m80, check atkins physical chem - cold better for dissolving, warm bad
t. biochem eng
>even a small part of that evaporating would cause a shift in CO2 levels in the atmosphere
Now you have to prove that the CO2 humans released doesn't go to the atmosphere and that the oceans are the cause of the CO2 increase
Go ahead, link a single study
right, because the best way to prevent beer from going flat is to warm it up
>ice expands when melted
CO2 does go back into the ocean no matter the temperature due to calcite deposition.
I say climate change will resolve itself. Hear me out.
Most dense populations life close to rivers or the sea. If water levels rise, tons of people die. Fewer people=lower CO2 emissions=global cooling
Maybe switzerland will even get sea access for a decade or so. That'd be swell.
none has been done from this angle, I wonder (((why)))
>calcite deposition
some, but less gasseous CO2 would dissolve
Most of the melting ice above sea level: either glaciers, or arctic sea ice that is above sea level due to buoyancy of very large sheets.
Your blinded by "science". By the way, the term is now climate change and not global warming. Get your nomenclature straight if you want propoghandi to sound convincing
So if someone gains from the truth, it isn't the truth?
You want to prohibit profiting, you're a cuck closet communist.
Not some.... calcite deposition (biotic and abiotic) is the largest carbon reservoir in the world over all of earth's history.
You are the one that clearly has no education in science.
Church burning contributes to global warming.
Global warming is wrong
it's actually the politicians that are pushing man made global warming the most
>water expands when heated
does all CO2 integrate? of course not
jesus I give up, kys computer science/liberal arts/highschool major