Mtv news video

The channel removed the video because of the hate and they reuploaded again.

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ok seriously what the fuck are they just going to get away with this?

Would love to see what Black Guys can do better in 2017.

Maybe they can kill each other faster than they can get each other pregnant.

It is so conflicting to watch this. On the one hand it makes my blood boil, on the other hand it is still hilarious to see millennials try their hardest to stay relevant.

Remember to stop the ad before it finishes playing. don't give them anymore money than they need

Fuck your women

Rev up those dislikes and reports!

>Getting ads in current year

>Inb4 comments and dislikes disabled.



burn it to the fucking ground.

Install uBlock Origin (not regular uBlock) in your Browser extensions.

Don't give jews ad money.


They aren't even hiding it anymore

It's all out political war on whitey now

They have to double down on this because they're "on the right side of history" and anyone who disagrees with them is racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, anti-semitic, misogynistic, bigoted, neo-nazi white trash.

>That dislike bar

I don't think i've seen a video so negative before.

This is apparently the third time they've uploaded it.

I want to do a response video: Stop breaking into my house. Stop throwing full bags of garbage out of your car window and into my yard. Stop stealing my license plates. Stop throwing bricks through my truck windshield. Stop spray painting my garage. Stop murdering each other in my neighborhood during day light hours so I don't have to ask the police if I can drive past the crime tape to go home after work. Stop stealing my bicycles. Stop asking me for money at the gas station and when i get out of my car in my driveway. Stop trying to sell me drugs as I drink beer with my friends on my front porch.


literally what the fuck happened to mtv

Hank, you're slowly turning into your father.

Report and thumbs down gentleman.

I hope 2017 gets a lot worse for them

I saw the full bag of garbage thing happen a few times. And they wonder why their neighborhoods look like shit

You can report it all you want but it wont be taken down because racism and sexism against white men is ok

Imagine being a fatass Sup Forumstard who literally spends all day down-voting YouTube videos and Tweeting at celebrities.

>literally what the fuck happened to mtv

Nothing. It happened to you

that sounds like projection

Reported for racial hatred against white people.

Judging from the response, "passive-aggressive whining about white people" isn't "with it"

Ethnomasochism has never been a trend.

> "and yeah she [Beyonce] is black, so of course she cares about black issues"

Ironic as the entire video is a slander of white people for having the audacity to care about white issues.

I use uBlock Origin, but just for knowledge sake, what's the difference between them?

...but we can have Kanye West though.

I don't want that retarded nigger either.

Who are they to give away their own people? Wait....pic related.

In all my years, I've finally felt rage.

I bought a $10k house that was move in ready (in 2009)...and every single thing on this this has happened to me. I'm the only white homeowner on the block.

no 1 kill each other faster

There's always good in drinking liberal tears.


Sup Forums BTFO

I like this term; I'm going to use it from now onwards.

>inb4 6 gorillion dislikes
You racists are so sensitive.

Was getting caught part of their plan?

MTV used to be cool and edgy, rebellious, not this safe space bullshit

I just kinda smirked at it. These people are sub 100 iq.

The video isn't even that bad, just silly for the most part

I know, right? How could they downvote our completely not racist video?!

I remember when MTV first started airing. Parents and religious leaders thought it would be the "Fall of Society".

>yes, I'm an oldfag.

>mfw watched a nigger open his truck bed and drop 10+ bags of trash on I-95

>5050 dislikes

>MTV used to be cool and edgy, rebellious, not this safe space bullshit

MTV used to be what the young people wanted it to be

MTV currently is what the young people want it to be

The young people change, they (you) grew up and were replaced by next generation of degenerate twatsacks.

>fall of society.

They weren't wrong you know.

Did anybody here actually sit through the entire thing?

Keep hating on white people. Thats 4 more years Trump you libtard fucks.

>5k dislikes
>not even 100 likes yet
Fucking hell this is getting flamed to shit even more than that #proudtobe fucking video. It's fantastic. All of you are BAD GOY, BAD FUCKING GOY

>can't we just agree [....]

Why are millenials struggling to relate to kids more than those older than them? Is it because they have none of their own?

Yes, I think so. The typical millennial not only has no kids, but doesn't even like them.

This. Seeing them spew this bullshit, coupled with the comments and like/dislike bar just made me smile.

Rage would imply that these people matter. That their 'arguments' actually change people's mind and deserve critical analysis.

These people are failing, dying, fading into irrelevance, and Trump winning is proof of it. These tactics don't work and the fact that they're doubling down on this shit makes me so confident in a 2020 victory for Trump and the future generations.

How do nonwhites feel when they see this cringey stuff?

From Canada:

does voting actually do anything on youtube? is it like plebbit upboating (more upboats the nigher the video in some list)?

antiwhite stuff i mean

Well I guess we'll just have to be cunts to them all over again. What a shame.

The only cringier video was the one from the feminist men saying "I'm sorry".

>MTV currently is what the young people want it to be

Kikes in there 70s is what young people want to be?

shut up achmed.

These are all fair points

I'm not giving this a view, what did it say?

Pregnant black guys, you say?

>they aproved of this shitty rapping

>Act and speak like we tell you to, White boy

The new video is rolling a 1:100 ratio like/don't like
>my sides

It's hard to tell them apart.

Basically the same usual anti-white shit they spout, except this time was much less subtle.

>black guys get each other pregnant

>2016 is bad


Do they have no self awareness? I don't believe the "whitelash" shit, but if they don't realize this shit motivated people to go vote they're retarded.

Remember to flag the video for hate speech too!

It has been reported as racism. My question is why haven't you reported?

>double down on abject fuckup


No, just the easiest way to send a message across.

MTV has always been what they want the people to be

It does, higher chance of it being suggested in peoples feeds

They still have not disabled dislikes and comments

It's all yours my friend!

>Throwing our future President, Kanye, under a bus like that.

It's clear that they realize how racist the video is. The fact that they re-uploaded it means that they are okay with the hate it's getting.

Why are they doing this? There has to be an agenda. Are we falling into a trap by disliking it and leaving negative comments?

I don't really understand why reporting this is a good thing. Let people watch the video and see the reaction in the comment like/dislike ration. When this happens:, that's when we should flag it

What do they say? It's not allowed in my country apparently

Reported for hateful and abusive content


The team split during sentiment or something

>unironically supporting a nigger

>checked and kek'd
its at 7.5k dislikes now, really makes you think

He's Our Nigga.

MTV actually set the stage for modern degeneracy with "Real Lives" (first reality show) back in the day.

MTV was NEVER good.

Rob Schneider voted for Trump, Kanye is a multiple felon who can't legally vote...or run for Presidency. Is Schneider your Jew too?


He's Our Goy.

We need them to poke at the fire
The burn it will leave will be devastating to all of our enemies