>notice the red front part of the truck
>notice the blue cargo trailer
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yes op it is a blue and red truck what are you implying?
Sorry took me a time to upload
i believe this has something to do with the fact that the truck is purely black on the news.
Not OP btw.
maybe its just because the colours are so hard to make out.
Kill yourself.
I thought that at first, but actually all news report photos indicate that the truck is actually black even though it's red and blue on CNN live.
Still not OP.
Everything has a blue tint in the first photo. Look at that building in the background.
Nah it's the same truck
is OP as retard that doesnt know what reflection/refraction is?
Dude. Lol. You can even see the white/silver colored edge on the left side of it. It's the same truck.
it's cause in your 1st pic there's a source of light reflecting of the trailer, but your other two pics are dark with no light source reflecting off it
>be australian
>get bitten by 10 worlds most dangerous animals
I dont even have to tell you to kys
You're so motherfucking stupid.
As expected of muslim education.
although i love me a good conspiracy theory this one is pretty easy to explain away, the pic you posted is an all black truck, there just happens to be a lot of red and blue flashing lights around at the time....can you think of any reason there might be a lot of red and blue flashing lights around???
>What is light?
Just looks like some mind fuckery like the blue and black dress... or is it gold and white?
This is just lighting playing some weird tricks on the eyes. As for saying the truck is all black, it could easily be a black truck with a navy trailer, thus why it has a blue sheen with direct lighting on it, and looks black in the other picture.
Pick one
idk, you tell me bro.
what is love?
I didn't know German emergency services had red flashing lights
baby dont hurt me
Literally over 50% muslim you retarded inbred roach rape-baby.
maybe they dont, could just be rear lights on a parked vehicle point being, OP is retarded and anyone buying into this as being a different truck is also somewhat retarded.
Don't care. As long as it makes Muslim parasites look bad in the eyes of the population, it's for the greater good
dont hurt me
Not sure if what you found is absolute evidence, but when looking at the bigger picture, all of this has been orchestrated.
You cant even compare arab shitskin muslims and us,have you ever been to Bosnia?
We're like russia but with mosques
no more
What is lighting.
>you idiots know what a crime scene is
>you idiots know they use black sheets to cover the bodyparts
4derp investgations.
OP's retardation aside, SCANIA are so fucking aesthetic, been my favorite brand of truck for a while.
Russia already has a lot of mosques user
Oh fuck
dont you think there are some police and emergency cars around? what kind of light do these cars have on their roof?
You are like Greeks claiming to be white, Bosnia you are another Arabic genetic strongghhold
yeah the mosques are the part where all of a sudden your considered significantly less than human. fucking deathcult pedophile savage.
> possibility one
"Time to fake our truck attack. We'll need some actors as victims, damage to the truck, two trucks painted different colors of course, and some compliant reporters. We'll take pictures of the two trucks and claim there's just one. Heh heh heh!"
> possibility two
Blue trucks look black in low light.
Where do these retarded tinfoilers crawl out of? Stop giving us (the real tinfoilers) a bad name.
But do people go in those mosques?
The answer is no lmao only hillbillies and ex junkies go to mosques
Please tell me how brown we are.
>I'm a retard that does not understand how glossy paint at night can reflect light.
It literally makes no sense why this would be a false flag, for fucks sake not everything is a false flag. Some kids are sociopath autists. Some Muslims are terrorists.
It's a blue light from a cop or ambulance reflecting off the side you fucking idiot.
Of course a mudslime would say this.
Hello stefan,long time no see
I wonder what could cause something to look Blue and Red. Maybe if there was some source of Blue and Red flashing lights. Like say a police cars lights?
Why bite the feeding hand? Krauts were the ones that saved your sorry asses from getting removed you know
The bombed out church right next to the truck emits blue light out of the windows.
Wait, am I part of a slide thread?
It's an
>everything that happens is a false flag episode
Here is the model the mudslime used in the photos
>removing "kebab"
>killing captured civs and pov's
Nice removing of "kebab" stefane but be honest,burek kicked your ass and if it wasnt for nato you wouldnt have republika srpska today.
>what are reflections?
God damn it.. I'm not sure if you're actually retarded or trolling.
>if you shill extra hard for trump
this is a honey pot
It's all just a scheme to make Muslims look violent!
You mean just like the guy that drove that truck was a "civilian" and "prisoner of war" as well. He did flee the war zone after all.
sexy truck desu
Honestly though, who cares?
Any reason to hate Muslims is a good reason
>Be Bosnian.
>notice the red front part of the truck
thats the back ahmed... look i know this is hard for you to understand because you think the earth is flat and that a space jew wants you to kill earth jews but your people cant integrate into the west
You leave my fellow Canadian out of this, you little shit.
Be a fucking leaf.Cuck more cuckoo
I didn't know they were so poor in Bosnia that they were too poor to afford critical thinking. The truck is black, there's a light's glare on it. You utter fucking retard. Am I being baited or are you genuinely stupid?
> what are street lights
> what is a christmas market
> what is reflection
>having a favorite brand of truck
Nigger gtfo. /I---->/
He was a shitskin arab rapefugee who deserves to die.
Nice come back. You wouldn't exist if it weren't for us. So if I'm a cuck, what does that make you?
>not cruising around Europe in the best Scania money can afford
do you even simulator
>implying that leaves helped Bosnia during the war.The peace mission was cucked by the serbs so bad you guys were held hostage.
Serbs should've killed you all.
LOL wut?
yup cant have those in most countrys in europe since they are to long. but i realy like american trucks
>Bosnian education
Rather be in Arabia or Pakistan then Bosnia m8
>what is a blue police light reflecting off the truck
I dont doubt that hassan