Hes right you know...
Damn. Really gives you the urge to ponder
Other urls found in this thread:
arent you guys a republic?
If you reply to this thread your mother will die in her sleep
States rights cuck.
he is right, but the US is a republic
Yes, so of course Bernie the Commie Cuck would attack it
Last time I checked. Also checked this "Bernie Sanders" fellow. Turns out he's not a registered Democrat.
Is once enough?
This is how insane Bernie Sanders is. It's a miracle he made it as far in politics as he did because he doesn't even understand that the US isn't a direct democracy.
>electoral college exists for over 200 years
>Leftists don't get their way once
>arent you guys a republic?
Yes, (((Bernie))) isn't too bright. Also if we take into consideration the number of illegals that voted, he may have won the popular too..
>This guy worked in politics for all his life, ran for president, and still doesn't know America is a Republic, not a Democracy.
what the fuck? there is NO such thing as a popular vote. thats just a term bandied about by butthurt losers. there's nothing in the books written about a popular vote. the number is just a representation of all of the electoral votes
>member of the US governing body does not know the general category of government he's a part of.
How does this happen?
Get right with God
It's a sad day when foreigners (and I don't mean that in a pejorative sense) understand our system better than the people supposedly participating in the system.
That said, Bernie's vested interest is in ignoring and changing the system. It doesn't benefit him personally to understand it. Indeed, the opposite is true. Fucking commies.
As always with things like this; It's funny that they never complain about these sort of things PRIOR to getting the results.
It's always afterwards, and coincidentally, when they get a result they don't like;
Proir to brexit, remainers were sure they would win ~ and had no problem with "majority vote" winning, regardless of the difference. Afterwards, they said the difference was too small and wanted a re-vote.
Same thing with the US, except, in fact, Sup Forums itself was questioning the legitimacy of the electoral college PRIOR to the results. The left largely ignored this, certain of it's victory.
They set and agreed to the rules prior to the engagement ~ and seek to overturn them when they don't get their way. They should not be given any credibility for this and it is an undermining of democracy.
Voter suppression in California and New York accounted for more than 4 million Republican votes that weren't cast. This is easily quantified by just looking at the difference in registered republican voter turnout in these states compared to the national average for registered republicans. Potentially millions of unquantifiable right-leaning independent votes were similarly suppressed.
That's why trying to draw conclusions about the popular vote from an electoral election is retarded.
All countries who are not Monarchies are a Republic.
He's a senator. Senators are undemocratic. He should be upset that his job exists.
what about dictatorships like Germany? and theocracies like Iran
fuck off commie scum, los angeles can whine all they want
>50 percent voter turnout in 2016
>losing half of that half thinks it has the right to tell the other 75% of the country what to do
eat dicks, you're not even close to a majority
>Is America a republic
Yep. Electoral college is to protect small uncucked, let your balls hang, don't give a fuck if it sounds rasict state's from Cucked, sjw's, that's always racist states ,to out vote us because they have more people.
Bernie :
> Since we would like the democratic process in the US to effectively represent the people, we should change it's outdated rules of election
The retard
> But but the US is not direct democracy why should we change ??
>United STATES of America
States, not state.
Total popular vote means jack shit because the states vote individually of each other.
They won't to take us from a republic to a pure mob rule shithole
Did people cry as much when obama lost the popular vote against shillary in the past? Not at all, did they? Fucking crybabies.
But obama was more diverse than hillary so its okay!
It IS democratic. The Electoral College is the result of 51 Presidential elections. Trump won more states' popular votes. You know, kind of like the winner of the world series isn't the team with the most total runs at the end, but the one that won the most games.
UNITED STATES nigger its a democratic REPUBLIC
If niggers and spics are doing all the hard labor jobs that whites won't do, then why are they all concentrated in densely populated cities where their votes are worth less and not out in the countryside where all the farming jobs are?
>That doesn't make any sense for Democracy
>The Electoral College system needs to be changed
...Or you should move to a country that is a democracy and not a constitutional republic.
he already has expensive mansions and fancy sports cars in america though
Saw this post on facebook and the entire comments section was filled with people calling out Bernie for saying this and mentioning nothing of the booty raping he was dealt by the DNC. Classic
Bernie is basically the cranky old man in a retirement home yelling at the TV, but for some reason people want to take what he says seriously.