World Domination Risk

Welcome all! How about a game of Risk?

to join:
post your trip, country name, and that country's color (you can only change the color once, and I have to approve it). Once I reply to this post saying that you're in, you can then start making rolls.

Starting with 3 players

Change to France's red

Dark Red


red, white or blue is fine

Pick a color, and name and use tripcode


How about you go the fuck over to
and stop sliding actual news with your fucking faggot shit

dark blue

I think given the current political situation it is appropriate that we possibly ally later on?


It's part of board culture, we've been doing this since the dawn of this board.

Newfag somewhere else please

Mis Amigo de Igles! want to be friends?

Hmm, yes quite appropriate

I'm not making allies with anyone yet but I will consider it.


crap Im gonna have to leave, i quit.

gimme the DR Congo

I know you've been doing it forever
But now there's a board specifically for it
So kindly fuck off

Fucking faggot America

How about no? Bitch.

>Implying it's better to use it
Not all changes are good

He seemed like a newfag to Risk anyway.


No doubt

Just waiting on OP

no there's not, idk where you got that idea

That board is also empty as fuck.

has op abandoned?

>no fun allowed

I gotcha
also, I can't let you have that color. You don't get to have France yet.

got you all. Starting the game now.

Gentlemen, make your rolls!

Annex Mongolia
Spill Caucasus countries

begin the reconquista of the south west united states

Annex African countries around me

Oh, okay. Invade Ireland. Spills to Iceland.

Can I maybe get Canada? I want to rebuild the empire.

hombre do what makes you happy man but quebec is mexican

Holy shit. Spills to Greenland + Canada and if I still have anything left then put it into France and Spain.

Use this map for reference.

>Implying we want Quebec
You can culturally enrich them for all I care

Avoid Quebec when possible.

hey homes calm down do you want a burrito?


continue the reconquista of the united states

Conquer Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia (Caucasus) and move into north east China and into the Koreas

Countinue the invasion of Canada while avoiding Quebec as seen in post: .

Any spills go to more France.


keep taking african clay

claiming australia, if i can join

yep, you can join. Once the next update comes out, you can then make your rolls.


Changing trip to fit

I think if you get Quebec then it is fair that I have Alaska.

pretty sure you replied to the wrong person

thats fine amigo no mexicans live there


You got a cool trip so I had to change mine to fit and compete

Continue filling Canada.

keep continuing to reconquista of the estados unidos

Fill north and South Korea and into China

>forgot to add me to the list
anyways, go up into oceania

claiming glorious muslim free hungary

OP, the parts of Canada I have circled here do not belong to Quebec.


For future reference that little tip next to Maine is prince Edwards island, nova scotia, and New Brunswick and is not part of Quebec

i keked to the fact gemrnay is nigger in color

>Trump Empire
>color is fine

Want me to liberate them?
Very well-thought name.

want to be friends amigo i am no bad hombre

si mi amigo

Do it my negro

update is in just a second

I got you. Just start using your trip from here on out

you need a trip there, friendo

I will after I have my Anglo paws on the Land of the Rising Sun.

Alliance btw?

Yeah let's do it


excuse that last post, just misfired

friends amigo?

Kill South Korea and take rightful Chinese clay

continue the the conquest of usa

continue expanding evenly throughout oceania

Invade the part of Alaska that gets me to Japan then go to Japan. If I take any Mother Russian land then cede it back to them.



Conquer south america

friends miser trump?


Sure seƱor

sorry man, can't cede the land back to Russia using just one move
you're gonna have to ask if it's okay for you to have that land momentarily

Yeah that's fine

Midnight Sun

Put Ally in ur name

Thanks, man.


Claiming Brazil, rolling to unite South America.

I have Brazil already


you still with us?

okay, I got you. You can start making rolls now

now i'll let that move happen

sorry, Brazil is taken. Try another country.

Can I join as Iraq?

continuing annexing usa

Keep claiming china

sure, if you get a tripcode

No offence, OP but shouldn't I have gotten more land from that roll? Anyway continue invading Japan. Spills go to France.

Cede land back to Russia.

Conquer South America

Saudi Arabia Maybe?

Oh, Okay