But seriously, Sup Forums. We kid each other and banter back & forth, but even YOU have to agree that he would've destroyed Trump in a presidential election.
But seriously, Sup Forums. We kid each other and banter back & forth...
You forget the most important fact though: He didnt. Game over. Nothing to see here.
He wouldn't though. He was too far left. Even warHILLawk was more moderate plus she had all the corporate backing on God's green earth.
Saged anyway cause your flag indicates this is certainly a shitpost.
He'd have had more support from the young people, but Bernie's non-coastal, rural support was rock bottom.
The man couldn't hide his disdain for the working class folks, and Trump would have roasted his do-nothing lifestyle.
Obama at least did the diner cycle when he was running. He went EVERYWHERE. He shook hands. This was something that neither Clinton or Sanders did. They refused to stop and let the little people get to know them.
I don't think you understand how much that speaks to people. Trump speaks to the public directly. Unfiltered, man. Sure he's got speechwriters on Twitter. But he also posts rogue tweets, and people want to know that their leaders are human beings in this age when it's very hard to tell who is real and who is fake.
Bernie Sanders had no chance. His ground game was weakest where this election really mattered: The parts of the country that are falling apart because all the money and people are leaving them.
If he couldn't get spics and niggers to vote for him in the primaries, what makes you think he could do so in the general?
> implying Bernie "sell my faith for an Audi R8" Sanders would have beaten the glorious 34d chess master
>never held an actual job
>lifelong government dependent
>kills babies
Yeah...he would've kicked Donalds ass
He is literal socialist many dems would not for him
Thank you based Hillary for being a corrupt cunt now communist sanders will not ruin America further
> couldn't beat Hillary
> Could definitely beat the guy who beat her
Bernie courted young people. Aka people who don't vote. Bad choice, and it cost him.
>a man who lost to the loser could have beaten the winner
okey dokey.
I can't imagine America being so cucked as to turn to socialism.
How his platform appealed to so many folk is very unsettling.
No, he wouldn't.
Hillary crushed him, she had 4 million more votes than Bernie in the primaries.
Clinton had almost 3 million more votes than Trump and still lost.
to all the people who are posting about how hillary beat bernie
how do you hold this belief and the belief that dems rigged the primary for hillary as shown in leaked email?
I think Trump would have crushed that old cook in a heartbeat but using hillary's primary victory as evidence is a whole new level of dissonance
>how do you hold this belief and the belief that dems rigged the primary for hillary as shown in leaked email?
Because it was clear that Hillary would still defeat Bernie even if it wasn't rigged.
He probably wouldve lost a good ammount of support from the same areas clinton lost because he was so linp wristed on BLM taking over his stage and on clinton, not to mention that there would be progressives who wouldnt vote for him because he took the rightful place od clinton as the nominee because shes a woman.
Would have gotten much higher youth vote and done better in rust belt.
It would have been much closer. Clinton ran a completely shit campaign.
>Hillary would still defeat Bernie even if it wasn't rigged.
due to obvious and overwhelming rigging we will never know if that is true or not
that is like saying hillary would have won if not for russians
Then why didn't he?
Are you kidding? He would've been wrecked in the Rust Belt and Virginia would've gone red from the greedy NoVa'ers voting out of self interest. These people want a job and a good economy, not a social democracy.
>dems rigged the primary
So did the Republicans yet Trump still won.
All these newfags not around for the primary where they pulled all sorts of shit to try and fuck Trump.
NOTHING the democrats did even came close to an entire state being denied the right to vote like the republican party did.
He would have done better in rust belt. He had blue collar appeal.
>implying anyone actually votes based on "economy"
99% of people vote on feels.
Kek'd no.
Also, he was never supposed to run as the frontrunner. He was just a puppet placed by Clinton to rally to young liberal dumbfucks.
> literally gommunist ever winning president elections in USA
/leftypol/ must leave
To the none Americans you wouldn't know, but to my fellow burgers...implying that in your life time, that every president that has won the nomination that they DO MORE THEN HALF of what they say to win, is complete lunacy. Bernie had the right frame of mind at going after the elites, he would of got us all in a better place then where we are now.
He would have invested in all of us here, as you see the Sven's get to learn code in grade school...we don't have that here, our gobermint is not investing in the people
"Many of the most damaging emails suggest the committee was actively trying to undermine Bernie Sanders's presidential campaign. Basically all of these examples came late in the primary -- after Hillary Clinton was clearly headed for victory -- but they belie the national party committee's stated neutrality in the race even at that late stage."
"Many of these emails came as it was clear Clinton was going to win -- which makes the apparent favoritism perhaps less offensive (though Sanders supporters would certainly disagree)."
Also, what could Bernie do against Trump so differently than Hillary? Hillary won ALL 3 debates against Trump.
I know you're shitposting but with a policy that boils down to pic related I think not
>Most delusional post on Sup Forums
>democrats lost because of identity politics, specifically costing them the white working class vote
>implying bernie "black lives matter" "when you're white you don't know what it's like to be poor" "communist jew" sanders would've done better
Wouldn't know? Bernie is '''literally''' using Scandinavia as a "perfect" example.
Not to mention that he's a socialist, he refuses to talk about Venezuela, he refuses to talk about his past comments about e.g. food lines (that he think is a good idea in order to give people the fair amount), etc etc.
Just face the fact that your precious socialist sold out, like every leftist do.
Holy fuck, you're retarded.
Yeah I can't wait for Bernie to do something completely illegal and beyond the presidential grasp like set schooling agendas.
Honestly, Bernie is a pushover.
>Hillary won ALL 3 debates against Trump
I would put it as 1-1-1 honestly.
Hillary self destructed HARD on the third debate and the second debate was such a disgusting shitshow with those (((moderators))) its hard to score anyone.
Trump folks will deny it no matter what, I think you're right though. It only comes down to a couple of states, like Michigan and Wisconsin, where Sanders won the primaries.
>Hurr Durr
As to think that college was never free at a point in history, learn our history
Yeah, college was free when they didn't allow every dumb fuck like you to go.
If you see what our schools are doing here, its pathetic. Superintendents get caught in scandals all across the nation.
I do not think everything is for free, as hard as he preached about it, it isn't anything different from any other who spoke about hook lines. He wouldn't of been able to do it, maybe something close or better, maybe.
Venezuela went down after Chavez died, how did it stay afloat when he was there? Is the question one should be asking about Venezuela. He had influence, and was based;soon as he went, to many hands went in the cookie jar, everything went pooh
He would've been undercut by both Democratic and Republican establishments for being too far left, plus, and unlike Trump, Sanders has the baggage of voting for fairly unpopular Wars/Military engagements which would've killed him in interviews and debate questions.
If it Was Bernie vs Trump, then the establishment would've supported Trump. It is better that we got Hillary vs Trump because now the establishment on both sides is in complete disarray
>Sanders has the baggage of voting for fairly unpopular Wars/Military engagements
>Sanders has the baggage of voting for fairly unpopular Wars/Military engagements
>Sanders has the baggage of voting for fairly unpopular Wars/Military engagements
>Sanders has the baggage of voting for fairly unpopular Wars/Military engagements
Fucking wew.
College is free my burger brained cuck. What ever I pay throughout the year at school I get it back at in my tax returns you smart fella you.
Learn a thing or two sonny
He probably would have won yeah, but you can thank his own party for the DNC backstabbing him as we learned from the emails. The Dems slit their own throats trying to force that old corrupt witch into office.
Trump beats Hillary
Hillary beats Bernie (by 4m votes i might add)
but Bernie beats Trump?
>bbbuuut muh polls,
yeah no shit a guy that was out of the news spotlight polled better than clinton who trump campaigned against for an entire year.
You know who beats Clinton in polls for the same reason?
John Kasich.
Kasich was my Republican choice
Did you even listen to to the Hillary Voters? Did you hear why they voted for her, why they wanted her to be president so badly?
Not because of her exploits, they couldn't name a single one (no surprise, she doesn't have any. Unless you count situations where she exploited people).
It was because she's a woman. Plain and simple sexism.
>We just had our first black president, now we need to show the world how #progressive we are by electing a women right after a negro!
Bernie Sanders could have won, though.
All he had to do was trans.
The first woman president also being a trans-woman (Or is that a trans-man? I have no idea. I'll just keep calling it "man")? OW MAI G_D DIS IS SO PROGRESSIVE GOYS
This is fucking retarded
All the counter arguments as to why Sanders wouldnt have won is complete horseshit and y'all know it.
>He was too left DERRR
What the fuck is Trump but a political and ideological extreme?
>Shillary beat him
The DNC, like Republicans and all you fucks, are condescending twats who think they know the ropes of the political system when in fact it seems like everyones just doing the gossip dance in DC. That and Hillary is riddled with corruption as much as she's riddled with disease the media and all those loud cock suckers on the television included our fucking current President gave her flying fucking colors, essentially gave the bitch political steroids and she still lost to the Don.
Don't you all remember the superdelegate bullshit too?!??
That's why she lost though. The same people that voted for Obama 2008 and 2012 didn't vote for her. They wanted to vote for Bernie or Trump because both of them promised change
Bernie Sanders would have been a massive catastrophe to America.
He wanted to pardon the debts of the students taking loans, paid by the tax payers.
And then those private Universities would have raised their fees even higher.
New students take even more debt.
And Bernie forcing the tax payers to cover up that fraud again.
Until the economy collapses.
>The man couldn't hide his disdain for the working class folks, and Trump would have roasted his do-nothing lifestyle.
Are you for real? He is probably the one that cares most about working people. He is a senator from Vermont ffs.
And that McDonalds bit... yeah, and Bernie loves the people that works there so much he wanted to raise their wages.
>All the counter arguments as to why Sanders wouldnt have won
He couldn't even beat Hillary. Too weak
I love bernie, but not for the reasons leftists like him so much.... he's subconsciously red-pilled a lot of people to the reality of niggers who wouldn't usually have exposure to common everyday niggerisms.
It's a classic tale of niggerdry... a well meaning guy panders to blacks at every turn and corner, does everything they tell him to do in a last ditch effort to gain just a LITTLE support and the ungrateful spooks throw him under the bus for it.... for no fucking reason. It's like pottery.
Of course white liberals will never admit that the pavement-apes totally botched bernie's, but the seething resentment is there and you can tell it's driving them nuts. I love it.
>He is a senator from Vermont
Who got the job mostly unopposed.
Who before he ran for president was a fucking joke whose SOLE NOTABLE THING was that the faggot jew vetoed a fucking governmental audit.
He would have gotten raped. America is not going to accept socialism.
>political and ideological extreme
Pick one
In the words of my anti-semitic father: 'Fuck you, you old, red jew.'
Nah, trump would have pushed him so far left it wouldn't have worked.
America, for better or worse, is pretty fucking conservative and has little interest in trying to be an irrelevant country like Denmark.
How so? Did you even watch the debates? He kicked her ass and the media blacked his ass out and sucked Clintons dick, Wikileaks has email showing major media outlets planning with the DNC on how to get there vapid choice to win. Even Republican senators said Sanders was the only honest, people driven candidate.
Too weak? Nigga was the only one that didnt smear shit on the walls just to get attention and despite all that horseshit and sabotage, the South going Clinton he almost beat her in the primaries.
Nope. The moment America witnessed him bowing to the BLM activists that literally invaded his rally, it was the end for him. It destroyed him, and only the hardcore nu-males and landwhales were following him at that point. The blacks and Latinos hated him because it showed that he was a weak-ass beta bitch.
>1 post by this ID
He would have gotten destroyed, Ausfag. We have people here who have seen exactly what Socialism/gommunism would bring us.
All Trump would have to do is find someone who fled East Germany or some Eastern bloc shithole and give them a mic.
What's up with all the Bernie shills lately?
>literally the wojak to trumps pepe
the internet meme machine would have overheated from all the memes this would have produced
The jew never once called her out on corruption or emails.
He sucked her dick the entire time, literally controlled opposition.
I'm not so sure. Bernie is an outright communist which tons of older democrats would not be down with. He's also working on Jeb levels of energy.
>Implying Trump isn't a political and ideological extremisy
I agree that he had too much integrity to do low blows to that bitch even though she deserved it. But it is very strange, I'm starting to believe the theories on here that say Sanders was a planted kike cause he wouldn't call her out on any of her bullshit.
Sanders low key didn't have the support of his own party couldn't win. Republicans were overtly against Trump and he still won.
Who do you think the winner would have been, again?
>99% of people vote on feels.
Why did women vote for the pussy grabber and against muh glass ceiling then? It works both ways. It wasn't all about NAFTA, the culture war accounted for most of the anti-Dem swing. Why do you think Toomey, and the pro-TPP WI senator won reelection in blue states?
Your standard middle/upper middle class person isn't going to be voting for someone who would raise their effective tax rate by 10-20%.
>culture war
AKA feels
More center democrats are spooked as shit of him, he'd have faced the opposition that Trump did, his movement was devoted but not that huge and he wouldn't have had the MSM shilling.
With what you wrote, Bernie
ya, as much as i liked the guy, I will not be naive to this
Trump DESTROYED her in the debates. All she had to do was walk on stage and rant about muh womyn and muh poc and muh welfare. She had one simple job and she failed because Trump triggered her into spending all 3 debates talking about him.
Hillary had a better chance than Bernie
If Hill couldn't motivate Blacks to vote for her, what chance did Bernie?
If Hill couldn't motivate The middle Class to vote for her, what chance did Bernie?
If Hill couldn't motivate rural America to vote for her, what chance did Bernie?
If Hill couldn't motivate hispanics to vote for her, what chance did Bernie?
If Hill couldn't motivate Rust Belt to vote for her, what chance did Bernie?
I'm no fan of Donnie, but he royally fucked Hillary and he would have beaten Bernie harder
All decisions are emotional.
I don't give that he would have destroyed Trump.
I do think that he would have had a running chance against Trump - contrary to Clinton. Do not get me wrong - I disagree with Bernie on almost everything, and agree with Trump, he will be the God Emperor. But I do see that Bernie would have reached out to those scum leftists masses - his narrative was true to his beliefs. I bet no-one can say the same about Clinton, even the leftists.
Well, because how the things went we will never know.
>one post by this id
>itt: people still thinking Bernie wasn't the DNC plant, in on his "betrayal" from the beginning
Do you honestly think that Hillary or her staff were clueless about her lack of any charisma? Do you really think they didn't know how bad she played with the younger crowd? Why do you think Bernie spent the entire primary softballing attacks at her when he wasn't busy defending her email scandal and attacking Trump? Hillary has been dealing with the email scandal for years, why would her campaign be so inept as to do the exact same thing with emails that conveniently absolve Bernie of his sellout status. Why do you think he spent the vast majority of his campaign whipping his supporters into a frenzy about stopping Trump even if it means voting Hillary? Fact of the matter is he was soft on her when she was his opponent, spent his campaign focusing his supporters on a D vs. R campaign, built up Trump as a country ending event that could only be stopped by voting D (Hillary), dropped out without a fight, endorsed Hillary almost immediately, stayed quiet even after the rigging "leak" and has practically retired with a nice new car and house. He was the Clinton plant the whole time, his only purpose was to get the young apathetic voter block invested in this election and then shift their focus from "feeling the bern" to "stopping Trump." Thankfully, like most times the elite try and predict what the lower class will do, it backfired just enough to cost her the election. I am absolutely certain that if Bernie had never ran her numbers would be drastically lower.
>And this guy, folks. I call him "Bolshevik Bernie!" Get this folks, this guy has NEVER HAD A REAL JOB. Imagine! Being told, as a hardworking American, how to live your life, by a goofy old life-long career politician, who has NEVER EVEN COLLECTED A STEADY PAYCHECK. To be honest with you, I just find that embarrassing. Absolutely a disaster.
Someone tweet this image to @PoliticsGhost
I imagine him doing the hand thing during the ALL CAPS parts.
>Bernie hate the working class
fuck i fell for the bait
>Bernie "white people can't be poor" Sandberg.
You probably have a point but it backfired on the Hillary and the dems spectacularly
They were so sure that they had the White House and both houses in the bag that they started directing funds into AZ; that suggests monumental arrogance.
Next year they will start the finger pointing and nothing will change
Nice meme
>being this millennial
Trump was a strong candidate. He continued the upward trend of R votes that's been happening over the past few elections, while Hillary continued the downward trend of D votes. Pendulum swings are one thing but now the Dems are showing us what it looks like to approach unstable mass. Bernie would have exaggerated this effect as he is far left and a BLM submissionist.
>Next year they will start the finger pointing and nothing will change
2020 will have a black wommyn candidate.