>tfw got doxed by antifa
Tfw got doxed by antifa
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How? What did they reveal?
Doxx them back. Bully the bullies!
Story time
>Wish I could get doxxed so I can claim that Antifa is Racist and could possibly get them reperation buxs
Let me guess they're threatening to call your school/employer/family and tell them you're a racist fascist patriarch?
Sup Forums is a board of peace, everything here is satire, they got nothing.
Are you Bearing?
Here we go another retarded thread where op never posts again.
Burn down their squat
>tfw when I'm in a welder's union that prohibits me from getting fired for political views I make outside of my work place
Life is good, fuck niggers, and fuck Scott Walker
You got doxed by THIS?
good luck
Did they send pizzas? I'm hungry and considering doxxing myself for the food.
Why did you leave a trail from your internet posting to your real life? Pretty dumb move
>1 post by this id
>Not using at least 5 fake accounts
>Not creating a life story for each fake account, complete with dreams, goals, defeats, victories, friends, frenemies and love interests
>Not making fake accounts fight with each other sometimes
It's lik you're asking to be doxxed
Waiting for OP to deliver. Anytime now.... I mean, he has to deliver, right?
I mean, why would he false-flag in a taiwanese carpentery afficionate forum?
No it's another autist NEET making a provocative thread with only one post. Why is this shit not bannable?
I had a a twitter account which I talked about politics and memed on, which I have now deleted. I did not use my real name and stupidly had few photos of my face wearing a MAGA gap. I told 1 irl friend about it and he followed me a while ago which I think was my downfall.
Last night I got messages on facebook from multiple antifa members in my city(melbourne) with screencaps of emails to my employer.
I can't sleep. High probability given my area of work that I will get fired.
I know
Thats fucking funny. Just show up like nothing happened. Its just a few shitposts.
don't know what's worse, OP being a retard or the fact that you can ruin the lives of people like OP so easily
Rip ghoul
What's worse is that this didn't happen and he's just a shill here to demoralize and scare people
never post your face or real name on the internet. how hard is that?
Well hopefully you learned a lesson user. Don't fuck up next time.
This guy gets it.
It is not fair to crack down on an Australian for shitposting. Its like blaming an Italian for being late, or a Brazilian for not checking you for fleas thoroughly enough. Its in the genes. Antifa can fuck right off.
How is this legal and not stalking or harassment? You could probably sue whoever is doing this to you.
>check flag
Ah shit.. ur proper fucked mate.
Just act like nothing happened. if you deleted your account, your employers can't really see anything.
But just a note for next time, keep your political stuff separated from your real life. Use a throw away email, don't follow anything you like or anyone you know irl. NEVER post your face, and even refrain from posting images from your cell phone
actually they can't fire you for being a trump supporter, you could sue them if they did
That's what you get for being a racist
enjoy your trail for antisemitism
We should def start doing this shit to leftists
only to antifa cucks who do this shit
>Im sorry user, but you're fired for supporting the President of the USA
you wish antifa. your impact amounts to triggered dykes yelling on the street that everyone is tires of.
The emails and screencaps I was shown were very comprehensive. I'm not sure how I could deny it was me.
I guess I could claim it's slander and fake screencaps. Just hope to fuck they didn't archive it.
Hey I dont have a whole lot to do this week. I hate those fuckers enough to gladly take revenge for you.
Damn that actually seems like a good function of unions. I've had bad experiences with a union in the past but that makes sense. It makes my blood boil when people lose their jobs because of their private beliefs like that Mozilla guy.
get fucked racist scum
Deny everything. Say it's all Photoshopped.
yeah like they gonna get fired for not being racists
What's your area of work?
Post the same images on facebook right now that show your face, then backdate them to make it look like they were posted a long time ago to make it seem like its an upset person that's making it all up to hurt you for some reason. Look here for information on how to backdate the images
or pic related
I don't think that's what got him in hot water with those antifa faggots
he must have also said some savage shit on twitter
People like to give unions shit, but outside of unions flooded with POC (pickers of cotton), you mainly got hard working blue collared men who just want to make a living wage for their families. Also, my union overwhelmingly wanted to make America Great Again
.... user....
stay anonymous you dumb ass nigga
Yeah, but by doing that, he could atleast claim that they got the images from somewhere else, while at the same time making it look like he didn't post them today to cover up the story. He could claim its someone butthurt on twitter that he likes Trump and made up fake tweets with him
Gib email screenshot
Find a higher paying job and enjoy the payraise.
That's it? So? They're pussies, why the fuck are you worried.
>Deny everything. Say it's all Photoshopped.
SeeOr, some kid in your area hacked your wifi and was shitposting on your internet without your knowledge or consent
>posting face on an account connected to shitposting
lmaoing at you m8
don't worry about it
if you get fired, either
1) get another job
2) be a contractor
3) start your own business
stop being a faggot
this is a great idea. find everyone who supports clinton, posts anti nazi/putin/north korea/trump and pro LGBT/diversity tweets then email their employers about how progressive and liberal they are.
lets start with casey neistat, send an email to his employer, CNN about how he loves gays and hates trump. give him a lesson about fucking with us
Good I hope all of you racists lose your jobs and are doxxed. Bunch of pussies that you have to hide your "powerlevel" lmao. Cowards.
There are bad unions, of course, and there are good ones.
But overall they are a problem for the kikes so if you hear about them you only ever hear about them in a negative light, like white men.
I should have stayed a welder... but the UAW was full of POC... and the APWU (which I don't carry a card for or pay a nickel to) that now "defends" me is bullshit and full of niggers.
They will if their boss is white and they are racist against whites(high probability)
Shame that you, your blue haired friends, the entire MSM and most of the political world still failed again a bunch of racists.
Meanwhile you hide becuase you know we won't call you names, we'll end your sniveling marxist life.
>being traceable
Dumb shit
Nothing is going to happen faggot. At worst they will think you're kind of retarded for wearing a MAGA cap when you don't live in America.
The problem with that is despite leftists thinking we live in a fascist state/ society, the truth is that their ideas are socially acceptable. There is a reason this board is called "Politically Incorrect". If we can pin them for any physical assault/ threats then I would totally help get them fired. But unless you have that proof there is nothing you can do.
I hope communist scum get put in FEMA camps where they belong. Subversionist who ruin civilization.
Deny the offensive account was yours
Say the posts on the account that backtrace to you are fake, must be photshopped
Delete and lockdown everything
Commit to the narrative
Do not resign or admit anything
>POC (pickers of cotton
Top kek
delete, deny, double down
Thats fucked man I'm praying for you
I thought doxxing was illegal?
Act like you've never even heard of a "maga" or a "pepe".
And don't use your god damn real face, email address, phone number or name. That's just asking to get doxed.
If you're lucky, your boss is one of us.
well post the members that messaged you
only if republicans do it. otherwise it's perfectly fine. liberals are massive hypocrites remember?
Isn't this defamation?
Who gives a fuck, OP? Antifa are such pussies. I live in Portland, Oregon where they're pretty active, but the worst they can do is harass the shit out of you.
alerting racist trouble makers in someone's company isnt doxxing
What a fucking retard.
>"XD i make le epic memez in my Twitter"
>"I will tell my friend how cool i am"
The only advice i can give is to deny everything. I doubt they will believe you though.
Just explain how you pissed some commies off, and they photoshopped this shit, say you don't even use twitter. Tell them how silly it is, "why would I put on a Trump hat, I'm not even American"
Let him start shit with you, let him take it a step too far, knock him the fuck out and he won't be a problem any more.
Note: even if you managed to keep this job for now, you should still find another better job.
nah, actually that is doxxing. I see that you're trying to pull the angle that we pulled for safety squads, but you are actually digging up a persons personal details and then going to their employer and personally trying to get them fired. you step over several lines we didn't cross.
that said, do it so we can use your actions to foment negative opinion about you. we largely have support in the normie population for safety squads. you have almost no support left for ruining lives because you don't agree with people's political ideologies.
go for it antifa. boy I just hope you don't actually ruin someone's life to the extent that they have nothing. you know, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and there is nothing greater to fear than a man with nothing to lose? might find yourself responsible for some deaths.
you really haven't thought this through.
Everybody knows the malaysian flag poster is an antifa shill.
Every single thread you post in.
I only have one fake identity. You have inspired me to step up my game fampai.
What are they gonna fire you for? Wearing a MAGA hat? Or did you say or post some bad shit?
Remember to buy different SIM cards to give each account a unique phone number that isn't your main one, and entirely different looking email addresses for each.
For most shit that probably isn't necessary. I have a few twitters and they are just linked to different emails. I'm sure twitter could figure out its the same guy since I login from the same IP, but, who knows could be an apartment with a shared connection.
It's harder with Yelp or something that really tries to check that.
That's not just to avoid doxing, but makes it harder for somebody else to recover your password. Who knows, if they got into one of your fake accounts it could put them closer to your real one.
lmfao fucking cucked germany.
That shit would never happen in the U.S. motherfuckers would be getting a dose of lead.
Wow. It's almost 2017 and people are afraid that their employer finds out that you are not PC, not succumbing to the leftist cultural marxist shit? Wtf man, grow balls, cleanse the antifa!
what would trump do?
ignore the haters, grab life by the pussy
In America you could just go to the cops and say you're being stalked or something
If those Antifa morons used their real names you could probably just show up at their houses with your own crew
Get a sharky jew lawyer and sue the ever living fuck out of them for harassment and blackmail, which BTW is funny as fuck cause turns out Straya cant handle the bants.
Arm up and wait, when/if they come through the door kill them
Not joking, i would do the same, stay strong friend
>Fired for your political opinions
Okay, no need of the autism, just one with no contact of any kind to the real life you is enough.
Be pretty hard. I mean my email goes to cock.li, and everything else in there is fake. I don't have any real friends so no connection to real world me.
track down the individual antifa and violate them physically in such a brutal manner that not one of them will ever consider doing this again.
We should start identifying Communists in real life and alerting their employers to the fact that they adhere to an ideology responsible for the death of tens of millions of people in the last century alone.
Kill your traitorous friend after he reveal the name of the person he told about you.