Am I the only one smelling bullshit?

So, to get it straight. They already caught the guy who did it. It was a Pakistani refugee, police confirmed. Now they suddenly let him flee and say "h-he now says he didn't do it" analogously to Merkel taking some flak?

Let me guess, the real terrorist will either a) never be caught or b) it's a white/Slavish guy who killed himself.

Totally not suspicious, especially after NYE Cologne and now trying to keep that "metro kicker" guy a secret.

Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe they got a wrong guy?
>Trusting that the german police is competent enough to catch the real killer

Im laffin


That's the only thing they're actually good at, sadly. Preventing happenings.

And keeping happenings a secret.

So you think it's not weird the police literally confiremd they caught him and he is a refugee and a few hours later after they all realized this will hit Merkel like a truck, it's not him.

Nope. Mistakes happen. Occams razor is still a thing.

This kinda stuff makes me not want to come back from studying abroad. But yes seems suspicious

They confirmed they caught a suspect. The suspect denied involvement and now more facts have come up that support the suspect's claim of innocence.

That's literally an everyday thing in criminal investigations. Now fucking take off the tinfoil hat unless you have something of actual substance.

The way I understood it, they think they caught someone involved but not the truck driver. The person they caught was lying he was the driver.

I don't doubt they got the wrong guy. It was crowded and obviously shitton of people started running away. Also It's nowhere confirmed that it was a pakistani refugee.

Nevertheless, we all know it was a muslim. And I don't even care which one anymore, I just want them all gone. Foreigners can come and stay but Islam, aka an ideology that calls for innocent people to be murdered should be banned and be punished if you get caught practicing it.

german police = sharia police

you are a cuck
ofc they did basic forensic shit of the truck cabin and suspect
no match? tough shit, if it were america theyd beat the shit out of him and tape his confession and then brag, how they cracked the case.

ps so many trucks in captcha today
russian hacker 100%

but then merkel will lose and the big companys will be mad we can't import more cheap refugee workers that we can pay 1€/hr or even work for free and only get them a compensation for 0,33€/hr

I love threads like these. I feel like the part of cops groups in hollywood movie, when corrupted politician/chef police just exit the rooms asking us to not digging the case and main characters - Sup Forums - are starting to talking how is something fishy here.

Anyway I agree but I'm also afraid that german police can fabricate real culprit for satisfy public. Hell, I won't be suprised if they say some other day that dead polack from truck kill all this people and shot himself after that (even if this will be shitty blluffing) and media swallow that. Or they sacrifice some random nigger.

glad I'm not alone in this perception

Shh, don't ask questions goy. The truck driver was clearly a cis-white male who wasn't a muslim.

>thinking they intend to work

>foreigners can come and stay

what the fuck is wrong with you '''''people''''?

fucking germans

Plead for asylum and live out your days in Burgerland. We like your kind of refugee.

I am starting to think my country is beyond saving at this point. Seems like the small little part of bavaria I live in is the last uncucked place in this hellhole. And even here there are tons of weak liberal idiots.

>b) it's a white/Slavish guy who killed himself.
They didn't find the weapon in the truck, did they?

servus freund



Just look at their fucking facebook page it is unbelievable that these idiots are actually posting this shit.

Fucking traitors should be hanged.

What does this mean?

Love sharia rather than AfD?

That is fucking disgraceful. They should be hanged immediately.


>Better Sharia than AFD


>If you provoke Muslims you dont have to wonder about attacks like Berlin


more of this shit happens, and Merkel will be hold accountable.

Fucking krauts man. What an embarrassment to this species.

Required by law he must be set free at midnight if he is not charged with any crime.

I'd really like to know what makes them believe it wasn't him? Any info on this? Some "expert" (lol) on tv said his clothes were not bloodied up, but the pole was shot dead so therefore it can't be him. This is obvious bullshit, so what else? Like an alibi? His mates at the refugee center told the police he was with them? Shit, better let him go.

On another note:
I find it really disturbing the media -until this point- is calling the pole a "co-driver" (Beifahrer).
I mean: Seriously?

That makes me furious. I can't even imagine what it's like for native germans. Fucking hell.

>If you provoke Muslims
I fucking hate this argument. It's literally, roll over and let the bully in the playground beat you up because if you retaliate it gets worse. It's complete bullshit. We should steamroll a few muslim countries and completely colonize them, that will show these cunts not to mess with our shit.

your cucked country is run by traitorous globalist scum, every major event happening there should be treated as a false flag until proven otherwise

just imagine the shitstorm if this guy they just set free is actually the terrorist and kills a bunch of people tonight.

You're on point, britbro.

That would be exactly what we need.

you already did that exactly to my country. terrorism increases 100x. but go ahead, do it again.

Don't worry, brothers. It will all end soon. WW3 is going to kill us soon. It's the day of the rope, for everybody! Now I finally understand how left wing extremists feel. They want the entire world to burn. I concur.

What if it was the driver himself and they now start to glorify him?

What if.. police catch a non guilty white, just to cover everything? At this point, the trust in police goes to "doubt level".

"Winston Smith works as a clerk in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth where his job is to rewrite historical documents so that they match the current party line. This mainly involves rewriting history books and newspaper articles, and editing photographs, mostly to remove 'non persons', people who have fallen foul of the party."

If he's smart, he's gonna leave the country, to find some more tolerance elsewhere.

Fucking disgrace.

Soon, friend.

"This time - The World."

It was obviously a polish orchestrated attack on germany. Don't you know how much we just hate you? We also got the Russian ambassador killed



rare flag.

How's life in Afghanistan now? Have public services/health at least improved since 2001?

Also, do you know any Afghans who've migrated to the west?


Police: you did it?
Niggar: that's a racist question
Police: OK, you are free.


I figure it went something like this.

>be Achmed
>picking pockets and groping children at market
>suddenly a truck comes barreling through and crushes a bunch of infidels
>driver jumps out
>oh shit it's my cousin Mohammad
>run off but chased by concerned kraut

Multiple roaches scattering after the attack, Hans just followed the wrong roach.

Found the fedora-tipped.

>So, to get it straight. They already caught the guy who did it. It was a Pakistani refugee, police confirmed.
no, they never confirmed it. they had someone who they strongly suspected he did it, but they werent entirely sure so there was nothing "confirmed" that they got the killer.
every tiem shit like that happens there are tons of suspects.

>Wer Patrioten ständig provoziert, muss sich über Anschläge wie die NSU nicht wundern.

He obviously tossed the gun and knife out after mutilating himself.

Another guy saw him getting out of the truck, followed him while calling the police and confirned that it was him.
I really don't get how they can just claim him to be innocent

It was him and your gov doesn't give a fuck, they want more native germans dead.


Your government wants you - yes, you - dead in the street from Mohammads knives and guns.

They let him walk fucking free because he wasn't convenient to their narrative of bringing in millions of immigrants + refugees to replace your population and make germany brown

they dont care if some terrorism happens, in fact they welcome it, the only problem for them is that it drives up sentiment against immigrants which is why they try and stop it.

You germans need to rebel. now.

They claim forensics show he was not in the truck.

But who really knows what to think of this story? It sure is really handy for Merkel the "refugee" story now turns out to be false.

This has been discussed in all the previous threads. I'm just trying to share the fact that this guy was identified as the driver

I didn't know that there are 'forensic proofs' but i am certain that somebody followed and identified him and the driver has been identified by other civilians aswell.
They've done alot of shady stuff but releasing the guy is incredible



Did you connect the dots to Pizzagate yet?

So they just caught a random guy with zero proof whatsoever it was him and yet they told the fucking media they taught the Truck driver and even fucking said he is a refugee?

Are you a retard by any chance?

This is suspicious as hell after trying to keep Cologne a secret, after trying to keep the metro fag a secret for six weeks etc.

Yeah, sure. Why not.

>Totally not suspicious, especially after NYE Cologne
It's almost been a year, get the fuck over it you imbecile.

>They already caught the guy who did it. It was a Pakistani refugee, police confirmed. Now they suddenly
They had a suspect based on a description by some guy and it doesn't turn out it's the guy and you go into full moron mode, you imbecile.

>get over the public sexual assault of hundreds of women

>t. Ahmed

>my country
>posts bullshit by minority of imbeciles on the internet

Yeah, woe is us, you imbecile.

Can't believe how gullible and cucked you retards still are after everything that happened and just after this metro kicker incident where they literally never planned to show the video and just let the guy flee so they wouldn't have to add anything to the statistics but someone leaked the video so they had to react.

This is why Germany is going down. Even its "redpiled" people are mentally disabled and have no understand of just how controlled our police and media are by the globalist Jews.

As Schulz himself said it, we solely exist to serve Israel.

No it's because you bunch of cucks refuse the fact that it's an islamist attack
>only white german nationalists are evil *whip yourself*

God, just nuke that """country"""

what the fucking fuck

>trying to keep Cologne a secret
>reported on local media the day after

Oh god what a secret, you imbecile.

>please forget the perfect crystal clear proof our police is controlled and works for Merkel


You apparently only live to shitpost on an obscure weaving traders' internet image board.

I assume you're 12 or something, especially mentally.

Isis have claimed responsibility for the attack so Merkel will have trouble blaming it on the right white.

As an american(ethnic german), I've come to terms with the fact that all the germans worth saving came across the atlantic with us, died in WW2, or only survived to watch their daughters and wives spread their legs for Ivan, Jules, or a bucktooth wanker. Ich verzichte auf mein deutsches Erbe. Sie sind alle ein Haufen verdammter pathetischer Verlierer, und ich habe nichts gemeinsam mit Ihnen. Good fucking riddance. I hope the book closes hard on Germany.

>ethnic german
You what now?

>I enjoy a good wurst


You wish.

>people this retarded exist
>those are the "redpilled" Germans

They literally said "everything is going peacfully". in their official police report in the middle of the night.

The only reason they actually told the truth later was because Twitter and Facebook went crazy with countless victims and witnesses sharing their story.

You fucking retard. Are you literally 1 year old? Are you too young for knowing what happened a fucking year ago?

Jesus Christ. Kill yourself.

Yeah, you know me very well.

Not an argument.

At least I just realized 90% the braindead cuck posts are made by you. Thank god.

Euhm what the fuck this is a direct attack to freedom speech. if you critize; you or relatives will die.

Euhm, what?

>those are the "redpilled" Germans
No, that is an Antifa cuck, who drank all the jew-aid. Should literally kill himself.

Do you guys remember that special force in Munich going in to the mall? The dude with the beard nearly tripping over it and some women holding the guns like they're toys.
Alike people are probably now trying to track down the terrorist who casually ran a truck into 50 people and then jogged away from the crime scene (without ANY german catching him)

>The only reason they actually told the truth later was because Twitter and Facebook went crazy with countless victims and witnesses sharing their story.
Oh, something Merkel, Schulz, Obama etc. call "fake news" today btw. and threaten Facebook with sanctions if they don't delete this kind of stuff.

Keep calling everyone who isn't a gullible faggot cuck paranoid, though.

>like a truck

I'll have you know that I have seven wastebins just for PAPER! Get on my LEVEL Hans!

seriously though. As I've gotten older, my desire to connect with my roots has diminished, and I mean in the broad and narrow sense. I hate my family, (all blu state reg, self hating, MN DFL ISIS voters, not kidding ) and I hate the country I'm supposed to come from. Every political move that comes out of Germany, and the people I'm supposed to be kin with, actually makes me feel second hand shame. If "being german" meant anything, it certainly means being ashamed now.

He did it. Everyone knows South Asians lie about everything.

>media will now spin this as "i-it wasn't a refugee at all" because Merkel was in panic mode

>everyone believes it.

You are such a cucks that even POLISH TRUCKS kill you.


>Cucks believe it
FTFY. And they too will hang when this is all over.

This. European immigrants are good shit. This danish kid who came to my high school could source anything for a party and knew a bunch of sweet Danish card games and rules to things like beer pong

>Hat die Landesregierung Abläufe verheimlicht?

:^D Fucking imbecile.

inb4 the guy they left drives another Truck into the same Christmas market again

They let him go for the sake of tolerance.

Protip: the Paki actually did it.

It's just that 12 dead Germans are nothing compared to the ebil hate against rapefugees. Also they did poll projections and found out how much it hurt Merkel, so they let the guy who did it go and are still searching for the "real killer".

It's still gonma hurt her poll numbers anyways right?

The Paki is one of yours. Why isn't he in England killing Christmasgoers there like he should be?

Our lives have zero value under the new Merkelreich. Only the wellbeing of brown people matter now.

They're getting ready to blame it on a right wing extremist.