>there are still people on this board who unironically believe in god
There are still people on this board who unironically believe in god
God is real. more real than u
of course I do.
what's wrong with your faaaaccee
>inb4 they call you a neckbeard because their infantile minds can't come up with a reasonable argument
Fucking kill yourselves, Sup Forums
>mfw browse /r/hillaryclinton and Sup Forums to laugh at the same brand of morons believing they're arch enemies and thinking they're different, while having 100% identical mentality
That finnish man is so smug.
>Fucking kill yourselves, Sup Forums
>says the muslim
They are just joking, they are not THAAT retarded.
>There are people on this board that don't know Albanians are shitskins
god is all things and no things. the "demiurge" is real and his name is christ.
when people do "DMT" they see one of two things. "machine elves", demons who at best simply dont care about our simple, weak souls, and the all knowing, all loving creator. you can bolt your eyes shut and say "LOL DEGENERATE HIPPIE FAGS" but in the end the truth will hit you wether you accept it or not.
go with god.
I believe that religion and specifically christian religions are a necessity to ensure our society doesnt collapse. I dont believe in god though
There are still faggots in this board who unironically don't believe in god, too.
>god is all things and no things.
Spinoza pls. Nietzsche destroyed your arguments.
>implying I'm muslim
You fucking retard
They are not tho. The religions stole human values and morals and then claimed it was theirs and because people really believed in such religions, they adopted "the good religious values".
What we need to do is take the nonsense away and teach just the pure values and discipline people, it would work. It is a shame that people are full of themselves and ignorant nowadays.
I believe in god, but nothing that comes from any man made book or story, how can you deny that there is not some sort of omnipresent designer when so many things have patterns and such undeniable symmetry and functions are embedded into nature...inb4 its just gravity dude lmao
he is american, what did you expect.
did you know that you are god? not the whole thing of couse, you are weak and limited, but as a white man, you have a soul.
the "holy trinity" is very real. when russell brand said "the holy spirit aint got a pen" he was admitting that he had no connection with god.
if you are atheist you are no better than a communist or an ant. i dont blame you though. i was the same way when i was young.
This and people should watch Jordan Peterson speech about it.
Good point
see im getting the point you are trying to make friend but whenever i visit my local monastery i see a future worth fighting for. Everything outside that circle has fallen into degeneracy
Not THAT god
Eat shit, Muhammad
10+ years since atheism became the 'in' thing and the bulk of atheist argument is still "you believe in something I don't? What an idiot HAHA!"
There is obviously a very significant lack of god, you speak of the marvels of symmetry and complex structures, but you don't explore how most of the times they end up failing and disappearing.
And Gravity is not the only thing that matters, at a smaller levels other forces take care of "symmetry" and so on.
>he hasn't read the book of judas
It's like you're trying to embarrass the Gnostics here.
It always appears to me that the only reason people choose not to believe in God is because God says something which they enjoy doing is a sin, such as sodomy.
Your father says you're not allowed to take it in the ass, so you reject him.
You'd have to be pretty dense and set in your ways to believe God doesn't exist.
>I believe that religion and specifically christian religions are a necessity to ensure our society doesnt collapse
Actually, our society IS collapsing because people are abandonning Christianity
I believe in the idea of a higher power.
However, I don't believe that a Jewish sand nigger named Yeshua is going to come down to Earth and whisk me away to his kingdom in the clouds.
Religion is a man-made creation. God has no religion.
When did I say I'm an atheist though? Why does everyone here act so wise when in reality you don't know shit and you're just repeating what somebody else said?
thats what i said. I dont get the point of your post
>Religion is a man-made creation.
>God made man
Really makes you think.
The degeneracy comes from the ignorance of man and their lack discipline; that is something that religion is very good at establishing. It is really that simple, people are completely blind of the world because they are struggling to live, they only care about reaching the end of the month and close themselves to anything outside their small minds. God is just a friend that "helps" and gives them comfort.
God ≠ Religion, genius
>be god
>be the original Potential
>wish to attain self-awareness, only possibly by having ANOTHER consciousness to interact with
>allow parts of oneself to forget they are parts of me
>try to interact with them
>they find out my ruse those faggots = angels, demons, demigods etc
>realizing forgetfulness is not enough
>separate myself, rend myself apart, split myself in two, but keep an umbilical connection
>I am now the unborn, potential, original darkness
>and the born "Universe"
>create enviroment for life to evolve eventually at various locations (planets)
>life evolves
>experience myself via the eyes of "others"
>attain self awareness
>experience love, and all other emotions requiring two parts
>finally reach enlightenment when all of me has been Defined
>as Definition ends Potential I cleverly program existence to implode upon itself (black holes in centers of galaxies) before I am undone
>repeat for the lulz
I never believed in a God, and never will
Shame on the idiots that were born in a first world country and still practice religion
what do you believe in?
p.s. if you say some shit like "reality" or "science" you are a moron.
Only losers don't believe in god. I've never met someone successful or attractive who was an atheist.
>shame on you for believing something i don't you idiot
They look like any other balkanites
i agree with you friend. I also believe that humans need to be controlled. The more free humans become the more our society devolves
The concept of God is virtually irrefutable once you separate it from religion.
If you believe in the laws of the universe you basically already believe in God. You simply haven't continued the line of thinking to it's logical conclusion. Most people don't think this concept through because they're brainwashed by religion. Atheists always think that religion serves to brainwash those who believe in it... but the funny thing is that it's a double edged sword. Religion brainwashes all who are aware of it, regardless of if they choose to believe or not believe.
Man creates nothing. We simply stumble upon ideas that already existed since the dawn of creation.
what other forces?
I just don't see how these things can a-agnostic designed and be so interconnected. I don't mean bullshit buildings either, I mean things that are pure nature. I certainly believe in evolution, but its more of an evolution of design itself.
The future of society is to be free and enlightened, but we are slowly deviating from it, because freedom is taken for granted, people do not understand its importance, nor understand how important "life" is, they do not search for true knowledge and are content with whatever the majority agrees to without asking questions. It is sad brother. Humanity might be lost.
B-But... Think of all the crusades you'd be missing out on if you DIDN'T believe in God.
come to Berlin and help fighting isis and däsh
spread the news around all chan boards
Not sure if Desu or not very Desu...
That's because the people I hate the most love spirit cooking.
How do you separate God from it's religion?
If a religion dies out so does their god. simple.
Per example, for a medium sized object like us humans, the most prominent force that affects us is Gravity, we can't really excape from it, but as you get smaller and smaller other forces start taking care of nature, for an inset per example the force that matters the most is not gravity, it is the contact forces. With it, they can stand on the ceiling, leaves, sideways etc, they use this to catch prey, the tension between surfaces is what rules their world.
The smaller you go, the less influence gravity possesses because the smaller is the mass.
Materials from nature are extremely complex and interconnected? Try searching the biggest living creature today. There was a newly discovered set of minerals that can switch properties under certain conditions, they are extremely well organised, but if they are subjected to other temperatures etc, they become capable of carrying electrons, I forgot their names....
Try searching the biggest living creature today. There was a newly discovered set of minerals that can switch properties under certain conditions, they are extremely well organised, but if they are subjected to other temperatures etc, they become capable of carrying electrons, I forgot their names....
>An Albanian with an opinion
Where's the secret police when you need them.
God isn't real but it's good for the masses to believe he is
2 separate things, one is the living organism, the other is the materials, gimme a sec.
Sounds pointless.
Living thing.
can't remember the class of those materials :/
it was a very nerdy name too.