Write Trump's Speech for 1/20/17

My Fellow Americans,

In the beginning, there was Kek;

True stuff, folks

So important!

we are going to nuke ISIS, big league!


"Ooga booga I'm cheeto faced Orangutan I don't know how to lead a country"


It is time that we learned to take on the Beady Eyed Anglo


...is FIRED

Obama is soon going to be another jobless african american. Sad! these issues have to be addressed.

...You're gonna get bored of winning, folks. I'll tell ya.

Remember Jeb?

No really, they're the best. The absolute best.

Drumpf BTFO !

He's such a disgusting eater. Have you seen him? Just disgusting. Had his nipples protruding through his shirt as well.

Make America


Fuck Hillary Clinton and fuck black people

grab them by the pussy


My Fellow Americans, in the beginning, there was Kek; He's such a disgusting eater. Have you seen him? Just disgusting. Had his nipples protruding through his shirt as well. Fuck Hillary Clinton and fuck black people


Kek hath told unto me to grab America by the pussy!





That's about all, peace out.

Their rapists.

There is no need to say that

My Fellow Americans, in the beginning, there was Kek; He's such a disgusting eater. Have you seen him? Just disgusting. Had his nipples protruding through his shirt as well. Fuck Hillary Clinton and fuck black people. Grab them by the pussy. Their rapists. That's about all, peace out.

let them keep it

When im done its gonna be

The best, Jerry