The Torah is nothing but the story of a bronze age tribe genociding their enemies and taking land at the command of a foreskin devouring volcano demon.
Could it be that anti-semitism isn't rooted in outsider interpretations of the Torah (which they don't care to read desu), but from observation that the progressives destroying the western world with immigration to mongrelize the population into a slave race, amassing enormous amounts of wealth in the totally fucked international banking cartels, spreading fake holocaust bullshit for protection, and gaslighting the public with a wholly controlled media are Jewish?
Jews need to oust and/or hang the top rat kikes or experience what's it like to be exterminated (for real this time).
Gavin Flores
Bump. I don't have anything, but this could be interesting.
Cooper Parker
Admirable attempt, OP, but Sup Forumsacks are so fucking ignorant they still think even the Protocols of Zion are real.
Nathaniel Russell
I apologize for implying that the vile parasites are Jewish. It doesn't matter whether or not they really are; THEY think or at least claim they are.
Carter Robinson
>The Torah is nothing but the story of a bronze age tribe genociding their enemies and taking land at the command of a foreskin devouring volcano demon. I doubt it, but okay.
>Could it be that anti-semitism isn't rooted in outsider interpretations of the Torah (which they don't care to read desu), but from observation that the progressives destroying the western world with immigration to mongrelize the population into a slave race, amassing enormous amounts of wealth in the totally fucked international banking cartels, spreading fake holocaust bullshit for protection, and gaslighting the public with a wholly controlled media are Jewish? Yep, could be. It's not a bad hypothesis. Rabbi Ken Spiro discussing the entire issue. >I apologize for implying that the vile parasites are Jewish. It doesn't matter whether or not they really are; THEY think or at least claim they are. Eh, that's fair. They are ethnically Jewish, at least. They might have kept the idea of 'It is your responsibility to make the world a better place', maybe passed down from their parents.
I disagree with them on the process and on the shape of the final goal, though. I don't think their idea of a Utopia is viable.
Benjamin Myers
>The Torah is nothing but the story of a bronze age tribe genociding their enemies and taking land at the command of a foreskin devouring volcano demon. Actually, I'll go a bit deeper into this. 'Do not kill' 'This is the way the world was created' 'Stories of ancestors' 'ways to treat others' 'Laws laws laws'. It's not the same as 'just conquering'.
Also, well, if you say that it's about a volcano god, you also have to say that Superman is a sun god.
Carson Morris
do you consider yourselves "the chosen people", and superior to non-jews?
Robert Jones
That's just my cynicism of religious texts in general. Banter.
That's not the important part.
Nolan Hill
Nice false flag, schlomo. How about using text actually brought up when goy complain about your holy books? I've literally never seen the text from your image.
People usually complain about goy being cattle, and the satanic comments found in the Talmud.
Ayden Allen
Yes to the first, no to the second. 'Chosen' does not mean 'better'. There's a reason we don't try to get others to convert, the other goyim only have to follow the Seven Noahite Laws to be good people.
It's more that we consider ourselves the Firstborn, the ones with the most responsibility, the ones who are supposed to set an example to everyone else. 'Or Le'amim' 'Light unto the Nations'
I think, I think, that Judaism was created to change the world, to create a different paradigm. We kind of succeeded and kind of failed. We weren't the ones who changed the world, that was Christianity. But Christianity was based on Judaism, so maybe we get partial credit?
Lucas Harris
And the permittance of usury*
David Cruz
Everyone thinks that way.
Henry Gutierrez
what is your opinion or rabbi yosef? the last cheif rabbi of israel
does he know more about your religion than you do?
John Brooks
>But Christianity was based on Judaism, so maybe we get partial credit? A lot of the old testament was thrown out of the window by Christ though, Eye for a eye went to Turn the other cheek, Render unto caesar etc.
Oliver Ramirez
Good, good! Bring it!
Here, about the cattle one.
On the house of the Goy [Goy means unclean, and is the disparaging term for a non-Jew] one looks as on the fold of cattle. Tosefta, Tractate Erubin VIII
Right, so here's my copy of Eruvin. You're looking for the word גוי . Eruvin 8 = עירובין ח, you can see it on the top. This and the next page are going to prove that the word Goy doesn't even appear on the page.
Xavier Foster
>what is your opinion or rabbi yosef? the last cheif rabbi of israel >does he know more about your religion than you do? He knows more, yeah. But that doesn't mean that I have to agree with him on the halacha, I can go find a different Rabbi who disagrees with him. For one thing, he went according to Sephardic tradition, whereas I followed Ashkenazic.
>A lot of the old testament was thrown out of the window by Christ though, Eye for a eye went to Turn the other cheek, Render unto caesar etc. Talmud, the Oral Tradition says that 'eye for an eye' means 'monetary worth of an eye for the loss of an eye'. Just saying.
Second page of Eruvin 8.
So no, Eruvin 8 says absolutely nothing about goys.
Carson Jackson
Connor Nguyen
here greatest ally.
Leo Wood
It doesn't matter what is says. What matters is how is the West's top Jew parasites believe and act.
>says that 'eye for an eye' means 'monetary worth of an eye for the loss of an eye'. that's hilarious.
How much do you guys follow the talmud as compared to the torah anyways? How does one become enough of a scholar(?) to get inducted in the talmud?
Asher Barnes
Luke Jackson
what do you think he meant when he said this?
Luke Kelly
I know this list of quotes is pretty long,
but if you could hit on ones familiar to you first..
It is probably one of the most popular Semitic memes going around.
Jose Ross
oops, forgot the pic
Thomas Lee
Secondly! Goy does not mean cattle! Mikneh means cattle. Goy means Nation. Goyim means Nations. Jews are also a Goy, though this is not what it's used for in current parlance.
You can see this in the Torah whenever the Israelites are referred to as a nation.
>Mellon Huh? Not what I'm willing to argue about right now. I feel no impulse to defend assholes.
I'll look it up, give me a bit.
>How much do you guys follow the talmud as compared to the torah anyways? How does one become enough of a scholar(?) to get inducted in the talmud? Oh, it's tough. See, Talmud is Aramaic, has no pronunciation help, has no punctuation. Talmud is fucking hard.
We mostly go according to the halacha, which is what the 'current' rabbis interpreted from the talmud and torah.
Connor Flores
I support your effort op, pls make these threads regularly.
>Talmud, the Oral Tradition says that 'eye for an eye' means 'monetary worth of an eye for the loss of an eye'
fucking kikes man.
Hunter Mitchell
>I feel no impulse to defend assholes.
These assholes will be the destruction of the west and Israel. Until the Jews understand that anti-semitism isn't really about them, they won't be able to fix their internal problem.
Mason Jackson
Here is a political question. What is the weight of the orthodox jews in the israel politics? What do you feel about palestine my dude, what is the resolution?
Thomas Baker
never knew israelites could be cool, bumping your thread op and the other thread is also nice
Mason Cox
Right, looked it up. The discussion is about what the effects of premarital sex is, and its effect on the marriage contract.
Rava is of the mistaken opinion that a little girl's hymen grows back, and thus does not reduce her dowery. (It is mistaken, right?) It's not a moral judgement, saying that woo-hoo, sex with toddlers is great! He's saying that hymens grow back, so her bride-price is not at a discount.
Matthew Flores
Israelites are a quirky white nationalistic ethnic group. Nothing more. They'd likely be perfectly fine without US and German slavish holohoax 'reparations' and welfare.
The vile bolshevik jew cunts that hide behind 'muh antisemitism' throughout the western world are an internal problem of Judaism and the white world in general for us all to solve together.
Josiah Diaz
You're up next.
I think he believes that in the Messianic Utopia, Gentiles will serve Jews. I think he's wrong.
Shall do soon. Libbre David is not a real book. Neither is Schachbough. (Shchavot? Layers?) Never heard of Hilchot Akkum, or Choshen Ham. No idea what the fuck Szaaloth-Uztabot is. Baba Necia is not a real Tractate. No idea who or what Simeon Haddarsen is. Nidrash Talpiot, again, never heard of it. Seriously, I'm starting to think this whole thing is made up.
Sanhedrin is a real tractate. Avodah zarah. Yevamot. Shulchan Aruch is halacha. The rest I think are totally made up.
Tyler Scott
satanists infiltrated jewish community is no secret op
Noah Davis
I don't think a girl who's under 3 would have a developed enough vaginal canal for sexual penetration.
I know a lot of toddlers that get raped are killed.
Also girls who are under developed can have their reproductive organs permanently destroyed.
I was molested under the age of 3, and my theory as to why people do it is we don't remember it and come back for them.
Easton Phillips
>Rava is of the mistaken opinion that a little girl's hymen grows back, and thus does not reduce her dowery. (It is mistaken, right?)
The hymen can grow back, but that's a freak occurrence and doesn't seem to be related to the woman's age.
There was also the mistaken belief that the hymen breaks only from sexual intercourse- apparently this was found to only be the case 57% of the time (Underhill, R.A., & Dewhurst, J. (1978)), assuming the participants didn't just lie.
Michael Allen
>Superman nani?
Jordan Sullivan
That's awful. Extra-marital sex is not allowed, and the earliest you can get married is: The minimum age for marriage under Jewish law is 13 for boys, 12 for girls; however, the kiddushin can take place before that, and often did in medieval times. The Talmud recommends that a man marry at age 18, or somewhere between 16 and 24.
I haven't looked for the source for this yet.
Isaiah Morris
Yep. Same idea as a Sun god, very powerful, gets power from the sun.
Thomas Howard
>I think he believes that in the Messianic Utopia, Gentiles will serve Jews. I think he's wrong. yes, very good, except you already admitted he knows more about your religion than you do
would you refer to yosef as a jewish supremacist?
tell me more about this messianic utopia, where can I read about it?
Nolan Watson
also, tell me about the kol nidre
Noah Flores
>yes, very good, except you already admitted he knows more about your religion than you do A greater volume of knowledge doesn't imply your interpretations are any more or less correct.
Carson Parker
I never gave enough of a damn about Superman to notice that, interesting.
Here, have some mexisun gold.
Angel Turner
>yes, very good, except you already admitted he knows more about your religion than you do It's just his personal belief, it's not Halacha, and I am not required to believe as he does.
>would you refer to yosef as a jewish supremacist? Ehhh. Not really? I think Jewish culture is awesome and better than lots of others, I think that we have better IQs in general. I don't believe that we should get special treatment.
I'm going to work on the Yebamot quote now.
Brayden Gonzalez
The bible is also full of shit; why'd you expect a several thousand year-old not to have retarded and outdated shit on it? The Quran is simlar, except more belligerent--Muhammad was, after all, a conqueror.
Noah Thompson
so, why do you get special treatment then?
Caleb Hill
Truly fascinating stuff
Brayden Thomas
>I think that we have better IQs in general
Mestizos, arabs, etc. are often counted as 'white' in the western world to drag down the white IQ. This is intended by (((progressives))) to fight racism by making blacks, asians, etc. seem smarter(more equal).
Adrian Lee
And I have seen some "blacks" paler than mestizos.
Blake Gutierrez
>Ehhh. Not really? he thinks non-jews only exist to serve jews, but he's not a jewish supremecist?
I wonder what % of the jews feel that way about non-jews?
Dominic Carter
Crime rates, too- it helps to cover up the fact that gun and knife bans don't do anything.
It's actually probable that Jews have a lower IQ than other 'whites' since we're not counting illiterate Pakistanis and MS13 gang members as Jewish.
Jonathan Taylor
Can you confirm whether the community conform to these purile, outdated idealigies? Especially those in position of powerful influence?
Jeremiah Williams
>chosen people Dream on. First born my ass.
Austin Lee
Soros, Spectre, Ginsberg, etc. do and that's all that matters.
Camden Gomez
Pretty darn weighty. I have no idea how we're going to get resolution.
It's the releasing of oaths, promises. Yes, that sounds dubious, but I doubt it actually counts for lawful contracts, if it were, the Israelites would have never gotten anything done.
Dunno. You work it out.
He's a Jewish supremacist. I don't think the rest of the religion is.
Those? No. Half that shit is made up. The other half, I haven't investigated yet, give me a bit. I'm working on 's quote.
Oh. Practically speaking, they don't do anything heinous either, for one thing, because Israeli laws forbids it, and Jews are halachically supposed to follow the laws of the country they live in. (There are exceptions, idolatry, blasphemy of god, murder. Not allowed to do those, even if the state says so.)
Jaxson Campbell
what about those verses in Talmud allowing pedofilia?
Gabriel Gray
>this post in a nutshell
Ryder Hernandez
>I think that we have better IQs in general. I don't believe that we should get special treatment.
only ashkenazi. the rest are almost arab tier in terms of iq.
>every opinion that is not mine is Jewish propaganda.
Just came to this trade because I saw OP is Israeli, so I came to bump, and all the sudden a kiwi faggot posts this ugly motherfucker.
Gavin Edwards
>It's the releasing of oaths, promises. Yes, that sounds dubious oaths of office? e.g. being a judge, politician, policeman, soldier?
>He's a Jewish supremacist. I don't think the rest of the religion is. have you read Martin Luther - On the Jews and their Lies? Luther wanted to convert jews and learnt hebrew and the other language aramaic(?), he was given access to the talmud and other jewish texts. after he read them he changed his mind and demanded that they be benished. what could he have read in there that changed his mind and made him hate jews?
Logan Ward
I'm working on it, give me time. Talmud is fucking complicated.
Camden Foster
>oaths of office? e.g. being a judge, politician, policeman, soldier? "All vows we are likely to make, all oaths and pledges we are likely to take between this Yom Kippur and the next Yom Kippur, we publicly renounce. Let them all be relinquished and abandoned, null and void, neither firm nor established. Let our vows, pledges and oaths be considered neither vows nor pledges nor oaths."[6][7]
The leader and the congregation then say together three times, "May all the people of Israel be forgiven, including all the strangers who live in their midst, for all the people are in fault." (quoting Numbers 15:26.) The leader then says: "O pardon the iniquities of this people, according to Thy abundant mercy, just as Thou forgave this people ever since they left Egypt." And then the leader and congregation say together three times, "The Lord said, 'I pardon them according to your words.'" (quoting Numbers 14:20). The Torah scrolls are then put back in the Ark, and the customary evening service begins.
Carter Turner
The vows and pledges being annulled by this ceremony are of a limited category. As the ArtScroll Mahzor explains it: "There is a dangerous and erroneous misconception among some people that the Kol Nidrei nullification of vows—whether past or future—... gives people the right to break their word or to make insincere promises that will have no legal force. This is not the case. The Kol Nidrei declaration can invalidate only vows that one undertakes on his own volition. It has no effect on vows or oath imposed by someone else, a court, or a gentile. Also, the invalidation of future vows takes effect only if someone makes the vow without having in mind his previous Kol Nidrei declaration. But if he makes the vow with Kol Nidrei in mind—thus being openly insincere in his vow—the vow is in full force."[8] Moreover, as Rabbi Yechiel of Paris explained in a Disputation that took place before the King and Queen of France in 1240, "Only the erroneously broken vows are annulled, that nobody might commit the sin of intentionally breaking vows."[9]
Landon Clark
top kek, HH
now that, faggots and cumdumpsters, is chutzpa
you know that it would be very easy to amend the kol nidre to specify "erroneously broken"
and martin luther? what changed his mind about jews?
Owen Mitchell
>i never heard of it and therefor it isnt real
David Miller
Firstborn? Holy fuck I hope you're first to die.
African mudshits were the first born. It doesn't mean shit. Crawl back to your shitty desert country and never leave its borders. The world doesn't want you.
James Gonzalez
The New Testament is the only Halacha ordained by Adonai.
There's some Jews who know this but still hide it within themselves.
Dominic Gonzalez
Why should I care?
Now, about the Yebamot quote allowing pedophilia, there's an argument between R' Shimon and the rest of the Rabbis. R' Shimon believes that the attack on the Midianites which said 'Go forth and take the women for yourselves!' includes Pinchas, the leader of the attack, as a Kohen. So he takes this as proof that Kohens can marry someone who converts above the ages of three. The consensus disagrees, and says that 'take for yourselves' means 'as slaves'. Thus, it does not prove R' Shimon's hypothesis, and the consensus is that Kohens cannot marry someone above the age of three who converted. It's not an endorsement of pedophilia.
(Ugh, that was hard. I had to find out what 'wounded by wood' means, what 'contaminated himself for ___' means. The former means 'the virginity was broken, but it wasn't the girl's fault', and the latter means 'The Kohen can be under the same roof and touch their dead body.'
Jose Rogers
>German racialism wasn't anti-other races I guess trying to exterminate Slavs doesn't count?
There we go. Almost one to one answer to that picture.
Sooo, what should I look up next, or answer?
Gabriel Barnes
>Why should I care? oy vey goyim! I don't have to answer your questions goyim!!
I think I'll go and read it myself
searching om jewgle, in the year of our lord 2016
Hunter Brown
>Firstborn? >Holy fuck I hope you're first to die. It's an analogy, sort of. You don't love your firstborn more, but you expect more from them.
Samuel Cox
Judaism should have got full credit for Christianity, but The Romans had other ideas.
Ian Peterson
You'll get mixed reactions with mixed proofs. I think Hitler absolutely wanted to create "living space" by conquering Slavic territory, which he vaguely mentions in Mein Kampf. I don't think he wanted to exterminate them.
I also highly fucking doubt any of your typical German could read his mind or were up to date on the upper staff's complete post war plans. Hell, in Hitler's early speeches, he wouldn't even name the Jew. He'd call them the internationalists or bankers.
It's much more likely that the German people believed NatSoc was about liberating Europe from communism and Judaism without hatred for others. Obviously in war, propaganda encourages demonizing your enemy so they're easier to kill. Just look at our anti-Jap posters.
Gabriel Lee
We finally have /ourrabbi/!
Ian Martin
Christians aren't yelling at the Romans for being God-killers...
(That actually sounds kinda badass.)
Anyway, one really big difference between Christianity and Judaism is that Jews don't believe in Original Sin. You aren't damned by default. And even if you are sinful, repentance is always enough. That's why the Jews don't feel they need Christ, they don't consider themselves damned in the first place.
Austin Robinson
>Libbre David, and if there were, it wouldn't be halacha.
Stop spitting you filthy kike.
Christopher Russell
What's in the secret oral tradition though? You know, the stuff that you can't read about?
>Bahir 198 Ugh, Kabbalah. I know nothing about Kabbalah, and I think it's hokus. Like, maybe some interesting things are in it, like how it defines the mind, but it's way too esoteric for me to be interested. It's not canon, and it's not a basis for any halacha.
...Dammit, I'll look it up.
Nathan Thomas
>>Also, well, if you say that it's about a volcano god, you also have to say that Superman is a sun god.
Superman is based on a legend/myth/story of a deity or demigod or some shit.
I won't get into details (as many interpretations/histories contradict or confuse) but here's the obvious marker.
I hate the jews slightly less after reading this thread. But jews are still the boogey man
Ayden Nguyen
There is no support in the Torah for virtually anything in the talmud. When Yeshua was here on earth he systematically proved the rabbis and their antecedents the prushim had no authority whatsoever.
"Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of YHVH your Elohim which I command you." >Devarim 4:2
You guys add, the Christians diminish.
Elijah Bennett
Same Senpai. Some still deserve the oven though
Brody Bailey
Thanks, and I'll try to stop hiding in your closet. It's just, you're so pretty...
>Bahir 198 > >199. The soul of the female comes from the Female, and the soul of the male comes from the Male. This is the reason why the Serpent followed Eve. He said, "Her soul comes from the north, and I will therefore quickly seduce her." And how did he seduce her? He had intercourse with her. Bahaha, no wonder they're pissed. Snrk. Whatever, just remember, Kabbalah isn't actually canon.
Jews: We're the first snake sex fetishists! Hehehe.
>"Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of YHVH your Elohim which I command you." >>Devarim 4:2 How can you believe what Christ said if you know about this commandment? Anyway, Jews haven't added commandments, they've added 'gezerot', fences, so that we don't transgress on the real ones. Not the same thing, bud.
Landon Sanders
not just full credit, but 18% APR compound interest too
>Anyway, one really big difference between Christianity and Judaism is that Jews don't believe in Original Sin. don't they believe that the "gods" created the earth, not a singular god?
and also, there is no hell in judaism
el-ite el-ement el-dorado el-taco
elliminerty confirmed
Luke Reed
Alot of Christians don't believe in Original Sin. When I talk about Christianty im speaking about the original faith, the original Church that was founded by Jesus brother James in Jerusalem and was killed for his faith in the Moshiach by Pharasaic Rabbi's instituted by The Romans. So when you imply that Christians call Jews God Killers these are the ones they are speaking about (Pharisees). By proxy they are also calling The Romans God Killers, as make no mistake if you truly know your Jewish history as you are claiming too, you will know that the Romans who invaded Israel were in cahoots with The Perushim (Pharisees) thats why all of our Rabbi's become of Greek and other Origin and the Saducees took a back seat. These Pharisees dumbed down Judaism, oppresed the popluation and allowed the Romans to take over, and the Rabbis you are quoting in this thread are a direct continuation of they're supposed "Authority" given to them by Gentile armies. They claim to sit in the seat of Moses but the word of The Lord speaks against them. Our Rabbi was the last Rabbi no longer call yourselves Masters, The Father and the Son are one.
Michael Lee
I know, but makes much more sense than Talmud.
Carter Wood
Elijah Bennett
>don't they believe that the "gods" created the earth, not a singular god? >and also, there is no hell in judaism Um, not really. They translate 'Let us make man' as God speaking to his angels.
There sort of kinda is? There's none in the Torah itself. There are stories about it in the Talmud. They believe that everyone gets a maximum sentence of eleven months in hell, which is more of a purgatory, a painful cleansing before getting into heaven. (Which also has no base in the Torah.)
We don't claim to actually know anything about heaven or hell, though. We have no idea what a metaphysical place could possibly be like. Many Jews consider the idea of heaven or hell to be almost irrelevant. The point of Judaism is to have a good, helpful life in this world.
William Lewis
tell us about the noahide laws
Grayson Collins
Can you comment on Taniya? It's written there that goym are from shit, or the word used there is klippot?
Hunter Smith
I'm sorry, you're going to have to dumb this down for me.
Don't murder, don't steal, don't worship false gods... >Do Not Deny God >Do Not Blaspheme God >Do Not Murder >Do Not Engage in Incestuous, Adulterous or Homosexual Relationships. >Do Not Steal >Do Not Eat of a Live Animal >Establish Courts/Legal System to Ensure Law Obedience
I don't think that Jews have any punitive measures against anyone who doesn't follow these, though. Unless you're Jewish, and they have a Sanhedrin. Seriously, I'm a bit worried over what will happen once we have one and they can stone adulterers and homosexuals who've been testified against.
I'm thinking that a loophole we can use is that we have to follow the civic authority, and Israel doesn't allow stoning people.
Hunter Cook
Also, where does the story about Lilith come from?