Women's Suffrage

Was it a mistake?

no but the first post best post thing is a mistake

first mistake best mistake

women please respond

Men's suffrage was a mistake too.

yes, fatal mistake.

you have to ask?

goyim suffrage was a mistake



Yes, cunts should not be in government. Governments are for being run by people, cunts aren't people.
I'm a woman

Humankind was a mistake *tips fedora*



Yes but those titties weren't.

Zamknij ryj i do zmywaka

Tits with time stamp.

No. Women have made political campaigns stupider but the stupidity of their voting patterns has been highly exaggerated. I'm just waiting until politicians figure out you don't have to campaign at women.

This desu. Republicans have got it figured out more so than the Democrats, bc Republican platforms are meant to appeal to ideas. Democrat platforms are meant to appeal to certain demographic. Dems have to modify their message to fit all people so it's never quite consistent, whereas anyone can have believe in an idea.

Those titties weren't a mistake

Damn, nice tits tbqh f.am

It's not a mistake, just redudant. Women are followers so they'll vote whatever people around them believe the most.
Voting should be limited to one vote per household.

democracy is a mistake to start with

Yes democracy itself was a mistake as well


Of course it was.

Cuck. It was a huge mistake. Women are fucking retarded

Empirically emphatically yes, the results have been lethal.

Historically when you societies allowing women a say in governmental or military leadership it's typically at the tail end of that civilization

There have been decent women leaders or at least compitant ones but they are outliers and usually ruled in tandem with all other male officials

When you have what we have now in the west it's usually a sign of deep state decline, it happens in the abbisd caliphate, it happened in Rome, it happened in Persia and it happened in Egypt

Yes. Women voting ruined everything. Just look at how women vote. Most of them don't even take it seriously.

You need more redpilled white women. From this picture it looks like they made Trump the winner and their map looks very similar to overall for men.

Women these days are retarded because they have no guidance from their fathers and husbands.
If you limit the vote to one per household, you're effectively removing them from the voter pool, because they'll just follow the beliefs of their husbands, and you're removing edgy young males with no personal responsibility along with them, too.

Women and men should be raised the same. With emphasis on physical and mental fitness.

When you have tribes within tribes within tribes you end up with a nonfunctional or semifunctional society.

Universal suffrage was the blow destroying good democracy.


Only if expanding past landowner suffrage was.

Reminder that women's suffrage is philosophically and politically inevitable once universal (or close to it) male suffrage exists. You could extend this further, in fact, sexual inequality only makes sense in an all-around hierarchical context like monarchy or aristocracy, having the enlightenment but going "not for cunts lol" is self-defeating.