Most cucked country of 2016 poll

So 2016 has almost ended but we could still squeeze a few more happenings before 2016.

I created a simple poll for Sup Forums to vote on which country has proven to be the most cucked country of 2016. I've listed the major ones that have given us a reason to prove they are cucked/being cucked.

Also post on what country deserves a next happening.

My vote is for Germany being the cuck of the year and I want Britain (Only London) to have the next happening.


Other urls found in this thread:

It's easily Germany.

U.S started to uncuck itself after November but has to be 2nd with all the SJW shit, it's beyond maddening.


Even Sweden has been taking steps to the right direction with the recent tightening of their immigration policies. And I'm saying this as a lifelong Sweden hater

sweden or germany

probably germany

I was going to put America down but since Trump is in charge, there's no way you can get cucked at the moment.

I would include the UK and America as nominees, but Brexit and Trump winning the election would probably disqualify us.

France or Germany.

More interesting would be the most uncucked country

No one voting for Canada?

I put my country down just because of the state of Brexit. We've got a chance to still be tied to the EU.

I can't see where Trump could go wrong to make you guys becoming potential cucks

Germany lad. No contest.

Germany, up you go.

Don't worry about me m8, I'm just having a little chuckle at your ID.


Hungary or Italy, because Hungary blocks refugees and Italy just fucked the EU from governing them, which might lead to italexit

Voting for germany.

You all know why.

That name sounds familiar...
It's probably nothing though.


Current cuck rankings top 5

>france no votes

you guys have a short memory dont you, terrorist attack after terrorist attack and le pen wont win anyway

We did it lads


we dindu nuffin

Cuckmany - because MANY are getting cucked.

You're actually doing very poorly. Germany is growing strong right now.

I'm surprised myself. Maybe because of the recent cuckening in Germany, it's proving they're gonna win this award

London looks like middle east bro

Being called a Preußen is an insult to all true Uebermenschen in Bavaria.

seriously? just 18 votes for sweden?


We may have Trudeau but at least we didn't get hit the wave of terror that europoors got

Germany, France and Sweden are 100x more cucked than us atm

Those digits win you most cucked award


ya but do they have tolerance trucks?

just keep voting for merkel everything will be fine

germany no question


Germany or Sweden

France seems to finally be on the right track with a binary Fillion/Le Pen choice for pres.

Swedes are thick as pig shit so its expected of them, Germans are meant to be intelligent.

UK coming from behind faster

Yes but it generated a lot of anger in France, each French politician is being driven to the exit simply with memes about their compromission with Islam. France has started the uncuckening but you just don't feel the signs yet.

Fuck off Lederhosen-Hans.
You lost and were absorbed by Prussia, accept it. Bismarck led you into the empire whether you wanted it or not.

A united german empire under a true leader is the strongest force in europe.



>people voting for UK

They're cucks irl.

Voting for goytschland,i really hope i can vote for someone else next year after merkel is gone tho

>Sheer body count cuckoldry award:


>Just fuck my continent up cuckoldry award:


>It's the current year cuckoldry award:


Even Kek mourns the loss of Prussia and Bismarck.

UNFAIR to vote just after these happenings! Should have waited until after Christmas and close to New Years to have given us other a fighting chance.

>Britain is only 1 vote
the fuck? Britain might not be the most cucked country, but it still got cucked by getting reckd by thje brexit. it is 2nd or 3rd most cucked imo from those countries
#1 is of course KEKMANY

We are definitely cucked. No question about it. Most cucked? Na. Not this year. Maybe 2017.

Think it's still Sweden desu.

Congratulations sweden you no longer hold the cuck price how does it feel

I wanted to vote for France, my coutry, but then I saw Sweden and Germany.

What states had the biggest change in cuckedness this year?

> Pennsylvania -1
> Michigan -1
> Minnesota +2

No big change in my home state afaik
> TN +0

So burgers, how's it going in your home state?


This is not fair making this vote after a Happening in germany.

In france WAY more people died and Le Pen is probably going to lose next year.

wisconsin maybe?

262 people died in france you still wont vote for Le Pen

So what is the actual question of the poll?

The most cucked country in absolute terms as of this moment is still Sweden by a long margin.

But if we are talking about how much a country cucked itself in just one year than it is easily us.

Sorry but I have to still nominate Sweden.

One terrorist attack doesn't come close to the decades of constant cuckolding the Swedes have endured.

1. Sweden
2. Germany
3. France

That's my top 3. US and Britain are finally starting to uncuck ourselves though we have a long way to go. The cancer has spread far.

Hopefully France will join us by electing Marine.

n**** jackput

Germany I don't even need to explain myself

>uncucked white countries

Otherwise Japan, North Korea, Bhutan, Laos all have strict immigration policies where you can expect to get arrested staying past your visa.

Most cucked is still Germany because they don't even know they are cucked, that's how deeply cucked they've become. Sweden is already past the denial stage

Why is Sweden 2nd?? We didn't do anything cucked this year.

I think Germany made great gains towards the title from past years, Merkel has made some lip service towards their problems but will never really act. Now it remains to be seen if they can put any of this western right momentum into political action.

USA is volatile, in certain pockets (colleges in particular) it is #1, but as Trump's election shows middle America is still strong.

Sweden has made some small steps to uncuck itself but it still refuses to admit it has a problem as a society. Still mainly ruled by commie-feminists though so they fight an uphill battle.

UK succeeded with Brexit but politically it is still unstable, small improvements but unsure where the future will lead.

France just remains (usually quietly) cucked as fuck with no signs of improvement, it's the only one I honestly would label lost cause. They're ruled by literal and semi-literal commies. They refuse to admit they have any political problems. They only act on the Mudslimes AFTER they murder a bunch of people.

Merkel also change around on immigration.

Serbs are receiving praise from other countries, for how well they have been against the "refugees"

Your whole existence is cucked faggotry.

Canada by a landslide

Austria should be way higher too considering they elected a green marxist communist as president.

It's pretty much who has proven to being the most cucked country of 2016 so anything that's given them a reason to be laughed at by Sup Forums

I nominate Sweden, however I would have nominated Canada but it's tougher for Justin cum swallower Trudeau to bring the Muzzies in.

279 Votes, and Germanistan going stronk!

It's not Sweden. Germany is more cucked and possibly even Britain, but they redeemed themselves with Brexit, we didn't do that yet. But Germany takes the cake in cuckoldry, don't try to pin that on us you idiot.

Fuck off we are 4th at best. Germany, France, and Sweden are easily the top 3. Read the thread.
We are extremely cucked here, but we are not #1 and not by a landslide

It should be pretty close between Germany and Sweden, but the single biggest cuck moment imo was in Austria during the Iraq refugee "sexual emergency", where the rape against the 10 year old boy couldn't be sufficiently proved.

yeah we uncucked, at least for the moment

same with brexit even though you have a muslim mayor of your biggest and most historic city

>We didn't do anything cucked this year

Exactly, that's the fucking problem. Your women get raped and murdered and you do nothing.

Hands down Germany, what a disgrace.

The Ahmed's don't seem to go as crazy out in Sweden, though they are still raping and doing crime. What really makes Germany's cucked status is that this was once such a proud country who saw themselves and achievements as the greatest in the world and now they live at the mercy of the savage third world shitskins that have flooded their country. Germany is a mess.

>but Brexit and Trump winning the election would probably disqualify us

Why vote when Sweden is the most cucked no matter what happens?

They can be cucked every year but there's always a chance for anotehr country (Germany) to outcuck them.

Trump winning is just one uncucked thing in an ocean of cucked shit.

How many nog riots did you have this year?

>not even on the list
>feels good man

France had more attacks than us tho

That is true but the people of Sup Forums think otherwise.

A anti white muslims runs your capitol and has vowed to ignore the brexit

Could we have a recall on what were this years biggest acts of diversity?

The new german driving school was a big one, but what were the others?

I know french one racked up a bigger tally, Sweden had more cucked responses to their Ikea diversification, and UK just cant stop londonposting

I meant disqualify us from winning. Yeah, we're still pretty cucked but at least we we've passed a major stepping stone.

Romania , you can joke about the lolocaust here

UKraine is the most cucked.
> fuck up economy > fuck up industry > do whatever more merkell tells them to do > still is not accepted anywhere in the world as human beings

2nd place - UK.
> vote for independence
> leader quits
> other leader sucks leftie cocks attacks trump for minister chair

>but at least we we've passed a major stepping stone

Trump Victory was more like a defining moment in the West

poccия ,a fucking roach kill their russian ambassador. Now russians act like pussies

I demand a new strawpoll after Christmas.

Or at least a recount.

Yes, however the french people openly state how much they hate muslims irl. You guys haven't that I've seen aside from that recent beating and stabbing of that one rapefugee

it's all a moot point though because NO ONE comes close to Sweden

What's wrong with the current results? You should be pleased you're not 1st

>Yes, however the french people openly state how much they hate muslims irl

Sorry but what the fuck are you talking about? Have you ever even been to france?

Yeah I spent a bunch of time in Grenoble and Montpellier. They openly talked about how much they hate arabs, how proud they are that the burka is banned, and how they hope those one piece arab swim suits would be next

>65 KB, 950x713)

the most cucked country hasnt changed in 60 years it is was and remains the United States of America


I would explain what´s wrong but you might have to call the Mansplaining hotline then.