Get ready for a wild 2017, lads
Why won't these crybabies just give in to the fact that they lost?
they will get bored soon and find something else to be outraged about
Geez, manthread much?
It's like this every time a republican gets into office. It's going to be 4 years of media driven hatred. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of the bullshit pop up in popular musicians music soon enough. Fucking hate the media and the leftist monopoly over it.
elections are trendy. There will be plenty of "what colour dress" shit to distract them for the next few years
>and we fight
aaaaaaaaaand it's nothing
Why don't they just fucking leave the country, lazy ass entitled pieces of shit
>ignore his logic
>every second
>every single day
Lol, they won't, they will just cry on twitter and tumblr how they are gonna fight, but in the end they would have done nothing. They are just LARPing to feel better about themselves.
Kek is already doing its duty.
lefties have become fucking wiley coyote, sitting under the rock which recently crushed them and skeeming again, pathetic
>mfw liberals waste every single day of the next 4 years whining about everything and still lose
They had entire organizations, companies and media behind them during the elections and they still fucking lost
How the fuck a bunch of numales and proud wymyn can pretend to do shit at this point?
No amount of Soros funding will drag them out of the pit THEY dug. Some fucking self-reflection -maybe- could do.
>every single he does
Sorry kiddo this is trump and not Bill Clinton. No bimbo dicking other than the one he's married to.
They'll get tired and life will go on as normal after inauguration.
Ill be working the inauguration. I pray to Kek for some liberal skulls to crack
Because they are only liberals on paper, and not in practice. They value the "freedom" most Americans have. They enjoy the safety our military provides and no matter what they tell you, our laws/their way of living is too comfy to change.
TLDR they are weak hypocrites
I may or may not trust Trump over his campaign but staying monogamous in the office is something I doubt really.
But why on earth your president shouldn't cheat his wife?
Miterrand did, De Gaulle did, Sarkozy did even Chirac did it
I'm not sure the queen stayed every single night of her life since the death of the king
Good analogy.
Godspeed, burger
the very universe itself must be against these fools. everything they attempt literally blows up in their faces.
Standing around with signs yelling at people isn't a "counter", it's free entertainment for everyone else.
Trump doesn't do singles
Right-wing Americans need to fight back. They will try their best to destroyTrump's inauguration. Don't let them do whatever they want. Fight them back. Go to Washington and face those animals. This man gave up his billionaire life to make america great again. Now it's your time to help him.
thats a great way for them to develop chronic depression
Are these fags really going to protest every day even after Trump has gotten them all good, stable jobs?
This is why we need to twist the knife and trigger the cucks to death.
If they aren't mindbroken then we still have work to do.
>Stop being distracted by logic and truth
Low energy
I was hoping this guy got shot by a blacky
Tonight at 8, Bill O'Rielly names the Jew.
>we fight
We should come up with ideas to take their donations, might as well profit off of them like Jill.
Dude you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
The liberal mindset is inherently anti-work. It sees successful people as being inherently privileged, while less successful people are experiencing some kind of invisible injustice. All of this is a psychological shield to blind themselves of their own laziness.
They don't want jobs.
>mfw I lived in Highlands Ranch
I wonder if they will ever get tired of losing.
Artfag here, I sell liberal crap I make on the cheap and live a comfy lifestyle off the NEETbux of salty nu-males, white women, and minorities.
Even after his successful 8 years in office and still even after he has died, been frozen, reanimated, assassinated, reincarnated, and risen from the dead to save mankind, liberals will still try to retroactively invalidate his presidency.
All this wasted time not advancing their position in the world. Sad!
desu we did the same when obama was elected
are you new to politics?
Numerals confirm
>inb4 "his boyfriend's wife's son".
stop being crybaby
It will take a year or so till every normal person gets so sick of it to tell them loudly "Shut up, idiot" everytime they open their mouth.
Then they dissapear.
>Trump legalises marihuana
*fuck you Trump! Make it illegal again *
They mean in front of his wife's 4-year-old son?
>Do your best to stop being distracted by the logic or veracity of his tweets.
Liberals in a nutshell.
>He'll never get the republican nomination
>He'll never get win the election
>He'll never get the electorial college vote
>He'll never be inagurated
>He'll never be my president
>Haha he might be president but he will never send my illegal family back to mexico
>haha he might have sent my illegal family back to mexico but he will never build a wall
Of course he doesn't; he's Kek's chosen.
>liberals want to do the same stupid shit conservatives have done the last eight years
Fuck this country.
I must say that is quite a lot of 4's.
What does Kek mean by this?
kek works in mysterious ways.
>they will get bored soon
Yeah just like everyone got bored with being angry at Obama for 8 years.
it's a strom in a water glass. they are boring, they are losers, they have no momentum, they are low energy and their ideas are fucking dead. meanwhile the alt-right *cough cough* is everything they wish they were
Dude, this is America. Remember a good portion of our early settlers were Puritans, who were the biggest fucking prigs about everything.
That's why SJWs are rampant in New England. They're nothing more than atheistic Puritans.
Being this bumblefuck retarded. HAHAHA
Quints confirm liberal hipocrisy
Such is life
Is that grown man crying about getting called names during a contentious election?
I keep thinking that punk rock and rock n roll are going to be so much better now they these people have something to complain about
>our 2017/2018 candidates
What does he mean?
Midterm elections probably
>Midterm elections
Ah, I didn't know about those.
What is your suggestion then