Why is America so fucking great? I've never wanted to be European or Swedish, it is the most boring fucking thing ever...

Why is America so fucking great? I've never wanted to be European or Swedish, it is the most boring fucking thing ever. I don't like taxes, I don't like shitskins, I value family and traditional values over "modernization" which plagues western civilization.

Seriously, any Eurobros living in America? Tell me how it really is. I already started to dislike Europe when I was 12 but in the last 4 years, I'm convinced I don't want to be here anymore and I've been given the opportunity to work in America. Obviously if I do move there, I won't go to the big cities.. I'm not a retard and I know there are lots of shitskins there. :^)

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>Implying America isn't a country born out of revolutionary values

And then you realise USA exists to the kikes biddings, the american women are the most likely to engage in interracial relationships and they're all obese lard-asses. Then you realise maybe it's not all that bad to be a swede. Neck yourself.

Thats weird. I always wanted to live in Europe until I found out how cucked it is. Probably the most interesting continent historically. Dont try to come here Sven. Take back your country.

>not that bad to be a swede

Our government is pouring in shitskins to force them into shitty jobs because we don't pick it up.

No thanks, I want to be Americans, I want to be white and above others. Enjoy being a cuck.

America is HUGE, how can you say you don't want to be American? Most powerful nation in the world with everything best from other parts of the world.. cmon, be more positive bro.

>Our government is pouring in shitskins to force them into shitty jobs because we don't pick it up.

oh the irony, that never happens here in America right?

Why do you think you'll find any of that here?

I'm seriously considering moving to Europe which makes me think in many ways the grass is always greener.

All memes aside I can guarantee you'll see more shitskins here at least.

Either way, take the job if you want. Likely that it isn't permanent and you can probably move back if you don't like it.

you are a white man swede. you have the power to MSGA.

when white men realize they are the only race capable of true empathy, they will realize the folly of treating shitskins and chinks as equals.

Yeah im proud to be American in its current state but Europe has such cool history and culture. Also if you think 63% percent is just a meme, its not.

i live in a very rural area. there is a young (late 20s early 30s) couple that live here that came from sweden. they love it. and we love white foreigners, so come on down.

What are you talking about, you want to be white? Are you a sandnigger or something? Because then you aren't a swede. Also USA is more black and hispanic than any other western country in the fucking world. Do you honestly expect a white paradise in USA? Just fuck off you loser, if you come back to Sweden I'll hang you in the trees with the rest of them. You're not a swede, you are a coward

Have you ever been here? If yes, for how long and where? You sound like you have a very narrow perspective of the United States.

To be honest, America's history is way better.

>BTFO Brits
>BTFO Japs
>BTFO the entire world

And the thought of owning my own assault rifle and getting a gun license.. and raising a family and teaching my son how to shoot, that's a dream only possible in America. Seriously, fuck Europe. There is nothing good about this continent.

I am Swedish, both in ethnicity and in nationality.

I'm not a coward either, I just don't want to fucking defend a cucked nation that is beyond saving. I will gladly give up on my nationality and just call myself European if I ever live outside Sweden. I can't stand what is happening here, either I go, or the government goes, and we know the answer to it.. our government will NEVER go away.

Sorry but it's time to face it, we have so many retarded brainwashed Swedes and shitskins that you will never get a Swedish political party.

>owning my own assault rifle and getting a gun license

You don't need a gun license unless you're getting some serious shit. Like a fully-automatic weapon or a m203 grenade launcher.

Move to Minnesota, Montana, or the Dakotas. You'll find fellow scandinavians there without the social welfare dependent mindset that you're accustomed to.

Even better, America is literally perfect. I had to get a gun license which took me a while just to own a rifle that is for deer hunting.

I've looked up Minnesota and honestly, I just want to avoid any contact with Scandinavians. My goal is to move away from them, and Minnesota got lots of Somalians.. shameful, Swedes bring their cuckoldry anywhere.

Goddamnit, what the fuck is wrong with my people.

All of this is true for Sweden except the fat part, just replace that with Swedes being massive cucks. It's funny how it's most often a Swede bringing up how fucked the US is out of damage control.

But OP is obviously a troll though, US is shit.

I wouldnt mind if euros moved here. Get that white percentage up. Come on down sven

he might be talking about a concealed carry permit.

I'm not a troll. I am almost done with my education in Göteborgs Universitet and I am in talk with a company that operates here and in America (headquarters in Dallas).

Also it's not shit, it's fucking shameful and dumb to say that about a country that is so big. You have literal deserts, amazons etc.

I live in Commiefornia, very cucked laws, taxes, atmosphere. And getting an AR15 is easy. I paid upfront, they did a 10 day background check to ensure I'm not a felon or insane (gun control does exist, so I don't know what liberals are talking about), and then I picked up my rifle.

Plus, actual jobs are coming back here (manufacturing). Golden age of the USA is returning, fuck what the shills say.

If not a troll, reply to:

Except it's not. I just proved to you that you're the biggest cucks. Race mixing happens very fucking rarely in Sweden. The reason being is because first off, we're heavely segregated as a country, with sandniggers living with other sandniggers and swedes living with swedes. The sandniggers are manlets and extremly poor, they will never catch a swedish woman that expects all the riches in the world. Why do you think rape is so high here. They can't get a swedish woman so they have to rape them.

Yeah yeah just fuck off, just don't come back here.

Beautiful. Even if Trump turns out to be a kike shill, his movement is more important because it proves Americans still want to be great again. Now that's what I want to get behind.

No, I plan to visit next summer and work as an electrician (I've worked as one here, could probably find some dough in America with my experience) to meet and talk to the people.

I've been to Florida, stayed there for 3 months. It confirmed everything I suspected, but you are nice people I must say that.

63% doesn't mean much when you take into account just how large the country actually is. Outside of the major cities, America is still a very white country. You could move out to the Midwest and never see a non-white face ever again.

I visited Austria some years back, and remember having a thought when I saw a particular tract of forested mountain in the distance.

In Europe, both financially and legally, carving out some land and having a home out in the woods is probably big fucking deal compared to here.

Maybe it's available, but cost prohibits it for most people. Or maybe cost isn't even the issue...maybe "the government" owns it and simply won't dole it out for anyone. Maybe all the decent available land is locked into ancient family dynasties and it's not gonna go to some working stiff who has saved up his money over the years. At all. For any reason.

But in the U.S., when you look at some uninhabited land, it is completely reasonable to believe that some day it will be yours and there is very little that the government is going to say to you about it. Not just regarding if you can have it, but what you can do on it. For better and for worse.

America has started with the assumption that you are free until you start being an asshole to the degree that it bothers other people.

The unintended consequences of this assumption is that enough people go off the rails into disgusting degrees of indulgence and have no desire to productively carve out a physical space somewhere with a pioneer spirit, but want instead to carve out an emotional space where they think nobody has any right to criticize their stupidity, degeneracy and hedonism.


Haha du är så jävla hjärntvättad, ha så kul när Reinfeldt, Åkesson och Sahli knackar på din dörr och tvingar dig på dina knän tllls du uppskattar den evige judens ambition.

Minnesota is a german state. It has ethnic swedes, but they are an extreme minority. You can't escape the somali's though, and the only reason they can even live here is because the state pays for their housing. I wish the cold would kill them like it does vagrants, or at least drive them south into that other shitty blu state.

Sorry about butchering Gustav Sweden, hehe.

To be honest, it's no coincidence there are Somalis in a state with lots of Germans and Swedes.

>tfw witnessed a neighborhood go from yugoslavic -> gypsy -> albanian -> arab -> somalian in less than 15 years

So you were in part of the south for 90 days and, because of this, know that:

>USA exists to the kikes biddings, the american women are the most likely to engage in interracial relationships and they're all obese lard-asses.

Come back here, check out the west coast and the Northeast, maybe other parts of the south. You may have a better opinion of the U.S.

I will be very upset if he turns out to be a kike shill (a legitimate one, not Sup Forums's idea of a "kike shill")

And yes, America does want to be great again. Even parts of Los Angeles, one of the most cucked regions in America, is (slowly) waking up.

Nej, det är jag inte. Ha så kul i USA, landet som går ut i krig för judarna. Du hade lika gärna kunnat åka till Israel. Dom donerar miljarder kronor till Israel och massa vapen, och dem kräver ingenting tillbaka. Judarna har USA i deras nävar.

"No I am not. Have fun in the United States, the country that goes to war for the Jews. You might just as well have been able to go to Israel. They donate billion to Israel and the mass of weapons, and it requires nothing back. The Jews have the US in their fists."

Whatever you say, Mohammad.

You're making a critical mistake. The U.S. is fucking huge with MANY mixtures of cultural identity spread across that land.

Living in California and living in Florida are very different from a cultural standpoint.

Florida, while being a cool state (I live there), is actually different from the U.S. as a whole. It's not a 'typical' state in any sense of the word.

Well do you seriously deny that the jews don't have you in their fucking control? Why are you donating billions of dollars to Israel and offer your protection for free? They give you nothing and you give them everything. Why did you go out to war in middle east if not for the jews. You are literally taking the cock of Israel every fucking day and Trump is doing the same claiming USA as the greatest friend of Israel blah blah blah. Meanwhile they're just rubbing their hands together. What has Israel done for USA?

you're obviously trolling

>I've never wanted to be European or Swedish, it is the most boring fucking thing ever. I don't like taxes
You have made these points absolutely crystal clear over the years.

Pekka, shouldn't you be speaking Swedish with me now?

>the american women are the most likely to engage in interracial relationships
Where are you getting this?
Interracial relationships between whites and non-white groups are incredibly rare here while interracial relationships between non-white groups are much more common.

I'm first generation Italian and I moved to Montana. It's basically a white utopia (for the moment) I'm not too optimistic tough. Last day I heard the major of Kalispell on the local news saying something about "having more diversity"

The swedenstan residents are speaking arabic because they cant hold a normal argument in english.

probably just lip
But I have heard rumors that HUD refuses to give grants to cities that won't take in nogs. Hopefully that changes next year.

white men are more likely to engage in interracial relationships.
I even heard that couples: white man-black woman are the most succesful

Well it's quite simple, you are the most ethnically diverse western country in the world out there. That's why it's the most common. The same can be said in UK where they top the European interracial couples and they're like USA-lite.

Israel is not the boogeyman, but yes they have far too much influence on this nation, just like China. This is why the liberal American government is pushing for the internet to be controlled, and the "fake news" narrative.

All European countries are cucked and controlled by foreign influences, Swedebro. But we must eat this elephant one bite at a time.

I think your analysis is skewed by popular media.
The average white American woman in her twenties is not even considering someone who isn't white.

The reason why it's so weird to me, is that Israel is a lesser nation. They can't even compare themselves with USA. So why the hell is USA paying Israel and giving them weapons and not the other way around? Shouldn't a lesser nation pay the greater nation for their protection? Why the hell are you handing out your tax money to a country of fucking jews? I bet you they have enough money.

I've always assumed that we wanted Israel because it's pretty much the only country in the Middle East that can be a base of operations and we can, in a way, secure the resources of the middle east by having a mere presence.

But yeah, they're given insane amounts of money. just note that for a long time, there has been a large divide between the will of the average American people and the will of the American government. I pray that Trump is the wild card that many have wanted for so long.

I was thinking about this earlier this morning. America's anti-government, revolutionary, John Bircher counter-culture is one of the best legacies of history anywhere in the world.

Come to Columbus Ohio. You would like it here. Lots of niggers but we have a foreigner fetish over here. You would be treated like royalty. LIbs will love you and Conservatives will love that you're white. We have the largest uni in the States filled with the hottest girls from around the country

Florida fucking sucks dude. It's probably the trashiest, low brow place I've ever been to in America. Its like every low life spic, nigger, and low life white trash wanted to move to the same place.

>Seriously, any Eurobros living in America? Tell me how it really is.
I'm slav so not sure if you can consider me eurobro, but I moved here for work 3 years ago and decided to stay at least until I get my American citizenship.
About 85% of life is better than everywhere else, but 15% has some issues where Yuroop and slavland have it better

What state are you in?

You got America to blame for modernization, idiot

You'd love it in the south then.


Come be free with us, just stay away from any large city.

Used to be the best state, but amount of uppity spics everywhere and booming Austin make it no so perfect for life

Yeah, that's pretty much the case for every large city in the US. The conservatives are spread out nation-wide while the liberals are condensed into small areas. Things are going to turn around though!

There are good parts of america, specifically small towns in the midwest. Avoid all big cities.

here is a helpful map to decide where you think it would be best to move it

Don't expect too much, we're not so different. I wish you good luck, but just understand we aren't some promise land, you'll be disappointed.

>Things are going to turn around
Best case scenario, we will see a slow-down of this decay, but I highly doubt America will be white and conservative again

If you stay away from the greater puget sound area and live in the foothills, Washington state is an amazing place to live. The liberals are easily avoidable.

btw, this map is wrong for Phoenix.

We have plenty of spics here, but no natives really. We have a ton of Natives in Northern AZ.

Also, we're conservative, and Arizona is the most lax on guns in the union.

>I highly doubt America will be white and conservative again

At this rate, agreed. But who's to say what events could unfold in the future to motivate the average white guy. Shit happens out of the blue, and judging by the levels of escalating tensions, its not a matter of "if" a civil war will happen, but "when", Average white joes are well armed and have practice with their weapons, we're going to win (and the military IS average white joes FYI)


>we're going to win
I have no doubt about it. And my AK is at your side burger brothers, but it looks more like a distant dream than something we should expect and rely on

Well nothings going to happen over night, but 20-25 years in the grand scheme of things is not long at all

You mean Californians.

Any European will be successful in America. Latest wave of Eastern Euro, slavs, are all doing very well. Met a Russian awhile back, came here with 700 dollars and 5 kids. Owns his own business. All his kids college educated and successful. America is a goldmine for Europeans. White Europeans are intelligent and have good work ethic.

I fucking wish Californians were the only problem here.

Come backpack around, I've moved all over the US in the last 10 years, I prefer towns of 100k-200k in plains states, best if they have a university that's Agriculture and Mining in it, or somewhat redpilled

at least half if not 2/3rds of texas is spic however they are tejanos and thus ok

and the vast majority of californians in texas are white faggots in austin

>value family and traditional values
>love America


>Why is America so fucking great?
Apparently we didnt get rid of all of you idiots 100-200 years ago but please leve as soon as possible

You mean every white with balls and ambition?


>Tell me about America

>Tell me about a continent spanning country where each regions is entirely different and the cutest date vastly contrasting

You're a fucking retarded if you think New York is anything like Gerogia, or that Alabama is anything like Iowa, or that Iowa even remotely resembles California.

There is no "one" America, you watch too much TV or listen to too much bigger music. Even the nigger rappers at different from. East to west coast vs southern like holy shit can the memes finally end?

All of you come to the american Midwest and finally see how white, boring, and wealthy as fuck on natural resources it is

one thing I noticed about Americans is that they don't look and act autistic like many Western Europeans
they are easy to talk to
of course maybe I just met good types
I can't really explain it but when you meet a Scandinavian it feels like you're interacting with a fucking robot
Americans feel human

it really depends on where you go, but people who live in more rural towns tend to be friendlier, especially in the south since that whole "southern hospitality" thing isn't a meme

That's because negresses aren't going to do better than being with a white man so they don't cheat or stray. The situation itself is pretty rare. Imagine how many other 'truths' you believe in that you don't really understand. This is literally what it means to be a fool.

You southerners need to start moving to California

America is at the forefront of modernisation, you imbecile.

>"southern hospitality"
Not really true
It's basically just "anywhere outside of overcrowded cities/cucked state hospitality"
Something about being in close proximity to a bunch of people turns everyone on each other.
Small rural towns are the best to visit

California is a completely lost cause.

It's actually better if Californians move to Northeastern states to try and swing those Red, that way you can help cement future elections.

California is going to be blue for a very, very long time.

>this triggers the yuropoor

>4 beds 4 baths 3,816 sqft


> California is a lost cause
No its not
Please don't abandon us

Yes it is
Hillary won by what 4 million voters?

>I can say—not as a patriotic bromide, but with full knowledge of the necessary metaphysical, epistemological, ethical, political and esthetic roots—that the United States of America is the greatest, the noblest and, in its original founding principles, the only moral country in the history of the world.

>The most profoundly revolutionary achievement of the United States of America was the subordination of society to moral law. The principle of man’s individual rights represented the extension of morality into the social system—as a limitation on the power of the state, as man’s protection against the brute force of the collective, as the subordination of might to right. The United States was the first moral society in history. All previous systems had regarded man as a sacrificial means to the ends of others, and society as an end in itself. The United States regarded man as an end in himself, and society as a means to the peaceful, orderly, voluntary co-existence of individuals. All previous systems had held that man’s life belongs to society, that society can dispose of him in any way it pleases, and that any freedom he enjoys is his only by favor, by the permission of society, which may be revoked at any time. The United States held that man’s life is his by right (which means: by moral principle and by his nature), that a right is the property of an individual, that society as such has no rights, and that the only moral purpose of a government is the protection of individual rights.

>This country—the product of reason—could not survive on the morality of sacrifice. It was not built by men who sought self-immolation or by men who sought handouts. It could not stand on the mystic split that divorced man’s soul from his body. It could not live by the mystic doctrine that damned this earth as evil and those who succeeded on earth as depraved. From its start, this country was a threat to the ancient rule of mystics. In the brilliant rocket-explosion of its youth, this country displayed to an incredulous world what greatness was possible to man, what happiness was possible on earth. It was one or the other: America or mystics. The mystics knew it; you didn’t. You let them infect you with the worship of need—and this country became a giant in body with a mooching midget in place of its soul, while its living soul was driven underground to labor and feed you in silence, unnamed, unhonored, negated, its soul and hero: the industrialist.

A shit-load of the conservatives here just don't vote. If someone got them voting again you would see real change in California

Somewhere I read that CA has more gun owners than any other state but they just don't vote

>Tribalism (which is the best name to give to all the group manifestations of the anti-conceptual mentality) is a dominant element in Europe, as a reciprocally reinforcing cause and result of Europe’s long history of caste systems, of national and local (provincial) chauvinism, of rule by brute force and endless, bloody wars. As an example, observe the Balkan nations, which are perennially bent upon exterminating one another over minuscule differences of tradition or language. Tribalism had no place in the United States—until recent decades. It could not take root here, its imported seedlings were withering away and turning to slag in the melting pot whose fire was fed by two inexhaustible sources of energy: individual rights and objective law; these two were the only protection man needed.

>A European is disarmed in the face of a dictatorship: he may hate it, but he feels that he is wrong and, metaphysically, the State is right. An American would rebel to the bottom of his soul. . . . Defiance, not obedience, is the American’s answer to overbearing authority.

>America’s abundance was not created by public sacrifices to “the common good,” but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes. They did not starve the people to pay for America’s industrialization. They gave the people better jobs, higher wages, and cheaper goods with every new machine they invented, with every scientific discovery or technological advance—and thus the whole country was moving forward and profiting, not suffering, every step of the way.

If it wasn't such a lost cause, they would actually vote.