be Germany

> be Germany
> see Russia "annex" Crimea, historically a Russian territory where almost everyone speaks Russian/is Russian when its population begs Russia to do so after Obama's puppets take over the Ukrainian government
> no blood is spilled, nothing is destroyed, there isn't even any actual conflict, the damn republic functions as a boring shitty resort that it actually is
> people aren't being killed or raped, there is no crisis in the territory. stupid russians actually spend money on it, boosting its shitty little economy
> raise a shitstorm, compare Putin to Hitler (kek), impose sanctions on Russia AND Crimea, the supposed victim of said annexation
> wait for profit and lulz
> nothing happens for years
> meanwhile get flooded by the migrants, country basically invaded, people are being killed and raped, economy is in the shitter
> Trump gets elected

Other urls found in this thread:

Funny isn't it

W-wir schaffen das.

the Ukrainian borders were clear and assured with past treaty between russia and the ukraine.

Your borders are clear and assured by a past treaty but you still have half of Syria running over them without a single threat of consequence.

Jetzt reicht's aber echt mal mit diesem widerwärtigen, Nazi-Scheiß! Echt alter, irgendwo muss doch mal Schluss sein. Da wird einem ja regelrecht schlecht wenn man sowas liest. Wir reden hier von ECHTEN MENSCHENLEBEN, was muss eigentlich bei einem schief gelaufen sein, damit man so über ECHTE MENSCHEN redet!? Leute wie du gehören direkt an die Schweine verfüttert.

Und jetzt frag dich mal, was mit "Das" gemeint ist ;)

>the Ukrainian borders were clear
Yeah just like Yugoslavia.

Die Wahrheit würde die Bürger verunsichern.

You r women are being raped and worse inside your borders.

Look at what is happening to the young girls who are exposed to refugees. What was that under age girl who helped her refugee camp boyfriend cut off her mothers head.

? How can you talk about borders when we're in an era of globalism

What relevance do borders have when the government is engaging in replacement migration

Like in the US, they have a "border" but both sides of it are populated by mexicans
And the border guards are mexicans

Sieg Heil :)

Crimea may have mad no blood spilled but you can't say the same about the east.

Either way, hopefully it's all in the past

>You r women are being raped and worse inside your borders.

Bet you were one of the cucks saying that girl Joe Mixon punched deserved it
Don't fucking talk America, you are the one responsible for all this, and its 10 times worse in your country

I imagined pic related yelling that whatever it means shit at me, while kicking me in the balls.

>10 times worse in your country

Not even close. Latinos are 100 times better.

redpill me on donetsk/donbass/luhansk

Hasn't even begun.

Befire anything I'd like to say that whole thing is a sad sad state of affairs and both yanuk and poroshenko should be skinned alive in my honest opinion.

About east - it's a horrible case of a failure of diplomacy. I don't know if Putin. Obama, Locals or Poroshenko is to blame for continued hostility, but please know that last thing russians want is killing our ukrainian brothers.

>Either way, hopefully it's all in the past
Hope we can heal one day.

Is this some new copy pasta you found on your facebook ? Well the sanctity of life can not be big on your list or otherwise you would not talk about people like him to be fed to pigs. Shame on you for not valuing his life.


It's actually the only thing all the sides want. We want ongoing war to have a buffer zone, Poroh wants ongoing war to blame all the economic problems on Russia, Bongo wants ongoing war because that allows NATO to grab Europe by the balls even harder. Everyone wants a war, so there's a war


she is ugly

Isn't that from the video where someone talks in public about islam in germany and some social studied student totally flips out?

I vaguely remember it

It's just something some bully roastie posted on my FB the other day.


>my facebook

Come on nigger, everybody knows twitter is much more fun to shitpost with.

Essentially east of Ukraine is more pro-Russia, west pro-eu. When a west backed revolution succeed in the west a counter revolution started building up in the east. Anti-maidan as it got called. Putin wanted only Crimea so he didn't really back it full scale like many describe, instead a number of oligarchs supported it by providing money/backing. Later on when things started escalating Putin couldn't allow lose of face defeat of DNR/LNR would be so he got involved and with him Russia. But still it was not the case that we've sent a significant amount of organised troops. No, we sent supplies, equipment and a number of volunteers from armed forces. To make sure that it doesn't fall. Note for example that there are no real attempts at an offensive, while in Syria Russian offensives are known worldwide for ruthlessness and relentlessness, even if that's overstated as fuck.Kremlin wants a political solution or a frozen conflict. Not a hot one.

Not entirely true. It benefits everybody geopolitically to different degrees. And I assure you a continued hot conflict in the area is not compatible with long term goals of reintegration of Ukraine into Russia/Eurasian Union. A frozen one? sure. But a hot one? I'm not buying it. I think it continues to go on because of Poroh, above all others, but then I'm somewhat biased.

I thought you only lurked, Kraut and Tea?

Personal income of Russians shrank by 52.2% in January 2016 as compared to December 2015. According to the report by the state statistics body Rosstat, the monthly income in January averaged only 21365 rubles (about USD $291).

Wages in Germany increased to 3695 EUR/Month in the second quarter of 2016 from 3655 EUR/Month in the first quarter of 2016.

> see Russia "annex" Crimea,
Invade occupy and force illegal "elections" at gunpoint?

>historically a Russian territory
Historically a Greek island for several thousand years. The Romans controlled it for a while and the Ottoman Empire ruled it. The Scandinavians, then the Tartars invaded it Only in the past 1100 years did any Slavs - not even modern day Russians - have any lasting authority there. In fact, the preliterate Russian of 1000 years ago had no written language, so Greek monks had to create one for them.

>where almost everyone speaks Russian
During the Soviet era, the Russian language was taught in schools and the Ukrainian language was suppressed.

>is Russian
All the former Soviet and new money Russian oligarchs own McMansions there. The local population is mostly in service to the aristocracy just like in the time of Catherine Veliky. Reminds me of how the deseperate poor serve the uber rich on Grand Cayman island.

>when its population begs Russia to do so
You must have heard that lie on RT. The truth is that (1) Putin allowed Russians from Russia to vote in the Crimea election and (2) the citizen if Crimea did NOT want to become part of Russia:

>after Obama's puppets take over the Ukrainian government
You must think Obama is very powerful

> no blood is spilled, nothing is destroyed, people aren't being killed or raped, there is no crisis in the territory.
The SpetzNaz troops that Putin lied about sending? Their uniforms were unmarked, so the people couldn't know who they were. But there was definitely an uptick in war crimes, atrocities and human rights abuses:

None of what you said proves anything in OP false though.

There was no bloodshed. The population wanted it and doesn't want to go back. No matter what was done in the Soviet days the population currently speaks Russian, wants to continue speaking Russian and does not identify as Ukrainian people at all.

The stuff about Germans being complete cucks with rapefugees is also correct.

heres your desperate (you)

>stupid russians actually spend money on it, boosting its shitty little economy
The Russians deliberately kept the Crimean economy shitty by not paying taxes for its massive military bases. Now it is having to pour billions in to buy water, gas and other goodwill to keep the Crimeans from revolting.

>compare Putin to Hitler,
Putin has caused economic and social hardships for the people living in Crimea, in addition to committing war crimes.

Didn't the Britbongs kick Russia's ass in Crimea 150 years ago?

They are shitholes inhabited almost exclusively by unemployed drunks and thugs. They want to get into Mother Russia because they'll be able to buy some extra booze on welfare there. This will never happen though.

> Putin has caused economic and social hardships for the people living in Crimea, in addition to committing war crimes

LOL. Go tell that to actual people in Crimea. Bring a camera too. They will beat your cuck ass silly.

>No matter what was done in the Soviet days
Standing on the shoulders of war crimes giants.

>the population currently speaks Russian
That in itself was the destruction of a native culture.

>and does not identify as Ukrainian people at all
So why did all these Russians live in Ukraine? Could it be that Stalin sent hundreds of thousands of Tartars to live in the Urals and hundreds of thousands of Russian families to Crimea to artificially alter the demographics?

If the Mexicans who live in the US along our Southern border were allowed to convert our Southwest states back to Mexico, that would provoke a war.

Putin's provoking war.

Die Auslöschung des Deutschen Volkes?

>I don't know if Putin. Obama, Locals or Poroshenko is to blame for continued hostility, but please know that last thing russians want is killing our ukrainian brothers.
You share the same Russian soul. If Putin *really* didn't want to kill Ukrainians, then why are his Russian troops waging war in Ukraine against Ukrainians? He just wants to steal another country's clay and he's willing to commit what atrocities necessary to get it.

You can't be this stupid right? Ukrainian and Belorusiian identites as they are now Were CREATED by USSR. USSR was big into internationalism. Before USSR they were just a russian subculture.

>why are his Russian troops waging war in Ukraine against Ukrainians
I responded above:

>economy is in the shitter

Are you fucking retarded?

The only thing that's in the shitter is russia.

They commit just as many crimes as Muslims, if not more.

>Go tell that to actual people in Crimea.
I assume you're able to read Russian?



>Ukrainian and Belorusiian identites as they are now Were CREATED by USSR
The USSR could not have possibly traveled back into time and "created" the Kevian Rus, dumbass,

This is the expert that unironically says KGB was existing in late 90s.

Yes, but it could create and force a drift between two cultures. Russian Empire, and now the Federation had the opposite policy of assimilating everyone into one culture.

Again, please stop talking about things you don't know about.

Crimea was not smooth because a huge war followed it in Donbass, You can't separate these things

Der Kalergi Plan

merkel is a fucking idiot

and german voters will probably re elect her

Just throwing this out there for Russia to think about...

Just think about it for a minute...


i hate animeposters. rly imature and probably secret pedos too. be careful

>Again, please stop talking about things you don't know about.
You're drowning in Putin propaganda and you believe no one can be the expert but you?

Oh, I'm no expert, but unlike some I am not talking out my ass.

>Just throwing this out there for Russia to think about...
LOL. All the current maps show Crimea is part of Ukraine, actually. Expect a flood of PutinTroll re-written history and re-drawn maps. But it will be amateurish and clownish if their MH-117 was any preview.

They don't commit terrorism. They'll kill you if you get in the way of their drug trade, but they actually hate blacks and it's better they are in control of the criminal underground.

t. ((((american))))

>I am not talking out my ass.
That's your breath?

>All the current maps show Crimea is part of Ukraine, actually.
Well, they are balantly incorrect if they do. Think what you will of the occupation/annexation/defection It is now the norm.



Crimea is being sanctioned by the west

you can't directly travel there, you can't even use paypal or ebay from there

you're clueless


Historical Lithuanian territories. NATO - help Lithuania annex them pls.

>Trump gets elected
Tramp, the globalist, cares nothing about national security. He'll gladly "give" Putin Crimea and the rest of Ukraine in exchange for building Trump Hotels in major Russian cities. It's what Putin's aristocracy craves - that and their Crimean dachas.

>Crimea is being sanctioned by the west
>you can't directly travel there, you can't even use paypal or ebay from there
Putin threatened to drop tactical nukes on Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, so I wouldn't be there either.

>All the current maps show Crimea is part of Ukraine, actually.

It's called "denial".


Does not compute.

It's people like you who give Canada a bad name.

uninformed, factually incorrect and clinically insane

>Putin threatened to drop tactical nukes on Crimea and Eastern Ukraine

Source pls, I want to jerk off

>It's called "denial".
It's called truth. That's probably why you didn't recognize it.

hahahaha "Wir schaffen das" -Merkel 2015
verpiss dich merkel

>informed, factually correct and clinically sane
I like the way you brought all my posts together in one, easy to research post. It really shows the cohesion of my work. Spacibo!

And Putin thanks you for your tireless work posting lies on Sup Forums. One kopeck has been deposited in you onion sack! Or do you guys only deal in shekels?

>Source pls, I want to jerk off
Putin is really stepping up the fear propaganda on his people. They're being psyop-indoctrinated to hate Americans because Vladimir isn't getting his way. He's censoring the internet, unleashing armies of social media trolls and acting crazy like that little North Korean dictator, only shorter.

Putin has threatened to use nukes in Ukraine against the US

Putin has threatened to use nukes in Syria against the US

Now Putin is threatening to use nukes in Norway against the US?

Putin is the one willing to launch the nuclear strikes that trigger WWIII

It's obvious that he is suffering from the madness and dementia of 3rd stage syphilis

>truck crash

that's a funny way of spelling "terrorist attack". this newspeak is deeply confusing to me.


Feel the shilling. Yesss Putin bad, Ukies, CIA, and Obama good. The media never lies to us, but bad Putin always lies.

Who pays you motherfucker? Which of the 17 shithole agencies pays you to mind fuck Americans with suck slanted bullshit?

>everyone is a russian hacker
Hillary, you lost. Back to hospital scum

>That copypasta
Whew lad.

>He pisses off the lefties
>This means he's a good guy and our guy!
>Uncle Putin did nuffin wrong!

You dickheads are nowhere near redpilled. He kills off his political opponents just like Hillary does.

>PUTIN is literally hitler
>russia should be bombed like aghanistan irak and syria because of evil dictatorship that is definately not a democracy because we say so
had I not been given doubles, i'd not have answered you, emu

Russian Federation didn't have anything to do with the war in donbass

in fact they stepped in and stopped the rebels from marching to Lviv. you should be thanking them for that


>>PUTIN is literally hitler
Nowhere did I say that, so don't put words in my mouth you cheese eating surrender monkey.

>He kills off his political opponents just like Hillary does.
No not really. He actually gets upset whenever someone in our politics offs someone, be it journalist, opposition politician, or actiist. Kadirov recently got in trouble for this, but he is too imprtant so nothing happened on the surface.

When putin himself wants to remove opponent he throws law at their face or sabotages them in some other way. Killing is reserved for traitors when it comes to putin himself.

>Yesss Putin bad, Ukies, CIA, and Obama good. but bad Putin always lies
It's a tu quoque and composition fallacy to claim Putin compares favorably to other countries, spy agencies and world leaders. Still, he is a big proponent of the große Lüge that indoctrinated Russians love to hear.

>Who pays you motherfucker?
Unlike you, I don't have to be paid. You post lies from a pre-written script for monopoly money.

I fight the lies because somebody is wrong on the internet.

>green text can be used for hyperbole new friend.

>the Ukrainian borders were clear and assured with past treaty between russia and the ukraine.
That's true and at the same time the problem. Western politicians want to preserve the post-WW2 order at all costs. And that includes the phony borders drawn by the UdSSR.
In Ukraine there are people living together who just don't belong together and that's why at every little stress this country will turn to conflict. Politically and militarily.
If we really wanted peace in Europe we would allow referende all over the place so that populations can decide to live in the state they want to. Even at the "expense" of splintering and balkanisation.


Green text can also be used to imply things, and I didn't imply Putin being Hitler, so Frenchie's hyperbole is inaccurate and misplaced.

Fucking stupid newfags trying to act tough.

>Western politicians want to preserve the post-WW2 order at all costs

By continually expanding NATO eastwards?

>And that includes the phony borders drawn by the USSR.

Ukraine itself is literally a phony non country drawn by the USSR. reversing the work of the USSR means reversing Ukraine

und? tun wir doch. du hast nur nicht verstanden was sie mit "das" meinte.

fuck of to plebbit

I really fucking hate your country, people, and culture. Once hilldawg wins i will join the military specifically to kill and rape as many russians as possible.

>By continually expanding NATO eastwards?
tbf, it was the former Warsaw pact members who wanted to be in NATO at all costs.
Russia really doesn't treat it satellites very well. Not even their bloodbrothers, the Ukrainians, want to be with them.

>Ukraine itself is literally a phony non country drawn by the USSR. reversing the work of the USSR means reversing Ukraine
No, it means reversing them to the phony borders that were before.
There IS a Ukrainian people and a Ukrainian language with their own Ukrainian church. And they deserve a homeland imo. For many reasons they should be best friends with Russia and form an economic and military alliance with them. The fact that they don't want to is mostly Russia's fault.
Russia's colonisation endeavours worked better in Central Asia than in Europe. Don't know why that is.

Wow, someone with a brain.

[Ol'gino intensifies]

Nice to hear it.


>Which of the 17 shithole agencies pays you to mind fuck Americans with suck slanted bullshit?
Oh, I see your boss came in the room and had to "take control" of the "situation". But this is the internet and you're just brainless turds in an office building trying to fabricate false narratives with fake news, photoshopped memes and lies via social media.

>Russian Federation didn't have anything to do with the war in donbass

Wew lad! That was a a good one!

>Don't know why that is.

You say that we are guilty of aggravating ukraine, but this aint true. West simply offered their elites a better deal, and convinced people that life will become better off and corruption dissapear overnight. Russia couldn't allow, geopolitically, this flip to happen. So we reacted.

It was never in Ukraines best inerest to turn it's back on russia. If for now other reason that we had no other choice than to stab it as a response. it's sad, but geopolitics are a bitch.