
can a New Yorker explain to me how come every single time you mother fuckers move down here to South Florida you guys literally ONLY talk about how great New York is. Why can you fuckers leave and stay the fuck in New York?

>Yo in New Yoark the pizza is great man you never had pizza if you ain't had New Yoooak pizza
>yo in New York we don't gotta drive everywhere
>Yo in New Yoooooark we get to see the change in seasons man it's great
>up in New Yoooark we got snow man

Fucking die

Florida is the best state, objectively.
>women in bikinis, year-round
>great weather
>better economy than entire countries, such as Canada and Australia

The fuck are you talking about? No one in New York likes it there. Florida is a much better state, and this is coming from a New Yorker

Agreed NYers stay put unless you never vote democrat ever again when you leave.

I live in Rural South Central.
They clog the roads, drive for shit, stand in a fast food restaurant and stare at menu holding up the line. Once, after looking at a Wendy's Menu for 5 fucking minutes..... I literally yelled "THEY SELL BURGERS FOR FUCK SAKE... ORDER ONE OR GET THE FUCK OUT OF LINE! Some of us work for a living and don't have time for you to waste 10 minutes of lunch to peruse a 17 item menu of the same thing.

Going to pick up a pubsub for lunch lads. What kind should I get?

Michigan, Massachusetts, New York, and Leafs are the worse.

I like the Italian with all the good shit.

They're like that everywhere. I grew up in the suburbs of Atlanta and all the niggers who moved down here could ever talk about how they were from NY or Chicago.


All the Leafs I've met in South Florida are some of the kindest souls I've ever met .

If by good shit you mean: Pickles, Lettuce, and Banana Peppers.

>people move from small state to big state
>people move from big state to smaller

pizza sux in florida. bagels too. long island is better in the summer than florida but thats just 3 months out of the year. costs 3x as much for a place to live BUT with all those gated communities your rent is going up fast in florida so be careful what u brag about.

We get a lot of Quebec here. Worst Canadians.

>man you think it's cold in here? Yeah right in New York it's negative 10 gorillion degrees this time of year!

Honestly though I get it since I'm from Miami, another big city. Podunk little towns in Florida are so boring sometimes they seem so shitty compared to wherever you were from.

Or you could ask them "excuse me, do you mind if I go ahead of you if you're not ready"

I've lived in western ny and north Florida. Publix is better than weggies, fight me Jew Yorkers

Cuban w/ lettuce for extra crunch

>tfw snowbird Yankee fucks double your town's population in the winter

Pls fuck off.

I'd like to interject for a moment but Harris Teeter is by far the best grocery store.

Tendies if you're a true man child

Kek. The ones that settle in GA trash the North. You fags get the bottom feeders.

>Wealth envy

You're pathetic

I used to visit New York City every summer due to relatives who lived in D.C.

It was, hands down, the absolute worst place I've ever been, every single visit.

>everyone is an asshole and always in a rush
>cops are uber omega assholes who act like they're god's gift to man
>trash everywhere
>every street smells like urine mixed with burning garbage
>everything is overpriced to shit
>saw an old woman get trampled in the subway and nobody stopped to help her because EVERYONE IS IN A RUSH
>desperate lib arts students (homeless people) performing street acts for change
>half of said homeless people were clearly insane

I wish the terrorists could've flown a plane into every building there, nothing redeemable about that place.

Here in Texas we get a ton of Shit-cago people moving down every spring, especially if they've had a typical winter. They aren't as bad as new yorkers but they still bring libtard bs with them. Less attitude tho, and they don't complain about missing the snow.

>tfw live in st auggie
You have no idea

this guy gets it

NYC is covered in garbage. Every time I've been I feel like I need a decontamination shower

my moms husband is a jew yorker and he has accepted that you can find near-new york quality pizza in jacksonville.

yankees BTFO

People from Jew York have the biggest Egos in the country, bigger than California people. They say they hate it, but "ohh I could never leave." Then they do talk about all the OP points.

There are about a thousand articles from lefty sites and they always have stuff like "20 worst things about nyc" but they always end it with, "but I love more than anything in the world."

California people just act "California" and spread their crap via numbers and groupthink. Jew Yorkers have to tell you about it, much worse.

>they don't complain about missing the snow

Anyone who's ever lived in an area that gets snow regularly hates it. The only people who like it grow up watching Disney films depicting it as some sort of magical fairy dust shit.

I went to NYC once for a business trip and it smelled like human garbage. Never again.

It's the same for commiefornians.

My wife is from LA. Thankfully, I've rescued her and redpilled her.

Unfortunately.. she still goes on about
>muh public transport
>muh cheap schools
>muh better restaurants

Dude it's a constant thing here. from Nov to April.
Our small counties population doubles practically overnight with people who are very critical, and act superior. It sucks, but that's part of our economy. No stste income tax here, so Tourists also pay taxes through sales tax.
When I lived in Lauderdale it wasn't a big deal.
They have large communities, and lots of places to absorb them. Here, I live in a town with a Wendy's, McDonalds, Walgreens, Publix, Dunkin, and that's it. We have a town of 1800, 3000 in outlying.. We have like 100 blue lakes though, so we get lots of snowbirds.

From New York, can confirm. It's insane the ego you get living there. Everything from the people to the media tells you that the world literally revolves around that city.

So fucking glad I left.

I make fat loot bro, this was years ago... I'm older and far more mellow now.

>tfw I have lived in MN for years and I always really love snow around Christmas time

Shit becomes tired come January. Snow isn't all that terrible though... the cold and wind is way worse.

i like the cheese steak, its awesome but long to prepare, and therefore not on the menu.

>>tfw love new york but hate newyokers

>I used to visit New York City every summer due to relatives who lived in D.C.

what shit hole state are you from if you equate being in D.C. with being close to NYC?

>half of said homeless people were clearly insane
and why is this surprising?

A fat jew yorker yelled at the qt at the local publix because they didnt have his new york bread.

Publix may have shit business ethics but damn can they make a mean sub and cookie

Philly cheese steak is fucking great. Hell,every Publix sub is great

>tfw only warm state
>tfw from pa
>tfw not much to do here
>tfw publix
>tfw checkers

i'm still a Giant guy personally

It's the same with faggots from Chicago. They leave that shit hole and then brag about how amazing it is.

i see you met my friend from NYC who moved down there. hes actually a nice guy once oyu get to know him

also a better than expected keylime pie for some reason...

is this a slide thread?

It was a 60 minute train ride from D.C. to NYC. My relatives would force me to come with them every time I visited. If you think an hour's ride is bad, you've clearly never lived in the midwest.

califags are worse, but I don't run into too many new Yorkers. only ones I see are dead on I-95

We have a mom and pop place here that makes awesome cheesesteaks, like Philly (Wit or Widdout?) but they close at like 3 pm

I'm from Nebraska living in tx. I miss the snow but don't bitch about it

>new york meme
>nyt: 88% of americans prefer NEW YORK!!
>nyt: 88% of americans support ISRAEL!!!
Wonder why jews want people to flock to their US centre of wealth

they move here and pack the line like they pack the highways, then get mad at the wait.

when they start complaining and harassing the deli workers, i tell them to put on gloves and a hairnet and hop over the counter and get to work. they normally shut up

> (OP)

that fucking Publix pepe

>no can refute this

Is Winn Dixie gone?

Virgil Cade is my name

All the bells are ringing

Because it's all a Jewish psyop to ruin the greatest state in the Americas
Don't worry, eventually we will remove Yankeecuck brother

>It was a 60 minute train ride from D.C. to NYC.

Oh, Mr. Moneybags here with his Amtrak.

I'm from new york. I'm white. The place is heavily jewish populated. 25% of the city are niggers. It smells bad everywhere. The tap water is toxic sludge which is heavily chlorinated so if you fill up the bathtub it smells like a bucket of chlorine. Mom had breast cancer. It's too crowded so everyone hates each other hence the new York attitude. LiveinFloridanow.jpg

WEW lad! Western and upstate NY unite. I would still live there if the entire state didn't cowtow to Babylonia (NYC)

I used to go to Crescent Beach just South of you when I was young. (1970's) was great beach.... I did rock shrimping out of Augustine and Canaveral back in the day

>Devil's fan
Aspertame laced with cyanide on rye

Publix subs are cool but Florida is a 3rd world shithole

Jews in gated communities and then around the walls you have homeless blacks and spics taking all the jobs and cubans and south americans and haitians and every ethnicity you can imagine

it fucking sucks.

Theres no beautiful women in bikinis on the beach lol its not like that i live here

>Yo in New Yoark the pizza is great man you never had pizza if you ain't had New Yoooak pizza
Whattya want me ta say? You're pizza sucks balls, lol. It's consistently awful.
>yo in New York we don't gotta drive everywhere
Maybe in the city, but everywhere else your fucked if you don't have a car.
>Yo in New Yoooooark we get to see the change in seasons man it's great
Well in all fairness Florida has four seasons, sweaty shirt weather, not sweaty shirt weather, snowbirds season, not snowbird season, although there is a lot of overlap, kek.
>up in New Yoooark we got snow man
Anyone who tells you that, you should liberally apply the Stand Your Ground law on.

Devils are Sup Forums's team.

NY pizza is objectively the worst style of pizza.

Get right with God

>one hour amtrack from DC to NY
>it was always a 2 hour amtrack from pittsburgh to DC
>its 7 hours pittsburgh to NY

your lying or wrong about your details

Hey! My mother lives in a gated community and she's not a jew.

South Florida .... it's nice here, except for lack of shit to do.

>Be Upstate fag
>During the summer have southerners come up and the same shit you are bitching about.
>Duh wetha down south is da best yall.
>Owny da south knos how tuh make BBQ.
>We gut gunz n sheeit n negros.
>Ima from da sowth.
>Muh Pickup.

Don't get me wrong I hate NYC fags but know you are the other side of the same annoying coin.


>long island is better in the summer than florida
I have literally hundreds of millions of people who will disagree with you faggot
NYC and the surrounding area is shit
Buffalo is shit
The only good thing about New York State is Adirondack territory

Only Jew Jerseyers are worse.

I feel the same about german and brit expats

561 fag here.

Can confirm. Snow bird kikes are the fucking worst.

Well, 2 months of 100 degrees at 90% humidity is fucking brutal man. The coast fags have the breeze, but us swamp fags suffer like a bitch.

>it's nice here

sure its warm.
ok so what. its still a 3rd world shithole

and being hot as a sauna outside all the time gets old quickly

only people who live up north believe in this meme that its utopian because its warm

can you tell me how its "nice" here?

if youre a 50+ year old millionaire its nice

if youre a millennial its hell on earth

Fight me you fuck

Okay I'll remember that the next time I'm in Tampa. You think they will deliver it? It's only a three hour ride. It better be fucking hot too.

I'm from 813 nigger
We ARE the sweet spot
Fuck space coast

>Texans moving
fuck off Tejas is GOAT

>Jews in gated communities and then around the walls you have homeless blacks and spics taking all the jobs and cubans and south americans and haitians and every ethnicity you can imagine
You just described every single state with a coastline
Gas yourself texasfag

It's not just when they move down to FL, senpai. You can always spot a new yorker wherever you go, because they NEVER shut the fuck up about how much better NYC is compared to wherever they currently are.

They all need to fuck off and go back to jew york.

No, friend.

snes are the only good canadian team/fanbase desu

This. Texas is so good we're getting Califags. But it's not Cali, so they want to change it to be more like Cali, even though THEY LEFT CALI BECAUSE IT'S SO SHIT.



>and being hot as a sauna outside all the time gets old quickly
Yankeecucks can't handle the heat
You unvolved fucks have always been to weak to stay here

>if youre a millennial its hell on earth

>if youre a 50+ year old millionaire its nice

If you don't figure out how these are connected, you may be fucked...

>and being hot as a sauna outside all the time gets old quickly
Yankeecucks can't handle the heat
You unvolved fucks have always been too weak to stay here

Help a yuropoor out: what is publix?

You can spot them by how poorly they drive. I don't know whose worse: New Yorkers, spics, or the Haitians.

No where I live, we don't have nigger problems, spic problems, no Haitian or Cuban community at large. Decent income to cost of living. There are shitholes, but this ain't one of them, and there are shitholes everywhere.

"Everywhere seems nice, until you live there"

Maybe because NYC is the greatest city in the world if you are street smart, moderately wealthy. and white

Don't be a hater kuh

m8 ive lived in south florida my entire life and i almost WANT to move to some place cold

just like how all the northerners want to escape the cold

its vice versa

the heat doesnt do anything for me

>niggers hang out in africa, land of the sun and whites evolved by surviving in the snow and cold

>lol you people who are literally built for the cold can't handle the heat

what do you mean by this?

Dude foreal

Nigger I hate the snow birds too

I know east Texas here

great refutation of my point by getting mad at a bigger state

Texas is a meme
If it wasn't for your oil we would have nuked you a long time ago
t. used to live there and dad's family is from there
You have a point, been a Sens fan since I was 8

ok so north florida or panhandle or something ?

dont say florida because the big population centers in this state ARE shitholes

Cubans are alright; the exiles are basically all white as fuck - newer generation is shit but what generation isn't?