WWIII Youth Conscription

Would you support a youth conscription/mandatory military OR civil services before adulthood for BOTH female and male teens.

They will not fight for globalists, but rather they are trained in:

> firearm safety
> safe driving
> lifeskills + technical skills useful for the market
> job training / apprenticeships
> physical fitness

It would be something akin to cadet school, highschool JROTC, boy/girl scouts except mandatory for all teens

After they graduate, they can volunteer to fight for globalists in the military should they choose.

OH.. that guy doesn't look white

Oh now this is fuckin ripe
millennials joining the military involuntarily?
You can't be serious they won't even vote what makes you think they'll join uncle sams finest to fill some sand nigger full of lead?

All kids,at the age of 16 must join the military/secondary studies
Both boy and girls
For at least 4 years
With pay*

Should make it where voting requires service





Would you like to know more?

Hes a korean conscript

There's conscription for males in korea, finland, switzerland, and israel


really though Starship Troopers was redpilled as fuck

Let's go be socialists!

Let's die for a manlet tweaker!
No wonder the Jews won.

Soccer mommys and parent teacher organizations (PTO) aren't going to have kids fight and die

But aspects of military training would be useful to the kids at prime age

If anything, it would give a taste of bootcamp to the kids and those that are ready for the real military can pursue it. This will help weed out the highschool fuckups who join the military and making our forces more professional

Also for women in Israel, but they serve a shorter time and are less likely to see combat.

Conscription isn't universal in Israel though. Non-Jews aren't conscripted (but can volunteer as most Druze do) and religious Jews actively studying theology can get out of it.

Most Israelis want to see universal conscription. It's been kind of contentious because the haredim don't want to serve and the Arabs (excluding the Druze) //really// don't want to serve.

Asian male copulating with a white female. How fitting for Sup Forums ^^

you should throw community service in there also

once these niggers have had their fill of clearing a few miles of the littered roadways they create, they won't be so inclined to toss shit like it's fucking somalia

t. old man who lives a few blocks from a public school (get off my lawn faggots)

>religious Jews actively studying theology can get out of it

Are you saying that Jews are outjewing themselves in their own country?

Never served nor do I ever intend to. But would agree, it would be better if highschool was just replaced with some sort of community service

I learned more about the real world in my 2 months of internships than highschool combined

>it's almost like Jews aren't a hivemind!
The religious/secular strife in Israel is almost as severe as the liberal-urban/Trumpist-rural divide in America.

Service guarantees citizenship

Nah, kill yourself


>Asian male copulating with a white female

This kills the Sup Forumstard

That was cute
I'm jelly but am okay with this

Yes would be good for society

Why does the child have red hair?

it's the future desu, it's in women's genes to try to marry up and produce better children, and now they got access to the superior males, so they don't need to settle for white men

Ancient Chinese mummies have red hair.

Norway already has this in its constitution, although it is a bit weeker currently. About 11% of 18-year-olds get conscripted for a year (mandatory for women as well if they are born after 1997.) Basically "forsvaret" (defence) decides if they want you to serve (physical fitness, intelligence, will, education, allergies come into account,) they then find a suitable place for you to serve. You can resist, if you have are "overwhelmingly pacifistic" but you have to go through a long application process. You can also postpone the service if you want to go to university first (many doctors get picked up as VA's "vernepliktig akademiker" (conscripted academic) serving as doctors if they postpone their service.)

They are trained in physical fitness, weapon handling, first aid, close-combat, driving (if they end up becoming a "vognforer") as well as just surviving out in the unforgiveable norwegian winter (most military bases are in inland northern Norway, easily -30C.)

Sweden used to have an identical system, but they unfortunately cucked themselves out of a very nice tradition.

Currently serving, it's been pretty comfy.

Can't talk too much and too specifically about what I do and see though (though the Norwegian "forsvar" isn't as secretive as in other nations, locations of bases are not secret for example.)

--------------BLACK POWER THREAD---------------


I'm not even a nationalist and I support this.

Sounds nice, here we have national guard but they are pretty muched activated for globalists in the jew wars

During the ice storms/disasters, they are pretty useful though along with city/state public maintenance

> trained in:
> firearm safety
> safe driving
> lifeskills + technical skills useful for the market
> job training / apprenticeships
> physical fitness

Supposedly, people should get 90% of these things in school.

lol that horse faced bitch must be related to Sarah Jessica Parker or something

I only get triggered when it is a nigger or user.

she looks mentally unstable.

We don't
Highschool is a joke

Although I coasted through it on ez mode and got myself scholarships

Fuck off back to /r/asianmasculinity you fucking weak beta cuck. Everytime you post this thread I'm gonna go out of my way to fuck an asian bitch even though I'm not into them. (Theyre into me though lmao)

*nigger or jew

That projection is cringe

Lmao why are you pretending that this isn't a rare anomaly whereas white men with asian women is extremely common

Your existence as an asian male is cringe.

Your idea sounds like Hitler Youth 2.0...

I'm in.

Hitler's youth yes please

You do realize these threads are not meant for discussions? He just comes up with a random topic, but the main agenda is to passively-aggressively promote Asian masculinity (LOL), in a typical beta Asian male way.


I'm in the process of getting my teaching certificate for hunter safety/ firearms course and plan on offering it for free to our small school. We had this when I was younger and it got me into shooting as it removes barriers to entry.

Are you doing your part, Sup Forums?

> locations of bases are not secret for example.

> TFW working in a secret base in the Royal Norwegian Army

The topic is good to be honest

Service guarantees citizenship

Nah, it's the same passive-aggressive thread-posting style that pops up from time to time. He enjoys putting it out there and watching it it from the outside, like he's in control. He thinks he's dominating whites.

I enjoy it though even if it's subtle. It's better than the rest of pol threads

Your supposed contribution to the fake topic is just to bump up the thread and show his carefully collected AMWF pictures in white faces of Sup Forums.

>They will not fight for globalists

Ahaha, nope. They'll fight white russians while their vacated homes and wifes will be occupied by unaccompanied minors refugees from the congo wars.



Military service. I have done it and it has proved quite rewarding (2 years)

What kills me is that they are faggots about it.

That video was made with an overt goal in mind.

Chinks are the most racist people in the world, btw.

Yes to civil community service

Would be good to have niggers and liberals shadow emergency rooms and police/fire stations to get REDPILLED immediately

Would reduce the nu-males feminist problema substantially

I think we should implement these regardless.

The modern concept freedom is a fucking joke and I believe civilians should be forced to learn skills that aren't based around fucking pokemon type weaknesses and lore from ficitional universes.

Yes to civil community service

Would be good to have niggers and liberals shadow emergency rooms and police/fire stations to get REDPILLED immediately

Would reduce the nu-males feminist problems substantially

I would. Make it a 2-3 months long period before they enter their mandatory military service.

nope, voluntary militias voluntarily training in OP's activities within their local communities would be swell, naturally in hierarchical chain of command, not some commie approach

reason being every time there's something mandatory like conscription you have to adapt to the population's lowest common denominator whereas volunteerism generally draws more capable and motivated individuals who actually put in the time and effort to make the best of what they are working with

>giving numales the privilege of military service

I prefer the current system where only people willing and able to dedicate themselves to the defense of their country are required to do so. Conscripts disgrace the uniform.

Yes I would.

it's really fun you should try it

>You do realize these threads are not meant for discussions? He just comes up with a random topic, but the main agenda is to passively-aggressively promote Asian masculinity (LOL), in a typical beta Asian male way.

It's hilarious that they think they will subconsciously make white girls attracted to Asian men by flooding instagram and Sup Forums with pictures of AMWF. It's a new level of autism.

Getting people mad is probably just as rewarding.

Let's all be flabby, unproductive degenerates instead. Yeah!

Fuck off, Shlomo.

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT TO WHITE PEOPLE: Don't mix with ching chongs, they are sub human and ugly AF. You are only allowed to mix with caucasoids.

Every citizen has the duty to defend the homeland. Cowardice and slothfulness are not excuses.

Is Military service good for woman? I have the impression that it would make them more masculine and slutty, you know like most military woman.

I'd prefer some marimachas then angry salty feminist


If only 3D tomboys were just a bit more like 2D ones...


Imagine being born a redheaded supreme gentleman.

Jesus, you are pathetic


No, you are just a fag.

It's a fucking leaf, what do you expect. Insecure as fuck

Not a bad idea.

You can always count on AMWF to trigger pol

2d is shit until i can plug a wire into my head and ficki ficki some pixels

>The education system is shit and it isn't teaching our children what they really need to know.
I know what will fix it, more of the same education system.

In my opinion, males should be obliged to take military training courses in their late teens, while girls should be contained to take mothering and cooking classes.

speaking of defense I'd say the vast majority would join their local militia in an instant were their homeland under attack

not so much in wars of conquest and foreign deployments like we're witnessing nowadays

>something is cute
>no it's shit because i can't fuck it

Nice conclusion.

Kek too true
Butthurt projection too strong even if it's subtle.

>muh dick
>muh Asian masculinity boogyman
>yea asian pussy for white cock fuck you asian masculinity

Autistic level cringe

It all come Down to basic human behavior
>see a qt
>wanna fug qt
>can't Cuz she is a drawing

You fucking gooks

You prolly will never fuck Anzu either, she is as much a fantasy as any 2D.

Fuck you
[Triggered intensifies]

Women will always be slutty in any field

Military just brings them to mandatory BOOTYcamp and hot uniforms (Israeli women)

Apparently it's quite hard getting into the slo military and doing the basic training. The success rate is about 60% at least that what the recruiter told me.

I kinda doubt that since they're in perpetual shortage of manpower for noone wants to do it, you'd have to be REAL motivated to seek work there: prestige is non-existent, the equipment is old, there's no money for real kinds of training, internal relations are shit and the pay is miserable

you'd be better off aiming for EMT or fire brigade, at least that way you'd be making a real difference



Srry, i should not have gone that far.


Still there Israel still allows traditional qts to be exempted from the draft.

>Female draftees who state that they maintain a religious Jewish way of life are exempt from military service, and many of them choose to volunteer for an alternative national service called Sherut Leumi.

Pic related are Sherut Leumi girls.

Hitler Youth was all this

Parents faced fines/penalties for not signing children up. I believe that most schools rejected them if they were not in it. It was simply juiced up boy scouts with nationalism and anti-semitism. Fitness quotas and stuff. Teens who grew up on it became soldiers.

Every fucking day holyshit

Memes aside it would be a nice system

>After they graduate, they can volunteer to fight for globalists in the military

No, they will be indoctrinated.

Thats what public school is already