What is your opinion on Mexico? I want honest answers

What is your opinion on Mexico? I want honest answers.

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i assume it's a shit hole because people don't flee from paradise.

haha get ready to pay for that wall mother fuckers.

Certain areas are very nice and wealthy. Just like every country.

But I agree they're way more shithole cities in Mexico than America

You have to go back.

I live and Mexico amigo born and raised.

No plans on moving to America either.

There will be no wall, fucker.

Your women belong to nosotros.

It's a country with a really shitty corrupt government. I don't see how you can be completely poor yet be beside the world's largest trading empire and factory of cash the US and A unless all the cash is going into the pockets of a select few politicians

Consuela my house isn't going to clean itself
get back to work

the wall just got ten feet taller spic

>I want honest answers.

Do you think anyone holds back here? Anyways it's a total disaster and the cities smell like shit and urine

>Still dreaming on a fake wall promised by an orange reality show host

wew lad

I do not like them.

Who is this chupaesperma?

An orange reality show host just became the president when everyone said he wouldn't.

Id pull out a wallet and a map to homedepot if I were you lmfao!!

Necessary evil. We need them because Americans aren't going to clean toilets if they get deported.

Um. Not that bad, actually - that's coming from a fairly racist fuck. So, I've recently made the distinction between Mexicans, El Salvadorans, and Guatemalans. The latter two are far more Indian, which I think is absolutely disgusting. They are frankly an ugly people - they're fat, formless, and have crinkly, wrinkled, faces. That said, Mexicans have far more variation, because of the influence of Spain. I know there is a racial caste in Mexico, too - more European folks, like those who live on Monterey, are far more respected, far more wealthy, and far more attractive than Mexicans with more Indian blood and features. I've seen some very attracted, European-looking Mexicans. I'd be fine with them coming to America. I am not fine with the Indians coming.

Yeah, a lot of delusional rednecks voted for a scam artist.

Now thats news.

It's a shit hole.

I love your food

i don't know, i never been. every mexican i have met that has came here legally has been nice hardworking people, very friendly, very honorable. i worked with a guy that came here in the early 2000s, got his citizenship a few years ago, and he would bring me great food every day. so i think you guys are mostly pretty cool. but maybe your government has some things to work on since so many want to come here.


also a spic

They're many very clean, wealthy, well educated and low crime cities (cartels) in Mexico that you do not know about.

But we're full sorry.


People like you think Trump promised to build the wall just to get elected but has no desire to actually build it. That's where you're wrong kiddo!

Trump wants to build the wall, if for no other reason than that he wants it to be the cornerstone of his legacy. He wants a Trump Wall as a monument that will outlast himself and his presidency.

The wall will happen, amigo, just watch.

Largest proven oil reserves in the world. Huge agricultural potential. Still can't get it together.

>We need them because Americans aren't going to clean toilets if they get deported.


Only delusional rednecks and neonazi NEETS believe such bullshit

Trump will make Mexico great.

Whats it like knowing your country is literally America's toilet?

My wife is Sonoran. Nice country, plan on moving there someday after I've saved up enough Burgerbucks and can live like royalty.

maybe the best moment in all of television, and in backpedaling history while we're at it

A country full of thieves and murderers.

Even the ones fortunate enough to come to the US are still animals, even if they dress a little nicer.

We will keep taking your women and land, amigo.

Just wait and see.

were gonna get flooded by you guys now, so less jerbs. Although that means more latina pussy to plow so I guess were even.

I live in a small town life is much easier here I feel more relaxed, in the USA I am always stressed working everyday to get money for bills, here even if your poor and homeless you have everything from nature, fresh water from the mountains, fruits from trees, etc. This of course is because of where I live a small area wouldn't say the same if I lived in a city in Mexico.

It's a filthy, ugly, disgusting, dangerous open air sewer populated by subhuman midgets. That about sums it up.

Why are there more Mexicans in the US than there are Americans in Mexico?

You have no dignity

Historical enemy of the United States. It needs to be put down, or their third world problems will keep spilling into our country.


I've worked with illegals in construction and the ones I've worked with are generally good family men. it's the Chicanos I really hate.

You will outbreed white people and destroy a once great nation with your inferior race/culture.

Now there's something to be proud of Guadalupe, your only legacy will be that you people turn everything you touch to shit.

I live in a small town on Caribbean coast. Outside of Cancun. Lots of jobs, money, women, and tourists.

I think it's great nation.

>spic implements damage control

I think most Americans who go on about how dangerous it is have never been there. It's pretty safe in my experience. Yeah there are criminals, but they dont just randomly fuck with people like blacks do in certain US cities. Evertone pretty much keeps to themselves.

Too self-hating to stick with spic women? I can't blame you since they're either toilet cleaners or prostitutes.

>It needs to be put down, or their third world problems will keep spilling into our country.

>implying that didn't happen already

Love the people.

You have good people who are, for the most part, Christian and hard working, but you need to viva la revolution and get rid of your fucked up corrupt leaders. AND GET FUCKING ARMED AND MAKE BEING ARMED A RIGHT!!!!! The reason why your murder rate/crime rate is so fucking out of control is because only the criminals have guns, and they have a LOT of guns. As far as immigration, I want a wall, and LEGAL immigration. But I have nothing against the Mexican people - you are GOOD CHRISTIAN PEOPLE. You just need to sort your own shit out, just like we did. I suppose invading Christians with dark skin are FAR better than invading MUSLIMS with dark skin.

So, what are your feelings on guns?
What do you think about the corruption in your government?
Are you a DEVOUT Christian?

Have you spoken to any Americans in Brownsville, TX?

Just drove through last night to drop my siblings off at an airport, really shitty at first but I guess Guadalajara is a lot better. Surprising amount of people who are not really against Trump, but those I assume are your patriots and good citizens. Smells like shit though and fucking shacks every where too at first.

I ain't even mad

Nobody will remember your piece of shit race and protestant heresy once we, catholic mestizos, take control of what is rightfully ours

Drug fueled cartel run shithole with no Olympic teams.

no-noooo-no nooo



Catholics. They have shit loads of Catholics. Time bombs the Vatican smuggles into the welfare States of America.

>mild climate
>natural resources
>beautiful landscape

potential that will never be realized. low IQ population crippled by corruption and socialism. what a waste.

>Certain areas are very nice and wealthy. Just like every country

A friend invited me to her summer house in Cuernavaca.

The places looked nice, but they are all walled and fortified for some reason.

What's up with that?

>Yeah there are criminals, but they dont just randomly fuck with people like blacks do in certain US cities. Evertone pretty much keeps to themselves.

I doubt that, partner. Low tier criminal scum always has the desire to prove himself in front of his homies. Now if you talk about organized crime, I can believe that.

Why would we care that you take over hell?

There WILL be a wall asshole. WATCH.
Trump knows how much Mexico fucks the US over in trade. It is the US that has Mexico by the balls, not the other way around. There will be a wall and it will stop 99.9% of illegal immigration, you can 100% bet on that.

Just like I said you can 100% bet on a PRESIDENT TRUMP.

Trump is a business man and he knows that the wall will pay for itself in less than a year when you factor in the welfare that the majority of illegals use. BILLIONS will be saved. It's a mathematical certainty and Trump KNOWS it.

middle east tier but christian, how?

What if I gave you the money and you picked it up at the store?

non-country along with the rest of south america except chile.

the islands are alright because they're mostly tourist and away from the majority of spics.

but the rest of it is sandy farms populated by shitskins that cut peoples faces off and a couple spics with no faces that are ok but they need to stay the fuck out of the US.

Its a crime riddled shithole filled with poor, uneducated, and generally apathetic people. There are no advantages to the country aside from its climate and relative distance to a few natural resources.

In short, Mexico is North America's Albania

Giving them their country back was a huge mistake.

Also it is somewhat amazing about Mexican posters, no one really knew English at all when I went. So to see you guys communicate well enough on an mongolian finger painting board is pretty cool

I like your food, but only once and awhile.

I had my hair cut by a Mexican barber in Canada a couple of years back.

She was going back--she felt there was more opportunity in Mexico for those willing to work, than in Canada.

Watch beaner, it will fucking happen. You can bet on it. Watch EVERY. SINGLE. BRICK.

>take control of what is rightfully ours

What did he mean by this

>very honorable
The hardworking thing is an illusion. They're second only to the Chinese when it comes to cutting corners.

A "scam" artist who has made BILLIONS.
He is WAY smarter than a whole burrito of you fuckers.

WASPs and rednecks on suicide watch. LOL me cago de risa

the catholic shitskin thinks he's right about jesus because thats what their rapist papist grandfathers told them

literally nothing but ooga booga muh dick heretic

Nobody will remember it because your IQ 80 aztec race will not be capable of maintaining civilization.

But our flag will still be on the moon when the last Mexican has his heart carved out by a priest on some temple roof.


You guys have this false ideology of every Mexican being lazy, criminals, and evil.

America is not great and not that many Mexicans want to live their.

Get over yourself

Remember the Alamo?
I guess not. You might need a fucking reminder.

Dark skinned mexican girls are super cute

>But our flag will still be on the moon

it'll be sunbleached so bad future generations will think the french landed there.

> not that many Mexicans want to live their.


Mexican White Supremacists


How does it feel that the corruption and rampant parasitic behavior of your people helped get Trump elected?

Mexico is the Philippines of the Americas


>thinking mexicans are predominantly aztecs
>ignoring we are predominantly from spanish, maya and black descent

Redneck education

I am not saying it's perfect. Catholics are run by a leftist piece of communist shit, but you have to admit, in comparison to Muslims, they are not nearly as bad. That's all I am saying. I do agree with you.

>tfw no mexican cleaning lady that taught me how to be a man
I want off this ride!

? The fuck you talking about.
I said you guys work hard. Fuck off beaner.

it's full of arab tier savages

I live in San Diego, so I visit Hong Kong Gentlemen's Club in Tijuana every other month. Mexico isn't as dangerous as it used to be, and the women are beautiful (too much boob jobs though).

It is a cultural thing, most houses from lower-class up to upper middle class have high walls, steel beams over the windows, etc. Only exceptions are gated communities which have grown immensely because of all the violence.

dude is trolling for (you)s

Take us in, whiteys. We're loyal dogs and will do all the work blacks would hate doing if they actually tried.

Sorry amigo, I didn't mean to tag your digits in that post.

There is a big difference between speaking and writing.

A nice country with nice people, but avoid the DF at all cost.

Also narcos.

I live in LA. I served in the Corps. I've known quite a few Mexicans, Chicanos, etc. You people aren't quite nigger tier, but you're getting close.