Why europeans are so emasculeted, political correctness and numales?

Why europeans are so emasculeted, political correctness and numales?

Shame on you.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Open borders to thousands of niggas from a african shithole
>Niggas began to rape, murder and kill infidels
>Aiwn, say no to islamophobia! A few do not represent the majority
>European authorities don't even wait the bodies get cold and call for calm and respect to the immigrants
>Eurocucks go out to the streets, make protests with skirts, light candles and put flowers on the attacks' hotspot


speaking the truth in europe = jail time

do not worry op, lets just put filters in our facebook avatars and everything will be alright

The EU is not Europe

All the strong ones died in the wars

Fuck off nigger
We're still far from Brazil level

You're racemixed country

Are you butthurted, eurocuck?

Kek. Watch your ass.

bullshit, you perverted cucks enjoy this


>watch your ass
Like you watch your mother's nigger ass because her mother got knocked up by few Niggers?

Enough is enough.
Europeans should kickoff this immigrants. There is no reason they have to accept this people.


>when a third worlder from an africa tier country criticize Europe
ah yes, the famous brazilian

The "refugees" are loving the german/european pussy.

I think the cuckold fetish is very common in Europe, no?

Kek at least we dont have 1kk+ imported refugees raping and killing our women and our government imposing us to shut up and accept this.

Can we just kill everyone in yurope and manifest some destiny that way.


based hungary

>you're racemixed country


That's not very tolerant is it?

Your women simply enjoy getting gang raped by favela monkeys so they don't report it

You don't know how happy I am to hear that Hungary will be alright.
>Half Magyar

Fuck off nigger
Your country isnt white and never will be white again


Gah, look at this motherfuckers teeth.


German extinction when?
Fucking gross disgusting filthy kike and muslims loving faggots all need to be NUKED

>Why europeans are so emasculeted, political correctness and numales?
this sickness is new and not yet researched

My mother is very well, thank you for asking. Actually, she can walk on the street without fear of being raped for not wearing a burka.

But I not judging, I wonder how hard it must be to live in a Muslim country.

Your country is going to be racemixed by sandniggers making lot's of children and dominating all.
You better do something, I like germany, but currently it's disgusting.

We took the blacks as slaves.

You took the blacks are bulls to fuck your women.

We still have white racial superiority in the US. Its an unspoken rule.

You guys have black racial superiority.

You guys get killed by trucks driven by niggers.



You know how much time and effort goes into managing the US minority populations?

A fucking lot schlomo.

>projecting this much
you literally are 25 times more likely to get killed than any german

>Why are the favelas still uncontrolled?

/thread, SAGE and hide


Fucking this. Even by our standards those teeth are fucking disgusting.

I'd constantly have my hand in front of my mouth if my teeth looked like that.

Wow... That's exactly the kind of racism and antisemitism that the EU seeks to eradicate.

You are part of the problem. So ignorant...

Favelas is huge cities, my city don't have a favela and it's quite big. 99% of cities in Brazil don't have favelas, fyi.

A jewish faggot (literally, he sucks guys dicks), caught with meth and advocating for legalization of pedophilia, what do you expect?

All of the real men were killed off in WW2 leaving only weak, low T beta males to carry on the population.

Europeans? You mean jewropeans.

stop projecting your sexual fantasies on me pablo

Right, I barely brush my teeth and mine look cleaner.
Jesus Christ, I didn't know shit got so bad there? How haven't the people revolted-- oh yea no guns hahaha.

Well at least we can report and not be called racist for that
But now, Mohammed Abdu Sahlah, go pray for the third time today and watch your country become worst than mine

>>when a third worlder from an africa tier country criticize Europe
>ah yes, the famous brazilian

One of the world's larger economy. A country full of natural wealth and resources...

And... We aren't eurocuks

(We also have not lost two world wars)

Enjoy your sharia.

Based Romania, based Hungary.

>fucking favela of europe

Poor shoop there bud.


>Brazilians think their country is safer than Europe (even including slav countries)

The delusion is real


And they even celebrate there ruin.


>bans liberals

discovered that by yourself?

To be fair, Volker Beck is one of the biggest cucks in the green party.
In fact he is so much of a cuck, that he did not even get a seat in the Bundestag from his own party, despite being fairly well known (for being a cuck). So he is basically out of politics.

Oh and did I mention that he was caught with crystal meth?

>Jesus Christ, I didn't know shit got so bad there?
Well tbqh, (((Americans))) have been actively brainwashing and conditioning Germs to be submissive and absolute tools who can't think for themselves since the end of the war

I live in Santa Catarina, brazilian south, best place in earth.

Because we've got no guns. Guns are pushing a button for death, somebody with a soul finds it hard to kill another man using a knife or their bare hands.

Are you already enrolled in Arabic classes?

It's more of a Scandinavian, German and Belgium thing.

Spain, Italy, Britain, Greece, Ireland and Eastern Euros haven't been hit with this nu-male epidemic as much. They're pretty much the same as Burgers.

Good thing is, it's dying out anyway.

we wuz white and shieeet

So mad we've been cucked out of guns.

I would research how to get them if I wasn't already on about 5 watch lists already.

at least we rape our own women

>at least we rape our own women