Hes right Sup Forums. Schools teach us nothing about the real world. How often is someone going to use calculus in their everyday life. Isnt school meant to teach us how to be functioning adults?
Hes right Sup Forums. Schools teach us nothing about the real world...
>it's a dumb 18 year old thinks he knows anything about the world episode
Balancing a check book:
I have $1000
I bought a $12 meal
I now have $988
If you want to learn how to balance a checkbook, take a personal finance class, not a mathematics class, you smug dipshit.
If you're too dumb to understand imaginary numbers you don't even deserve to make decisions on how you spend your money.
>not having a finance class in high school
Also, b8
Maybe if he was taught something about the world in school then he wouldn't not know anything. Leaf.
>can someone please teach me something useful, like how to properly prep a bull?
>Isnt school meant to teach us how to be functioning adults?
No, that was your dad's job. (Too bad you didn't have one.)
what the fucks a checkbook?
Your parents should be able to teach you that, however most parents don't have a full knowledge of calculus so school does that. If your parents didn't teach you basic financial literacy they're probably broke and you're probably a nigger
>Needs to be taught how to not spend money
Is this person a retard? I cannot for the life of me understand these people and how they think.
This fallacy is only brought up by children from broken homes who didn't have parents that taught them about life.
Teachers are not your mother or father. Their job isn't to guide you through life and teach you how to pay bills or understand how finance or tax works. If your parents didn't teach you that then they clearly didn't want you in the first place
> Isnt school meant to teach us how to be functioning adults?
No. School exists so you don't have a dumb population that believes in whatever bullshit they are told.
Yeah, let's give school MORE responsiblity to raise our children. I mean, it's really tiring for us parents, right?
Let's give the school MORE power to condition our kids, by letting them teach even the most trivial shit a 6 year old could learn in 10 minutes.
And really? Checkbook? I believe school already teaches you simple addition and subtraction.
So what is the job of the teachers? Kids spend more time in school than they do with their parents.
How to balance a checkbook?
Ha ha so funnay nobody needs math except anyone not doing humanities ha ha that's like nobody ha ha
>one click away from entirety of human knowledge
>can't figure out how to balance a checkbook
>there are people on Sup Forums who are confused by imaginary numbers
>there are people on Sup Forums who think imaginary numbers are "useless"
>imaginary numbers
>applications in electrical engineering
Literally more useful than you'll ever be.
>can someone please teach me how to add and subtract
wew lad
School isn't to teach you about the world.
What a completely idiotic picture, person, idea, and train of thought.
>I don't know calculus but somebody else does somewhere
all numbers are imaginary, it's not like we are born with the knowledge of numbers someone somewhere in history had to imagine them.
I use calculus every single day. Much of the skills I employ on a daily basis I did not learn in public school. To me, the purpose of school is to instill a thirst for the unknown. The rest is upon you.
When does a high school kid write a check? This is some outdated shit.
Also its not the schools job to teach you how to be responsible for your personal finances.
I see this whining all the time, but the fact of the matter is, its just more millenial era excuses to get out of personal responsibility. "I failed not because of ME, but because of the system."
Ask your moms husband
>everyone has computers/internet
>hurr teach me school
>i is a useless number
>please teach me basic arethmetics on highschool
>so I can get a job at Burger King after my Human Studies degree
>teachers aren't there to teach you about life
>back in the day, certain classes were taught solely for that purpose
You've posted enough shit for today.
>why should I learn imaginary numbers, by the way, respect my pronouns
This. The entire "teach me something useful in the real world" crowd is just idiots trying to justify why they couldn't pass high school calc. I've used calculus twice already today.
Good point, I haven't seen a vagina in real life and don't know how to get a girlfriend. FUCK
You don't get a job, balancing your own checkbook.
School is not there to wipe your ass, or teach you how to become a functioning adult.
It's there to groom you for potential employment.
Your parents are at fault for not teaching you life lessons, not the government.
Socialist scumbag.
>stop teaching me fishing. give me fish
kek dat picture
>allright chad let's teach you the important things
>if you collect 400$ welfare because you can't have a decent job besides burger flipping cause you suck at math
>how many meals can you afford then?
He's right though. Too bad your parents were shit :(
How many wasted resources do you think have gone into shit posting on a Tibetan throat singing forum?
Our alcoholic maths teacher actually told one of the kids this.
>Too stupid to just google it
Wangblows is so shit it takes several clicks.
Whoa whoa, slow down cowboy. Can you walk me through that again?
This. It used to be that parents were expected to teach their children how to do everyday things. Now everyone wants the state to do it.
I agree. That kid should be out working or in trade school by the age of 14. Secondary school should cater to those who wish to go to college. There is no sense in spending money on people who don't want to be there.
That's algebra. Pre-algebra for me in the 6th grade. If you can't wrap your mind around variables, just dropout and apply for the nearest factory job.
Is that before or after buying purely designer clothes, shoes, and getting a loan for a house and car?
HAHAHAHA oh wow. Not sure about your country but american education is there to teach kids how to do what they are told without questioning.
This. Beat me to it
>something more of a fag than OP
Even babies can distinguish numbers. Only natural numbers, granted, but still. Feed a baby a food they like, say, Honey Nut Cherrios. Then place a single Cherrio in one bowl, and a whole cup's worth in another bowl. Which will the baby pick? The one with more Cherrios, obviously.
The only thing imagined about natural numbers are the symbols we've ascribed to them.
>implying chad won't live with his mom
The problem with education is that it is a feminised industry - this means that feelings and emotions are held in a higher regard than they should do.
This has lead to a lowering of expectations and standards wherein a book that an 8 year old would have read 30 years ago is too advanced for a ten year old today.
Exasperating this is the 'romantic' view of education; all children are born equal and only external factors determine achievement. This is demonstrably false and leads to simple minded children being expected to have an in depth understanding of mathematical concepts which are beyond their understanding.
this pic triggers the electrical engineer
>average people will never use algebra
I used it all the time to map my budget as a teen! I still use it.
Schools are meant to educate our society on the wonders of scientific discovery and cultural history. So you know, you don't live in a nation of mud dwelling retards.
Too bad it's not properly designed but it's not for you to whine about
>da X aint a numbah nigguh, u kant kalkucklate wif dem
These people believe they are our equals
i mean i went to a small town school in rural Ohio. We learned how to balance a checkbook, open a bank account (which was a field trip and you could even open one with a permission slip), taxes, basic sewing, and cooking... all of that was in home ec class.
>not being a member of the GNU/Linux death squads
You're right, I was thinking of Tyrone.
and this is why India is the king of coding
and has the best doctors
superpower by 2020
Isn't exposing your forearm like that a sign of being a fag?
I'm not even electrical and this pic triggers me.
>Isnt school meant to teach us how to be functioning adults?
No that's your parents job, and failing that it is your own personal responsibility to figure out how to be.
Shit is not hard, making money is not hard, work is not hard. But sitting on your ass watching TV and slowly dying is much easier.
attend elementary school, they teach you how to multiply and subtract
you know higher education is not mandatory, right?
>open a bank account (which was a field trip and you could even open one with a permission slip)
Nice. Wish we had something like that. Home ec was a required class for us in the 7th grade, so we at least got those things.
You would only learn imaginairy numbers if you are studying math at a higher level
You have already learned how to balance a checkbook when you learned about subtracting and adding. Stop being a fucking dummy.
Core commons pro here, I got this. Okay so you have $1000. That's 100 tens or 10 tens, because we want to make a ten. So the meal is 12 dollars, which is one ten. You subtract the ten from ten ten tens and you get ten ten nine, so you have 10109 dollars left. Subtract two and you have 10107 dollars left. Now subtract 5 dollars more for tip and you have 10102 dollars left. It's that easy!
Love this pic.
I got kicked out of my math class a few times because I questioned why I need calculus. For certain jobs I understand. But that's what the fuck college is for.
I had to retake that class the next year because the teacher finally got sick of my shit and flunked me for it. Apparently a lot of my classmates started questioning her shit after that. I caused a fucking mutiny.
>t. Pajeet Smith
No, your parents are supposed to teach you how to be a functioning adult. School is to give you an education so that you have the education level of someone living in the 21st century. Without Calculus or other "advanced" subjects you will be a nothing worker drone your entire life. Engineers, Programmers, Accountants, and other high paying and/or prestigious jobs require you to have BETTER than a high school education. That's why all those "worthless" college degrees like "Women's studies" and "Philosophy" only make things worse for the dumbass liberal masses. Take a degree in Engineering, Business Management, or at least Psychology. How are you going to succeed with a degree if don't get exposed to it in high school? The manufacturing jobs are GONE, that ship sailed, get over it. Unless you're going into a trade like mechanic or electrician, you better go to college and practice saying "did you find everything ok today?" since you'll be working at Wal-Mart the rest of your life.
A proper education should give you the skills and knowledge to teach your self how to balance a check book, or you just pretty much know how to do it because it's pretty fucking self explanatory and all it takes is an elementary understanding of math. Should school also teach you how to wipe your ass?
The people who think like this are the ones begging the state to increase minimum wage because they can't even do basic math.
I use calculus in my everyday life
i was always the kid that said this during class
>"hurr durr math is useless what are we even gonna use it for"
i just wish i learnt instead
are there any good places to start
i is a number, not a variable
>How to balance a checkbook
>Complaining about this in a MATH CLASS
School is there to make you learn, but not what you think:
- time is divided in weeks. For 5 days works you are rewarded with 2 days rest
- You must obey the authority. If you do what they want (homework etc) you may get a reward (good grades = "points", validation by the teacher)
>how to balance a checkbook
we taught you addition and subtraction in 1st grade
Congratulations for contributing to the continued downfall of our education system. Morons like you are the reason good kids still have a hard time getting an education even in good schools. Shut your fucking mouth and learn something dumbass.
Pretty much. Well put.
"Hi good kids! Maths are BORING and USELESS, and you should HATE them! Now go watch Marvel's latest movie! That'll teach you how to be a real hero!"
Shut the fuck up you snail eating, muslim socialist.
I still don't know what I'm supposed to use imaginary numbers for. Apparently they have some applications in space engines or some shit?
wow it's not like kids can take jokes or something ! ! !
it isn't absolutely insane for a state school teacher to make "offensive" jokes, maybe in a private school you little poof wasteman
>Balancing a checkbook in 2017
Not in trumps america
I was taught things like checkbooks, and how to fix clothes but not taxes.
if i had a proper physics class i would be working for nasa at this point instead of writing c++ for $30 an hour with no mathematical skills to really get much further.
honestly fucking pissed i had more clases on balancing a checkbook than physics.
Everytime i pick up a book on physics i can hardly wrap my head around it, i'd rather be an electrical engineer than a code monkey, but at least i dont work retail.
i've never even touched a fucking checkbook in the real world, i handle all of my accounts digitally (yes i actually have a savings account, a 401K and a stock portfolio)
and if you work for a major company, quickbooks handles everything for you as long as you can calculate all of your spending.
i went to a southern baptist school where i was brain washed to love the lord
taught how to make cookies and balance a checkbook
muh 4000 year old planet (they thought even 6,000 was too old)
and that jesus will come back in 2010
>most advanced math taught to me was calc
>no physics classes
>no chem classes
>basic computer classes that were nothing more than advanced typing classes
>wasted 2 hours every day going over "our" religion
>but you had shop right?
hahahahah nope just baking, and yes i'm a male
Out of the millions of highschools in this country, i'm sure less than 5% actually teach kids both usable life skills, and skills they will need for a real profession later down the line.
i was thought to balance a check book in 4th grade, they also threw in how to write a check and was credit cards do
Yeah man, I totally remember the "division of time in a week" class. That sucked
>12 dollar meal
You'd better be joking. Spending more than 5 dollar on a single meal is decadence.
>I'll never use calculus, shouldn't you be teaching me the instructions on the Mac 'n Cheese box instead you dumb teacher
Yeah we all walked like a mile down to the bank. We did the same thing for library cards in elementary school actually.
Practicality is taught by experience. The foundation of knowledge is the pure essence of something. You build up your own practical application knowledge on top of that foundation. Without that foundation, you will be forced to memorize heuristics for the rest of your life and you will only be able to specialize in a niche utilization of a principle which may become obsolete in a few years.
Retards who can't logically understand the concept of learning like this deserve the wrath of a shit life.
fuck you i need imaginary numbers for my job
you're a fucking nigger if you don't think we are talking about complex numbers.
>complex numbers
>balancing a checkbook is hard
>literally plus and minus
As an electrical engineer, this makes my blood boil
Anyway, I guess this is a troll-post, so 2/10
They taught addition and subtraction in elementary school. Also imaginary numbers are not imaginary they just exist on a different number line when you get into odd degree polynomials.
Your parents are meant to teach you how to be functioning adults.
Schools are meant more as socialization with peers (important) and social/ideological indoctrination (important for government).
This is why ridiculous shit like a kid being suspended from school for arguing with a teacher, despite being right. The point isn't who is right or wrong, the point is who has the power and who hasn't. Schools are meant to place every person into the social hierarchy, depending on how much arbitrary grades you collect. (the more compliant you are, the more you're rewarded, the more rebellious/"disruptive" you are, the more you're punished).
To put it simply, the student in OPs pic is missing the point - you aren't studying imaginary numbers because you'll use them in life (95% of people won't), but to get you used to taking orders you don't like and still doing them regardless later in life (doing shit you don't want to do, on the other hand, is something 99,9999% of people have to do)
Did you happen to check his flag?