Reminder that if trump was in Europe, he would be in prison for hate speech.
Reminder that if trump was in Europe, he would be in prison for hate speech
Which is why he's not prime minister, president or chancellor of some cucked European nation
I guess the next step is fixing Europe, then.
You lay a hand on the wall and I'll tear you down you illegal alien
I love the smell of winning in the morning.
It smells like freedom!
Are you saying that like it's a good thing? Are you really okay with having no free speech?
Freedom of Speech is designed to protect those with unpopular opinions. "Freedom of Speech" laws in places like Canada and Germany are a lie to give the illusion of freedom.
If he builds a wall, it will be torn down one day.
thats why Europe = shit
To be fair, if he was in Europe he would put Muslims in concentration camps where they should be.
Not if it is a wall of corpses.
AU AU AU!!!!!
immigrants don't like immigrants unless it's their immediate family
you should learn this before it's too late
Yeah, and Europe's turning into a bit of a shithole now isn't it?
shut up, Middle East 2
at least Norway is building fences
Maybe in Germany and UK (possibly France) the rest of us would get some media bashing, but we are free countries, so nothing more would come of it.
You pay for kids sex change operations
reminder that europeans are cucks
Maybe that's why you and france keep getting blown up or run over by trucks while the US doesn't.
Can't wait for your countries to fall apart so it becomes blindingly clear that there's no reason for us to be in a union with you cucks.
Digging digits.
No we wouldn't hans, you live in a cucked country where speaking your own mind is haram, here in italy we have plenty of politicians or people at talk shows being openly against niggers, now fuck off.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
and that's why europe deserves to fall.
No he won't.
shows how cucked your country is, ahmed
go away turkroach
Go home, Toronto.
Love this TOP TIER KEK Lad
No need. The wall can survive a random gringo's punch. It'll just leave them with bruised and bleeding hands.
Depends on where... We've had our version of Trump as president for some time now and he's going for a sure second term.
no way hose, there is a 75% chance you are growing up on welfare and will never accomplish anything in ur life.
There's a 100% that he has to go back before growing up.
I really don't know if the recent spate of Ahmed-posting or Cuckposting is really just b8ing for (yous) by white guys, or real Ahmedposting
Poe's law has been put to the test
It's so fucked up some parent gave their kid this sign to hold and the kid has no idea or concept of what's going on. These parents are horrible and are using their child as a political pawn and will most likely raise him to be as delusioned and bitter at the world as they are.
America First!
fuck off Gemany
>Being proud of jailing people for expressing ideas
Taking your little cucklets to rallies adds emotional appeal because of chillins
Yeah maybe in Germany. We have MPs who fantasize about killing gays, hope rapey niggers would rape leftist women and who talk about building camps for niggers.
Yeah. That's why we're a real country, and "Europe" is a continent of vassal-states. You exist to hold military bases for us.
Start munchies your veggies kid. You're going to need a lot of green giant sweetcorn.
maybe in Germany
Geert Wilders is trolling Muslims for a decade and more and no one is imprisoning him
stop feeding bullshit information to Americans and others
Is that an argument against Trump or against Cucked Europe?
Go truck yourself Hans.
can you please stand infront of the next truck... try to hug it, im sure that will stop the crazy man
>OP in 15 years
Those kids are going to grow up to be so right-wing they make Hitler blush.
Gringo means foreigner
Damn that truck that missed you Mohammed von Cuckestein
>City people all voted for Hillary.
I swear I read this same idiotic comment daily. Ignoring numbers like a true libtard.
Geert was "convicted" of hate speech and all those faggy Dutch cucks did was issue a fine.
Euros have no balls.