Can you fucks ever vote more against your own interests ? Why do conervashits want the internet to be impossibly expensive ?Fuuuuuuck you faggots
Why the fuck do you inbred Conservashits want to dismantle Net Neutrality ?
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You get what you pay for. Fuck off faggot.
>pay $200 a month for 100mbps of internet
>le you get what you pay for :^)
I know this is a bait thread but has Trump actually said anything about net neutrality besides that one somewhat ambiguous tweet?
I'm a firm believer that in order for anything to be fixed we have to hit rock bottom first.
So if more monopoly is the answer then so be it.
Accelerationism all the way.
Do you seriously pay that for so little?
Money its always money
The cable/internet service providers want to cuck Netflix and Youtube as it eats into their market share
Not really. Just for 150mbps will cost $83 a month.
I would imagine Trump's opinion on net neutrality is going to be his adviser's opinion, Peter Thiel.
>“We’ve had these debates about net neutrality for over 15 years. It hasn’t been necessary so far, and I’m not sure anything has changed to make it necessary right now.
>And I don’t like government regulation: We need the US government to regulate the internet about as much as we need the EU to regulate Google — I suspect the cons greatly outweigh the pros, especially in practice.”
So you agree there's a swamp?
>See liberal platform
>Know it always means the opposite.
Ah, net neutrality. So you want the internet to be policed by government regulations.
Are you too stupid to choose a unlimited internet provider?
Pol does it for the lulz. Cry more faggot.
>implying us rural folk have those options
1 cry by this baby
10-15 years ago the net neutrality niggers were claiming that we were only a few years away from "tiers" that ISPs would impose that would block out all non-corporate internet content and only allow access if you paid top dollar to see all the "little" sites.
I have noticed since Obama took office they have abandoned that stance and now claim it never existed.
That is why fuck net neutrality because these fucking dolts don't even know what it is. Now they think it's about Netflix. Seriously? You have an entire political movement built around Netflix streaming?
>live bumble fuck bama
>60$ month unlimited
>feels good.
Move faggot.
Yes, if you live in the country, you're going to have limitations. I have IBS and literally cannot ingest gluten, dairy, or high-fructose corn syrup. If I lived in a small town and wanted to eat anything other than beef jerky and corn chips, I'd be fucked. It's the choice you make. City living - lots of choices, high cost, minimal privacy. Rural living - limited choices, low cost, maximum privacy. Don't like it? Move.
You probably live in Birmingham or Montgomery.
The town next to me didn't even have 3G or 4G until last summer. My town is only limited to 3G and the internet is complete trash.
Rural living is still master race for me.
Data caps are thirld world tier.
>I pay for down bandwidth
>Netflix pays for up bandwidth
>this is somehow unfair and needs to change
Why would I want to give the Feds the ability to regulate ISPs?
You want to be charged more for visiting certain content on the internet ? Are you that dense ?
Outside of pinckard al.
1. This wasn't happening before net neutrality
2. States are more than capable of regulating ISPs
You are right internet should be free like health care fuck commerce I need dem memes.
People have been claiming that we would be charged more for certain content for over a decade and it still hasn't happened. Where is your evidence that it will?
it is free if people just get their lazy ass up off the couch and go to the library
> pinckard al.
sounds pretty comfy ngl
this speaks against it though ISP's are gonna see the profit in creting better service for rural areas. just like with infrastructure investments this is a huge untapped market that i can only see benefitting the average buyer because shitty internet providers will go extinct and good ISP's will be able to lower their prices for better service to keep up with competition.
>same old swamp
Trump's cabinet contains almost no politicians and is comprised of almost entirely business owners or generals. What did you think he meant by drain the swamp? Hire homeless guys off the street?
>he thinks this bad
You guys aren't even at commonwealth tier internet yet. Australia and Canada are completely fucked. Wait till you're paying 80/month for 5 mpbs, most likely with a download cap, because your municipal government barred any competition from entering the area.
Very comfy desu desu
We don't, we voted for trump not hillary.
>Live in the middle of fucking nowhere
>Complain about modern infrastructures being expensive to use
The companies didnt get to lay those lines for free, faggot.
>oops I filled it with the swamp
Except he didn't. Mattis, Pence, Tillerson, Bannon, Carson, Mick Mulvaney, Sessions...They're establishment to you?
unlimited¿? 100mbps is unlimited data transfer but on 100mbps speed
it cost more to bring internet to rural areas
if you want to live in a shoebox in korea its much cheaper
>inb4 "B-but they're da 1%"
So? Do they have to be digging for food in dumpsters to be considered non-establishment to you?
Most of these people are fiscally Conservative and/or socially Conservative, and the ones who aren't are CEOs who've never been involved in politics.
Steven might have an argument there, but he's a banker in charge of the Treasury. I see no problems here.
What are you going on about?
I have no caps on data, speeds?
I'm not sure, but I can stream hidef, game do anything I want.
>netflix pays for up bandwidth
Jesus christ you are stupid.
>giving a political body control over the internet
Because governments never abuse power right??
I'd rather have private companies competing for my business than let the government control the flow of information DESU
>an honest-to-God anti-establishment political outsider is elected President in an unprecedented move
>surrounds himself with experienced people to best advise him on leading the country
I know right.
Who out of Mattis, Mulvaney, Pence, Carson, Bannon and Tillerson can Liberals honestly point to and say "He's a RINO!"?
Some things are cheaper in cities.
Some things are cheaper in rural areas.
Farmers need to quit bitching and just accept that they spend $2000/month less on rent, but should spend $200/month more on internet.
I mean, they're all pretty much Far-Right Conservatives with the exception of Tillerson and Carson.
>Farmers need to quit bitching
its the NEETs that live in their parents basement that are bitching
In my country it's literally the farmers.
muh "I can't upload pictures of my flowers to the auction sites boohoohoo"
>I can't upload pictures of my flowers to the auction sites boohoohoo
Netherlands problem
How much bandwidth do you need to upload pictures of flowers?
>live in Montana
>get Charter internet
the fuck are you talking about?
I wasn't even talking about my rural town, I'm talking about a large suburban area I used to live in.
I moved to a rural area and got a line dug out at my expense just so I could even have internet but the guys over in mid size towns get dicked by the monopolies. I'm lucky to even have internet.
And suburbs are not dense compared to cities
You communists have 28 seats up for election in republican states in 2018.
Please keep pushing your identity politics, it works so well for us.
>How much bandwidth do you need to upload pictures of flowers?
They claim they have to upload throughout the night.
And if something went wrong they find out in the morning it's already too late to try again.
I'm skeptical though.
If it's really such a big issue they would have gotten a satellite link.
>impossibly expansive
Internet wasn't impossibly expensive, and bunch of fucking "artists", professors, and other liberal lefties lobbied the fuck out of net neutrality. Essentially they created a price cap and regulated the fuck out of that. It's extremely comparable to rent price regulations. The same will result.
The red area just outside of Toronto is where I used to live. If that isn't dense enough for at least a second company then I need to move to a different country.
50 people per km^2 is nowhere near dense
Also you don't have a cable and phone company?
Cable company was gradually phasing out to the smaller subrurbs. There was a vote on having more competition in the area but it was stricken down. There was a lot of local propaganda going around about our phone companies which also control all internet in the area too.
>There was a vote on having more competition in the area but it was stricken down.
So the people voted against their own interests?
Oh and I forgot to mention that my population density of my town was somewhere around the 1500 people per km^2.
Fuck off Fascist dicking sucking nigger
Not a vote done by the population, it was done by the municipal government. Most people didn't even know it was going on.
YouTube and Netflix both promote liberal ideals.
Seems fine to utterly destroy them.