What's your Country's biggest embarrassment, Sup Forums?

What's your Country's biggest embarrassment, Sup Forums?

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Spreading niggers across the globe. We fucked up

Need I say more?

War of 1812


not killing all jews in ww2

Nothing. We are very proud

Those chairs, holy shit.


Watch out Germany, you're going to get v&.

everyone in canada loves him

This Erdogan has 0 taste about that.The new ""palace"" is shit tier too.

>I am such le feminist and refugee friend
>Wears poppy

He is just a clown pandering to other clowns isnt he?

We won this war


i cant think of any really bad ones



Faggots like this.

is really that bad? or just a Sup Forums meme?

>not posting pic related
Really, bong?

>Lets lets

Every time the South goes off LARPing like they did in the Civil War

Letting a few abos live


He's bad in the sense that he hasn't done anything for Canadians since he's taken office, just wasted money on foreign aid and pushed diversity quotas

Lowland cucks and their constant attempts to destroy our culture and establish a caliphate

Vietnam War

Letting the french retake florance from us

I thought it would be Queen Elizabeth II since she oversaw the entire dismantling of the British Empire and destruction of the British people.

Oh and makes cringeworthy videos for Buzzfeed

He's been averaging one photo op every 2 days


not finishing of the jews

Right now, Barrack Obama.

he's jealous of these chairs

Homonism and Japan war

Yeah but that was just a Prototype Tank so we could mess about with weird designs.

With the Valiant we have no excuse.

It's actually a good tank. Yu just need a team to make TOG-2 great.

This makes me so mad. SVP should have just said fuck you europe. Let the economy contract. Deport the spics. We just bunker down and go into WWII mode. I promise we outlast those cunt EU whores.

>colonial sideshow

>prototype tank designed in 1940 exclusivily for trench warfare and extremely muddy conditions.
>project was terminated before the tank hit mass production

the only thing wrong with the TOG 2 is that ww2 wasnt perpetrated in a very muddy field in france.

Monarchs in the UK haven't had any real power since like 1850 anyway, so there was nothing she could do.

from a normie point of view (or if you dont give a fuck about a fucking leaf) he seems pretty based


How do you mean?

Losing to vietnamese rice farmers

Lol, didn't say it was relevant but would probably be the most embarrassing thing.



>not posting Israel

He meant other war idiot.

Did the Americans help the Russians at all?


Oh lmao

Hitler shouldn't have invaded Poland and France and then declare war on the USA. Hitler him fucking self killed millions of white people by being fucking stupid. He bomber the shit out of white countries like the UK , and you want to try to claim that we did something bad?

that was a win for cia heroin smugglers and american arms manufacturers
and kissinger got the nobel peace prize

Noone help russia, so we decide to marsh to paris. It takes half of year.

That's also Germany's fault

>sustainable level


Embarrassing for the British that is

German Americans should have staged a revolution and overthrown the kikes and eternal Anglos.

The white males. We need to get rid of them all.

this fucking traitorous cunt

the current year


>Japan occupies russian Far East during our civil war
>cucked bolsheviks can't kick them out til 1925
>USA helps USSR regain clay and dignity via diplomacy

This whole thing isn't even mentioned in our school program or historical programs.

Fucking khohol. The greatest shame of Russia - it's Ukrainian degenerates.


even the ones who sign your welfare cheque ahmed?

If memory serves the closest that thing came to production was a wooden mockup


Oh boy where to begin. We've done so many great things that will go down in history but here's a list of some major fucking fuckups:

1.) The War of 1812

2.) Colonizing the Philippines

3.) Bay of Pigs Invasion

4.) U2 Spying Incident

5.) Ruby Ridge Massacre, Waco Texas, etc

6.) the SJW faggots

7.) Iraq/Afghanistan Wars that removed Iran's counterbalance and created the void necessary for ISIS to exist

8.) Baby Boomers and their stupid hippy bullshit

whats your wn8?

One of America's biggest embarrassments should be having literal domestic warzones


tfw the balkans cant be ashamed at anything because we only do evil
(plot twist evil is what keeps us alive)



Anything I post will be outshined in less than a week.

Bovington says otherwise

Fuck off maple nigger

Christ how tacky. That is Trump levels of ostentatious display. How small is the Chief roaches cock?

He sounds like the average Swedish social democrat

Vroom vroom!

>screw up The Great War
>lie to your people and say everything is great
>blame a minority when it becomes too obvious that everything is not great
>proceeds to systematically eradicate minority
Germans are no better than the Ottomans.

A country without nationalism/identity is fated to be conquered. That's a lesson in history but I guess rich boy Trudeau never learned that


Oh stop it. You're basically dependent on your children as it is.
Also, we really fucked up our education system, what little there was to fuck up anyway

Being part of EU.

Probably the battle of poltava. We had it all and just threw it away just like that

>What's your Country's biggest embarrassment, Sup Forums?

Tossup between India and Pakistan.

Fuck I wanted to post this faggot traitor.

HMS Tog II* is a marvel of engineering and a cutie.

>then declare war on the USA
>Didn't declare war on the USA until 1941
>War started in 1939

Yeah absolute warmongering madman. What took him so long, did his watch stop?
I understand, you know nothing about history and now you want someone to blame. Your attitude will change.

The only embarrassing thing about the War of 1812 was how it came about

>(((Advisor))) tells Spencer Perceval he should have a war with America
>Perceval refuses because there's nothing to gain and no reason to do so
>(((Advisor))) does have something to gain though
>Enter (((John Bellingham))) who shoots Perceval dead in the House of Commons a fortnight after he refuses to sanction a war (Still the only PM to be assassinated)
>(((Bellingham))) doesn't run away and sits down ready to be captured
>His thinking is that this (((advisor))) will give him a safe passage out of the country and into a safe (((country)))
>Doesn't happen though because Britain still had a spine then and hanged him a week later
>(((Advisor))) can't believe his luck
>Perceval is out of the picture
>(((Bellingham))) is out of the picture
>He stands to make a lot of money by having a war, but can he convince (or (((advise))))Robert Jenkinson to go to war?
>Of course he can because that's exactly what happens six weeks after Perceval is killed
>(((Advisor))) makes his money of course and Britain takes part in a war it doesn't need, but who cares when shekels are at stake

At least it has a good ending with (((Bellingham's))) great-great-grandson now being an MP for the (((Conservatives))). If there's one thing you should know by now it's that (((coincidences))) can tower up to the sky and out of sight without anyone having seen them in the first place.

Thanks for that, Cromwell.

The left is just as garbage as the right

To be fair, it's pretty courageous being head of state and fighting breast cancer at the same time


>t. effeminate NEET embarrassment


Honestly looks like he walked out of a gay porn.

They don't even look that comfy