Oh wow Sup Forums btfo look at what would happen if blacks left America
Oh wow Sup Forums btfo look at what would happen if blacks left America
Take it if it means they'll all leave.
I'm not going to watch it. You know what would happen 2 major things, crime would go down and welfare/money for social programs would decrease. All good things so go back to Africa
this will actually happen when gibs runs out
Should we get a kickstarter going to help them with their travels?
I thought it'd be funny but these people are actually serious
Let's see what society would look like if blacks only used black inventions and whites only used white inventions
--------------BLACK POWER THREAD---------------
Sorry, niggers, the English language was invented by whites, so no you all have to shut the fuck up.
>let a bunch of niggers in your house
>they steal all your shit
That was my responsej
Sucks cause i was gonna fuck this girl but i might trigger her after this
Niggers using the internet invented by white people.
I'd give up peanut butter if they'll give up the internet.
If blacks left America the collective IQ of America he would raise
Burgers are still pretty dumb even without blacks.
>niggers inventing peanut butter.
user, you do know that natives had used that shit for thousands of years.
>go to the blacks-only nation of Wewus
>it's a kingdom where the infrastructure is composed of solidified peanut butter
I wonder if they felt bad for having so little when it was all done.
I'm not in the mood to cringe. But I am going to guess it was along the lines of "We would LITERALLY have no NFL/ NBA and we would take our music (which other ethnicities do better) and culture".
Truth is if black people left America and America stopped bending the knee to Israel we would truly be the best at everything.
no child left behind means classes are taught based on the stupidest nigger.
As if anyone can invented mashed up peanuts anyways.
If mashed up food is considered an invention niggers are way behind any western standards of innovation.
I said truth twice, ignore that.
But I think most people who have been on Sup Forums long enough have been exposed to black crime statistics. You know it isn't wrong when someone says black leaving would make America better.
>Assuming everything they claimed was invented by black people actually was
1. White civilization gave them the tools to reach their max potential and peanut butter was what they came up with. I am willing not to use any inventions blacks earned all by themselves. That means, no more marathon hunting for me and no more dirt houses.
2. I wouldn't mind living without anything they mentioned if it meant I didn't see one of their baboon face ever again.
I always thought cotton grew out of the ground and was always there. Didn't know blacks invented it.
Say I've got a crazy idea. How about you give them reparations but only on condition that they fuck off back to Africa. You lose some money but your quality of life is gonna improve tenfold.
>blacks put in chains specifically to PICK COTTON, meaning the cotton was there in the first place
>ooga booga we invented da cotton
Kek again
Not really mate. I fully accept the racist label and embrace it. I'm no alt-right faggot.
All blacks are niggers.
Niggers are inferior.
We would l lose a sold two weeks of economic output due to spontaneous dancing in the streets.
Nigger, your entire country was a slave colony.
Wow, they really made America the great country it is afterall. How have i been so ignorant all these years?
It's a;
>Black people take credit for others inventions
Chips were invented by native americans long, long before blacks even came to america. Blacks didn't even have corn where they lived.
>implying the Brits and Irish never fried potatoes in fat
>Peanut butter
"The use of peanuts dates to the Aztecs and Incas" - Wikipedia
>Curling iron
"In 1872, Marcel Grateau (a Parisian) used heated rods to straighten or style hair." - Wikipedia
>Potato chips/crisps
"The earliest known recipe for potato chips is in William Kitchiner's cookbook The Cook's Oracle, first published in 1817, which was a bestseller in England" - Wikipedia (I didn't know that they were an English invention, neato).
>Jazz, gospel, blues, R&B, hip-hop
You can fucking have them. They're yours. Done.
And in return, I demand that all non-whites immediately cease speaking English, stop wearing European clothing (like shirts and jeans), and immediately stop using technology invented by whites (computers, books, cars, planes, you know, 99.9% of things that actually matter, instead of trash like ugly hair styles).
If all the african americans left the US it'd be seriously likely we'd throw the largest party the world has ever seen and even mexico would be invited over the wall to help celebrate.
hell leave the legally migrating africans from africa as well and you're still looking at a fantastic thing
I would give them all of those things if they left.
You're american, why are you calling french fries chips? I'd understand if you were a brit but come the fuck on man.
Chips, as in the mulched corn that is fried, toasted or baked into snacks. Native americans had those. Not the potato kind of chips or chips as in french fries.
I still think its hilarious that the single most successful rapper is Eminem.
>take a white boi to the hood to raise
>proceeds to set his mind to out nigging the nigs
>profit massively
>blacks invented cotton
What did he mean by this?
>what would happen if blacks left America
I'll just leave this here
And none of them were anything that would change life on a significant way
>blacks invented cotton
>invented cotton
but i invented the apple.
>1 minute list of achievements with 3 of them questionable
Looks like they're starting to understand that they aren't wanted here. Good
>mfw they probably sat around for hours trying to think of things that blacks invented, and only came up with half a dozen things and a 1 minute video
really cracks me up. and black people didn't even invent half the shit they named
>all those (you)'s
Like I'm going to give two shits what a country that wishes it were as "successful" as Mexico thinks.
>If black people left America
You can call me a racist and a sexist. I hate NIGGERS, I hate JEWS, I hate SPICS and ARABS too.
Im truly surprised they didn't try to claim GTA San Andreas as something they invented
Even still, if they left america its not as if the inventions disappear
out of thousands and thousands of inventions, they only could name 5 or 6 things and come up with a minute of content. i seriously am laughing so fucking hard.
is society going to collapse if peanut butter just disappeared one day? and that's being generous, because they didn't even invent it.
somehow, these nogs thought this video made them look good, when it just makes people realize how black people haven't done shit. truly a top kek
>peanut butter
I'm allergic.
>hot comb
not relevant.
>kim k boxer braid
not relevant.
>jazz, gospel, rock n roll, r&b, hip hop
don't listen to any of those.
>we invents cotton and sheit
>video is 59 seconds long, 25 seconds of which are intro
>only 3 of the 6 things can be called an "invention"
>even those three aren't their own inventions, just improvements on past inventions
>george washington carver is WELL KNOWN to not have actually invented peanut butter so they can't claim ignorance
>Couldn't understand the nigger mumbling something about chips n shiieeet and don't know the details of the hot comb which nobody uses so can't really prove it wrong
What will I ever do without black innovations that I've never used Sup Forums :( wtf I love being enriched now
>a few condiments
>some shitty music
>a towel
>nigger hair
90%reduction in crime, STDs, Welfare, people who are legally retarded
fukking worth it man
blacks don't invent shit because they're stupid. But the one thing that only a black man can provide her is a quirting, pulsating, screaming orgasm
Nice, USA would be a better place. Maybe I would even move there then.
This video just made me hate niggers even more
Chips are fried potatoes.
If blacks left america and "took" their inventions back with them, then they have to leave all of our inventions.
This black kid i know online said he gets a 50% just for writing his name on the assignment.
Next they should do a:
"What would happen if white people left Zimbabwe"....Oh....wait.
Isnt this bannable
You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
2 years later
if the niggers left, America would be a fucking near paradise.
Eh it would be vastly better than just that
Niggers cause systemic issues at all levels of society
Government institutions don't work because niggers
People turn into cucks because they view niggers like pets or something
Wigger behavior largely vanishes
Single mothers with halfbreed kids vanish
The whole of society has to behave totally different because of the presence of niggers
not really unsurprising at this point.
Blacks always had to be helped along but even back to 06 - 09 school systems were still pretty much resigned to letting the dumb fucks fall through the cracks in order to help along those that actually tried.
Now its entirely different as they can't let any of them fail they all have to be successful or dats racist and it just drags down everyone else to their level.
It'd take Trump, Jesus, and the dragon balls to even hope to sort that shit out at this point
Someone posted a great green text here about a year ago about what would actually happen if WHITE people left America (such as power plants failing due to lack of engineers, etc.). Wish I would've saved it.
that youtube video is just a random reupload, the real video is on the owners instagram
Quite possibly the dumbest argument I've seen.
Do these people even realise they have been linked up on pol
let me CTR this bullshit.
Marcellus Gilmore Edson (cracka) invented peanut butter.
Francois Marcel Grateau (French Honky) invented the hot comb
William Kitchiner (Engrish cracka) potato chips
"Cornrows are a traditional way of styling hair in various global areas" niggas didn't invent twisting hair
niggaz didn't invent cotton, they just picked it. that'd be like saying Mexicans invented lettuce.
and as for the music, that's a small trade off for all the problems niggers cause.
Do you not know how a bag of potato chips are made?
Niggers steal what do you expect?
How would blacks make music without the instruments, equipment, and general technology invented by white people?
could not watch past the Carver invented PB part.
>the start of the video was like what happens to neighborhoods (((blockbusters)))
I love when my friends call me racist, they get so uppity especially when I show facts
Scores of police officers, EMT's, corrections personnel, social workers and lawyers would be out of work.
Our government would halve in size due to all the unemployable and unskilled people who are currently employed there - and it would improve.
They can call me racist or sexist but they still didn't make an argument.
I realized I used an archaic term.
for the kids: