Is it because of the Mafia? Is it because of the Pope?
>no arabic terrorism in Italy
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It's because Italy is so shit not even Muslims want to live there
and you're all moors anyway
The muzzies get off the boat, see a dusty shit hole full of derelict buildings and old fat shouting women in headscarfs and assume they have not yet reached the west.
Can't find any white people to kill
Holy kek
fuckin kek
italy hates muslims
So what would stop someone from acquiring a 40 foot catamaran and building their own little corvette, sailing out and sinking those floating "refugees"
>get off the boat
>surrounded by muslims and blacks
>realize it's just London
At least food and women are good here
That explains why they aren't hitting America either
They are too busy getting blow jobs from the pope
It's funny how they get on boats but when they fall in the water it's like in GTA Vice City and they instantly drown
We're giving them free ferry service and they can reach other countries from here, it wouldn't be convenient to attack us
Also mafia keeps the niggers in check, I guess
With a Pope as cucked as Francis, I'm actually surprised nothing's happened yet.
Italy is the last bastion of traditional Catholic values in spite of the cuck Pope.
Unless America Italy is a first world safe country
My Uncle spent 14 years in iTaly
>no job.
>no family.
>no money.
>no papers.
my father stayed here , and got a better life.
unlike america ITALY is full of communists and the jews that own the commies have not told achmed to start raping and killing yet.
It will happen. Nothings stops this train.
But the vatican is safe. No mudslime will ever be allowed to enter.
>implying the mafia controls anything more than the local garbage companies
mafia has always been shit in italy
Because the tawny Mediterranean white man is more sanguine and feral than the tamer Northern White Man.
This is probably why they don't fuck with Latin America either. Latin America has half-savages that would start beheading Muslims with machetes or pseudo-fascist dictators that would start death squadding terrorists.
here's a funny anecdote: there was a group of refugees arrested in Poland few months back. Apparently they were here for a few months and all that time they were convinced they were actually in germany ;)
I still think its a bit random isis will send 10 guys to every country and the team that is supposed to do shit in Italy gets caught and the ones that base out of Belgium succeed. Every month some terrorist are caught over here. They did bomb the Italian ambassy in Egypt or Tunnisia though.
I so love these digits
Because you are profiling and discriminating people like the racists you are
because they they just use italy and the balkans as stomping grounds to get to northern europe and France
I saw a documentary a bit ago that said that 1 in 5 businesses in Sicily are mafia owned.
southern italy is all mafia
>good food and women in london
i don't think you ever left italy
By "here" I mean Italy, senpai
Partly the crime syndicates not wanting to shit up the land they're exploiting and partly our secret services not wanting durka durkas blowing themselves up
I remember about seven years ago they found a training camp for suicide bombers near my hometown, but even then it was mostly gypsies in that area
nah m8, even the government has agrreements with them
Let me tell you, i was there last year and there are a SHITLOAD of shitty north african muslims in Italy.
If there is any reason Italy is not blighted by terrorism is that they're not KEKED like Belgium, France, Germany etc..
Witness here an example of Italian manhood before Islamic terror:
Recall as well, how a cornerstone of modern Italian society responds to a liberal shaming campaign:
Culturally this is one European country which will not fill the immigrant's mind with victim mentality identity politics, the anti white messaging of which basically is the gateway for ISIS membership.
In short, Italy is a country which is not ashamed of its heritage and therefore Muslims do not feel emboldened to attack them.
>PoPe = PePe
Kek wills it. Digits confirm.
epic death of the soldier
Don't jinx it you faggot.
don't worry currybro, if anything happens here we're going to hang the commies and go full DEUS VULT on the mudslimes
arabic terrorism isnt real, its all an israeli psyop
Only cucked countries like Germany are attacked. Attacking Italy or the Vatican would launch a crusade
its because the NONNAS WILL FUCKING MURDER THEM FOR FUCKING UP... No med violence is because our grandparents are scary as fuck. Germanys are shown as subhuman and belgians even worse.
god bless Italia
it's not like there aren't, even we have our share of jihadis, we're even having a case of some woman going to Syria and then convincing her parents to help her financially, too bad we're not going to drown that scum in pig blood yet
it's just that they get arrested before anything happens, so there's not much to talk about
May shiva help you in your crusade.
>tfw islam isn't even officially recognized as a religion
I can see it happen desu.
The region of Italy I come from has actually an immigrant issue atm. Though it is only a minority, some of them are forming gangs, harrassing people, raping and stealing at weapon point.
Thing is, when they get caught by a group of locals there's a good chance of them getting beaten (bless). It has come to the point where people think of local criminals as friends.
kek I always joke about the fact that protection money is quite different from taxes, since you actually get what you pay for
Holy kek
It's because for all the shit talking durka durkas and ISIS do, they're afraid to attack Rome and Jerusalem. They know if they cross that line, there's no going back, and pretty much every Christian in the world is going to take up arms against them and wash the sands of the Holy Land red with their blood.
That and the Sicilians. They're sort of like Mexico/El Salvador in that sense, you don't fuck with their business and they won't cut your face off.
Maybe he implied that the birts were replaced and its at least decent now.
But for real, mafia is pure cancer but at least you know who and what you're dealing with.
>why are there no terrorist attacks in Germany, is it because Germany treats them better?
This was you types of people only a couple of days ago.
>At least food and women are good here
Damn nigga
Nope, been to London recently, the food is still mostly shit.
Our secret service works
No welfare.
>"As the last seconds of his life ticked away, Fabrizio Quattrocchi defiantly removed the hood placed over his head by his killers and shouted: 'Now you'll see how an Italian dies.'"
>apparently could translate to 'golden eyes'
big boss tier heroics, big boss tier name
italians are welfare queens tbqh senpai
They have armed military men surrounding every thing of value.
I think it's a pretty good deterrent.
Four eyes
there actually is, especially for rapefugees
too bad it's awful and you need to add at least a couple of invalidity pensions to leech off the state
Because our country's so wank that not even terrorist want to live here
>apparently could translate to 'golden eyes'
It translates to four eyes, like if you were wearing prescription glasses
>bare feet
Those women should know that dirty kuffar men like me gets turned on by their bare feet.
>Is it because of the Mafia?
In some places of Italy (Naples especially), if an immigrant starts shit the Mafia will abduct and murder them. Or so I've heard.
Why aren't they forming straight lines? There is no way that their directions all converge on Mecca unless it's ~10 meters away
This 100%
Unironically this, though. Our secret service has been hardened by the Years of Lead, among other things.
This article is really good bagniproeliator.it
they don't necessarily abduct them, they often just beat them, nobody really gives a shit
they're also the ones making the most money out of the rapefugees coming here, so there's that
You don't even need mafia to do it. Rustle people's jimmies just enough and you can get lynched by a mob.
It's because is an irrelevant country
A mix of fear of triggering a real crusade against the middle east if they dared to touch vatican city and the neighbor, the local criminality having a history of "collaboration" with police forces and our police forces actually knowing their shit.
Plus we've already dealt with terrorist with the red brigades and we're prepared for it.
>the usual self deprecating faggot
Ammazzati coglione
but they were right polen
gib bag Breslau
We don't have a lot of muslims and the ones that came here to live are the "light" ones like Albanians and Bosniaks.
Italians are passionate emotional people, if something like that berlin attack happened in Italy.......oh boy.....there would be hell to pay. That italian/latin anger comes out of nowhere and explodes.
Source: Italian father
Because people,minus nordcucks,don't tend to bend over to other cultures as soon as someone says they have to.
the truck would never have managed to run over anyone, an albanian would have stabbed the terrorist while he was trying to steal it.
and no, not to save people, just to steal it himself and sell the parts somewhere, carpe diem you know?
which is funny because we are barely a nation. I think it has to do with our VERY strong regionalism. We're from our region before we're italians, and this is saving us.
more like town-alism sometimes
Then who would make the criminal arabs clothing?
From what i heard migrants fear italy because some of them were beaten up and since italians are brown themselves muzzies cant blame it on racism
tldr : you did a good job this year italy
eh, this happened in my region (Tuscany) too. some times ago we had a group of albanians who stealed a in a shitton of houses, a group of men organized, find them and beat them. a cop arrived and he said they did the good thing because the albanians would be release a few days later anyway.
Then gib more eurobux or we crash the EU with no survivors
Yeah OK, check out the abortion statistics in Italy.
They have the same problems we do.
go on and crash it...cant wait to see merkel and jean-claude hanging
An then please annex the south of germany....france can have the cucked north
that's also true.
Not important enough.
On the other end though...
We already have enough cuck up in the nord, we don't need more.
soon, greatest ally, soon
Questo a Firenze?
nope, Arezzo. it was 10 years ago I think.
Exactly this. No one in Italy spreads that white guilt bullshit.
In this clip they invited some nigger youtuber to this popular italian talkshow. The song was ironic, but even though you can't understand shit, they were mad as fuck at him. It's hilarious if you know the context and what they're saying, but that woman, which is Mussolini's nephew, was saying anti-immigration and borderline racist shit and she perfectly got away with that. Every talk show in italy nowadays is leading more and more to the right, and it's common to see this anti-immigration feeling both there and in real life. Just goes to show how the situation in Italy is.
It's almost incredible how open Italians media and society is to this kind of far-right mentality, really makes me happy to see that we aren't gonna get culturally annihilated along with the rest of Europe. With the political climate that Italy has been in for the last couple of years, it'd only take a good far-right candidate to take us back into Sup Forums tier fascism.
>The region of Italy I come from has actually an immigrant issue atm
Can a pasta bro rank these from where immigration is worst to least worst?
Lazio, Tuscany, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto
>i-i-if rome is attacked every single christian will magically transform into a crusader d-deus vult!1*tips fedora*
Your post is cringe as fuck but I had a laugh imagining old people and shitsksins in knight's armor
True. We call money grubbing/crafty people "hebrews", openly.
Italy is based.
>live in North Italy
>few refugees arrived in my town
>old man shouts "go back to Africa" to a group just yesterday
>police does not give a fuck
Which boggles my mind, because the Catholic Church in America is so hardline on abortion, but seems to give zero fucks about remarrying.
It's not really the regions, the niggers tend to concentrate in the cities
You're likely to see some pooinloo picking fruit in the countryside, but that's about it
oh please everyone is on the edge already, if they dare to attack Rome even our cucked "pope" will call for a crusade or will be killed.