South Carolina to block pornography

>Computers purchased in South Carolina in 2017 may only offer PG-13 rated internet. A bill pre-filed by Republican State Representative William Chumley would require that personal computers and other devices block internet access to pornography and obscene content.
>Pornography is believed to represent 4 percent of the internet, but computers in South Carolina would come with a blocker that only allows them to access the other 96 percent. Rep. Bill Chumley (R-Spartanburg) made sure to give himself the Christmas present of pre-filing a bill that would block cellphones, tablets and computers from accessing pornography unless consumers pay an extra $20.
>The bill, fecklessly titled the Human Trafficking Prevention Act, would fine manufacturers or sellers of electronic devices that do not install the blocks, whether they are created in factories or are at the point of sale. Even the kinds of filters that couldn’t otherwise be easily uninstalled by a user remain unknown.

>Efforts to contact Chumley or the bill’s cosponsor, Rep. Mike Burns (R-Greenville County) for clarification by Gizmodo were not successful. But Chumley told GoUpdate that “if we could have manufacturers install filters that would be shipped to South Carolina, then anything that children have access on for pornography would be blocked.”
>In its current form, the bill would mandate that anyone still willing to pay for the privilege of porn would not only pay the $20 but would have to verify that they are at least 18 years old and submit a written request that the filter be disabled after receiving a written warning of the potential dangers of disabling the blocker.

What does Sup Forums think about this? Will it pass?

I believe this is total horse shit and will not pass legislation.

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Based South Carolina removing degeneracy

fucking kikes


Feels good man

>a fucking estonia deciding what is degenerate and not degenerate

i'm guessing this is for computers that will be purchased by the government for schools and the like.

They should start by banning anime

>censorship of any kind
It's a slippery slope. This guy needs to be voted out ASAP.

>Computers purchased
buying computers in the year 2017

are people incapable of building their own


The article doesn't imply that.

Censorship is fine.

almost like it's a biased article.

All internet chips sold in SC will have the PG-13 limit. Those that are imported must be modified before being sold.

>Literally trying to tax porn


I agree. I also believe fake news should be banned.


This is good.

It won't work in a technical sense, but I like the spirit of the law.

Porn is pure cancer. The Internet spreads this cancer at light speed. This cancer metastasizes in the culture.

All Internet porn should be illegal.

At a minimum, all of it should be behind a pay wall and/or age verification system.

So buy your shit online or in a different state then

I am pretty sure something like this ended up in the US supreme court years ago and they declared porn like other forms of "art" are protected under the first amendment?
I am pretty sure it would be immediately be shot down.

>Human Trafficking Prevention Act
These niggers naming these bills full of bullshit something like this to slip it by retarded people piss me off. Quit using every waking second of your life to take advantage of stupid people, fuck.

Do you know how to read? All, and son, I mean ALL, internet chips that are shipped INTO SC must be modified by the wholesaler before being sold at the retail level.

I guess you could drive across the state line and get a computer, but if you were caught with it, boy oh boy, they'd string you up from a palm tree.

>unless consumers pay an extra $20.
So it's just a porn tax?

Outright banning and blocking "unless you pay a fine" are two different things.

This isn't illegal.

Whenever porn is brought up, nobody is actually able to define what pornography is beyond "I know it when I see it"
Much like the left with "assault rifles" the right has no idea what they're talking about when it comes to pornography.

>south carolina doing something retarded

Won't work, everybody will be against them except for fundies and conspiritards, banning shit never works

from the text of the bill

> A manufacturer or wholesaler that manufactures, distributes, or sells a product that makes content accessible on the Internet may elect to pay a twenty dollar opt-out fee for each product that enters this State's stream of commerce.

just another tax, folks

why would conspiritards is ok with them though?
i think they are the ones who need porn more than most people

This would block Sup Forums

Stupid pol stormturds fail to realize how much of a slippery slope this is

(((They))) are pissed are cracking down everywhere not just the US, recently we have had another "anti-semetic" law

its ok though! obviously white men are so incapable of controlling themselves that this is the only option!

some master race.

Oh well.

>internet chips
the fuck is an internet chip? The ethernet port?

By conspiritards I mean the retards that think porn manipulates society into becoming more degenerate, porn dindu nuffin

So basically half of Sup Forumstards that suck varg's dick

How will they tell what's porn and what isn't? A preprogrammed list of sites?
Or will it be an automatic $20 fee on everything you can use to watch internet pornography?

This. I still find the idea hilarious though. I honestly wonder if any manufacturers would even bother making a super special hardware based filter, or just consider SC a loss and save more money by not acquiescing to their retarded standard which would probably be trivially defeated by a simple google search on how to defeat it.

that what i was questioning but i saw the flag so i ignored him

man, don't bother reply to fucking leaf and their bullshit

You could make good profit selling porn on usb sticks there.

>internet chip

"porn ban bill" sounds sexy so they sell the story as that, if you put on your logical thinking cap, you'll realize that the truth is not as crazy as the story.

>Americans blocked from Sup Forums
>Implying that's a bad thing

20 dollars tax for each usb (porn included) sold :^)

As an SC citizen, this is stupid as fuck

Sounds like the North Carolina PC, phone and tablet market is about to receive a boost.

On the plus side, when I went no-fap for 2 months, I turned into an angry rage machine and I actually went outside and felt motivated.

This might be more beneficial than you think.

>unless consumers pay an extra $20.
This is basically the important part of the bill.

lol if you need the nanny state to make you act like a man by force.

I hope Trump bans it throughout the country

brb muling some porn over the border into SC

Porn SpeakEasies Ahoi

I don't think it will pass, it violates the first amendment.
news in 10 years:
The South Carolina economic miracle continues, now giving half of the nation's economy, people from the entire flee to this new paradise.

So this is just Windows with some pre-installed filters then?
I bet installing another browser bypasses that shit lol, or just reinstall Windows as clean.

Boomers are fucking clueless.


All this will do is just make people buy computers out of state.


All you faggots need to learn just to not fap, not have the government do that for you

>SC helping nearby states economy go up
good guy south caroline

If its for government/State computers then why hasn't this been a thing yet.
Second, nothing is going to stop people from watching porn because they can either just pay for a VPN or get an addon on their browser that just disables it like something similar to ad-block.
This won't pass because you can't do anything about it lmao.

as much as porn sucks and should be stopped, this can be a slippery slope, not only that but there are always to get around it

> building your own pc
> proxy
> torrenting
> if you dont reply your mother will fart

it'll never pass though

>not buying parts to assemble PC by himself

Only unfortunate thing with this law is that it would probably filter out Sup Forums meaning that normies and newfags wouldn't be able to get on Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums claims to defend free speech and is anti-censorship because of SJWs and DA JOOZ
>"lol it's OK" when the censoring is done by the other side

This board is a fucking joke. You're a bunch of parasites.

> t. i love and im not a degenerate haha gotcha user

This board became a joke when Pizzagate became a thing.

>What is a strawman fallacy

>Britain can't even control his wife's son so he wants to ban him

They think banning porn will turn us into even bigger cucks, yet it has the opposite effect.

I hope they do ban it.

Pretty much unenforceable and also probably unconstitutional.

Neocons getting high on power again...